The same is the power of thunder and lightning, but when one party's thunder and lightning attainments exceed the other party's, they can naturally cause damage to him with the power of thunder and lightning.

The black lightning volts that Liu Xu felt at this moment was [-] million. Although the lightning after the qualitative change is not very skillful to use, it can also cause fatal damage to Enilo.

The moment he was hit, Anilu's body fell directly in mid-air and slammed into the ground, ignoring the severe pain in his body, his eyes were confused, and too many doubts made him unable to think clearly.

Lei Yun's attack stopped suddenly, and Liu Xu also released his elemental state and landed on the ground, slowly walking towards the direction of Aini Road.

"Anilu shouldn't have much combat power now. It seems that this mission is finally over."

Liu Xu sighed in his heart, relaxed and happy, it was so easy and happy to solve a strong man with the same power.

"Anilu, from now on, there will be no place for you in the throne of God."

Walking in front of the other party and looking down at the other party, Liu Xu condescended and despised the other party.

Anilu's eyes moved, and he said bitterly: "Impossible, I am a god, the only god in the sky."

There was a smile on the corner of Liu Xu's mouth, and suddenly he pointed to the sky, the rolling thunderclouds dissipated like a tide, and the sky became bright again in a blink of an eye.

"Anilu, have you seen that, your thunder and lightning skills are not very strong, you can only fail in the end. From then on, I am the god of the sky island, the unique god of thunder!"

Liu Xu dispelled the thunderclouds of the entire sky island in an instant, and Anilu's eyes froze. This kind of ability alone was not something he could easily achieve.

A failure, a total failure, a failure without a doubt.

Ai Nilu suddenly felt a sadness in his heart. In the end, his years of hard work were still in vain?Have your dreams come true in the end?Does the infinite land really have no fate with him?

Seeing the disappearance of the thundercloud, the people in the sky island knew that the wrath of God had calmed down, and immediately cheered excitedly.

However, the impact of this battle was enormous.

Many residents of Sky Island were oppressed by the oppressive air in the state of Raytheon in the last days, and their seven orifices were bleeding, and they directly dedicated their lives.

Sky Island, the Sky Island affected by lightning takes a certain amount of time to recover.

Tyrannical rule, the residents of the entire sky island feel tyrannical rule.

The residents of Angel Island hardly dare to have the slightest complaint against the rule of Enilo, and in the Yunyin Village, that is, the Sandia people, the descendants of the original residents of Apayado, in order to regain the land of their ancestors, take back this empty space. The only land on the island, they are constantly fighting.

The so-called god, in the minds of the Shandians, is nothing but an invader, a villain who has invaded their homeland.

Even if they know that the opponent's strength is very strong, the warriors of Shandia will never back down. They will fight against the gods to the end and take back their own land.

Liu Xu already knew something about the Sandiya people. It was a good thing that they wanted to take back their ancestral land, but their approach was relatively ignorant.

Knowing that Enilo is not something they can contend with, they still recklessly provoke them. This is the most disgusting thing.

The most important thing is that they seem to have a very unfriendly view of Qinghai people. From the first day they landed on the empty island, they were attacked by them. It can be seen that they are not a group of friendly guys.

"Anilu, admit your failure. Failure is not shameful. What is shameful is that you dare not admit your failure. Now, I can directly declare that I am the new god of Sky Island, and the only, unique god. Sky Island What you failed to accomplish here, I will definitely accomplish. This is the gap between you and me, admit it!"

Liu Xu didn't care about adding another pinch of salt to the enemy's wounds.

Anilu hated his teeth, but he had nothing to do. Now that his limbs and bones were shattered by black lightning, he had lost all his fighting power.

"Kill me, go to your so-called god seat!"

Enilu said bitterly, the dream could not be realized, and he was pulled down from the throne again, death is the best choice now.

"No, no, how could you die so easily, you have more important tasks."

Liu Xu laughed straight, and turned to elementalize and fly into the sky.

"From now on, I will be the new god of Sky Island, my name is Liu Xu, and my nickname is "Thunder Emperor"!"

The voice spread to the sky, and most people in the sky could hear it clearly.

Not calm, not calm at all.

The residents of the sky island failed to react at once, and fell into a sluggish state.

New God?Liu Xu?

What about Anilo?What about the former god Enel?

Where did he go?Defeated or missing?

Fear, more intense fear swept everyone's heart.

I was pulled out of the familiar rule and ruled by another person. Now I don't know what kind of person the other party is, and I don't know what method the other party will use to rule.

The fear of the unknown is the most disturbing, and the people of Sky Island have no idea what the road ahead will be like.

After announcing his strong presence, Liu Xu descended from the sky again and came to Ainilu.


Chapter 2465 Sending you to see the real God

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


"I wanted to kill you directly, but it seems that you have some effect on Thor, so I will send you to meet the real 'God' as you wish."

Liu Xu chuckled, and it was at this moment that the projection of Mieshi Jiuge appeared in his hand.

Under the illumination of the colorful light of Mie Shi Jiu Ge, Enilo turned into a fruit.

Devil Fruit!

Thunder Fruit!

With a flash of light, the thunderous fruit disappeared.

Liu Xu has obtained the ability of Thunder God to control electricity, so naturally he doesn't need the Thunderbolt Fruit, and he can't get new abilities after eating it, but Thor can replenish blood after eating it, and he is now in a weak state.

As a reward, Thor directly seized the control of the Ark Proverbs. Since then, Liu Xu has owned a ship that can fly in the air. A ship, full of thunderclouds.

"It seems that it can only be used as a collection for the time being, but it can be regarded as earning money."

Liu Xu curled his lips, but with the Proverbs of the Ark, he can summon Thunder Cloud as he likes, and the power will be even stronger.


After retreating from the giant vines, Liu Xu quickly found his four partners.

"Tina, are you all right?"

The consumption of the three women is very high, and they have shown good combat effectiveness in the battle with those magic soldiers and guards, but the large number of magic soldiers and guards still make them consume too much physical strength.

The situation in Columbia is relatively better. Among these few people, apart from Liu Xu, perhaps he is the strongest.

"No big problem, just maybe two days to recover from the exhaustion of the body."

Tina spoke softly, with a layer of exhaustion in her expression.

Seeing that the other two women were also in the same situation, Liu Xu said directly: "Let's rest in place, wait for the physical strength to recover, and then find soldiers to collect the temple."

"Mr. Captain, I want to check the news of the main text of history first."

Robin smiled gracefully. No matter how fierce the battle was, she was always able to maintain her consistent elegance and gentleness. She was like a mysterious violet.

Liu Xu was confused, frowned and said: "Robin, my opinion is to take a good rest. If you want to check the situation of the historical text, you should wait until you recover! Otherwise, what should I do when something happens?"

Liver tremor, it's almost painful.

Robin blushed, Mr. Captain, can we not talk like this... It is easy to be misunderstood, and it will be very embarrassing.

"Captain, you don't really like Robin, do you? Well, Robin is very beautiful and has a good figure."

Nami thief smiled, looking like a little fox who succeeded in her tricks.

Liu Xu took a look at her, Comrade Nami, this young master has his eyes on you, what should I do?How about trying the legendary "papa" now?


Rested in place for two days.

This is really a necessary weapon for home travel, murder and arson.

"Lieutenant General Liu Xu, the soldiers are all ready."

Tina was wearing a business suit skirt, and the justice coat behind her looked very high-spirited.

Hundreds of combat members of the headquarters followed behind her, with weapons in their hands, ready to participate in the battle at any time.

The fact that Liu Xu wanted to conquer the entire empty island was already tacit among them. Although this matter was a bit inconsistent with the rules of the navy, Lieutenant General Liu Xu didn't seem to have done many things that fully complied with the rules of the navy.

Therefore, I still follow Lieutenant General Liu Xu with peace of mind, maybe more exciting things will happen.

Seeing the attitude of these hundred combat members, Liu Xu smiled, with a look of satisfaction in his eyes. These guys were all cultivated by himself and belonged to his formation exclusively.

"First clean up the temple above the huge Tengman, and then there will be our station, as the station to rule the entire sky island. Also, quickly collect all the shells, as long as the shells that can be used in battle are collected, it is dangerous. Things are safe when they are in their own hands.”

His idea is simple and crude, repair the temple, collect shells, and lay down the entire sky island.

Defeating Enilo does not mean that you can get the entire Sky Island. There are also residents of Angel Island. Although they are gentle, they will not accept another god so easily.

There are also Sandia people, these militants are thorns one by one, if they are not beaten to the point where they are unable to resist, I am afraid that they will hit the temple as soon as they step off Sky Island, that is a sad thing.


When the order was issued, all combat members responded loudly, and then quickly climbed up the huge vine, and began to pack up the temple.

And Tina, Liu Xu and others searched for the whereabouts of the shells in a large area on the empty island. As long as they are usable shells are collected, the wind shells and impact shells can increase the speed of the warship, which is a very good device.

It took a long time to repair the temple. Not only did it need to transport materials from under the huge tent, but also need to be carefully crafted to create a warship with naval temperament. This is the most difficult thing.

The work of collecting shells has also come to an end. Outside the temple, shells with high hills are piled up, and all kinds of shells are sorted and placed.

"Lieutenant General Liu Xu, the work on the temple has been completed, should we start attacking now?"

Tina has the demeanor of a secretary, reporting the progress all the time.

"Of course, now you can start to attack the entire sky island and bring it under control."

"Lieutenant General Liu Xu, Tina suggests attacking the Sandians first."

Thinking of the Sandiya people she met when she was collecting shellfish, Tina felt uncomfortable for a while, and she really regarded herself as the same thing as an intruder every bite.

Liu Xu nodded in agreement directly, the thorns would be removed first, and the people on Angel Island would be more honest.

The order was issued, and the soldiers who had just completed the work of the temple assembled immediately, and the weapons in their hands were also equipped with various shells, including hot shells, shock shells, wind shells, and chop shells.

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