"I don't need it, I already have the power of the heart network."

"Huh? Then why don't you teach us, instead let us learn from that Ohm?"

A few people were puzzled, when did this all happen!

"Hey, my heart net is special and you can't learn it yet, so you can only learn from Ohm."

It was a simple explanation, and the members didn't ask any more questions. Tina ran directly to Ohm.

Ohm, who had lost his fighting spirit, no longer had much fighting power, and was easily controlled by Tina's threshold fruit, dragging him all the way to Liu Xu.

"Ohm, hand over Bixinwang's ability. I don't need to say more about the consequences of not telling the truth. Life is worse than death. It's the lightest thing, such as skinning, cramping, bone removal, oil pan, etc., um, It seems a bit outdated, maybe you can use the latest one."

Liu Xu squatted down and nodded again and again, it seems that this is a very good choice!


Ohm was instantly saddened, this, this person is a devil, right?How can it be used in such a cruel way?

"Don't, I said, I said." Ohm said again and again with a sad face.

Liu Xu smiled, it seems that things are very easy!

I don’t know how these punishments compare with the large submarine prison, but if you have time, you can go there and have a look.

Liu Xu got up, faced his several partners, and said, "Prison this idiot first, and wait until Ainilu is killed."

"Next, destroy it as much as you want, and destroy everything here."

Saying so, Liu Xu's body quickly became elemental, and thunderclouds quickly condensed in the sky, rumbling thunder could be heard endlessly, and purple thunder and lightning landed, directly destroying the forest.

Columbia and others also acted quickly. Although the damage range caused by the sniper rifle is a little smaller, it is better than the fast attack speed.

Tina's arms continued to extend out of the black iron bars, directly smashing the trees here, looking extremely sturdy.

Nami's Navy Sixth Form is also gradually improving, constantly using Lanjiao to destroy everything here, and continue to move towards the destination.

And Robin has relatively little to do, and her ability is not well highlighted here.

The thunderclouds all over the sky made the hearts of the people on Sky Island tremble, especially the eyes of the people in Angel Island and Yunyin Village turned to the sanctuary. What exactly does God want to do?


"The power of lightning? Who has the same power as me?"

Enilo, the ruler of Sky Island, has ruled Sky Island for several years.

The four three-gauge jade drums behind him are his most conspicuous symbols. The head of a great god is hidden under the white turban, and the long earlobes are so long that it is unforgettable at a glance.

Luffy nicknamed him "Big Ear Boy".

A golden stick is full of a sense of abomination, and the shirtless upper body adds to the aura of nouveau riche.

Although, he is a seemingly lazy person who yawns all day long.

But in fact, he is a cruel character who doesn't care about feelings.

On the huge vines of Appayado, a shrine full of luxury and rich gold nouveau riche culture, gold decorations and exquisitely crafted shrines can be seen everywhere.

"The same lightning power, who would it be?"

Enilu yawned, his eyes were half-closed and he seemed not to care, but his heart had already set off a storm.


Chapter 2451 Join forces to capture the priest

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


He thinks he is a god, the god of Sky Island.

The power of thunder and lightning is the power used by God to judge the world. This power can only be possessed by him alone, but now there is another power that also possesses thunder and lightning.

Through the ability of Anilu's Thunder Fruit, he can hear the sound of the entire sky island by receiving radio waves.

Four priests and hundreds of guards, under such power, the entire sky island is under his rule.

"God, do you need us to arrest that suspicious person?" said the commander of the divine soldier, Ah Shan.

"Huh? No need, let's talk about it after looking at it. Under the power of God, everything is futile."

Anilu lightly stopped the actions of his subordinates, everything was futile in his eyes.

Under his heart net, everyone in Sky Island is under his surveillance, even Liu Xu and others are now under his mind net's surveillance, every move is very clear.

Here at Liu Xu, several people kept destroying the place of God's Trial, destroying the endless forest.

The hard work paid off, and their destruction finally got some rewards.

The three priests, and the other three priests under the seat of Anilu, were alarmed by the constant destruction of the venue, and rushed here quickly.

Shura, Dawu, and Nirvana had already arrived, directly blocking the path of Liu Xu and others.

In the few years that ruled the empty island, the power of the four priests continued to rise, and the people of Shandia and Angel Island were basically miserable under their power.

This kind of rule has caused several priests to be arrogant, their power is only under the gods, and the others are just clouds.

"You dare to destroy the venue of God's trial, your sin is unforgivable."

Dawu almost cursed, his bulging body and funny goggles made people laugh.

"Accept God's sanction obediently."

Shura held a spear that looked very powerful. The spear was equipped with Rebe, which could turn into a spear of fire during battle, and its attack power was not weak.

Liu Xu and the others laughed. The three priests wanted to compete with the five of them. Isn't it too funny?

"Captain, leave the rest of the matter to us."

Nami smiled brightly, and her curly orange hair fluttered in the wind, making one's heart tremble.

"This is our prey."

Robin smiled softly, showing nobility and elegance.

Liu Xu had no reason to refuse. He took a few steps back, and Columbia also took a few steps back, and the sniper rifle was taken down again.

"Spinning Flower."

Robin crossed his hands in front of him, and when he finished speaking, he saw countless arms suddenly growing out of Shura and Nirvana in front of him, directly controlling their joints.

"Ahhh!" Dawu screamed repeatedly when his teammate was suddenly attacked, and shouted at the two of them with both hands: "Shock!"

"call out!"

A sharp whistling sounded from his palm, and a shock wave emanated from his palm, directly shattering the arms of the two of them.

As soon as they broke free from the shackles, the three retreated more than ten meters in unison. The opponent's ability looks very strange!

However, retreating like this is not the best strategy. Nami has already rushed forward, her thin body flexibly changing directions in the air, and it is easy to approach the front of the three of them.

"Lanjiao. Bailian!"

The feet kicked down, and the white slashes quickly fell from the feet, dense like rain, layer upon layer, like a white lotus in full bloom.

"The sill prison!"

Tina did not want to be left behind. She stretched out her arms and extended the iron bars to quickly surround the two sides of the three people. With her arms closed, the black iron bars quickly joined together.

However, the coordinated attack of the two did not achieve immediate results. The spear in Shura's hand was raised above his head and spun rapidly.

"The gun of fire!"

A very frustrating name, but it has unusual power.

The spear was covered in flames and spun, forming a protective area above the head to block Nami's feet.

However, Tina's sill prison also has a disadvantage. The three jumped up and easily crossed the blockade of the iron fence, making it ineffective.

However, Colombia, who had retreated to the back, also played a role at this time.

"Bang bang bang!"

Three pitch-black bullets whistled past, and the violent noise shocked the three priests, and they quickly landed from mid-air.

And this landing is a bit unsightly.

Dawu's round body was directly trapped by Tina's sill, and he couldn't break free for a while.

Seeing this, Nami, who was in midair, hurriedly used Shaved to land down, and quickly rushed in front of Dawu.

"Finger gun. Shock waves!"

The right hand is pistol-like and slammed on the opponent's heart, and the place where the finger falls forms a depression, and the heart inside is directly broken.


The finger gun hit Nami accurately and immediately gave Tina a thumbs up, cooperating tacitly.

The fate of the other two priests was equally tragic, and Robin was ready to attack when he just fell.

"Rotating Flower!"

It was the flower of rotation again, and the two suddenly felt a sharp pain in their joints. What's the situation?


Two shots were fired, and Columbia in the back had already shot, and the two bullets hit between the eyebrows of the two, leaving a thumb-sized hole.

Seeing this, Robin smiled slightly in the direction of Columbia. It was really the first time to try such a cooperative battle!

The tacit cooperation of the four people ended the battle very quickly. The defeat of the three priests this time was a bit tragic. Not only was the battle ended in the shortest time, but even their lives were directly ended, which was indeed a bit of a pit.

Liu Xu's eyes were shining brightly, perhaps many battles in the future can be safely entrusted to them.

It's just that there are still a few partners, and we need to add some more powerful ones.

Three of the four are women, and all of them are some kind of roles that they have decided by themselves. It seems a bit unbearable to ask them to fight?

However, in his mind, he doesn't need vases. If he wants vases, he can grab a lot of them by virtue of his status. Why would he need them?

Colombia, a near-perfect sniper, is a very special character, with armed color blessings in melee combat, and sniper rifles to assist in long-range combat. When necessary, a shot hits, and the enemy's life is directly dealt with.

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