"Of course, Moria, that lonely, cold guy, we always want us to talk to him about life, otherwise he is so pitiful."

Liu Xu grinned, thinking of Moriah's exaggerated and disproportionate figure, he found it interesting, and the countless zombies, this guy is also a tragic figure!

In the New World, all the crew members were killed, and finally returned to the first half of the great voyage. Ten years ago, he drove the terrifying three-masted sailing ship into the Magic Triangle, and met with the genius surgeon Hobak that day. Cooperate and build your own zombie army.

Lonely. Lonely cold?Columbia has a chill, can you stop saying that, Mr. Captain?That will greatly affect the image of Shichibukai under the king.

Among the two Qiwukai that I have encountered so far, one is the cruel world's number one swordsman, and the other is the sand crocodile with extreme ambitions. How can these two have nothing to do with Lonely Lonely Leng Leng!

"Nami, come to the shore, this time all the staff will be ready to fight at any time."

With a big wave of her hand, Nami's black-lined helm quickly sailed into the terrifying three-masted sailing ship, bastard, it's such an exciting game, it won't be so easy for you to go to Miss Ben's bed in the future.

As soon as the warship docked, Liu Xu, who was gearing up, couldn't hold back anymore, and walked down first.

I really want to see how much surprises that transformation maniac can bring me.

Following behind him were four companions and the remaining fifty combatants.

Boarding the terrifying three-masted sailing ship, all the soldiers were cautious. This is the territory of Wangxia Qiwuhai, and they were accidentally killed by others. Who will they turn to at that time?

To guard against the enemies that may appear at any time around, the soldiers are very cautious and maintain a good formation.

It's just that things are not going well for them.

Only after advancing for a distance of less than [-] meters, suddenly a bunch of characters with strange shapes appeared from all directions, and rushed towards them, the number was about [-].

Weird outfits, some of them were covered in bandages, looking like they were about to die at any time, but the other party's movements were flexible and seemed not to be affected.

Some crawled forward on the ground, but their speed was still full.

One thing these people have in common is that they seem to have no self-consciousness, even if they are machines, they are executing certain commands.

"Zombie soldiers?"

The appearance of these people reminded Liu Xu that these guys must be the zombie soldiers created by Moria, and they are also the worst kind.

There is a corresponding number on the body of these soldiers, ranging from 400 to 799. Although their actions are relatively flexible, they do not have any weapons on their bodies, and they do not seem to pose much threat.

"Kill them!"

With a wave of Liu Xu's hand, fifty soldiers rushed forward like wolves and tigers, some directly attacked with rifles, some with samurai swords, and all of their weapons were equipped with Bei's weapons without exception.


The soldier holding the rifle pulled the trigger, and a scorching wave of air flew out from the muzzle of the gun and rushed towards the zombies in front, or a shock wave flew out directly.

The scorching fireball and shock wave instantly hit the zombies in front, directly burning the bodies of these zombies, and some were directly shattered by the shock wave.

"Eh? It doesn't seem very strong!"

A soldier was surprised that these menacing-looking guys had no fighting power. This, is this a rhythm to blind their eyes?

The enemy was not very good, and the soldiers suddenly became enthusiastic. The soldier with the samurai sword rushed forward. The samurai sword equipped with Rebei and Slashbei was very powerful. After some random hacking, it was cleared out. A large open space made the four hundred zombie soldiers dumbfounded. What happened just now?It's not scientific.

The zombie soldiers were at a loss, but Liu Xu's soldiers became more courageous as they fought. This was the first hard battle on the terrifying three-masted sailing ship that swallowed more than a hundred ships every year.

Dropped, dropped, dropped again!

Nearly [-] zombie soldiers were wiped out quickly after the soldiers in the navy headquarters were equipped with shells. Liu Xu, a soldier in the headquarters, was speechless when he saw the confidence slowly growing.

These zombie soldiers are just trash fish. They basically have no fighting power. They are only a little stronger than ordinary people. How can they make you so satisfied?

"Okay, don't get too complacent, these are just trash fish, just the lowest zombies, and challenging battles are yet to come."

Can't help but interrupt the infinite fantasy of these soldiers. If it goes on like this, it is estimated that a few of them will have to watch these soldiers put on a fantasy reality show here.

After Liu Xu's scolding, these things came to his senses, and he returned behind Liu Xu with his head half down. Lieutenant General Liu Xu, give everyone a little time to relax, just a little bit will be fine.


Chapter 2472 The right fruit is not on the right person!

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


"Mr. Captain, how many similar zombies are there on this terrifying barque? Are there other more powerful zombies?"

Robin's firm eyes showed doubts. Judging from Liu Xu's words, there are more powerful zombies, but what about this number?Quantity may be the most critical issue.

And the fighting strength of that Moonlight Moriah, what level of his strength has he achieved, are they sure they will win?

Judging from past experience, Mr. Captain is ready to fight with Moonlight Moriah. These things can be reflected from Sand Crocodile and Anilu.

It seems that Mr. Captain challenged those people with a certain purpose, not blindly.

Is it to accumulate combat experience?Or for something else?If it's for bounty, it seems unlikely!

The clever archaeologist Nicole Robin seems to have thought of something. Her mind is the most delicate among the few women at present, and she is also the one who thinks the most comprehensively.

"The number of zombies here is not very large, and the strength is also uneven, but there are some more powerful zombies, these zombies were created by Moria deprived of the shadow and put into the corpse, and they have the power of the shadow master. , but the power of the Devil Fruit cannot be obtained."

Powerful, such an ability is too powerful.

From Liu Xu's point of view, this is like a cheat. If he has such ability, then he would directly challenge some strong men, deprive them of their shadows, and then put them into the transformed corpses. Soon be able to create a powerful army of zombies.

Moria went to bring back a strong man before, maybe he already had such an idea.

"Captain, will we be deprived of the shadow? How did he deprive the shadow?"

Nami's face was very tangled, as expected, none of Shichibukai was a simple character.

Liu Xu couldn't help laughing, Nami was a little worried, right?If he wasn't certain, would he barge in so foolishly?

"Morlia's shadow of deprivation uses a special pair of large scissors, so if you encounter him, you should pay attention and be careful."

Ah, so there is such an iconic weapon!

Immediately, several people breathed a sigh of relief, it seems that the situation is not so bad!

Suddenly, Liu Xu's expression changed, and his eyes seemed to flick to a place unintentionally.

As far as the eye can see, there is nothing, only the zombie soldiers defeated by the naval soldiers are scattered on the ground. The defeated shadow zombies are not actually dead, but their bodies are destroyed and cannot provide shelter for these shadows. .

But Liu Xu's heart network has already caught a little voice.

The ability of Xinwang is now possessed by several people in Colombia. When they captured a priest in Sky Island and forced him to speak out the cultivation method of Xinwang, several people in Columbia naturally had the opportunity to learn it.

It's just that because the learning time is too short, I can't use it freely, and it doesn't work when it fails, which is very embarrassing.

Within the coverage area of ​​Liu Xu's heart net, he had already caught a deep voice. Although there was no one there, it was difficult to escape the heart net's ability to capture it.

"Abu Salom, the transparent fruit ability!"

This character appeared in Liu Xu's mind, one of the three dozen monsters of the terrifying three-masted sailing ship, a guy whose body had been transformed by Hobuck, possessing the jaws of a lion, the skin of an elephant, and the mighty strength of a bear and an orangutan.

The transparent fruit is a very practical auxiliary fruit. If it is used reasonably, it can properly exert a powerful force in some big battles.

If the navy wants to attack any side, use the transparent fruit owner to contact some strong people, and then go to the opponent's camp to start the battle.

Just the sudden appearance of a strong man can shake the opponent's military spirit, and even directly kill the opponent's leader, ending the battle with ease.

"The right fruit is not on the right person! For example, I used it to peek at women taking a shower..."

Liu Xu was secretly annoyed.

Absalom gradually approached Robin, his heart was already a little excited, and the frequency of his heart beat a lot faster.

Perfect, perfect, there are several beauties among the people who appeared this time, well, let's start with you!

Approaching the enemy silently, Absalom knew the power of his transparent fruit, so basically no one could find him unless he showed his body.

Liu Xu's eyes gradually turned, and an important thing flashed in his mind. It seemed that he had done something to Robin in the original book.

Damn, I almost missed a major event.

Thinking of this, he suddenly became angry, and almost forgot that Absalom is a perverted sex maniac, who often uses his ability to spy on women, and it must be no good for him to be close to Robin now.


With a roar, Liu Xu directly kicked towards Abu Salom's position, and his feet became pitch black.

Um?What's the matter, Mr. Captain?

His sudden action made several people puzzled. Did he start cramping again or something? How did he do things so weird?

But they soon lost their composure. Liu Xu kicked over, and when he was three meters in front of Robin, he paused as if he encountered some resistance, and then continued to pass through.


A substantive muffled sound made people's heart skip a beat, and a white explosion suddenly appeared at the place where Liu Xu had kicked before, followed by a roar, and a strange-looking person appeared in sight.

Gorgeously dressed and terrifyingly long-haired man, wearing a round high hat, ball earrings on both ears, a shirt and trousers, a coat with a high-necked long trench coat, and long boots, his face is like a lion.

This is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that his hands are stretched forward at the moment, and looking along his hands, it turns out to be Robin's direction.


Chapter 2473

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


Look at this guy's face again, dammit, where did such a wretched guy come from?

The situation became clear in an instant, this guy must be trying to attack Robin, damn, beat him!

Abu Salom was kicked by Liu Xu as fast as lightning, and a burst of unspeakable pain hit his whole body, causing his facial features to start to twist.

Then, a huge force pushed his body directly to the side.


With a roar, Absalom flew sideways, and finally fell hard on the ground, dragging out a trench more than ten meters long.

Liu Xu, who kicked in the air, stood in front of Robin, looked at the position of Abu Salom and snorted coldly.

"You old bastard, you actually want to attack Robin..."

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