Chapter 2444 The Legendary Golden Village

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


Fifty nautical miles away from the Navy Headquarters, on the deck of the dark purple leading warship, the eyes of the four people always stayed in the direction of the Navy Headquarters.

Heavy, the faces of the four people are heavy. It has been five days now, and there has been no news of him for five days. How can these people be able to stay?

"Beautiful ladies, it seems that I have to disobey the order of the honorable Mr. Captain."

Columbia bowed slightly and said with a smile. At the same time, he turned to the naval soldiers and said, "Put a small boat, and I will go to the naval headquarters in person."

"Sniper, don't mess around!"

Tina resolutely stopped it. Going to the Navy Headquarters at this time would just add to the chaos. According to Liu Xu's order, they could only wait here, even if she wanted to rush to the Navy Headquarters.

"Beautiful Miss Secretary, I'm afraid I can't follow your wishes this time."

Columbia was unimpressed.

"Sniper, do you really want to disobey Major General Liu Xu's order?"

Tina yelled, and Nami beside her looked ugly, it seemed that she also wanted to rush forward?

"Miss Secretary, Mr. Captain's life and death are unknown now, how can I bear it?"

Columbia gritted its teeth, and the gentlemanly demeanor of the past has been abandoned at this moment.

"Even if you're a good partner, you'll still sue you for slander, sniper!"

The sudden voice made everyone present stiffen, a familiar voice, a familiar title, and a slightly unfamiliar tone.

Turning his head suddenly, a small boat appeared from below the sea level, quickly approaching here with the divided sea water behind him, and the speed was no slower than a cannonball.

Tina's face was dull, and she said, "Liu, Major General Liu Xu."

The corners of the mouth on the white face trembled slightly, the beautiful eyes were covered with a layer of mist, and a huge stone in my heart also fell at this moment.

"Mr. Captain!"

Columbia roared, excited and excited.

Liu Xu on the sea put away the thunder knife and the heart net, the boat had already approached the bottom of the warship, and jumped directly onto the deck.

"Everyone, stay safe."

He smiled brightly, the most sincere smile when facing his partner.

Liu Xu was also slightly moved. He had already heard their conversation from Xinwang. It was enough to have such a partner.

"Welcome back, Mr. Captain."

Colombia quickly cleared up his mood, and in the blink of an eye he had returned to his state of being a gentle gentleman.

Liu Xu laughed, and it was still comfortable to be back on the warship, everything here is so familiar.

"Brothers, there is a banquet for three days!"

huh?Have a party?Is there something in this?

"Rear Admiral Liu Xu, what happened to you at the Navy Headquarters? This trial..."

Tina hesitated to speak, the trial at the Navy Headquarters would not be that simple, at least that's what she thought in her heart.

The thing about Nico Robin is really serious, the world government has ordered it.

Could it be that Major General Liu Xu escaped?

This thought made her extremely uneasy, escaping from the Navy Headquarters would mean a mutiny, and would be wanted by the Navy Headquarters, and then the entire world's navy would target them.

Liu Xu smiled lightly and said, "Tina, don't worry so much. This time the matter is not as serious as you imagined. On the contrary, I am very lucky. Now, you should call me Lieutenant General Liu Xu."

Um?Lieutenant General?

Those two words made everyone stunned, Lieutenant General?It turned out to be a lieutenant general?The youngest major general is promoted to the youngest lieutenant general. Is the world crazy?

They who served in the naval headquarters understand how difficult it is to be promoted to a position, especially after reaching the rank of general, it is even more difficult.

"Captain, what's the matter?"

Nami swallowed hard, this, isn't this too exciting?lieutenant general?Oh, what a happy thing.

Liu Xu shook his head and said: "The matter is more complicated, and I can't explain it clearly for a while. Anyway, there is nothing to do. I went back to the Navy headquarters for a stroll and found a lieutenant general. Ting is not bad."

The people in Columbia didn't think so. The trial at the Navy Headquarters was such a dangerous thing. Something must have happened in it, but Liu Xu didn't say it, and they had no reason to ask. They could only wait for him to say it himself in the future.

In any case, things are generally more fortunate.

"It's a banquet!"

The soldiers roared after a brief astonishment, and it was something they would celebrate for days.

The soldiers got busy and moved out wine barrels, food and other things from the granary to hold a banquet.

But Liu Xu and the others went directly back to the balcony, their thoughts had already been decided to stay, and they didn't need to think too much about things, just implement according to their own ideas.

The generals of the navy headquarters, the way in the future is destined to shock everyone.


"Captain, where is our next destination?"

During the carnival, Nami still did not forget her responsibilities.

Liu Xu took a few sips of fine wine, "Of course I went to Sky Island, the legendary Golden Land, haha."

Golden Country?

Nami's eyes straightened immediately, is this the rhythm to be developed?

Colombia thought about it, it seems that this empty island has been heard of where?

"Dear Captain, the empty island seems to be just a legend, and no one has verified it. Why do you want to go there?"

"The sky island does exist, and I've already got the record pointer, so I can go straight now. As for the purpose of going to the sky island, it's very simple, to increase my strength. To maximize my strength, the road in the future will be very dangerous."

Liu Xu didn't hold anything back, and directly stated the purpose of going to Sky Island.

Power up?Columbia nodded secretly, it seemed that something really happened in the Navy Headquarters, and he had to work harder.

Handing the recording pointer to Nami, without further ado, she headed towards the sky island.


Chapter 2445 I didn't expect to kill God so soon

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


The empty island is located in the Baibaihai above the Baihai, that is, above the height of [-] meters.

The air here is very thin, and Qinghai people can follow the huge ocean currents to reach the high-altitude island of [-] meters, but it is difficult for Qinghai people to adapt to the thin oxygen here and it is difficult to survive.

Sky Island is composed of Angel Island, Yunyin Village, and Sanctuary Apayado.

Apayado and the island of angels are also called the kingdom of gods, and the leaders from generation to generation are called gods.

The Sanctuary Appayado was originally a part of Gaya Island in Qinghai. Four hundred years ago, it was hit by a huge ocean current to an altitude of [-] meters, and it was also the only land here.

The sky island is full of the culture of clouds and shellfish, where dwellings are built on the clouds and activities are carried out on the clouds.

Shells can bring a lot of convenience to their lives, and there are various types of shells, such as lamp shells and wind shells.

Liu Xu's warship had already landed on Sky Island, and as soon as he arrived, he encountered Amazon from the Gate of Heaven, who was the supervisor of the Gate of Heaven.

Liu Xu, who was well aware of the three flavors, simply handed over Bailey. Anyway, there are quite a few Baileys on the warship now.

The endless white clouds constitute the ocean, and it is indeed a very miraculous thing that ships can sail on top of the white clouds.

From the expressions of everyone on the warship, it can be seen that this legendary sky island is really so magical, it is really a sturdy existence.

Liu Xu, on the other hand, deeply despised a certain master of the original book, who had such a huge brain hole, that there was such a huge island at an altitude of [-] meters that people could not see it with the naked eye. Even if there were thick clouds, at least the clouds would not It has to be in everyone's sight, right?

But the fact is, looking up from Qinghai, there are thousands of miles of clear sky many times, and there is no such cloud at all.

"The next step is to rule the sky island, but to rule the sky island, you must defeat Enilo."

Liu Xu's arrival in the sky is of course to defeat Enilo and increase his strength, and the second is to rule the sky island as his base in the first half of the great route.

"I didn't expect that God would be slaughtered so soon." There was a frightening sternness in Liu Xu's eyes, "Nami, look for a place to land."

Nami cheered, her eyes with strong confidence, even in this endless sea of ​​clouds, she had the confidence to quickly find a place to dock.


"Here, it should be Angel Beach."

Looking at this familiar scene, Liu Xu immediately remembered the name of this area.

Angel Beach is located on Angel Island. It is an island floating in the White and White Sea. The residents here are the aborigines of the empty island. Most of the residents of Angel Island have a pair of small white wings behind them, which cannot be used for flying. Maybe is used for decoration.

Most of the clothes of the residents of Angel Island adopt a one-piece design, and embroidered patterns on one side, with "Paso" as a greeting.

Angel Beach was clean and beautiful, and he saw one person, Cornice.

The long light yellow hair is tied into braids, and the ends hang down the back in a ball shape. The face is exquisite and upright, without makeup, the dark eyes are full of pure white breath, and the pink vest and short skirt set off the sweetness and gentleness. The white slippers set off her slender and straight legs, and the pair of small white wings on the back added a few flavors to her holiness.

Sitting upright on a dry rock, with his legs together and slanting, he played the harp lightly, and the beautiful melody was peaceful and soft.

Beside her was a little white fox shaking its head, fascinated by it.

"Papa. Papa!"

Liu Xu clapped his hands appreciatively. The character of Conis has been paid attention to a long time ago, and now she is really admirable when she sees it with her own eyes. This temperament is not something ordinary people can have.

Each of the striking beauties in the One Piece world has a unique aura.

Tina is firm, decisive, and dedicated, Nami is kind, gentle, confident, and sincere, and Robin is noble, intellectual, intelligent, and mysterious.

Up to now, Conis, every woman who can be remembered has her unique highlights.

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