
Chapter 2452 God's Sanction

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


Generally speaking, although the combat effectiveness of these four people cannot be compared with Liu Xu, they are already impressive.

Liu Xu is a bug. It is impossible for other people to compare with him in terms of improving strength.

As for Straw Hat Luffy's power improvement is indeed very fast, but it is based on the fact that he is the protagonist of this world in the original book, and has all kinds of unreasonable to heaven-defying auras.

Now that Liu Xu came to this world and became the protagonist of this world, is it possible for Straw Hat Luffy to have those heaven-defying auras?

The answer is yes, no, absolutely impossible!


Liu Xu clapped his hands and walked forward with a satisfied smile on his face.

"Your performance is surprising. This is the combat effectiveness you should have. The cooperation is very tacit, and there is no muddled water. With your coordinated attack, you can also have high achievements in the first half of the great route."

None of the four people today has a bounty, and Nicole Robin's bounty has been abolished by Madeline, and now she no longer has the title of Devil's Son, so the bounty will naturally be cancelled.

It is difficult to determine what kind of bounty they have for their power. The power of Brigadier General Anilu can have a bounty of [-] million, but what about Tina and others?How many bounty pirates can their power be compared to?

"Mr. Captain, shouldn't this be normal?"

Robin smiled, a heartwarming smile, thinking of a noble, elegant and dignified gentle woman.

"Captain, Bailey Bailey, where is the Golden Country?"

Nami's eyes lit up, "Golden Land, what a wonderful thing that is, it must be found, there is no need to discuss it."

Liu Xu laughed heartily, perhaps the happiest since he came out of the Navy Headquarters.

"The golden town of Shandora should be found soon. At that time, all the gold in it will be removed. By the way, there is also the temple of that fellow Enel. That is a luxury!"

Liu Xu remembered Enilo's Ark Proverbs, it was made of pure gold, how much Bailey is it worth?

Nami was even more excited when she heard the words, and nodded again and again, this is the most comfortable thing, right?


Suddenly, a loud bang exploded overhead, startling the five people who had gathered together, a thunderbolt?God, what's going on here?

Liu Xu's complexion changed. Do you need to say more about this situation on the empty island?That must be a good thing Enilo did.

Looking up into the sky, a huge beam of lightning light descended quickly.

God's punishment must be God's punishment!

"Get out!"

Liu Xu yelled and pushed several people away, and at the same time elementalized and flew into the air in an instant.

Anilu's lightning power can be released to [-] million volts, and if Tina and the others face such a power, I am afraid that they will be seriously injured even if they are not dead.

Under the elementalization of the whole body, a purple electric arc was released, facing the difficulty, directly hitting the lightning beam.

Lightning rod effect, lightning is a force that is easily attracted, especially when there is a strong magnetic field or other lightning, it is the easiest to be attracted...

Liu Xu in the elemental state released countless purple arcs, pulling the lightning beams in the sky, and all of them landed on him.

"Mr. Captain!"



The four people below were shocked. If such a mighty thunder and lightning hit them, would it still be worth it?

Liu Xu in the sky had no time to listen to what they were saying, and he didn't really feel much when the lightning fell on him. On the contrary, he was a little happy.

When I was on a small island in the East China Sea, I tempered my body through the thunder and lightning of nature to increase its strength.

After going out to sea, there were not many opportunities to encounter thunderstorms, so this method stopped, and now Enilo's offense undoubtedly brought him a chance to improve.

When the huge lightning beam fell, Liu Xu gritted his teeth and released the elementalization, allowing the lightning to wreak havoc on his body.

"One hundred and forty million?"

Feeling the tingling sensation in his body, Liu Xu quickly judged the intensity of the electric current, and at this intensity, he could easily pass it.

The lightning ability of the body and the huge lightning beam blended with each other. Liu Xu's body was suspended in the air, absorbing this power without any politeness.

A full minute passed, and the lightning beam in the sky suddenly disappeared, and Liu Xu landed down again in an elemental form.

"Just a little bit?"

Liu Xu frowned. He didn't increase his strength at all, and his body strength also increased a little. There were improvements in all aspects, but it was not obvious.


"Lieutenant General Liu Xu!"


Several people rushed to his side quickly, the situation just now really shocked them, and now they can finally settle down.

Putting aside the thoughts in his heart, Liu Xu laughed and turned his head quickly.



Liu Xu kissed Tina and Nami respectively.

The scene fell silent for an instant.

Abrupt behavior, embarrassing behavior.

Both Nami and Tina froze at the same time, their eyes were dull, and a red cloud gradually appeared on their faces.

Columbia and Robin were also stunned. When did Mr. Captain become so frivolous?

This, is this too obvious?

Liu Xu came back to his senses after a sneak attack, and suddenly his old face almost couldn't hold back, tsk tsk, how could he do this, at least it had to be in the dead of night, it was too sudden now.

"Lieutenant General Liu Xu, next time, let's play the game next time! Tina is very embarrassed."

Tina's face remained red, but her heart was trembling. Could it be that she was really a secretary when she had something to do?

Nami also came back to her senses at this time, the red cloud on her face was more serious than Tina's, and her complexion was as rosy as an apple, which made people want to take a bite.

"Captain, you are too hateful."

She didn't have the rage as she imagined, but she lowered her head halfway, and the unrestrainedness of the past seemed to disappear in an instant.

"Ahaha... that, that, I will explain to you when I have time! Cough cough, now, go first, go to the Golden Country!"


Nami responded in a low voice, she was not as excited as she was when she heard the Golden Town before, and Tina also nodded to resolve the sudden embarrassment.


Chapter 2453 Sky Lord Nolan

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


After choosing a target, Liu Xu hurriedly led his people to the Golden Town, but he stopped suddenly halfway through the journey, as if he remembered something, re-planned his route, and rushed directly to the location of the huge vine .

The Sanctuary Appayado was part of Gaya Island in Qinghai [-] years ago. It was slammed into the sky by a huge ocean current from bottom to top, which is very strange.

Appalado, who was blasted to a height of [-] meters, maintains the previous buildings. The Shandia people are the descendants of the original residents of Gaya Island, who were driven out of Appalado by the gods four hundred years ago.

The Shandians fought for four hundred years with the people of Angel Island in order to regain the island that once belonged to them, without any mercy.

After Ai Nilu occupied this place, it was listed as a forbidden area, and no one was allowed to set foot in this area.

Some buildings from [-] years ago have also been preserved, but they are buried deep underground.

And in this ancient city ruins, there must be news about the historical text.

These are exactly what Robin needs and what Liu Xu is curious about.

Every time Liu Xu thought of these things, he got a little excited.

The [-]-year blank history is actually well understood, and it must have been a dark period of dominance, which is not surprising.

What he wanted to know was what kind of means ruled the world at that time.

"Robin, you will be able to see the historical text soon, and there must be some information you want to see under the ruins."

Turning his head to Robin behind him, he said, Liu Xu never forgot his promise. Every partner who boards his warship has a dream. As the captain, he thinks he has an obligation to help them fulfill these dreams.

Robin's eyes moved, does he still remember this?

"Thank you, Mr. Captain."

"You're joking, we are partners, fulfilling your dream is also one of my wishes, let's speed up now!"

As he said that, Liu Xu's pace became a little faster.


"Lieutenant General Liu Xu, this, this is too big, isn't it? It's not a Neptune!"

Tina was stunned when she saw the gigantic boa constrictor thousands of meters long that suddenly sprang out in front of her. Shouldn't such a huge body belong to the sea king?

Liu Xu rubbed his nose and said with a smile: "Nolan, the lord of the sky, is a huge boa constrictor that has lived for hundreds of years. It seems to have swallowed a lot of gold. It is a snake with human emotions and can understand human speech." The boa constrictor is interesting, isn't it?"

Have human feelings?Can you understand human speech?This made me a little surprised, such creatures are really strange.

"Now, I have an idea. What do you think of such a housekeeping python?"

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