"Hehehe, Lieutenant General Liu Xu, everyone has their own ideas, so why do you ask so many questions! It's okay to tell you, I am interested in collecting strong people, do you understand? Besides, the one in the Seven Martial Seas under the king doesn't have the skills A powerful force? This is recognized by the world government, hehehehe..."

Moonlight Moria kept laughing, and the identity of the king, Qiwuhai, is the best cover. As long as they don't do anything too cruel, the world government will not cause them any harm at all.

Treacherous tumbler.

Liu Xu cursed silently in his heart. He is quite clear about Moria's character. A guy who was heartbroken by Kaido in the new world thinks that as long as he is alive, he will lose it, so he cooperated with Hogubak to create a zombie. Legion.


Chapter 2477 Prepare in advance...

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


"Molia, put away your tricks of deceiving children! I don't care about your crap, give me that strong man, and I will provide you with an information as a price."

intelligence?Moria laughed, actually wanting to exchange a piece of information for a strong person, can you stop being so funny?

Liu Xu curled his lips and said, "What's so funny, this information is very important to you."

The others were also surprised. What kind of information did Lieutenant General Liu Xu get, and he wanted to exchange the information for a strong man? Could it be that he was planning to scare people again?

From the matter of Perona, several people have concluded that Lieutenant General Liu Xu can always use some methods to scare others to achieve his goal. Look at Perona who is still cowering next to him, this poor child is very frightened!

Having said that, Moria became a little interested, and said: "Then you can talk about it, as long as there is enough information to exchange for a strong person, then the deal will be closed. Don't worry, I will do what I say."

"it is good!"

Liu Xu felt relieved, and his mind turned quickly, thinking about everything about Moria.

"Life, information related to your life. The pacifist and Doflamingo, who is also one of the seven warriors under the king, must be familiar to you, right?"

Finally, a crucial thing came to mind, and it was indeed enough to cause serious trauma to him and endanger his life.

The pacifist is the humanoid weapon of the world government, which can use laser light to attack the enemy. The cost of a pacifist is equivalent to a warship, which is a very terrifying weapon.

As for this Doflamingo, his strength is even stronger, and Moria naturally knows how much the opponent's strength has reached.

"What are you talking about?"

Moria's face was already serious. If these things were really involved, then this information would be really important.

"Destroy, Brother Doflamingo will deprive you of the identity of Qiwuhai and obliterate you. I think you should be very clear about his identity, and the power he possesses is not something you can easily contend with. Don't doubt the authenticity of this information, There's no need to fool you with such boring information."

Liu Xu doesn't care about revealing these things in advance. Anyway, there will be a battle at that time, and now some of the world's routes have been destroyed, so why worry?

Moonlight Moria fell silent, as Liu Xu said, there is no need to fool him with such boring information.

So according to his information, what exactly is Doflamingo trying to kill him for?And get the pacifists from the world government.

These things are terrible.

"If this is the case, then, prepare in advance..."

Moria thought silently, and looked at Liu Xu with a strange taste in his eyes.

A Qiwuhai who wants to rely on the strength of others to become a pirate, a Qiwuhai who has been in the sea for countless years, although his mind has been tempered like iron, but in terms of power, he still chooses a path.

There is absolutely no doubt that the shadow fruit is powerful.

The appearance of such a powerful fruit in Moriah's hands boosted his psychological tendency, and he became more dependent on the strength of others.

"Shadow Box!"

Without warning, countless black bats suddenly flew out of Moria's shadow, flopping towards Liu Xu, and the screaming bats circled and swooped down in mid-air.

Liu Xu and others did not expect that Moriah would suddenly attack like this. They had talked well before, but now they suddenly attack, which is really unexpected.

Elementalization, instantly entering the state of elementalization and breaking away from the surrounding bats, Liu Xu's complexion suddenly became ugly, and he didn't think that Moriah would be an omnipotent person.

The bat, which had lost its target, circled in the air looking for the target, and continued to charge towards Liu Xu's position.

"Ten million volts. Heaven and earth!"

With a loud shout, a few purple arcs flew out from the palms of both hands, and instantly grew into a large net with a diameter of five meters in mid-air, and five nets of lightning covered the countless bats.


The net of thunder and lightning roared and hit the black bat, sending out a crisp electric arc sound, and the [-] million volt current instantly shattered the black bat.

"Morlia, do you want to die?"

With a gloomy face, Liu Xu gritted his teeth bitterly. This despicable and shameless guy actually wanted to take action against him. Is this a deal failure?

"Hehehe..." Moria laughed out loud, wriggling his ten fingers, "You can become a member of my zombie army, that would be a very good thing."

He doesn't mind revealing his purpose, he is the master in this terrifying three-masted sailboat, and anyone who wants to resist him must try to see if he can break through his own attack.

Furthermore, although most of the countless zombies were incompetent in combat, they were better than a large number, and even a few were very powerful.As long as things are kept secret, no one will know what happens here.

"Damn it."

Liu Xu cursed secretly, if the matter of Doflamingo was exposed, he might have some conflicts with himself in the future.

Perhaps, in the future, we need to change our strategy on this matter a little.

"Thirty million volts. Chidori sharp gun!"

Taking the initiative to counterattack, Liu Xu's elementalized speed reached the speed of light, and he appeared beside Moria in an instant, and pushed down hard with his purple right hand.


A group of purple light flew out from between his fingers to form a fist-sized purple beam of light, which was extremely fast and thunderous.

Moriah, who had lost his target, instinctively felt the danger, and instinctively jumped backwards with his years of experience in the great route.


The purple beam of light hit the ground in the air, and the [-] million volts of current exploded instantly. The powerful penetrating power blasted the ground into a fist-sized pit with bottomless depths, and debris flew into the sky. One action at a time.


Chapter 2478

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


"Fifty million……"

However, before the move was issued, Moria's attack also followed.

"Shadow Cut!"


Liu Xu's eyes were fixed, and he looked under Moria, only to see that the shadow under him had extended to his back, forming another Moria behind him.

Shadow warrior, this is the power of shadow warrior, able to replace position with his shadow.

The huge scissors cut towards Liu Xu, and at the same time, one hand also grabbed towards Liu Xu's underground shadow.

"call out!"

Liu Xu didn't dare to neglect, and rushed forward in an instant, and Moriah's scissors barely cut past his shadow.

"It's dangerous, it's dangerous!"

Liu Xu exhaled fiercely, and almost fell into Moria's trap. This guy's abilities are so strange that he is not so easy to deal with.

"Hehehe, it's lucky that you escaped!"

Moria laughed, and the huge scissors in his hand "clicked".

"Morlia, are you planning to destroy the deal?"

Hearing this, the other party just continued to smile and said: "Lieutenant General Liu Xu, I already know your bargaining chip, do I still need to trade with you? Since it is Doflamingo who wants to make a move against me, shouldn't I look for more A powerful zombie army?"

It makes sense, Liu Xu was speechless immediately, your shamelessness is very much like mine back then.

Qiwuhai is really not a fuel-efficient lamp.

Needless to say, the Hawkeye guy, the Sand Crocodile bastard sent the information only after he became a lieutenant general, and the Moriah guy broke the contract immediately after learning about the chips. He is not a worry-free guy!

"It seems that this young master is going to fight all over the king's seven martial arts."

Liu Xu shook his head regretfully, even that idiot of Lu Fei can defeat you, let alone himself?

Looking at Columbia and the others, they are not idle now. They are fighting zombies in this huge and empty room, and they are very high-level zombies, so it is no wonder that they did not support them just now.

"You don't have that ability yet." Moriah smiled slyly, but the movements of his hands were not slow, "Scatter the bats!"

The shadow under Moria quickly split into a large number of black bats and moved towards Liu Xu. In the blink of an eye, it had surrounded Liu Xu's body, biting him with sharp teeth and claws.


Liu Xu yelled, and a strong purple light burst out from the elementalization of his whole body. The purple arc flashed across his body quickly, and many bats in the inner circle were wiped out instantly.

"The power of nature, hum."

Moriah snorted angrily. The natural system made him feel very uncomfortable. The intensity of this purple arc seemed to be very high, and it easily defeated his flying bats.

Relying on his own ability to discharge, Liu Xu defeated the flying bats at once, and at the same time raised his hands above his head.

"Eighty million volts. A thousand birds fly!"

Purple birds flying all over the sky hovered in the huge room, and the crisp and pleasant chirping sound was refreshing.But when the birds chirped, the crisp chirping turned into a noise that pierced the eardrums, causing enormous physical and psychological stress.

The birds generated by the [-] million volts of lightning may not attack the speed of light, but they are also close to the speed of light.

The bird's beak opens and swoops down from the sky. Although the impact force generated by the insufficient height is not very strong, the sharp bird's beak can also cause strong damage to people.

Moriah has had countless confrontations with those with natural fruit abilities, and he is already aware of the various changes in the natural system, so there is no need to make a fuss.

"Scatter the bats!"

There are still a large number of bats splitting from the shadow, but this time they are not attacking, but defending.

A large number of bats formed a wall in front of him. The purple flying bird that swooped down plunged into the wall of bats. To control the number of flying birds.

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