
Chapter 2466 I thought there was Thunder Shadow in Yunyin Village!

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


The Shandians were originally the descendants of the residents of Appayado, but they were expelled from Appayado by the gods at that time four hundred years ago. In the past four hundred years, they were the people who recaptured this island and Angel Island. There were quite a few battles.

Until Apayado was occupied by Enilo a few years ago, the conflict between the Sandia people and the people of Angel Island eased a little, but they were not so optimistic.

For the land of their ancestors, the Shandia are still fighting, fighting with the gods.

Now that Ainilu was killed by Liu Xu, the Sandia people took it for granted that Apayado should be returned to them, even if a battle broke out.


They never acknowledged the existence of any god.

Fighting, really fighting.

Choosing the Sandiyas was the best choice. Liu Xu and his men led the soldiers to the Yunyin Village in mighty force. This is the village where the Sandiyas lived, a village built on Yundao.

"Hit! Hit hard!"

When Liu Xu came outside Yunyin Village, he gave the order directly, and the horn of attack also sounded.

The Shandians who were preparing to plan how to retake the island were stunned for a moment, and were immediately stunned by the loud shouts of killing.

How could someone come to attack Yunyin Village?Aren't they always the only ones who attack?

The world is changing too fast, and the people of Shandia are a bit out of step with the times.

The navy soldiers will not have any mercy, equipped with various shell weapons to attack the nearest Sandia, and overthrow each of them.

But those who stubbornly resisted were not so lucky, Liu Xu personally ended their lives.

With this thought, Liu Xu acted decisively. If these people don't die, he will be the one who will be in trouble.

With such thoughts in mind, Liu Xu and the others quickly attacked and took the entire Yunyin Village under control in less than half a day.

In Yunyin Village, the smell of gunpowder smoke is everywhere. The war has already defeated Yunyin Village. The number of Shandians, who were not many, dropped sharply in this battle. There were less than [-] people, and the number of deaths reached [-]. Hundreds.

"Put away your sad eyes, war is so cruel, unless your strength can surpass mine. Just look at it now, you are still far behind."

Liu Xu said calmly, the weapons in the hands of more than a hundred Sandiya were directly confiscated by the navy soldiers, and only the resentful eyes could express their current emotions.

The bellicose Shandians will not give in so easily. It is their nature to be belligerent, and they can keep fighting until the last drop of blood is shed.

However, in the face of strong pressure and the threat of being slaughtered at any time, they still chose to surrender, but the resentment in their hearts would not diminish.

Those who know the current affairs are heroes, and Liu Xu appreciates this attitude very much, although they are very resentful and want to overthrow themselves.

But it is obvious that they are impossible to succeed. Why should the Sandia people with only more than a hundred people overthrow themselves?

Furthermore, by the time they have enough power, maybe Sky Island has been abandoned by Liu Xu.

The original plan was to slaughter all the Sandia, but after thinking about the residents of Angel Island, in order not to let others misunderstand that he is a tyrant, he still left them a little way out.

You must know that he is a very kind person, well, at least he thinks so.


The first Shandian lowered his head and said bitterly, surrender in front of the powerful force!

Temporary surrender is not shameful, even if it is shameful, use your own blood to wash away the shame in the future!

With the opening of the first person, the second person quickly expressed his attitude, and then more than [-] Shandians chose to surrender.

Liu Xu laughed, and said, "I thought there was Thunder Shadow in Yunyin Village!"

As he spoke, he turned around and left, leaving only a part of the navy soldiers to clean up the mess and put away the hidden shells and weapons.

In terms of safety, it's still better.

As for the current Shandian chiefs and powerful fighters such as war ghosts, Liu Xu did not give them a way to survive. It would be better for those bloodthirsty fighters to sleep underground.

Leading the rest of the soldiers to Angel Island, Liu Xu was a little tangled up. The people on Angel Island are relatively gentle, so should they kill them directly and then subdue them?

This idea tangled in his mind all the way, and he put it aside after arriving at Angel Island.

The residents of Angel Island learned that the new god led soldiers to Angel Island, and directly chose to surrender under the leadership of the former god Ganfur.

This surprised Liu Xu a little bit, the old guy Ganfur is still very eye-catching.

They voluntarily surrendered, so Liu Xu naturally had no reason to torture and kill them. Instead, he promulgated a series of laws.

"Since you have chosen to surrender, then I will give you some privileges accordingly. The land of Appayado gives you the right to develop, but no one is allowed to set foot in the three-kilometer radius of the huge Tengman. Also, Don't bother me at the temple."

After Liu Xu promulgated a series of laws, he took people away. It was too easy to conquer Angel Island.

"He seems to be different from the previous gods." A resident of Angel Island said cautiously.

The elderly Ganfur looked calm and said softly: "Don't be confused by the appearance, now do what he said!"

In the crowd, a girl with light yellow hair and long hair looked at Liu Xu's back, her brows were tangled together, how could he become a god?

too weird.


Night fell quietly, and everyone who returned to the temple had rested. Everyone who had been busy for a day could finally relax, and the matter of the empty island was finally resolved.

In a corridor somewhere in the temple, a figure sneaked up to one of the doors, looked left and right and turned the doorknob gently, and people flashed in instantly.

The room was dark, with no lights, only a little reflection of moonlight.


Chapter 2467 Like Both

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


A slight scent of perfume made the visitor shrug his nose and look at the big bed in front of him with treacherous eyes.

Tiptoeing, lurking close without the slightest sound, looking at the certain person covered by the quilt, Liu Xu secretly said: "It seems that I still haven't found it, how lucky I am."

Thinking of this, Liu Xu suddenly jumped up, lifted a corner of the quilt and got in, hugging a certain woman in the quilt directly.

The warm and fragrant nephrite, a soft feeling made Liu Xu's heart skip a beat.

Exciting, too exciting, this is simply creating an opportunity for him, thank God, this young master will definitely perform well.

When someone suddenly broke in, the person in the quilt would resist as soon as her body stiffened, but the following sentence made her stop.

"Secretary Tina, come and join this young master, hehe."

In a word, the person inside the quilt chose to remain silent, how could it be him?

God, this is embarrassing.

After Liu Xu said a word, his body was close to the other party. This woman who had been with him for three years was the one he was most familiar with. The three years of getting along gave him a feeling of affection.

Trembling, the body of the person in the quilt trembled fiercely, and a strange feeling made her almost collapse, what happened to this guy, what...

At this moment, the quilt was suddenly lifted up, and a coolness suddenly invaded the bodies of the two of them.

Liu Xu was puzzled, what happened?Tina was hugged by herself, who lifted the quilt?Looking for a draw?

Turning his eyes, he saw the person who lifted the quilt through a little moonlight, and he was dumbfounded.

Tina?How could it be Tina?Who is hugging now?

Looking down anxiously, her soft body is half-curled, and her long orange curly hair is very iconic.

Nami?It turned out to be Nami?

Liu Xu was completely dumbfounded. Nami's body in her arms trembled even more violently. She was fucked, fucked, discovered, and now she has no face to face anyone.

"Well, I don't know about you..."

Liu Xu was embarrassed and didn't know how to talk about this matter.

The two women fell silent. Originally, they planned to have a good chat about combat experience such as the Sixth Form of the Navy at night, but they did not expect such a thing to happen.

Embarrassing, endlessly embarrassing, not knowing how to explain what's going on here.

"It doesn't matter, I like both of you anyway. It's not a shameful thing."

Liu Xu smashed the jar and threw himself on it.

One night, like that.


In the early morning of the next day, Liu Xu ran to the luxurious restaurant of the temple early in the morning. Many buildings here still maintain the traces of the nouveau riche left by Enilo, and it will take a long time to make detailed rectifications.

Everything about last night was too mysterious, too lingering.

Originally, he only planned to achieve the ultimate in his relationship with Tina, and to establish the first woman in this world to have sex with him.

As a result, vigilance kills two birds with one stone, and the final breakthrough lies with Nami.

Comfortable, it is indeed a very comfortable thing.

It's just that happy things always make people forget important things.

For example, Liu Xu got his original partner...


This noble Tianlong princess, a queen who made Liu Xu her man, would she let it go so easily when she learned that Liu Xu had such a relationship with the woman beside her?


There were already many soldiers eating in the dining room, and Columbia and Robin were eating leisurely in front of a huge wooden dining table.

I thought it was a mature, beautiful, elegant, and mysterious beauty, and the other was a ruthless sniper who always maintained a gentlemanly demeanor. Both of them moved gracefully, in stark contrast to the slightly rough soldiers around them.

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