"Don't worry." Liu Xu's eyes flashed, "Now the Navy headquarters still owes me something, take this opportunity to occupy this place, even if they find out later, they can't say anything, take advantage of this opportunity! "


The attitude of the Navy Headquarters towards Liu Xu's incident is already very obvious. It is nothing to kill a major general in a daze, and they also adopt the method of promotion to lieutenant general according to the opponent's strength to appease him. From this point, people with a discerning eye can see What is the attitude of leaving the Navy headquarters?

Liu Xu has also made it clear that he will fight an eye for an eye. There will always be a time to end the matter, but he will not do it before the Navy headquarters does not have sufficient backup.

This gave the Navy Headquarters a promotion time, and also prompted the reform of the Navy Headquarters.

The four of Nami didn't know what happened in the Navy Headquarters, so they naturally didn't understand what he meant.

But now that they have spoken, there must be some basis for it.

"Dear Captain, do you need me to investigate the terrain?"

The sniper has the role of fire attack and long-range assistance, and he will definitely give full play to this.

Surveying the surrounding terrain can provide a favorable basis for subsequent actions.


Chapter 2449 The Fourth Strike, Donglei Thunderbolt

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


"Don't worry, this time we have to go straight in and cut through the mess quickly. We must deal with the matter in the shortest possible time. Subdue this place with the highest attitude, and find the so-called god here first."

Liu Xu stopped it. He wanted to subdue Sky Island, so Enilo was the key.

It is the best plan to replace Enilo's position, and then subdue Angel Island and Sandia warriors with the posture of a god.

Liu Xu told his whole plan, only to hear a few people nodding, this is a feasible way.

There is just one important question, how strong is that god's power?

"Ai Nilu is a person with the ability of the thunder fruit, and his strength is good in all aspects. He has the strength of a quasi-general, and is a good opponent."

Thunder fruit?Brigadier General?

The words shocked the four of them, is this god's power so powerful?It's so outrageous.

Even Liu Xu himself lamented that it was really a crime for such a ferocious power of Enilo to be tortured to death by Lu Fei's various auras.

If his lightning ability matches the current Luffy, [-] million is enough to kill that kid Luffy.

Enel did not have any great achievements in the attack form of thunder and lightning, and with the various effects of Luffy's halo, he was completely immune to the attack of thunder and lightning. This is... nonsense.

Changing the shape of the thunder and lightning, Thunder Saber, Thousand Birds Flying, Thousand Birds Sharp Spear, Thunder Fury Burst Shooting, combined with Zilei Sword Technique, will make that kid Lu Fei hang up in minutes.

"Sniper, it's time for you to give full play to your sniper abilities. Many of Anilu's thunder and lightning characteristics have no effect on him, Tina's threshold fruit is restrained, and Nami's combat power is not enough, Robin. I can give it a try. The snipers will assist from a distance, and Robin will also be the support. I will take the lead, and give the other trash to Tina and Nami.”

The division of labor for the battle was completed at once, and Liu Xu's arrangements were made according to each person's characteristics.

Armed color domineering has a great effect on the natural system, and it is easy to attack from a distance.

"No problem!" The four replied at the same time.

Liu Xu laughed, and looked at the gradually darkening sky, it was time to rest now.


After resting overnight, Liu Xu and the others went directly to Born in Apayado early the next morning without disturbing Conis, and the five of them acted quickly.

There is a cloud river on Angel Island that can directly enter Appayado, but there are many obstacles on the road, and it is not so easy to enter it.

The guillotine-like ax was rippling back and forth on the river, arrows as thick as wooden stakes were shot continuously, there were also spinning knife wheels, and blood-sucking leeches as big as sea snakes. These are the specialties of Sky Island, and they are also one of the main passages of the sanctuary. , the channel arranged by God.

It took a while to break through the cloud river, and finally entered the sanctuary for real, looking at the vampire leech floating behind Liu Xu with a smile in his eyes.

"Trial of God? A boring game."

Liu Xu looked at the four gates in front of him with contempt. The so-called priests seemed to be not very strong.

Randomly pushing open one of the doors, Liu Xu led the four of them directly into it.

Unexpectedly, as soon as I entered, I heard a voice say: "Welcome to the Iron Trial with a 0% survival rate. I am the priest Ohm here. Meh..."

Several people stopped in their footsteps, and the voice disappeared without a trace, and they didn't know where it came from.

Here is the endless forest, it is difficult to catch the traces of the enemy.

"Don't be confused, you can't find me, and don't even try to search for me, it's all in vain. Meh..."

Ohm's voice continued to come, but he still disappeared without a trace, but what he said made people want to beat him.

"Want to kill me? Look for it! If you find my existence, it's best for everyone to die. From now on, you won't be fighting for me. Meh..."

Ohm's voice was slightly sad, but with strong confidence.

"Ten o'clock in the front left, one hundred and seventy meters away."

Columbia suddenly said, and at the same time, the sniper rifle was raised and the trigger was pulled without hesitation.


Jet-black bullets flew out of the barrel of the gun and passed through the gaps between the trees.


However, a figure quickly evacuated above the trajectory of the bullet, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Columbia's eyes narrowed slightly. It seems that things are not that simple. The other party actually knows his actions.

"You don't have to be too sorry for the sniper. The use of domineering, known as the heart net, is unique to Sky Island. I think you can cultivate this kind of power, and you can easily master this kind of domineering with armed force. strength."


Columbia's eyes lit up, and he quickly put away the light, focusing on finding the other party's hiding place.

"You will never be able to find me, everything about you is under my control, including your inner thoughts are also under my control, baa..."

Ohm's voice came again, and it seemed that he was very satisfied with playing psychological warfare, which could indeed make some undecided people mentally collapse.

An annoying mantra, Liu Xu frowned, and a stern smile curled up on the corner of his mouth.

"Zi Lei Saber Technique, the fourth strike, Dong Lei Thunderbolt!"

The Thunder Knife in his hand was held high above his head, and it spun quickly under the traction of the lightning force. The surrounding air gradually formed a cyclone, and several blade lights flew out from the blade, flying forward in a diffuse form.

There are dozens of purple sword glows, focusing on the chaotic strikes of Zilei sword force, emitting multiple electric forces to encircle and suppress the opponent, and purple thunder energy scattered to chase and surround the opponent, which is an all-round attack.

The trees where the sword light passed were destroyed, and the ground was lifted up under the fierce sword light, and the dust was stirred up, and the line of sight was instantly blocked.

"There, Mr. Captain!"

Columbia focused on searching for the enemy and achieved results. He caught the little trace from where the blade had passed, and raised the sniper rifle again to pull the trigger.

"Spring thunderstorm!"

Hearing this, Liu Xu swung out another saber light, but the trajectory of the bullet was different from that of the Colombian bullet.


Chapter 2450 Ruler of Sky Island, Enel

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


Ohm, who was hiding in the forest, was holding a white sword, and he had already started dodging when the sword light appeared, but a sudden loud noise stopped his movements. It was very familiar. This was the sniper's attack.

Speeding up, Ohm rushed forward with all his strength.

At this time, the black bullet barely flew past him, and the sharp air fluctuation made him happy, and he easily avoided the sniper's attack.

However, his smile soon froze, and a purple sword light charged in front of him, instantly blocking his path.


The situation took a turn for the worse, and Ohm couldn't help but swear, and rolled on the spot to stop his body.

The purple sword glow shuttled from a distance of only one meter away from him, and the thunder and lightning attached to the purple sword glow made him feel paralyzed for a while, and his heart was even more frightened.

You bastard, I was almost pitted by the combined attack of these two.

Dongleipili's sword light destroyed all the trees in front of him, leaving a large area with a wide field of vision, but the dust that filled the sky still hindered people's sight a little.

He complained here, but Columbia gave full play to the sniper's long-range shooting ability, and jumped to a nearby tree with a strong foot, quickly locking Ohm's position.

"Four hundred and seventy meters ahead, no obstacles, one meter southwest wind speed, no correction required!"

Columbia whispered a series of data.


The trigger was pulled, and the black bullet flew out of the barrel again.

The loud noise sounded, and Ohm, who was hundreds of meters in front, shuddered when he heard the sound, and rolled on the ground again without hesitation.


Just as he rolled away, a circular pit with a diameter of more than three meters and a depth of one meter appeared on the ground where he was originally.

And the center is where his head is.

This scene made Ohm dumbfounded. When did snipers have such brutal combat effectiveness?What kind of power is this?God, the enemy is too strong, can you retreat?

Colombia's sniper rifle is a sniper rifle created by a master who spent his entire life working hard. Coupled with the domineering and domineering arms, the power is naturally needless to say.

"The enemy who has lost their fighting spirit is really disappointing."

Colombia put away the sniper rifle with a look of pity. From the inside of the eyepiece, it can be seen that Ohm has lost his fighting spirit. Now that guy is just a decoration and has no effect at all.

"Sniper, it's not good to hit the enemy's morale like this, Tina, control him, let this guy talk about the ability of the heart net, you should learn from it."

Liu Xu laughed, and immediately put away the thunder knife.

"Lieutenant General Liu Xu, what about you?" Tina asked suspiciously.

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