Housekeeping?Liu Xu's ambition is not small, he wants Nolan, the lord of the sky, to look after his house?

Without too much nonsense, Liu Xu directly elementalized and rushed in front of Nolan, only twenty meters away from him, releasing purple arcs all over his body.

"Nolan, I know you can understand me, so now I'll give you a choice. Surrender to me and let me ring the bell for you, how about that?"


Nolan Snake looked at the little person in front and rang the bell?Just kidding, it's ridiculous that little humans want to surrender themselves.

Without hesitation, he opened his bloody mouth and bit down on the opponent, let him feel the taste of being melted!

Liu Xu was stunned for a moment, why is this snake's personality so explosive?But it's okay, save too much honesty.

"Ten million volts. Heaven and earth!"

A lightning net flew out from both hands, and Liu Xu went ahead without saying a word.

The purple lightning net covered the air, completely blocking the route of Nolan's attack. At the same time, Liu Xu put his hands together, and pieces of purple light flew out from his palms.

"Eighty million volts. A thousand birds fly!"

The purple light flew into the air and turned into birds with a wingspan of about one meter. The clear sky was instantly rendered in purple, and thousands of birds chirped in unison, majestic.

Nolan, who was covered by the net of lightning, only felt paralyzed, but this did not cause any damage to it, it only restricted its movement.

With a roar, Nolan intended to break free from the shackles of the lightning net, but at this moment the purple bird in the sky had already landed.

"Boom boom boom!"

Chidori's dive bombing did not directly hit Nolan's body, but landed next to him. An electric current of [-] million volts instantly entered the ground, and the powerful impact caused the smoke and dust on the ground to rise continuously.

The bombing lasted for a few minutes, and the purple flying bird in the sky gradually disappeared, and Nolan Yan, the center of the bombing, was covered in smoke and dust, making it impossible to see its body clearly.

"Now, what's your choice?"

Liu Xu's heart net has captured Nolan's body, and he is very satisfied with this sudden attack.

The smoke and dust gradually dissipated, and Nolan's body gradually became clear.

There are no wounds, no traces of being burnt, but its eyes show a little fear!

In the area where Nolan was located, the surrounding ground was dented by the flying of the birds. The land under Nolan was like an isolated island, surrounded by a ring-shaped depression with a depth of about five meters, and there was purple in the depression. The electric light is constantly shuttled.

Nolan was dumbfounded, why is this human being so powerful?Impossible, how can human beings have such a powerful force?After living for more than four hundred years, it does not understand a bit.

Liu Xu saw the doubt in its heart, and said directly: "Nolan, with your strength you will never be able to ring the golden bell, and without my strength, you will never be able to ring the bell. Not long , you will also be expelled by me, you should understand that I have such power."

Threats and lures, Liu Xu is unequivocal about these things, he will be more ruthless when he should be ruthless, and he must be like this in the future.

Nolan was tangled up, the fight was too fast, everything happened too fast for him to react.


ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"

Chapter 2454 God's Army

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


The speed of this battle is too fast, and its power has not yet been shown, such as the venom that can easily corrode trees.

However, it is precisely because the battle is too fast that the power of the human being in front of him can be manifested. It is definitely not easy, at least not something he can contend with.

The golden bell, the long-lost bell!

Nodding, after thinking about it, it still nodded, the situation is stronger than people, and it seems a little impossible to not surrender.

Liu Xu's mouth curled into a hearty smile, this might be the best ending.

After Enilo's power was completely pulled out, Nolan's power could be countered by no one in this sky island except his own.

"Wait here now, and come to you after I kill that so-called god."

After ordering in one sentence, Liu Xu nodded to his partner, indicating that the matter had been resolved.

"Is this a new partner?"

Robin smiled gracefully, how could this man think of getting such a python?

"That's right! It's just that it won't sail with us on the sea in the future, it needs to be stationed here."

With a faint smile on Liu Xu's face, a great blueprint has been planned.

After confirming the issue of Nolan's garrison, Liu Xu and the others went directly to the top of the huge vine.

At the top of the huge Tengman, a shrine of extreme luxury, filled with the culture of gold, the gold decoration here looks very ordinary, making someone's eyes shine.

"Captain, this place is so beautiful, I like it so much."

Nami was indeed the first person who couldn't stand the temptation, and almost couldn't help but rushed forward, taking the countless gold into her arms.

At this moment, they are still hundreds of meters away from the temple, and they are dressed in the temple and surrounded by high walls, and they are strictly guarded inside.I could vaguely see some people dressed as guards patrolling each other, seemingly very strict.

"Robin, there may be some news about the historical text in this temple. You should check it out and translate it."

"Historical text?" Robin's eyes lit up, which was a big surprise, "Understood, Mr. Captain."

"Dear Captain, I will first check the surrounding terrain and find the commanding heights by the way."

At this moment, Columbia gave full play to the sniper's assistance ability, when even leaving the team began to look for his own fighting platform.

The sniper position is a very important position. A sniper position with a wide field of view and corresponding cover plays a vital role in his marksmanship.

Liu Xu nodded secretly, he didn't need to think too much about Columbia's combat effectiveness and intelligence, and it could even be said that he was much calmer than himself in many cases.

His gaze turned to other people, and he began to arrange tasks for Tina and the others.

"The god of the sky island, Anilu, is a person with the ability to ring the thunder fruit, and his thunder and lightning attacks are deadly to you, so you'd better avoid him as much as possible. Those people from the army of the gods will be handed over to you, are you sure? "

"Lieutenant General Liu Xu, we are absolutely sure." Tina smiled confidently and said, "It's just that what are the characteristics of this Enel's attack?"

"The speed of light, his attack speed is the speed of light, which is the same as the attack speed of the yellow ape, and he is a long-range attack, so you can only avoid it and leave it to me to deal with."

Liu Xu's words were very decisive, and Enilo could only deal with it by himself in the end.

The word "speed of light" made Tina and the others sink, fast, too fast, so fast that they couldn't react or bear it.

Thinking of this, the three of Tina no longer struggled to challenge the most powerful Anilu.

When Liu Xu arranged tasks for several people, Enilu in the temple laughed wildly and summoned some members of his God's Army.

"There are invaders outside the temple, and the humble ants will be handed over to you."

Enilu smiled cruelly, and there would be only one end if he dared to challenge the majesty of God.

Accept God's judgment and turn into ashes!


A group of guards responded loudly, how long has it been, how long has it been since they became members of the God's Army, no one has challenged the majesty of God, it is really exciting!

Hundreds of guards urgently mobilized and rushed out of the temple. The formation was a little scattered, but no one paid much attention to it.

In this world, perhaps only the navy or some heavily trained army can maintain a strict battle formation, and only those people pay more attention to the effects of formation attacks.

"There can only be one god in this world, and humble ants have only the fate of surrender."

Enilu laughed wildly, sat upright on the god's seat, and soon became lazy again, took the fruit beside him and bit it hard.

Arrogant, maybe he has his own dreams, but the years of experience in the empty island tell him that he is a god, the god in charge of thunder and lightning.

"Resist, humble ants begin to resist!"

There was cruelty in Enil's eyes, and the arc began to spread around him.

Outside the temple, the four figures were hidden behind rock bunkers. The battle plan had been arranged, and they were waiting for the horn of attack.


Liu Xu activated the power of the heart network, and only after this activation did he discover the situation in the temple. It was not easy. Hundreds of guards and fifty members of the magic team had already rushed towards the gate of the temple. It seemed that Enilo was Take the first step.

The road to attacking the temple was too smooth. After almost killing the four priests, I never encountered any forces of Anilu again. It is very strange to think about it now.

Anilu is waiting for them to come!

This thought made Liu Xu's heart skip a beat. It was too late to make a new plan, so now he could only rush forward and proceed according to the original plan.

With an order, the three beauties rushed out first, heading straight for the gate of the temple.

Liu Xu followed closely behind, and it was necessary to ensure their safety before Enilo appeared.


Chapter 2455

"Lanjiao. Bailian!"

The guards in the temple have not yet opened the gate of the temple. There are only two guards guarding the door. Nami is the first to take the brunt.

Her body jumped into the air, and her feet quickly and continuously kicked downwards. The surrounding air was vibrated by the rapid kicking of her feet, and the white crescent-shaped vacuum slash quickly fell from under her feet.

"There is an enemy attack!"

The two guards at the door shouted and quickly picked up the spear in their hands and rushed up, but the white slash had already fallen.

"Bang bang bang..."

The white crescent-shaped slash was about to cut through the void, and it landed directly on the gate of the temple with a sharp whistling sound.


After the slashing down, the thick wooden door produced cracks and smashed. Just rushed out to prepare to meet the enemy, and the two guards were directly blown away by a cyclone, and hit the ground hard.

"Fifty flowers bloom!"

Robin crossed his hands in front of him, and looked at the two guards in front of him with soft and firm eyes. Suddenly, countless arms grew on the back of the person, and the arms directly grabbed the joints of the two guards who had not yet reacted. , the arm twisted along the way, directly twisting the joints of these guards, and the body fell to the ground weakly.

Sawdust was flying, and smoke filled the air.

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