"Humble ants, accept the punishment of this god!"

Said the golden stick in his hand struck the drum behind his back.

"Thirty million volts. Thunderbird!"

The golden stick in Anilu's hand hit the taiko drum on his right shoulder, and he saw a flash of lightning in the taiko drum on his right shoulder, and "cracking" could be heard endlessly.


Chapter 2459 God seat takes turns, come to my house today

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


Suddenly, the electric light in the taiko drum suddenly turned into the form of a flying bird, following the guidance of the golden stick in Anilu's hand, it flew directly towards Liu Xu's position.

Thunderbird opened its sharp beak and let out a shrill neigh, and countless electric arcs flashed around in the surrounding air.

Thirty million volts?Liu Xu was speechless for a while, why didn't this guy use powerful moves directly?Didn't he understand from the previous battle that [-] million volts can't play any role at all?

Elementalization, when the Thunderbird reaches less than one meter in front of you, you can clearly feel the powerful current contained in the Thunderbird. In an instant, the body directly elementalizes to the side to dodge, easily avoiding the Thunderbird's attack. .

The Thunderbird's lost attack target was too fast to dodge and hit a tree not far away, and it exploded.

The lightning that made up the Thunderbird was released in an instant, and the huge tree surrounded by a dozen people was destroyed by the Thunderbird's blow, and slowly fell down along with the pitch-black smoke, smashing the surrounding land to pieces.

For a while, dust and smoke filled the air.

Simple, too simple attack!

Liu Xu roared inwardly, Enilo's attack was really so simple. Although it was in the form of Thunderbird, Enilo only exerted the paralyzing and destroying effect of lightning, and did not exert other effects.

"Thirty million volts. Three strikes with Thunder Saber!"

A cold smile curled up at the corner of his mouth, Liu Xu raised his hands above his head, and released an electric arc with both hands to form a purple lightning knife with a diameter of five meters in the air.

Leaping into the air, the thunder knife slashed down, and the purple thunder knife scattered purple arcs, and the surrounding air seemed to be torn apart, and the fluctuations of the air instantly oscillated and became unstable.

Anilu didn't expect the opponent to evade his attack so easily, and he wasn't too surprised by the thunder and lightning chopped down in the air. This should be the opponent's ability, right?

Dodging and dodging, a knife slashed into the air, the purple lightning knife slashed on the ground, the ground shattered, and the [-] million volts of lightning destroyed the ground with the penetrating power of lightning, leaving a trail of three meters wide and long. The [-]-meter crack, the purple electric arc in the crack shuttled from time to time, leaving a purple lightning in the sky.

However, this time the attack was not so simple.

Liu Xu hit the air with his saber, and the thunder saber did not dissipate directly, but quickly condensed on the top of his head again, his body changed directions in the air and continued to slash towards Ai Nilu.

Ai Nilu's eyes froze, and the body that quickly retreated followed the original path to avoid it. This knife hit the air again, leaving a purple lightning bolt in the sky again.

And Liu Xu's last knife changed direction again, and slashed down again.

"Damn it, never ending."

Enilu cursed secretly, if the other party kept attacking like this, he would be miserable and could only run away passively.

God seems to be looking after him, after another air strike, the thunder knife above Liu Xu's head in the sky has disappeared, which makes him feel relieved, it seems that it can only reach this level.

Liu Xu in the sky fixed his eyes on Ai Nilu below and was full of joy. It's not that simple to cut three times with Thunder Saber, the most important thing is behind.

Every slash formed a crack, and after three cuts, the cracks were connected, and the enemy had been forced to the center of the three cracks at this moment.

The three purple lightning bolts in the sky also connected together at this time, forming a cross shape.


With a light drink, the three lightning bolts in the sky suddenly fell vertically, directly towards the top of Enilu's head.

"Huh? What?"

Anilu was full of surprise, the attack just now wasn't over yet?This, how is this possible?

The speed of the thunder and lightning fell very fast, and Anilu stared at the expanding purple thunder and lightning.

Without hesitation, Anilu directly elementalized and instinctively stepped back.


The ground was hit by these three lightning strikes and there was a loud explosion, and the ground in the entire attack area suddenly sank downwards, and was actually directly lowered by two meters.

At the far end, dense cracks appeared on the ground.

The surrounding trees gradually collapsed, the deafening noise continued, the dust filled the air, and gradually lifted into the air, and the ground was covered with a layer of purple arcs.

Looking down from a high place, the last three thunderbolts of Thunder Saber Triple Slash are evenly distributed to form a triangle, attacking vertically downwards.

Enilu backed up quickly, looking at the crack that finally stopped under his feet, cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

Almost, almost got hit by that lightning!

In addition to being surprised, he was also angry in his heart. It was also an attack of thousands of volts. Why was the opponent's attack so terrible?Your own [-] million volts is so simple and monotonous?

As the god of the sky island, his power here is almost invincible. Naturally, there is no need to study the attack of lightning, so many characteristics of lightning have not been brought into play, and the use of some moves is too simple and boring. .

After completing the Thunder Saber's three consecutive slashes, Liu Xu landed from the sky, and a comparison can tell where the gap between the two sides is.The same powerful current caused such a direct damage that no one would be able to bear it.

"Enilo, the god seat takes turns, come to my house today."

He shouted at Enilu on the opposite side and pulled it with one hand, and the purple electric arc in the crack suddenly exploded into the sky, as if he was witnessing his words.

Enraged, Enilo was completely enraged.

The majestic God of Sky Island has encountered such humiliation, God, there can only be one forever, and that is himself!

The four people who had retreated thousands of meters away were also surprised, deeply saddened by that Enilu, both of whom were powered by thunder and lightning, how could the gap be so big!


ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"

Chapter 2460 Electric vs Electric

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


"Compared with Lieutenant General Liu Xu's lightning attack and Ainilu's lightning attack, it seems to be better."

Looking at the distant battle with her hands on her hips, Tina was sincerely moved. She had seen the Thunder Saber Triple Slash a few years ago, and that was when she saw it in the Chambord Islands.

The damage caused at that time was already surprising, but after three years of practice, the power of Thunder Saber Triple Slash is now even stronger, and its destructive power is even stronger.

Nami tried her best to speed up the consumption of energy, and laughed when she heard her words, and said: "The captain is really amazing, this God of Sky Island doesn't look very good!"

"No, maybe things are not that simple. If this god's power is not enough, Mr. Captain would have directly destroyed him."

Robin completely denied Nami's opinion in one sentence. According to her understanding, there should be other mysteries in it.

"Oh? Robin, you know the captain very well!"

Hearing this, Nami teased her face.


Robin was taken aback, but the smart girl came to her senses and smiled softly.

"Isn't Nami very understanding?"

A rhetorical question made Nami embarrassed for a while, and she covered it with a dry smile.

"Three beautiful ladies, I think you should retreat to a further distance now, it's not safe here."

Columbia bowed and smiled, but his eyes remained on the two fighting people.

The three nodded at the same time. Judging from the current situation, this place is indeed very unsafe.

Well, back away, at least back under the huge vines, it's too dangerous here.

After making up their minds, the four of them identified the way they came and continued to retreat.

On the side of Ai Nilu, he was agitated by Liu Xu's words. How could he allow anyone to challenge his throne, who has always been on the throne?

"Sixty million volts. Brontosaurus!"

Enraged, Enilu tapped the taiko drums on his shoulders, and displayed the thunder and lightning he created from the taiko drums. The violent thunder and lightning formed a huge thunder dragon and rushed to Liu Xu's position.

The majestic thunder dragon roared again and again, the sound of the dragon's roar resounded throughout the world, and its winding body directly hit the enemy.

Liu Xu had already expected that Enilo would be irritated by him, both of them were of the natural type, and they were also of the power of lightning. If the power of lightning exceeds the range that the body can bear, then he will be hurt as well.

In other words, if you are attacked by the natural system, you will be injured, it just depends on your ability to bear it.

The natural system is immune to physical damage, and can only defend against attacks that exceed the physical range.

Thunder Dragon's swift attack has reached a high level in terms of speed and current, it would not be a good thing to be attacked by such a move.

Liu Xu decisively avoided the thunder dragon's attack with elementalization, thinking about which trick to use to counterattack.

However, the Thunder Dragon seemed to have known the direction Liu Xu wanted to avoid, so he turned his head and flew towards the direction he was avoiding, blocking Liu Xu's retreat all at once.

Xinwang, the first reaction is the power of Xinwang.

Being able to predict the opponent's next move and make preparations in advance, and even be able to hear the sound of the entire island, can be described as the highest level of monitoring.

"Fifty million volts. Kirin!"

Responding quickly, the bright sky was instantly covered by dark clouds, and the purple thunder and lightning in the dark clouds formed thunderclouds, and the arc continued to pass.

Suddenly, the thunder and lightning formed a unicorn in the thunder cloud, and rushed down in the air.


The Qilin's attack only lasts one thousandth of a second, which is basically an unavoidable attack in such a short period of time.

The thunder dragon was hit by the unicorn falling from the sky less than ten meters away from Liu Xu, and its body was directly pressed down.

Kirin vs Thunder Dragon.

The collision of electricity vs electricity burst out a burst of strong light, the power of the thunderous fruit and the purple lightning of the unicorn intertwined and expanded, spreading in all directions around.


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