The remaining forty-seven divine soldiers were also equipped with various shells for attack and defense. The addition of these people made Robin and others feel some pressure.

"Nami! Robin!"

Tina yelled lightly at Nami, who was using moon steps to defend in the air. Nami understood what she said, and quickly landed towards her position.

Robin, on the other hand, avoided the attack of the enemy in front with a few jumps, and appeared behind Tina at once.

The guards and the divine soldiers were overjoyed when they saw this. This was completely prepared for them. It was more convenient for the standard target to attack when they gathered together.

For a time, countless fireballs, shock waves, and slashes landed towards the three people's positions.

"The sill prison!"

Tina didn't pay attention to those attacks, but opened her hands to use the ability of the cannon fruit to the extreme. The black iron fence extended for thousands of meters, completely wrapping these magic soldiers and guards inside, clenching her teeth and closing her arms together .

And Nami stood in front of Tina. The iron blocks in the six poses made her originally beautiful body slightly swell, especially a certain part looked more breathtaking.

"Witness the miracle of going from D to E quickly and safely."

Liu Xu resisted the urge to whistle.

Robin had already understood Tina's intentions, and shouted: "Dazzling Hundred Blossoms. Defense!"

Countless arms grew out of her hands to form an upright mesh around her, and the countless arms were like walls made of steel, which could be described as a kind of absolute defense.

"Bang bang bang!"

Bei's attack finally came, and Nami, who was at the forefront, encountered countless attacks, and relied on the powerful strength of the iron block to block the attack.

However, the number of Bei's attacks is really too much, no matter how strong the iron block's defense is, sometimes it can't resist it.

Nami's feet that were firmly on the ground gradually moved backwards, because they were hit by the force of the shock wave and retreated backwards.

And Robin's arm defense wall was also continuously shattered by fireballs and slashing shells, forcing her to constantly replenish the defense.


Nami's small face with beautiful eyebrows was tangled together, the attack of the magic soldier was much stronger than those of the guards, it would be impossible to continue like this.

And the prisons controlled by Tina are gradually closing, but the scope is too large, and it is difficult to merge them all at once.

"Iron block. Jedi rebound!"

Nami's eyes showed a touch of determination, and she shouted the name of a move in a loud voice.

"Nami..." Tina shouted when she heard the words, and Robin quickly turned to look at her, "Your moves are immature!"

However, it was too late for the two to stop, and Nami's Jedi rebound had already begun to work.

The blood flow in her body accelerated a lot, her whole body was flushed with suffocation, and her body trembled suddenly.

The attack that fell on Nami's body was suddenly rebounded as her body trembled, and scattered in all directions.

"Bang bang bang!"

Colombia in the distance also provided timely support, and the speed of pulling the sniper rifle reached the fastest, aiming, firing, and changing the magazine in one go.

The domineering of the armed color was also used by him to the extreme at this time. The continuous movements made his hands lose consciousness. He only knew that he would continue to support and suppress the enemy's attack to a minimum state.

Under Jedi's rebound, Nami's defense has increased several times, and the speed of rebound damage is also abnormally fast.

Persist, keep going!

Nami felt a sense of fatigue in her body, but she did not retreat, but continued to bounce back the enemy's damage.

Her perseverance paid off, and the attack that fell on her was directly bounced back to those guards and divine soldiers.

Tough, Nami's rebound is very strong.

Unexpectedly, the magic soldiers and guards would have such a defensive method. They were stunned by Nami's defense for a while, and even forgot to block Bei's attack.

At the same time, the Colombian bullets also came at this time.



The magic soldiers and guards screamed again and again. Columbia's long-range strike ability is very strong, but they haven't had a chance to get close to attacking the enemy, and they were directly bombarded by the dark bullets.

At the moment when the bullet fell, the domineering arrogance attached to it also played a powerful role, blasting directly on the guards and divine soldiers.

The flesh and blood were blurred, limbs and blood scattered into the air, and the domineering shock of the armed color spread in all directions, directly overturning the surrounding guards and divine soldiers, and some were directly crushed to death by the shock wave.


Suddenly, Nami's Jedi rebound stopped, and the sky-filled fireballs, shock waves, and slashes also disappeared at this time.

Robin's Dazzling Hundred Blossoms was finally broken at this time, and Bei's attack finally broke her defense, but it also exhausted all Bei's attacks.

The two looked at Tina panting, only to see that Tina's face was pale, the sweat dripped down her cheeks to the ground, and the iron bars that extended her arms finally qualified at this moment.


With a loud shout, Tina's sills merged together, and the [-]-meter-wide sills directly trapped the guards and divine soldiers who were dizzy from the bombing, forming black iron rings on their bodies.

"Next is the sniper! Tina is very satisfied."

There was a sunny smile on Tina's pale face. More than a hundred people were directly trapped by her sill and could not move. Nami and Robin had almost no strength to fight anymore and could only rely on long-range strikes from snipers.

"Bang bang bang!"

With a loud bang, the domineering black bullets with armed colors whized past them.

With the tacit cooperation of the four people, Tina tried her best to control more than one hundred magical soldiers and guards. The Colombian marksmanship in the distance was also brought into full play. More than one hundred bullets flew out, killing those trapped. People are buried, their dirty lives are ended, and they are completely liberated.


Chapter 2458 One hundred and eight thousand miles away from God

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


With a sigh of relief, the three girls of Tina breathed a sigh of relief. Facing a battle with so many people, relying on cooperation to defeat the enemy without large-scale lethal moves exhausted their energy.

As long as one link is unreasonable or slow, the consequences will be disastrous, and it will be disabled if it is not dead.

Fortunately, their cooperation was tacit, and finally they defeated the enemy.

Liu Xu in the sky also landed at this time. During this battle, Enilo did not attack suddenly, giving the three women and the sniper room to play. Perhaps this was also caused by his arrogance.

"Thank you for your hard work."

Liu Xu had a bright smile on his face, his eyes were full of joy, and he was unconsciously excited.

"Lieutenant General Liu Xu, we are partners, you can't always give, Tina is very angry."

Tina spoke out of breath, with a little anger in her expression.

Looking at the other two women, although they didn't speak, the tight frowns on their faces and a little bit of anger in their eyes had already shown their attitude.

Liu Xu couldn't help laughing, it really seemed like this.

Heh, it seems to have aroused public outrage.

"Okay, I said the wrong thing, I apologize. Now, just leave the next thing to me. You and the snipers can rest. The most important thing is to restore your state as soon as possible."

The only remaining enemy is Anilu. The god of this empty island sits on the throne and rules everything here. It is exciting to think about it.

The three women no longer bothered about what happened just now, and evacuated directly to the sniper's position. It is the best way to stay away from the battle of the light-speed powerhouse as much as possible.

On the throne in the temple, Anilu's face was gloomy, and his eyes were full of anger, wishing to burn everything in front of him.

All of his subordinates were killed within a day.

Shame, this is a great shame, how could God's army fail, this must be an illusion, it must be an illusion.

However, no matter how you hypnotize yourself, facts are facts and cannot be changed.

The fact that the guard was killed did not make him angry. What really made him angry was the Divine Soldier Team, which was the strength he had carefully cultivated. Now it was wasted, and years of hard work were in vain.

"Humble ants, I personally come to sanction you."

Enilu roared and stood up from the throne, and walked slowly towards the outside of the temple. The four three-gauge jade drums behind him were majestic. Although his height of two meters is not tall in this world, it also showed his explosiveness. the power of.

He had never encountered any setbacks. He couldn't believe that someone had the same power as himself. The power of thunder and lightning, the most powerful power in nature, how could other mortals have it except gods?

Liu Xu did not enter the temple. The scenery of the temple is very good. It will belong to his own property. After fighting in it, he will have to spend his energy to repair it, which is not worthwhile.

He has already understood the power of Enilu. The power of the quasi-general can compete with the pirates with a bounty of [-] million. Such power is the best among the lieutenant generals. It is almost the same as the general's power. Just a little bit.

General, that is a powerful force in the naval headquarters. How many people can have that kind of power?

Furthermore, Enilo's lightning attack is too single, basically a discharge attack, using a powerful electric current to paralyze or destroy the enemy, nothing more.

The other uses of thunder and lightning are very weak, and he himself has a strong attainment in various forms of thunder and lightning attacks. In addition, he once tempered his body by absorbing the lightning of nature on the small island. Under such preconditions, Enilo's attack seems to have nothing to fear.

This is one of the purposes of this trip to kill Enilo.

There is also the seat of God, the perfect territory of the sky island. It is very important to rule this area, create your own territory, and create your own forces.

Just as he was planning the future, Anilu's voice suddenly sounded from the gate of the temple.

"Humble human beings, provoking the majesty of God, today this God will personally punish you, let you understand how unattainable God's power is."

Anilu, holding a golden stick, appeared at the gate, his voice was cold and arrogant, but his face was a little lazy, as if he really didn't pay attention to the person in front of him.

Liu Xu laughed, and this guy Enilo was just as arrogant as he remembered.

"A person who ate a devil fruit and gained the power of lightning would dare to call himself a god? It's a sin. If you count it like this, there are many gods in Qinghai. Well, there must be [-] gods, right?"


Anilu wanted to spray him, but he denied his status as a god?Wait, are there really so many people in Qinghai who have this kind of power?Are you kidding me?Can you please stop being funny.

He is naturally very clear about the source of his power. It is indeed the power that he possesses after eating a fruit, but this power is considered by him to be the power that can only be possessed by gods.

Now that someone has directly exposed him, Enilo's face clearly showed anger.

"An ant, are you trying to challenge the majesty of the god of the sky island?"

"Ainilu, it's just the fruit of thunder, and you are still a thousand miles away from God! After all, you are just an ordinary person, and if you are offered a reward, it is only a reward of [-] million Baileys. Such a reward Jin has a lot in Qinghai, you are just an ordinary person."

Liu Xu's words were very firm, but it made Enilu in front of him even more angry, and repeatedly denied his status as a god. This is unforgivable, and he must be killed!

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