The sound of the piano stopped abruptly, and Cornice turned her head curiously. No one has ever praised it so directly after playing here for so many years. Who could it be?

"You are……"

Cornice's holy and kind eyes were filled with doubts. These people seemed to have never been encountered before. The Island of Angels is not very big, and the residents here can be said to know each other, and there is absolutely no such person in front of them.

"Let me introduce myself, Liu Xu from Qinghai Navy Headquarters!"

Liu Xu smiled and stretched out his right hand.

Liu Xu, who took the initiative to say hello, stunned Conis on the opposite side. Someone from Qinghai?

Well, it's really rare.

"Hello, I'm Conis."

Stretching out her slender hand and shaking it politely, Conis quickly withdrew her hand and smiled.

"Friends from Qinghai, may I help you?"

Um?It still looks very enthusiastic!

The Colombian people smiled in their hearts, the girl with a pair of small wings behind her was really kind.

Liu Xu smiled slightly and said, "Of course, we are new here, and we still need your help with many things. Well, can you introduce this place to us?"

Of course, Liu Xu is very clear about the identity of Konis, and he also knows a lot about Sky Island, but the specific things here have to be introduced by the locals here, the most important thing is the terrain!

Conis did not refuse Liu Xu's request. Overall, she was a very friendly woman, and she leisurely introduced everything about Sky Island.

The sky island is very rich in resources, and is also known as the Golden Land, which is a very enviable place.

Conis said almost everything she knew, the gods here, the residents of Angel Island, the guerrillas, etc.

"Apayado is the realm of the gods and the place where the gods live. Anyone from Qinghai who comes here will visit and see the god of the empty island."

Conis said this with a smile, and an unnatural look flashed in her eyes.


Chapter 2446 Aboriginals of God's Island

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


"Apayado is the realm of the gods and the place where the gods live. Anyone from Qinghai who comes here will visit and see the god of the empty island."

Conis said this with a smile, and an unnatural look flashed in her eyes.

Liu Xu's heart skipped a beat to capture the change in his eyes, and he suddenly remembered that Conis had another mission, a mission that was coerced by God to lead the people of Qinghai to commit crimes, and God would sanction them, and all the sanctioned people would be rewarded. .

"It's really interesting, God of Sky Island, let's take a look when we have time."

Liu Xu had an inexplicable smile on his face, but he didn't reveal his inner thoughts.

"Lieutenant General Liu Xu, what kind of person is this so-called god? Tina is very confused."

Tina asked, the so-called god is too far away, too ethereal, can such a person really exist in this world?

Liu Xu laughed, and said: "We don't need to care about what kind of character he will be, just go and have a look, and very interesting things will happen! Tina, Columbia, Nami, Robin, go to Take a look!"

Without giving a direct answer, the Colombians did not ask questions deeply, and turned to this angelic and holy girl.

Conis chuckled lightly and said, "Let me take you around Angel Island. Then I will give you the route of Apayado, and you can go by yourself."

As she said that, she turned and left the beach, and Liu Xu and the others naturally followed behind.


Angel Island is full of cloud culture, where cloud houses are built on clouds and various activities are created on clouds.

Almost everything is linked to the pristine white clouds, which is novel at first glance, but boring after a long time.

White, white everywhere, and visual fatigue.

The residents here are very enthusiastic, and there is no conflict with the few people from Qinghai, but they are very friendly and enthusiastic.

"This is my hometown, how is it, is it beautiful?"

Conis danced like a happy magpie. At this moment, they had circled Angel Island and returned to the beach.

"This is my favorite place. Looking at the vast white sea, it is easy to calm down."

Conis pointed to the white sea in front of her, her eyes revealing a hint of tranquility and tranquility.

"Beautiful Miss Conis, as you said, it is really easy to calm people's hearts."

Columbia bowed slightly, feeling a little awkward in his heart.

Although he is a gentleman, he is also a sniper anyway. This environment is too comfortable, so comfortable that it is easy to let his guard down.

"Miss Conis, how do I get to Apaya? We want to see what that so-called god is like."

"Go from here, it will arrive soon."

Conis was painting on the ground, marking the route of the sanctuary, looking very serious.


Suddenly a loud noise disturbed the calm on the beach, and a hot flame appeared from the white sea and approached Liu Xu and the others rapidly.


Liu Xu frowned and pulled out the thunder knife as quickly as possible, and a purple knife glow instantly slashed out.


The purple sword awn pierced through the void and hit the flame instantly, knocking the whole group of flames scattered and falling, and the sword awn continued to approach the back.

From a distance, you can see a group of people approaching on the white sea, and they stepped on the skateboard and quickly approached the beach on the sea.

"Yeah, they're from the guerrillas."

Conis immediately recognized the identities of these people and screamed out. She was also inconceivable that Liu Xu defuses the flame with a knife. This guy has such a powerful force?


The purple sword light approached the front one, and the guerrilla members quickly changed directions, with agility.

However, one of them was directly hit by the sword light, and with a scream, he flew backwards and fell into the white sea.

"Damn it, come on."

A guerrilla member shouted, and the whole team landed on Angel Beach almost in the blink of an eye.

"Qinghai people, you are not welcome here."

As soon as he stopped, the guerrilla member who spoke before shouted, and it seemed that there were no words of kindness.

Other guerrilla members surrounded several people in a tendency to surround them, and the weapons in their hands were aimed directly at them.

Some look like rocket launchers, some are flintlock guns, and some are broadswords.

Weird fur clothing, weird tattoos, weird weapons, it's easy to think of their identities.

"I don't know who it is, it turned out to be the Sandia people, why did they attack us?"

Liu Xu's face turned cold in an instant, and Lei Dao pointed at the aborigine of Shenzhidao who was holding a rocket launcher in front of him.

The Sandia man snorted coldly, and said: "People from Qinghai can only die here, you leave Angel Island immediately."

"Hey, you seem to have made a mistake. We are not something you can order."

Order?What the Sandia warriors said was an order in Liu Xu's ears, so he ordered them to leave?

"You, you got the wrong person to talk to."

There was a hint of disdain on the corner of Liu Xu's mouth, and the thunder knife instantly burst into purple light.

"You... damn."

The Sandia warrior was stimulated, and he despised himself so much, he must make him pay the price.

"Sniper, get ready for battle."

Liu Xu laughed. He didn't expect to have a battle just after he arrived at Sky Island, which was really unpleasant.

Colombia's sniper rifle has been removed, the dark and bright gun body is covered with a domineering armed color, and the finger is lightly pressed on the trigger.

With swords drawn, a battle could start at any time.

Tina didn't understand, what happened to Lieutenant General Liu Xu?Why directly piss these guys off?It is easy to suffer a disadvantage if you are not familiar with the place here!

However, those open arms began to show her attitude, she was never afraid of fighting or anything.


Chapter 2447 Lightning is the Power of God

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


"Wait a minute!" Seeing that the situation was not right, Konis hurriedly said to stop the upcoming battle, "They just..."

"Shut up, it's none of your business."

The Sandia warrior yelled, the bazooka slammed, and a hot flame was shot out quickly.

"court death!"

Liu Xu snorted coldly, stepped forward a little bit quickly, and slashed down sharply with the thunder knife.

The flame was directly divided into two by the thunder knife, and Liu Xu's movements continued and he slashed horizontally.

Seeing this, the other Shandia warriors rushed up, and the weapons in their hands flew out shock waves or lasers.

The Colombians were naturally not to be outdone, they jumped a few steps back and pulled the trigger, and the dark bullets flew out of the gun barrel.

Tina is much simpler, with countless iron bars extending from her arms, interspersed directly towards the surrounding enemies.

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