Liu Xu bowed his body, and the collision of two powerful moves produced a strong shock wave, and countless electric arcs pushed his body backward along with the shock wave.

"Bang bang bang!"

The shock wave generated by the collision of the thunder dragon's unicorn stirred the surrounding air, and part of the shock wave fell towards the ground below. The land and trees below were bombarded by this shock wave and kept sinking, and the electric arc raged on the ground.

"Huh... so scary."

Liu Xu stabilized his body and looked at the situation below and couldn't help but gasp. The collision of energies produced such a powerful effect.

The ground with a radius of more than [-] meters directly collapsed, and the trees were directly smashed by the tyrannical airflow and lightning, and turned into the smallest particles floating in the air. The entire area was filled with fine particles, making it difficult to breathe.

The collision of [-] million volts and [-] million volts ended in an energy riot.

In this ending, some people were happy and some were sad. Liu Xu was very satisfied, but Ai Nilu was extremely angry. It was such a result that the current [-] million volts less than his own actually dispelled his own attack.


Ai Nilu couldn't help the pain in his eggs, and suddenly roared, all the thunder and lightning in his body were released, and countless arcs filled the whole world in an instant, and he was pulled and wrapped around his body in an instant.

"Two hundred million volts. Thor!"

Angrily roaring, the lightning covering Enilo's body turned him into a huge Thor, a body made of lightning with huge attack power.

Majestic and majestic, shocking the world.

Withstanding such a powerful current, this is almost the limit of Anilu's body, and using such a powerful attack is a big drain for him.

"Really, not cute guy."

Liu Xu's brows twitched, this guy used such a powerful attack so quickly, it seems that he was forced to rush!

I complained in my heart, but Liu Xu's movements were not slow. Enilo in Thor's state can easily release a current of [-] million volts to attack. [-] million volts are enough to cause strong damage to himself. It is better not to die .

"[-] million volts. Fury of Thunder!"

After the voice fell, the whole body quickly entered the state of elementalization, with his hands open, the sky suddenly became gloomy, and countless thunderclouds began to condense at this moment!


Chapter 2461 The power of the quasi-general level

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


With [-] million volts of Thunder Fury, it is no longer necessary to use electric arcs to pull out thunderclouds.

Instead, summon, use the lightning ability to directly summon thunderclouds in the sky.

The purple thunderclouds were constantly being summoned in the sky. This scene made Enilo a little sluggish. Why does this scene look familiar?

It seems that it seems to be one of his moves!

The thunderclouds in the sky covered the entire sky island, and the gloomy sky and the raging purple arc made the hearts of the people on the sky island tremble.

God, this is the power of God, who is he going to attack again?

The people of the sky island panicked. Every time the gods were angry, there was always a disaster. Where would this disaster affect?

Liu Xu, who summoned Thunder Cloud, looked at the huge Thunder God with solemn eyes, but a hint of contempt at the corner of his mouth.

Despise the opponent strategically, but value the opponent in the heart.

Pulled with one hand, the thundercloud rolled, and purple lightning beams descended from the thundercloud. Each lightning beam was several meters in diameter.

The target of the lightning beam, the giant Thor!

Ai Nilu's eyes popped. Sure enough, it was such an attack. Damn, when did he imitate his own moves?

Before he had time to think about it, Anilu, who was in the form of the god of thunder, swung into the sky, and the thunderbolt quickly shot out the thunderbolt that fell into the air from his palm and bombarded it.

The purple lightning and the lightning of Anilu were intertwined, and endless strong light burst out in the air, and the whole sky was covered with strong light.

Liu Xu continued to pull the lightning to attack, while Ai Nilu shot the lightning from his palm to defend. For a while, the two of them came and went without giving in.

The collision of lightning and lightning produced bursts of air bursts, and the space seemed to be torn and twisted by the energy of lightning and lightning.

The attack range of Thunder Fury is optional, and the attack target is also optional, but it requires a strong control ability.


Thunder Fury is different from Enilo's direct and large-scale attack. It only uses burst fire, bombing the same target countless times, so as to achieve the goal of completely destroying several people.

A few minutes passed, and Anilu became anxious in his heart. Holding Thor's posture for a long time accelerated his consumption a lot. At the same time, occasionally some purple thunderbolts passed through his defense and bombed on Thor, triggering Thor's original thunderbolt. The structure made him have to reduce Thor's posture, so that he could control Thor's state more accurately.

Liu Xu was also under a lot of pressure. Although it was only [-] million volts of thunder and lightning, the long-term precise control also required physical strength and energy. No, don't have to fight so hard like this.


The thunder and lightning continued to rage, and the time passed bit by bit, Anilu clenched the root, the throne, only he can have it!

However, in the end, it was still weaker in strength. With the more and more intense bombardment of purple lightning, Anilu's thunder god posture could no longer remain intact and shattered.

With the Thor stance broken, Anilu did not retreat at all due to the instant burst shot. In the elemental state, his speed reached the speed of light, and he instantly avoided the lightning burst state.

"Boom boom boom!"

Thunder lost its target and continued to bomb downwards. In an instant, all the thunder and lightning fell on the ground, and a strong thunderstorm exploded in an instant.

Liu Xu dispelled the bombardment of thunder and lightning the moment Ai Nilu avoided it, and his body quickly retreated to the rear.

Thunder Fury's attack is not that simple. The thunderstorm caused by injecting a large amount of lightning power is enough to destroy an island if the range is controlled.

Fortunately, the scope of control now is only on the periphery of the temple on this huge tent.

The purple thunderstorm exploded, and the rumbling sound was incessant. The purple electric arc filled the entire temple area in an instant, and everything it passed was destroyed. Trees and buildings were shot in all directions with the thunderstorm.

The thunderstorm lasted for several minutes before gradually dissipating, and the consequences it caused were horrifying...

In the center of the thunderstorm, a bottomless crater appeared, and purple arcs flashed from time to time in the dark hole.As for the temple, the towering walls have been destroyed, and the temple has been directly destroyed in half.


Liu Xu couldn't help swallowing, he had never expected such a brutal result before.

I don't know how deep the black hole is, but it feels like it's at least a hundred meters long. It's probably a little dangerous for the huge vines to be bombarded here.

"If such a lightning attack destroys the island, there is no pressure at all!"

Liu Xu made a judgment for his own attack in his heart. The fury of thunder was too powerful, and it really destroyed all targets mercilessly like an angry thunder.

To be able to destroy an island represents the pinnacle of power, touching the edge of a world-class powerhouse.

Except for Luffy, who opened the halo indiscriminately, what kind of power would it take to kill the quasi-general-level Eneluna?

At least it has to be at the quasi-general level, and it must be the best among the quasi-generals.

Compared with the full of joy on his side and Anilu on the other side, it is a sky and a ground. The attacking moves are very familiar, but there are essential differences.

His attacks are almost indiscriminate attacks, even his subordinates can only be destroyed as long as they enter this range.

On the other hand, the ability to precisely control the attack target is the essential difference.

Perhaps, this is not the same trick.

Thinking like this, Anilu felt a little better, but also a little tangled. It was really a contradiction.

The power of the enemy was too powerful, so powerful that he felt powerless for the first time.

Enilo looked at Liu Xu in the distance with his dark eyes, and finally gritted his teeth fiercely. As far as the current situation is concerned, it is impossible to work hard at the bottom of the box!

After making up his mind, Anilu rushed directly into the temple, leaving behind a bolt of lightning that slowly dissipated in the air.


Chapter 2462 The Proverbs of the Ark, Thor of the Last Days

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


Enilo himself has his own wishes and dreams.

In some people's perception, he is a foodie, longing for Qinghai's land that can grow countless fruits.

But it is also obvious that he is a cruel person, even if the opponent is a woman, he will shoot without hesitation and completely destroy the enemy.

In order to achieve his goal, Enelu made sufficient preparations, and the Proverbs of the Ark were created under his urging.

A huge warship made of gold and powered by lightning was created under his forging.

The Ark Proverbs was born for him, and everything was created with him as the center.

The motto hidden in the temple was not destroyed by the wrath of thunder, and Anilu thought of this super weapon when he had no choice.

Entering the Proverbs, using your own lightning power as a power source to drive the huge ark to move, the warship made of gold gives people only one feeling.

Nouveau riche, full upstart.

But this is the most suitable weapon for him, which can combine with his Thunder Fruit to provide more powerful thunder and lightning attacks.

The moment the Ark Proverbs appeared, Liu Xu understood, my good fellow, how much Bailey would I have to exchange for this thing if I sold it!

Thinking so, Liu Xu didn't hesitate, and instantly lifted his body into the air to block the front of the ark.

"The humble ant has angered its own majesty, and you have only one way to die!"

Anilu's arrogant and arrogant words came, and when he boarded the ark, his confidence instantly burst, and he was more confident to destroy the enemy in front of him.

"Enilu, I said I would pull you off the throne, even if you use this ark for the nouveau riche."

There was a disdainful arc on the corner of Liu Xu's mouth, and his eyes became more serious. I don't know how this guy will attack!

"Humble ants, accept the punishment! Wan Lei!"

Ai Nilu's eyes narrowed into a slit, and he could not wait to swallow the life in front of him immediately.

The voice fell, and the ark released a large amount of thunder and lightning to form a turbulent thundercloud in the air. Lightning shuttled through the thundercloud, covering the entire sky island.

"Oh my god, Enel is angry again!"

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