Liu Xu couldn't pretend anymore, he knew Nami's actions clearly, but Nami didn't directly say his elementalization, so he followed suit.

Now Tina's words made him stop pretending, otherwise he would be suspected of committing suicide.

In desperation, the elementalization was lifted, and as soon as the elementalization was lifted, I felt what is called pain.

Nami's movements were very blunt, and the [-]-degree rotation of the two-finger Zen was a heart-wrenching pain that any man could understand.

However, Tina and Nami also took it as soon as they saw it, and took a small revenge for someone's irresponsible words just now and no longer aimed at him. Instead, they put their hands on the place where he was pinched and rubbed lightly. on.

Liu Xu chuckled, this is really the rhythm of sticks and carrots.

Still, the little massage was really nice.

With the passage of time bit by bit, the matters in the sky island have basically been dealt with, Liu Xu directly left the temple with his soldiers, and went directly to the warship to go to the great route.

Here, only one unit of soldiers is strictly guarded to ensure the tranquility of this territory.

Liu Xu was a little excited when he returned to the familiar warship. This warship, which has been there for three years, has strong feelings no matter what.

Reluctant to give up, I feel a little bit reluctant in my heart. In order to expand my formation, I am afraid that this warship will have to undergo some transformation before it can accommodate a large number of naval soldiers.

Or, it can be solved by another way.

It's a pity that only Liu Xu can ride the Ark.

He quickly dialed the phone bug of the Warring States period, told his request, and directly asked to get the tiger and wolf division under Major General Soros into his formation.

The Warring States period is embarrassing, this kind of soldier is not easy to deal with!

He had the impression that that team was a very fierce team among the soldiers in the Navy Headquarters, but the character was really hard to control.

What's more, he didn't know what Major General Soros was thinking about directly bringing this team under Liu Xu's command.

"Warring States, you have a nice word, isn't it a tougher team, there is nothing to give up."

Liu Xu urged, and the warship also headed towards the end of the sky at this time, which is the way to leave the [-]-meter altitude.

Zhan Guo sighed deeply, and said: "Okay, I will take care of this matter, and then let this team report directly to you. But you have to be careful, this team is not so simple. controlling."

He finally agreed, and at the same time expressed his concerns.

Liu Xu chuckled, Zhan Guo was still a little bit intimidated by him, he probably still thinks that his anger has not subsided.

"By the way, when the time comes, get me two more warships for those soldiers to use. The lieutenant admiral of the dignified naval headquarters has only one warship. It's a little embarrassing to say that this young master."

Um?Warring States brows twitched, this kid is a little bit of an inch now, warships, warships, well, let's give it, the most important thing in the navy headquarters is warships.

"No problem, I will arrange two heavyweight ships for you then."

In the Warring States Period, he looked like a bachelor.

Overjoyed, Liu Xu laughed, and said: "Warring States, you're still very interesting. That's it for now. By the way, send my regards to Lieutenant General Kapu, Lieutenant General Hehe and that slob Qingzhi."

After he finished speaking, he hung up the phone bug, feeling better.

The Warring States in the naval headquarters were speechless for a long time. Greet the three of them on your behalf?Why don't you say hello to me, you just want this and that when you come up.

After a while, a deep smile appeared in the eyes of Warring States, and this kid became more and more interesting.


On the deep purple warship that sailed in the first half of the great route, Liu Xu still watched the strict training of the soldiers on the deck relaxedly on his balcony as usual.

Now there is only one squadron of soldiers, except for a captain and a squadron leader, there are only [-] combat members left.

This number is very small, which is too small for a huge warship.

The soldiers trained on the deck were less lively in the past, and fifty people only occupied less than half of the training grounds on the deck.

There is less of the hustle and bustle of the past, and more tranquility.


Chapter 2470 Diversion, Magic Triangle

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


The carrier pigeon, which had been wearing a sailor cap, flew to Liu Xu and stopped. Nami was the first to rush to the balcony, and directly bombarded the carrier pigeon with a round of bargaining, which made Liu Xu beside him break out in a cold sweat.

Cruel, too cruel, Mina, you are a multi-millionaire woman after all, why did you bargain for so long for this little Bailey!

"Really, it's getting more and more expensive. If it's more expensive, I won't want it in the future."

Nami was holding a pile of newspapers and leaflets and complaining, and the flying pigeon staggered and almost fell into the sea and drowned.

"Well, the auction? Interesting, you can exchange some Bailey. Tour? Boring, waste time and Bailey..."

Nami looked at the newspapers and leaflets, and only picked out a few that she was interested in, and these were basically related to her hobbies.

Liu Xu shrugged and took the newspapers to read. A leaflet caught his attention when he first read it.

"Monkey D. Luffy, the Straw Hat Boy, is extremely vicious, disrupting the order at sea, and offering a reward of [-] million Baileys."

The flyer is Luffy's avatar and the iconic straw hat, and there are some notes below.

"Why is this kid still offered a reward? And it's still such a high reward, it's unscientific!"

Liu Xu was puzzled, and looked directly at the notes below.

Monkey D. Luffy found several of his companions sailing on the sea after he went out to sea, which was nothing. The reason for being rewarded is actually very simple, that is, he participated in a battle.

In the kingdom of Alabasta, he fought against Crocodile. Although he was finally defeated by the sand crocodile and rescued by his partner, it did not prevent his combat effectiveness from being recognized, so there was such a reward.

After reading these annotations, Liu Xu could only lament that this kid was destined to fight the sand crocodile, but the ending is different now.

The sand crocodile was not beaten by him, but beat him up. This may be because Liu Xu's arrival in Alabasta made some changes in the sand crocodile.

"One hundred million Baileys! Tsk tsk, it seems that it's time to train again."

Liu Xu chuckled.

"Yo? Come again?"

Liu Xu flicked the bounty list in his hand, and another carrier pigeon appeared in front of him, but this carrier pigeon was different from the previous one. It was gray in color and had a pirate flag on it. Violet wings and two long swords pierced a skull.

"It seems that this guy finally came with some information, very eye-catching."

Liu Xu laughed and grabbed the carrier pigeon.

Crocodile, the sand crocodile of one of the seven kings of the sea, he himself is an ambitious man, and his plan in Alabasta is progressing smoothly. The straw hat boy Luffy is destined to be a tragedy.

Not only did it not dry up the sand crocodile like in the original book, but it was severely repaired by the sand crocodile, which caused such a sad thing.

It has been such a long time since the cooperation with Liu Xu, and it is the first time that information has been sent to Liu Xu, the information about the strong in the first half of the great route.

Holding that small piece of information, Liu Xu's eyes were unpredictable. The sand crocodile is good at conspiracies and tricks. If he didn't send any information before, he probably didn't really want to cooperate.

And after going through the matter of the Navy Headquarters, that guy must have received some wind, so he sent the information over.

I don't know what kind of thoughts he is holding. He must have obtained Alabasta and the news of the historical text by now.

Promising to give him the ancient weapon Pluto is a bit like a blank check, but why can't it come true?

Now the blueprint for making Hades is in his hands, and he can create a powerful Hades at any time.

It's just that Pluto's power is really that powerful?Can you really conquer the world?Don't be kidding, after all, it's just a battleship. There are many people in the One Piece world that can be easily destroyed, such as the strong ones such as Whitebeard. The shock fruit causes earthquakes and tsunamis, which can easily engulf Pluto.

The information sent by Crocodile is very simple and clear. A strong man suddenly appeared in the first half of the great route, and a strong man who was seriously injured, but it has now been taken away by Moonlight Moriah, and the time is only two days away from now. , Moonlight Moria should not have returned to the horror barque.

That is a transformation madman who transformed himself with refined iron, the owner of the domineering and armed domineering, and the owner of the superhuman hardened armor fruit.

Scientist, this is a great scientist!

Looking at the information in his hands, Liu Xu became more and more satisfied. He didn't expect Sand Crocodile to give such a big gift, and he would feel sorry for him if he didn't follow up.

"Nami, divert to the Magic Triangle."

As soon as he thought of it, Liu Xu immediately ordered to change the original route and go directly to the Magic Triangle.

It takes a lot of time to get off the boat from Sky Island to reach the Magic Triangle, and you have to go through many islands, such as Gahuan Long Island, Sift Station, and Water Seven Capitals.

Without stopping for a moment, Liu Xu's purple warship plunged headlong into the magical triangle area filled with thick fog.

"Ah, there are even islands here!"

Nami, who is a navigator, was amazed. It is really surprising that the island can be seen here, and it is such a huge island.

In front of them, an extremely huge island stands in front of them. The island is covered with various vegetation, including castles, mansions and other places, as well as mountains and flowing water.

And right in front of the island is a gate that looks like a devil's ferocious bloody mouth, eerily eerie.

In this area where the fog is filled with no sunlight, the black bats flying from the sky from time to time add a lot of dark and eerie atmosphere to the island.

Liu Xu knows the origin of this island very well. It looks like an island, but it is actually a huge sailing ship.

A three-masted sailing ship dedicated to Moonlight Moria, one of the Shichibukai under the king, a terrifying three-masted sailing ship.


Chapter 2471 Talking about life with Moonlight Moriah

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


"Nami, you have to be careful. This is not as simple as an island. This is the territory of the king Shichibukai Moonlight Moria. It is a huge sailboat. The things inside are not simple. If you are not careful, you will catch fire. Got it."

Be careful, Moonlight Moria is a very fierce guy, his ability is too weird and unpredictable, and his strength is very powerful.

He was able to fight against Kaido ten years ago. Although he failed, he was able to survive. From this alone, it can be seen that his hidden power is definitely not that simple.

Wang Xia Qiwuhai, this term makes a few people jump. It is a big pirate with a bounty of hundreds of millions, and it is also a big pirate recognized by the world's conquest. I didn't expect this to be his territory, and now I am breaking into it. Is it suitable?

"Captain, are we really going in?"

Nami flinched a little, that's the king Shichibu Haye, if you are not careful, you will lose your life, so it's better not to offend others, okay?Wait, why is the captain so familiar?And let her drive here?

For a moment, Nami seemed to understand something, and her face was full of sadness, Captain, you are not shallow!

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