A round of Nami's attack smashed the entire gate of the temple, witnessing the results of her naval six-style training.

Amidst the smoke, a group of densely packed guards gradually appeared, dressed in uniform black iron armor and holding long spears.


Hundreds of guards roared to boost their morale, and rushed towards the three women in front of them.

woman?No, that's just the enemy!In the eyes of these guards, these are just enemies, and there is no so-called distinction between men and women.

"The sill prison!"

Tina's eyes locked quickly, and her arms suddenly opened to stretch out the black iron bars. In an instant, she had reached the gate of the destroyed temple, and her arms were suddenly closed.

The two black iron fences merged quickly, and some of the guards who rushed over couldn't react and were trapped by the black iron fence in an instant, screaming suddenly.

"Hmph, I'm just courting death, Robin."

Tina snorted coldly, maintaining a tight posture.

Robin understood instantly when he got the prompt, and crossed his hands in front of him again.

"Blooming lilies!"

The dozens of guards who were trapped suddenly grew arms, directly holding their heads and twisting them suddenly.

"Crack!" There was a crisp sound, and the body of the bodyguard who was hit by Lily Blossom shook violently, his head drooping weakly.

Cruel, so brutal.

Dozens of lives were charged with just one move, and the joint attack of the two has achieved unprecedented achievements.

Released from the prison, Tina's arm extended a black iron rod as a weapon, and the three women gathered together to prepare to deal with the enemy in front.

The remaining two hundred guards did not have much fear. What happened just now was just careless. How could they be frightened by these women?

Without hesitation, the impact continued to spread, directly surrounding the three women.

"Fight each other, cooperate carefully!"

Tina said something serious like a big sister, and then rushed towards the enemy in front of her with a black iron rod in her hand.

Nami has the Navy's sixth-style, which has a great advantage in this kind of multi-person battle, and the shaving speed is fast enough that it is difficult for people to capture her figure.

And Robin's flowers and fruits are both offensive and defensive, which is also a good ability.It's just that she is relatively weak, and physical combat is not her strength.

"Lanjiao. Stormy storm!"

Nami's naval six-style training is very effective, and she has also created many moves.

Both feet kicked swiftly, and countless slashes fell from the spinning wheel. In mid-air, a storm was formed and spun, constantly bombarding the enemies below.

The white storm drives the surrounding air to rotate at a high speed, and there are white slashes in the storm, which cut off the guards' bodies while blocking their sight.

Tina's attack method is relatively simple. The black iron rod extending from the fruit of the threshold smashes directly at the enemy, smashing the enemy's body into shreds, which is simple and rude.

Robin used dexterous body skills to attack and resist, but a restricted area was also drawn in front of her, where countless arms were derived. As long as a guard entered it, he would be tripped over by the arms and charged at the same time. took their lives.

Robin is a bit like a fixed fort.

In the melee with the guards, although it is extremely dangerous, it can also protect itself and even destroy many enemies.

And in another Colombia, about [-] meters away from the gate of the temple, he has found his sniper position, a high ground, overgrown with weeds, and a few trees around it as cover, from here you can see half of the The condition of the temple.

"Perfect sniper position, now is the time to show it."

Colombia said to himself, quickly set up the sniper rifle, opened the scope and scanned the fighting crowd below.


Locking on the target, Columbia quickly pulled the trigger, a burst of sparks erupted from the muzzle, and the black bullet roared downwards.


The long-range assistance of snipers can often play an important role at critical moments, and Colombia's sniper marksmanship has undoubtedly reached an advanced level.

The pitch-black bullets whizzed past. With the domineering blessing of the armed color and the structure of the gun body, the bullets dragged the surrounding air with ripples, and the piercing sound of breaking the air sounded with the loud noise.


Nico Robin, who was defending the surrounding guards, narrowed her eyes, and the bullet flew just [-] centimeters away from her cheek, passing through the heart of a guard in front of her and exploding suddenly.

The domineering bullet that blessed the weapon passed through the heart and landed on the ground with a bang. A large pit with a diameter of three meters flew up, followed by several other bullets shot out from Robin's side. This time, the bullet did not land. On the ground, but in a straight line through the bodies of several guards.


Chapter 2456 You can just brush your experience with peace of mind

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


"What a precise marksmanship, what a fierce attack!"

Nicole Robin sighed inwardly. Columbia's shots almost emptied the guards surrounding her, leaving a place of corpses, which facilitated her follow-up actions.

It is no longer necessary to attack the enemy on the spot, Robin stepped forward decisively, and handed over the side and rear to the sniper.

Nami's navy [-]-style is very cleverly used, and her unrestrained femininity is vividly reflected in her.

"Finger gun. Shock waves!"

Immediately stepping on the ground continuously, Nami appeared in front of one of the guards with a shave, her hand turned into a pistol-like point, and the speed was so fast that a white cyclone even formed in her palm.


As soon as he pointed at the guard's chest, the long spear in the guard's hand had already been raised, but after all, the speed could not keep up, and a depression in the chest hit the back.

Under the powerful impact of the finger gun, the guards smashed the bodies of more than a dozen team members behind them in a row, screaming and screaming for a while, and the strong impact posture was directly broken.

As soon as she succeeded, Nami waved her pistol with a smug smile, her long orange curly hair fluttering in the wind, like a passionate goddess.

"I'm coming..."

With a coquettish scolding, Nami moved again, leaping into mid-air to maintain her balance, which seemed a bit suspicious of attracting firepower.

Indeed, her behavior is indeed attracting fire.

Being so blatantly provoked by Nami, these guards immediately became angry. Some directly threw the spears in their hands, and some used wind shells and impact shells as attack methods, and the attacks below became gorgeous for a while. , the shell unique to Sky Island also began to show its due power.

Invisible shock waves and hot flame attacks, and Rebe, who turned into a musket, attacked. The target of the attack was Nami who was balancing in the sky.

"Really, I don't know how to pity the fragrance and cherish the jade at all."

Nami complained, but her movements were not slow at all, and the Sixth Naval Form was her biggest reliance.

After studying for two years, the current battle is the most powerful.

"Lanjiao. Bailian!"

The overwhelming attacks below were ignored, Nami kicked continuously with both feet, and the white waning moon-shaped slashes quickly bombarded downwards, superimposed layer upon layer, like a lotus flower blooming, lifelike.

Although Bei's attack was very fierce, but under Nami's head-to-head state, he still failed to break through Bai Lian's attack, and was abruptly suppressed.

"Bang bang bang!"

The attack surface of the white lotus is very wide. From the sky, it looks like a giant lotus flower in full bloom. The white slash hits the ground and directly bombards the area to sink and sag. The guards in the area scream again and again, and the white slash covers the area. On their bodies, people can't see their figures clearly.

Gorgeous, the attack is gorgeous, which also fits Nami's aesthetic as a woman.

On Tina's side, her offensive method is very simple and rude, that is, to constantly use the power of the threshold fruit to crush and bomb the enemies in front, her arms are constantly turning into black iron rods, stretching freely, and enemies rushing in front Then directly use the iron rod to disperse the enemy.

And the enemies surrounding her are even simpler. Under the characteristics of the threshold fruit, their melee attacks are more like throwing themselves into a trap...

The trick of the sill prison was used very cleverly. The enemy immediately turned into a black iron bar to trap the enemy, and the trapped guard could not move at all.

Coupled with the occasional attack by Robin, as long as there are guards trapped here, Robin's Huahua Fruit's ability can be deployed, directly twisting the enemy's spine or throat, and ending the enemy's life as quickly as possible.

This battle became a battle to test the strength of Liu Xu's partners.

"You can rest assured to earn experience."

Liu Xu himself is elementalized and floating in the air, and the ability of the heart network is also directly deployed. His target is only one person, Ai Nilu!

Enel's long-range strike was fatal to the three women below, and it was also fatal to the sniper who occupied the commanding heights.

Under the speed of light, a sniper will be attacked at any time even at a distance of several thousand meters, which is an attack that cannot be avoided.If you want to avoid such an attack here, only Liu Xu, who also has the speed of light, can do it.

The role he is now playing is more like a guard, a guard who defends Enilu's attack. As long as Enilu takes action, he can immediately draw the attack to himself or offset his attack.

The battle below is in full swing, and Colombia always gives a fatal blow at the most critical moment to resolve the crisis of several partners.

With the remote assistance, a few beauties can attack without any scruples, so they don't have to worry about encountering a sneak attack, allowing them to give full play to their power.

The guards were a little sad. They thought it was a relaxed battle, but they didn't expect these ferocious women who came out of nowhere to be even tougher than them.

My God, when did such a character exist on Sky Island?Ah, no, no, why are people from Qinghai so ruthless?Qinghai is too dangerous, you can't go down even if you are killed, and the air island is safe.

In a battle, the tacit cooperation of the four people has been well confirmed, and the number of hundreds of guards has dropped sharply.

Hundreds of guards are a powerful aid for Enilu in the empty island, and one of the cornerstones of his cruel rule. Now that so many have been wiped out all at once, even if he is lazy, he can't help it.

The Divine Soldiers, with a total of fifty members, is a powerful team above the guards.

Enilu sent the team out without hesitation, and fifty members of the Divine Soldiers rushed out of the temple like tigers coming out of their cages.

The number of guards is about a hundred or so. With the addition of these fifty members of the Divine Soldier Team, the situation was gradually turned over, and the battle of the four people suddenly came to a deadlock.


ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"

Chapter 2457 Witness the miracle of fast and safe transition from d to e

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


Ashan is a sturdy figure with a huge body and infinite strength. The method of attack is to use a large number of slashing shells to cause continuous fatal damage to the enemy.

The two vice-captains, Zhongwu Xiaowu, also used shellfish as a means of attack, and the two were simply smaller versions of Dawu.

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