Comparable, the flying bats and chidori seem to have similar powers. Bats and birds keep disappearing. The two of them stared at the bats and birds in battle, thinking about the next attack.

"Crack... crackle..."

The number of birds is getting smaller and smaller, and the same is true of bats, but after a while, only the remaining purple arcs remain in the air, and the birds and bats disappear at the same time.

"Shadow Mage!"

"[-] million volts. Ssangyong strangulation!"

The two shot at the same time, and Moria's shadow in front of him condensed a clone that was almost identical to him, but the whole body was black. This is his power, which can defend and attack the enemy.

And behind Liu Xu, two majestic purple thunder dragons also appeared, and the thunder dragons slammed into the shadow mage with a melodious dragon chant.

However, Thunder Dragon was directly hit by Shadow Mage's body and bounced back, making his heart skip a beat. Why is this thing so powerful in defense?

"Hehehe! Shadow Mage can ignore any damage, your attack is just a joke."

Moria smirked, a powerful bug like Shadow Mage was one of his reliance.

Liu Xu pursed his lips in contempt, and at the same time controlled the bounced Thunder Dragon, waiting for an opportunity behind him again.

But with Nami and the others, Nami directly confronted a zombie general, the former swordsman Ryoma!

The corpse of the swordsman Hobak obtained from Wano Country, together with the powerful shadow collected by Moria, was put into this corpse, making the former swordsman Ryoma reappear in glory.

Wearing a white kimono with a dragon character embroidered on both sleeves, white hair, a mummy-like body, and holding a gorgeous sword in his hand.

Black knife Qiushui!

His swordsmanship is very strong, and the dazzling sword light is constantly swung under his sword, making Nami unable to approach his body to attack for a while.

Nami, who has practiced the sixth form of the navy, has a high improvement in physical skills. She avoids the opponent's attacks again and again with her fast movement, and then attacks with her feet and finger guns.

It's just that the other party's reaction speed is very fast, like a general who has experienced countless bloody baptisms, he easily defuses her attack, making it impossible to get close to him until now.


Chapter 2479 Fighting the Zombie Army

"Lanjiao. Bailian!"

Yuebu steadied her body in mid-air, Nami quickly kicked down with her feet, and the white slashes continued to fly down from her feet, layer upon layer, like a blooming lotus flower.

"Ding Ding Ding!"

The sword hero Longma below quickly danced the black knife Qiushui in his hand, so fast that it was almost hard to detect with the naked eye, easily splitting countless white slashes.


In the end, dozens of white slashes fell at the same time, the sword hero Longma's black knife Qiushui was raised above his head, and the slashes landed on him at this moment.

"Bang bang bang!"

Dozens of slashes fell with a sharp smashing sound, the floor was smashed to pieces by the sharp slashes, and the dust and mist filled the air.

"Did you make it?"

Nami stared at the center of the dust and mist and thought silently. Bailian is one of her main attack methods. If it still doesn't work, then she has to use a more powerful attack. At that time, her physical strength will be consumed more quickly, which is not a good one. good policy.

The dust and fog gradually dissipated, and the situation inside was clearly visible.

There was no harm, and no harm was done to the sword hero Longma!

Beside the sword hero Ryoma, only the shattered ground is sunken, surrounded by finely broken stones, while the sword hero Ryoma maintains the posture of holding the sword high above his head, except for a few shallow marks on his body The body was not smashed into pieces as imagined.

Nami was tangled, this guy's body was too strong, and it seemed that he could only use more powerful attacks or close combat.

Having made up her mind, Nami jumped directly towards the swordsman Ryoma below, and pointed her hand at his head like a pistol.

"Finger gun. Shock waves!"

On Tina's side, she also faced a powerful enemy.

Talara, a huge spider, spews out white silk thread from its mouth continuously. The silk thread is very sticky. Once the silk thread is entangled in the body, there is no possibility of escape.

Tina only learned a little of the six naval styles, and also used shaving to increase movement speed and avoid the silk threads spit out by spiders.

"This ugly guy, Tina is very dissatisfied."

All women love beauty, and Tina is no exception.

In her opinion, this spider is not powerful, but ugly, so ugly that she wants to kill it immediately, so as not to affect the appearance of the city.

"Ho Ho Ho Ho... die!"

The spider Talara laughed wildly, spitting out the white silk threads from her mouth again.

"You're going to die!"

Tina snorted coldly, her hands turned into miniature black iron bars, her feet stomped on the ground, and her body rushed to Talala's side in an instant.

"Miniature sill prison!"

The arms suddenly folded, and the black iron fence surrounded Talara, merging in an instant.


Seeing this, Talara quickly spit out white silk thread and covered the black iron fence, but it was too late, the speed of the miniature cage was so fast that it passed through his body almost in the blink of an eye, imprisoning him .

There are battles going on everywhere in the huge room, and the enemy Robin faces is a bit troublesome, and the opponent's combat effectiveness is very strong.

Kaze Zhigoro was the legendary stubborn father during his lifetime.

The swordsman who killed [-] pirates to protect his family died at the age of fifty-nine.

After death, he was transformed into a zombie by Hegubaku and implanted into the shadow of the strong man obtained by Moria. He became one of the three weirdos, and the zombie general under the jurisdiction of Absalom is very powerful.

A powerful dual-knife swordsman, judging from his ability to slaughter [-] pirates, it is known that his strength is very sturdy.

Although he is a swordsman, he may be close to the level of a great swordsman.

In the face of such a powerful swordsman, Robin mainly used defense, constantly using the ability of Huahua Fruit to grow arms on the ground to hinder the enemy's attack, and then counterattack in a timely manner.

"Eighty rounds of flowers bloom!"

Robin crossed his hands in front of him, and saw Jigoro Kaze no longer suddenly grow countless arms to control his joints, and then twisted and twisted violently.

However, the Eighty Wheels Flowers, who could easily break people's joints before, did not get the expected results at this moment.

Zhigoro Kaze directly slashed the black sword Qiushui on his body a few times, and the gorgeous tachi slashed over his body, directly slashing those arms, and it took only one second before and after.

"So strong!"

Robin couldn't help admiring, but she was not intimidated by the other party's attack. Instead, she became more courageous as she fought, and Huahuaguo's ability was used to the extreme by her.

Arms attacked or defended constantly on the ground, walls, and body, but for a while it was on par with Jigoro Kaze.

The remaining two zombies were directly at war with Colombia. The cooperation between Absalom and the genius surgeon Hogbuck was very tacit, but they had a fatal flaw, that is, power.

Absalom's is a little better, but Hogbark's strength is not enough. He is a doctor who is good at transforming corpses, and his own strength is not very good.

Columbia is a long-range sniper, but he can also fight in close quarters when necessary, and his armed domineering gives his body defense and attack power.

Responding calmly, Absalom is in a state of invisibility, and it is difficult to detect the opponent's trace.

Hobak, on the other hand, used the body's melee combat, but he recognized the weakness of snipers in melee combat.

After fighting and retreating, Colombia took a tug-of-war with a sniper rifle, constantly widening the distance and firing a few bullets from time to time, forcing Hogbach to no longer be able to attack at close range.

"The Hand of the Weird!"

Suddenly, a burst of gas appeared in front of Colombia, which changed his face. Absalom, this guy must have taken action.

"Armed color. Hardened!"

In an instant, the armed color is domineering, and the whole body becomes pitch black.


Colombia, who had just completed the domineering operation of the armed color, was hit hard, and with two dull noises, he flew back towards the back.


Chapter 2480 The Third Strike, Shen Lei Hell

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


"What a powerful force."

Columbia clutched his chest, the two punches just now made him feel extremely painful, this guy's strength is really too strong.

Sister Absalom released the transparent state, approached the enemy with the ability of the transparent fruit, and then attacked violently. This is his main ability.

"Die, boy."

Absalom laughed, and Hogubak beside him jumped out at the same time.

"Then give it a try!"

Columbia smiled slightly, having suffered two punches, and gained and lost. Although the current distance is not optimal, it is enough.

"Bang bang bang!"

Pulling the trigger again and again, a little spark ignited at the muzzle of the sniper rifle, and the jet-black bullet spewed out of the gun chamber.


Absalom, who was still thinking about it, suddenly stopped, staring blankly at his abdomen.

With the elephant skin transplanted, he has a very strong defensive power, but now there are two cavities in his abdomen, the size of a fist.

That bullet penetrated his body?

The answer is yes. After passing through his body, the two jet-black bullets bombed the wall behind him, directly blasting the thick wall into two large pits with a diameter of three meters, and the surrounding walls also appeared cracked. crack.

The other bullet bombarded Hobuck, who was advancing. How could Hobuck, who had no strength, be faster than the bullet, and was easily pierced by the black bullet through his head.

But on Liu Xu's side, the battle with Moonlight Moriah is getting more and more intense.

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