"Your Excellency Lieutenant General!"

"Lord Lieutenant General!"

"Lieutenant General Liu Xu!"

The soldiers along the way were in awe, and Liu Xu almost had an indelible status in their hearts.

Formidable power, sturdy "background", peaceful atmosphere, ruthless means.

These are the things they have to learn, and it is one of the reasons why they sincerely admire it.

Liu Xu responded one by one with a bright smile on his face, lamenting his luck in his heart.

If it were other soldiers, maybe they wouldn't be here now.

A lieutenant general who occupies other people's territory is a big event, and he may be dismissed by the Navy headquarters at any time.

And these soldiers followed him to take down the territory of Sky Island knowing this situation, which is enough for Liu Xu to thank them sincerely for their attitude.

Although, in his mind, he always thought that the Navy Headquarters would not give him small shoes because of this incident.

After all, the grievances and grievances in the Navy Headquarters have not been completely settled before, and many people in the Navy Headquarters now wish that he would make more troubles to offset it.

"Mr. Captain, what about Secretary Tina and Miss Nami?"

Seeing that there was only one person coming, and it was almost past dinner time, Robin was a little puzzled.

After she said this, Liu Xu instantly thought of the two women who were still lying motionless in the room, and a strange smile appeared on the corner of his mouth unconsciously.

"The two of them, I don't know, maybe they're still sleeping. No matter what, let's eat first, and then give them something to eat."

Having said that, he sat down directly and ate the delicious food on the table.

"Is it sick?"

Robin was puzzled for a while, could it be two people who were sick?

"Beautiful Miss Robin, Miss Nami and Secretary Tina should have something important. I think it's better not to disturb them."

Columbia has a gentle smile on his face. He is personable.

And Liu Xu despises this smile no matter how he looks at it. They are also men, can you not pretend?This girl must have thought of something.

Robin nodded slightly, and said, "That's right, I always need some private space no matter what."

With that said, he picked up the coffee in front of him and drank it gracefully.


Chapter 2468 From now on, I will be the king of Sky Island!

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


The fragrant coffee is refreshing and swept away the exhaustion of the successive events of this time.

Liu Xu obviously didn't have such a good taste to enjoy these coffees, although his previous life was a noble life.

It's just because of his personality that he doesn't pay too much attention to these things, it's his nature to be careless.

It took more than an hour for breakfast to be finished, the soldiers in the dining room had already left, and the daily training plan remained unchanged.

Tina had already arranged these things early in the morning, even if no one was present to supervise them, they would abide by them on their own, not to mention that there was a big captain and two sub-captains in this battle formation.


A young major came over, about [-] years old, about [-] meters tall, with short black hair, wearing a standard navy uniform, with a harsh coat of justice behind him.

Liu Xu, who had just finished eating, turned his head and asked, "Major Patience Bell, what's the matter?"

Patience Bell was originally just a sub-captain of the Navy Headquarters, serving on Liu Xu's warship, just an ordinary soldier.

He had been promoted by Liu Xu a few years ago to become the Major Commander of the Navy Headquarters and the captain of the warship.

A very good, dedicated and just navy.

In Liu Xu's words, being an ordinary soldier is too inferior, so he was given a chance to become the captain of the soldiers in command of the warship.

Patience Bell straightened her back, and said seriously: "Lieutenant General Liu Xu, there are hundreds of combatants in our department. Now that we have occupied the territory of Xiakong Island, do we need to arrange people to station here? If so, do we consider increasing the number of sailing journeys later?" Combatants?"

Liu Xu was startled, and almost forgot this crucial question.

After conquering Sky Island, it is necessary to arrange people to garrison, but now there are only a hundred soldiers on the warship, which is not a small trouble.

"Let's do this, arrange a team member to stay here, and add another team member at the same time, um, do you have any good candidates to introduce?"


Major Bell's eyes flashed brightly, and said: "Lieutenant General Liu Xu, if it is a candidate, I have a suggestion. In the Navy Headquarters, Rear Admiral Soros has a very strong team, about [-] people, who are just rebellious and disobedient. Discipline, I'm afraid it's hard to get."

"Okay, then it's decided. After leaving Sky Island, I will ask Sengoku to ask for this team. Unruly? Hehe, from now on, I will be king of Sky Island! They'd better be honest with me. Well, and, this A warship has also been remodeled, otherwise it won't fit!"


A leisurely morning was spent so happily.

There are still a lot of soldiers that a lieutenant-level general can lead. Liu Xu has only one warship and only a hundred combat members, which is a bit shabby.

Some lieutenant generals have a fleet and play a major role in sailing at sea.

A powerful fleet and a high-quality team can have a profound impact on the entire battle pattern.

Why sometimes the Navy Headquarters or the World Government will send people to various parts of the world, and sometimes even hold military parades, in order to show strong strength and superb quality, so as to have a certain impact on the world structure, have a certain deterrent effect.

"It's a shame, my young master is only such a little soldier, it seems that I can't get along with him."

Liu Xu sighed deeply. The two people next to him felt that they were too shameless. They had already returned to the Navy Headquarters, and even got the position of Vice Admiral of the Navy Headquarters. If he can't get along, who can get along? open?

"Mr. Captain, I'll bring some breakfast to Secretary Tina and Miss Nami."

Robin coughed and stood up. If he stayed any longer, his ears would not be able to bear it.

Send breakfast?Liu Xu smiled to himself, the scenery inside should startle her, right?I really want to see what her face looks like.

Columbia finished breakfast leisurely, picked up the sniper rifle beside him and left. He had a lot of tasks every day, and training the marksmanship of these soldiers was an important part.

Tina and Nami didn't leave the room until it was close to the afternoon.

Robin took the two women to the observatory on the square of the temple, where they would arrive every day, where they could see the training status of all the soldiers.

The two women who followed behind her walked slowly, their faces blushed, and when they remembered the expression on Robin's face when they entered the room, they became saddened, and it took a long time to explain things clearly.

"Drag her into the water!"

Nami whispered in Tina's ear, her words were serious and serious, it didn't seem like she was lying.

Surprise flashed across Tina's eyes, should I be so direct?Do you want to be so straightforward?but……

"Good idea, let's find a time like this..."

Tina responded in a low voice, and a series of schemes came out of her mouth again and again.

Thinking of Robin's laughing back and forth before, she is not convinced, and one day I have to let you try this feeling.

After all, the three of them had already walked to the viewing platform, where Liu Xu was the only one, and Columbia was teaching the soldiers how to shoot in the square.

"Yeah, you're here, don't you mean you're sick? You'll be fine so soon?"

Liu Xu seemed very surprised. The look of "I'm pure and I don't understand" made the two women's teeth itch with hatred, and all the advantages were taken. You are actually pretending to be stupid at this time.

Don't you want to eat it and wipe it clean, don't you admit it?Humph, be careful to break your third leg.

"Mr. Captain, the illness of Secretary Tina and Miss Nami is not a big problem. Is it not clear to Mr. Captain?"

Robin smiled and asked back, but why does this smile look a little dark?

Uh, my God, don't be like that.

Liu Xu smiled awkwardly. Of course he knew what happened to the two women, but Comrade Robin, can you stop talking like that?It sounded a bit resentful.


Chapter 2469 Can elementalization be done like this?

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


"Cough cough, it's fine, it's fine. Let's take a look at their training now. It's very fruitful. After three years of training, their achievements are already very high."

Changing the subject, decisively changing the subject, Liu Xu broke into a sweat.

Tina and Nami sat next to him, looking at him with unpredictable expressions, which really made people tremble.

And Robin seemed to understand something, and smiled slightly, pulled a chair, sat at a relatively far distance, and read a book.

"Good job, Robin."

Nami gave a thumbs up secretly, what she wants is such an environment, hehehe, now it's time to clean you up.

Thinking of this, Nami's slender hand slowly approached Liu Xu's soft waist, pinched it and turned it hard.

Um?No movement?Nami was tangled, why didn't she scream as she should, and why was the touch wrong?

He lowered his head and looked, good guy, his hand directly passed through Liu Xu's body, this guy turned elemental?Look at this guy's expression again, looking at the soldiers training below with a straight face.

Can elementalization work like this?

"Finger gun!"

Nami was ashamed, and directly attacked with the Sixth Form of the Navy. However, the Sixth Form of the Navy is also a physical attack after all, and it has no effect on his elementalization at all.

Depressed, Nami is a little discouraged, this guy is too rascal, under the elementalization, he has no way to attack him at all.

"Lieutenant General Liu Xu, to what extent do you think the elementalization of the natural department can reach? Tina is very confused."

Tina asked softly, the expression on her face seemed calm and pointed.

"Ah? Elementalization, this, this level..."

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