When Liu Xu saw this spirit clone, he immediately lost love. Thinking of these fifty or so people feeling depressed and complaining about all kinds of pessimistic and negative things, his liver trembled. That scene would be very painful.

The soldiers reacted quickly and avoided the pessimistic ghost's attack without hesitation. However, after the attacks of the spirit clones missed the target, they quickly turned around and continued to attack.

The attack of the spirit body is under Perona's control, as long as she wants, she can change the direction anytime and anywhere.

For a time, the soldiers were too tired to deal with the attack of the pessimistic ghost, and had no time to take care of Perona's further actions.

The scene was a bit chaotic, Liu Xu frowned, it seemed that something had to be done to wake this girl up.

Hmm, this method should work fine.


Chapter 2475 Lord of the Horrible Barque

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


"Hey, Perona, you are now surrounded, put down your weapons and surrender. Otherwise, the bomb in my hand that can blow up the entire terrifying barque will instantly bomb you to death and turn you into a real ghost. "

After the words fell, a piece of black iron appeared in Liu Xu's hand, and purple arcs flashed across the surface of the black iron.

Um?bomb?Perona was puzzled for a while, does this navy have such a bomb?impossible?

Looking at the piece of black iron in Liu Xu's hand with puzzled eyes, Perona never believed that there was such a bomb, how could this be possible!

"Hmph, it seems that you don't believe it anymore, so let me show you the power of this bomb. Do you mind using you to test it?"

As he spoke, Liu Xu waved his hand and prepared to throw the black iron in his hand towards the opponent.

"do not want!"

Perona screamed suddenly and hugged her head, and Liu Xu's movements stopped instantly.

"Hmph, this is the latest bomb developed by the navy. Now stand still and don't move. As soon as this thing explodes, hum."

There was obvious contempt on Liu Xu's face, as if the thing in his hand gave him a lot of confidence.

Perona looked at this situation and screamed again and again, and the sharp screams spread throughout the entire castle, making people feel pained when they heard it.

Perona, who was holding her head and screaming, made everyone dumbfounded, and the attack of the pessimistic ghost completely stopped at this time and gradually disappeared.

What's wrong with this girl?And Lieutenant General Liu Xu, what is this thing in your hand, old man?

Robin beside him smiled lightly, Mr. Captain is so uncute, to scare a little sister in such a way, is this appropriate?In other words, this little sister is too frightening!

Columbia can only deeply sigh at the shamelessness of Mr. Captain. He even made a piece of broken copper and iron, and a little girl was fooled by the power of lightning. Look at this scream that is comparable to the sound of a dolphin, and look at the fear. The little face, Mr. Captain, how can you let it go?

That's right, the thing in Liu Xu's hand is just an ordinary piece of black iron. After covering it with a little purple arc, it looks quite capable of scaring people.

At least this Princess Mononoke couldn't help being scared, and was easily bluffed.

How did Liu Xu know what they were thinking, and he yelled at Perona, saying, "Don't move, just stay there obediently, or I will blow up the whole terrifying three-masted sailing ship."

After finishing speaking, he turned to Tina and said, "Tina, there is a small room at the end of this corridor, where Perona's body is located, go and bring her back!"

Tina was surprised for a moment, and then walked towards the end of the corridor. When passing by Perona's soul, she could only give a deep silence. The child is now very frightened.

A very loving princess ghost was brought back under the control of Tina's threshold fruit. She was in a coma. She was dressed exactly like her soul, but her height was slightly shorter.

Seeing her body being controlled, Perona's heart was filled with grief and indignation. These navy were too fierce. How did he know where his body was?Unscientific!

She carefully looked at Liu Xu, who was already on the same level as a demon in her mind, with fear. It seemed that she couldn't make any changes if her body was attacked. What should she do?Should I go back to my body?

The superhuman ghost fruit can make her soul separate from her body, pass through walls, and hide in any corner, and any physical attack has no effect on her.

However, these natural attacks still have a great killing effect on her, and if the main body is snapped off by someone, she will also die and become a real ghost.

"Hey, go back to your body obediently and stay there!"

Liu Xu touched his nose, and he immediately put away the black iron.

Perona nodded again and again, and the soul god quickly returned to her body, looking at Liu Xu's pocket silently, not daring to say a word.

"Yo... have you all rushed over here?"

Suddenly Liu Xu smiled strangely, the power of Xinwang captured many people, and they were rushing here.

These people are naturally transformed zombies, and there are a few more powerful ones.

By the way, how did they know they were in this place?

With this kind of doubt, Liu Xu turned and left the castle. Others naturally followed behind him. Perona was supported by Bettina and Robin. Her slender legs seemed a little unstable.

Outside the castle, a group of zombies rushed towards here, some in animal form, some in samurai form, in different shapes.

Liu Xu didn't care much about these zombies coming from all directions. What he cared about was another guy, Moonlight Moriah.

At the rear of these zombies, a man with a height of nearly seven meters, looks like a devil, has two horns on the forehead, and has pointed ears and teeth. There are cross-shaped stitches from head to neck similar to stitching wounds, and he wears a bat-shaped collar. The shirt and Gothic art clothing, the upper body is slender and the lower body is like a ball, the whole person looks like a tumbler.

Moonlight Moriah, this is Moonlight Moriah, the owner of the terrifying barque!

Standing proudly outside the castle, the surrounding zombie soldiers have already surrounded them, and they have no intention of attacking these people.

"Hehehe, it's actually the navy?"

Moonlight Moria at the back opened his mouth full of sharp teeth and laughed loudly.

The iconic justice coat of the person outside the castle can easily identify the identity of the other party, the navy, that is absolutely not wrong.

"If it weren't for the thunder and lightning just now, I didn't know that there was a navy coming!"

Moonlight Moriah thought silently, Liu Xu's unicorn bombed Lola, resounding throughout the three-masted sailing ship, which is why Moonlight Moriah and others rushed here.


ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"

Chapter 2476 Give him to me

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


In this magical triangle area, thunderstorms are very, very rare. It is dark here, and I have not seen what thunder and lightning look like for many years.

There is no doubt that the strange lightning must be someone using the power of the devil fruit.

A person with a natural devil fruit ability descended on the terrifying three-masted sailing ship. As the host, Moonlight Moria had no reason not to come out to meet him.

"Huh? Kind of familiar!"

Moonlight Moria moved his bat-like claws hands, but he was full of doubts in his heart. The image of this person looked familiar, as if he had seen it somewhere before.

The doubts in his stomach made him walk towards the other party, and the zombies around him instantly retreated a path.

The height of nearly seven meters is conspicuous among these zombies. Liu Xu was the first to discover his existence. After carefully observing the opponent's body structure, he finally sighed fiercely. There are so many strange-looking zombies in this world. My fellow, looking at this completely out-of-proportion body, it is simply a crime...

Columbia and others followed behind Liu Xu. The sudden appearance of a large number of zombies did not bring much pressure to them. The only one who could clearly feel the pressure was the huge Moonlight Moria. The biggest guy ever, but a very stressful guy.

"Moonlight Moria, this young master has only come out since he came to you. It's a bit unreasonable, isn't it?"

Liu Xu said with a smile, seeing that the other party obviously meant that he didn't intend to fight, but just came out to check something, so he naturally relaxed.

"Hehehehe, I didn't expect it to be you, Lieutenant General Liu Xu."

Moonlight Moriah stopped and grinned loudly.

Recognized, Moonlight Moria finally remembered the identity of this guy, he was a little surprised, what is a lieutenant general from the Navy Headquarters doing here?

Moonlight Moria rarely leaves the horror barque, but this does not prevent him from knowing the first half of the great route. The magical creatures like carrier pigeons can pass through the worst waters and properly deliver newspapers and leaflets to some people. hands.

The promotion of a major admiral to lieutenant admiral, which had been widely publicized by the Navy Headquarters before, had no reason why he did not know such important news.

"Then Lieutenant General Liu Xu, what advice do you have for my terrifying three-masted sailing ship? Also, why did you arrest my subordinates?"

Recognizing the identity of the other party, Moonlight Moria was very relaxed, and the zombies under him gradually disarmed when they saw this. Although the other party was the navy, they were loyal to Moonlight Moria and they would not resist any of his orders.

Liu Xu curled his lips and said, "Molia, it's inconvenient to talk here now. Naturally, I came here to find something for you. Do you think it's appropriate to talk here? Really, I don't know whether to buy me a cup of coffee or tea or something. ?"

"Hehehe, Lieutenant General Liu Xu, then come with me!"

Moonlight Moria was surprised for a moment and then laughed, leading people towards his residence.

Moria's residence is not luxurious, but it is very huge, with a ceiling of dozens of meters high, and various crystal pendants, which are all built according to his height.

There was a cup of coffee on the huge table in front, no, it should be said that there was a pot of coffee, Liu Xu frowned, this huge coffee is a crime, right?How many servings does this have!

Dismissing the idea of ​​drinking coffee, Liu Xu cut to the chase and said, "Moonlight Moriah, I heard that you recently found a strong man who was seriously injured? And he's also a scientist?"

"Oh? If there is such a thing, so what?"

Moria glanced at him, took a sip of coffee, and looked relaxed.

"Give him to me, this man is useful to me."

Moria stopped drinking coffee, and looked at Liu Xu with strong doubts and dissatisfaction in his eyes.

A powerhouse that he has worked so hard to acquire, and a powerhouse who can improve the strength of his zombie army. This vice admiral means something. He actually wants such a scientology. Does he also have some hidden secrets? ?

"First of all, what are you going to do with him?"

Moria looked at Liu Xu with interest, and the dissatisfaction in her eyes was quickly hidden.

They all have their own purposes. Some of the things to be done cannot be known to the public, and some of the things they do seem to be deviant, but they have valid reasons.

Moonlight Moria's purpose has long been known, or some people already know his ultimate purpose.

One Piece!

This supreme throne always attracts many people to go to the sea, and there is no shortage of such characters in the Qiwuhai under the king.

When One Piece Roger was executed, many people in the Qiwuhai under the king witnessed it with their own eyes.

Therefore, some people in the Qiwuhai under the king may have been influenced by Roger and rushed to the sea.

"Morlia, then why don't you tell us your purpose? What kind of dreams do you have? Why do you need so many strong and zombie legions?"

Liu Xu asked back. Now he has a strong advantage, and his target is not clear to the opponent. What he has done will not have any negative impact on the navy at present, but has a very positive effect.

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