
"This gentleman, we should respect our respected Mr. Captain! Although your body is made of metal, my bullet will hit your head very accurately, what do you think?"

Columbia gently wiped the sniper rifle that was still exuding warm-up, with a gentle smile on his face, but his words were not gentle at all.

Dear Mr. Captain has been despised by others, as a subordinate, he is obliged to express his anger for him!

"Hmph, sniper?"

Breton looked disdainful, a sniper wants to beat himself?Can bullets pass through their own defenses?joke.

Hearing this, Columbia's eyes flashed, and the skin on his body instantly turned black, pulling the bolt to load the bullet.

Breton immediately understood when he saw the other's skin, and suddenly laughed: "Ahahaha, it's really interesting, it turns out to be armed and domineering, it seems that I can listen to what you have to say."

Conquering a strong man on this sea requires not only powerful strength and extraordinary charm, but also a team that can work closely together. Only by having such a team can the strong man feel at ease.

Columbia was so angry that Liu Xu was so despised by the other party, he directly provoked Breton, and also showed his domineering strength.

In Breton's view, this is not only a strong opponent, but also a team partner who is willing to pay for him, which is worthy of him listening to the things behind.

Liu Xu secretly gave Columbia a thumbs up. This guy is really getting more and more comfortable.

"Clay Brayton, tell me how you were caught by this tumbler."

"Tumbler? Hahaha, I really miss a tumbler, and it's a disgusting tumbler."

Breton laughed loudly, and what he said made Moria's complexion even uglier, but he didn't have any seizures.

"Hmph, boring."

Seeing that the other party didn't get angry, Breton was a little bored, and then told him about him.

Clay Brayton, he came to the first half from the New World. As a mad scientist, he transformed his body almost to the extreme. Laser cannons were installed on his hands, and propellers were hidden under his feet. There is a pair of mechanical wings hidden behind him, which can fly freely in the sky, and there are six small cannons and equipment for placing weapons in his abdomen.

Such a powerful fire output device has caused an important problem, that is energy, so many devices need energy to be driven to be effective.

There is a device in his body that can transform energy, and he came to the first half of the great route just to find something that can provide energy.

A few days ago, it happened that the energy in his body was almost exhausted, and as a result, he was hit by Moria. After a battle, all the energy was consumed, and he could only be arrested, resulting in a sad situation now.

Things were sad, but Liu Xu was excited. If he hadn't come here in the first half, I am afraid that his journey to find a powerful partner would be much more difficult, and he would lose a good partner.

I didn't know how to completely subdue him before, but now there is hope.

"I can only express regret for your experience. Now there is an important question, that is, become my crew member!"

Liu Xu's face was slightly serious but with a smile.

"I refuse, why do I have to be your crew?"

Breton refused very decisively. He still has important things to do. How can he waste his time here?

"Didn't you come to the first half of the great route to find something that can replenish energy? What if I could provide you with these?"

Liu Xu has absolute certainty and directly grasps the purpose and weakness of this guy.

Breton was stunned for a moment, then laughed loudly, and said, "You, don't be ridiculous. I have set foot on the great route and have not found it in almost every corner. How can you, a brat, have these things?"

"You don't care how I have these things. If it is the power of thunder and lightning, can your device be converted?"

"Yes, of course, my device can transform anything that can generate energy. It's just that nature's lightning is too rare to be obtained."

The light in Breton's eyes flashed, the power of thunder and lightning, that is a kind of high-energy energy, which can be transformed into a lot of energy, but it is a pity, that kind of thing is not so easy to get.

Liu Xu breathed a sigh of relief, it seems that there is no big problem now.

"Well, I'll provide you with lightning, and you become my partner, how about that?"

"Ahahaha, laugh at me to death, give me lightning? Do you think nature's lightning is so easy to obtain? Joke, joke."

Brayton's laughter is rude, which is in line with his image of a tough guy, and his sturdy temperament is set off by his metallic skin.

Liu Xu liked it more and more. No matter how he looked at this guy, he was satisfactory.

Genius scientist, just in time to come in handy.

Thinking of this, Liu Xu's body gradually became elemental, and purple arcs gradually emerged on his body, drawing a beautiful arc around his body, and the purple light gradually filled the dilapidated room.

Breton's laughter stopped abruptly, and he was dumbfounded seeing Liu Xu who was bathed in the electric arc.

Lightning?The power of lightning?God, isn't this dazzling?

"You, how did you..."

Pointing at Liu Xu with trembling hands, Breton felt his voice tremble violently, excited, puzzled, and shocked.

How could such high-energy energy as lightning appear on this person?

By the way, the devil fruit must be the power of the devil fruit, my God, how did he get such a powerful devil fruit?

"Are you surprised? Now do you think I have the ability to help you get energy? As long as I am willing, I can provide you with powerful energy." Liu Xu smiled, "Judging from your words, those You should have improved the firepower devices, right? You need as much electricity as you need.”


Chapter 2483 Offer a reward of one million Baileys

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


"Yes, those are all weapons that I have improved. They don't need too much energy. I can activate these weapons as long as they are transformed. Generally speaking, I only need to absorb about ten lightning bolts to use them for a day. Like a laser cannon, it can fire [-] shots, and if it is powerful, it only needs [-] shots to destroy a small island."

Breton nodded repeatedly.

"Then be my partner, I can give you motivation."

After saying this again, Breton was silent for a while, and finally said, "I still refuse."

Huh?Liu Xu was dumbfounded. This guy doesn't play cards according to common sense. If you refuse, why did you act so happy just now?What about fooling people?

Seeing this, Liu Xu directly despised him, and said, "Hmph, it seems that your character is not good! You were rescued from Moria's hands anyway, and I am willing to provide you with unlimited energy. But you don't know how to be grateful at all, it's really disappointing, I didn't expect you to be such a person."


Contempt, you can see his most direct and bare-knuckle contempt from his face.

There was a faint anger on Breton's resolute face, and he shouted: "Who has been ungrateful to me, you rescued me from Moriah? Hmph, just kidding."

This matter involves the issue of character, and the anger in Breton's heart is gradually growing, which is too sad.

There was a flash of light in Liu Xu's eyes, and he was already secretly laughing in his heart. This Brayton was indeed a rough and tough guy, but he couldn't allow others to question his character like this.Hmm, that's what I want.

"Look at this place, this young master had a battle with Moria. If it wasn't to save you, what do you think this young master came here to find this tumbler?"

Moria on the side trembled, why did he withdraw the matter to himself again, tumbler?Our figure is very beautiful, okay?

"Forget it, forget it, forget it if you don't want to be my partner, I don't want to leave a white-eyed wolf on my warship."

As he spoke, Liu Xu turned his head.

"Bastard, who said I wouldn't be your partner, I agree."

Brayton was in a hurry and shouted out without thinking. After this roar, he was stunned. Damn, he was tricked.

Liu Xu turned around slowly after a pause, and said, "You chose this yourself, and I didn't force you to do it, understand?"

Shameless, treacherous!This is a typical example of being cheap and being good, completely crushing the deepest weak link in a tough guy's heart.

Breton's face changed rapidly, this guy, is this guy giving people a way to live?

"There is no problem with being your partner, but there is one more serious problem. I am a pirate, and I am also a pirate with a bounty."

Um?Pirates?Liu Xu felt sad for a while, how could this guy be a pirate, he committed crimes, if he had known about it, he would have killed him first, at least he would gain some experience!For a pirate who can fight Moriah, the bounty must be hundreds of millions.Wronged, this matter is really wronged.

"Tell me, how much have you been offered a reward? I will see if I can revoke your reward."

At this time, Brayton's face suddenly turned a little rosy, which made everyone's eyes light up. A tough guy would actually have such an expression. Was this sent by God to ravage their eyes?

"Well, I've been offered a reward of one million Bailey."

"Huh? How much?"

"A million baileys."


The whole room fell into silence, a million Bailey?The person who fought Moria was only offered a reward of one million Bailey?Who would believe this story?

Liu Xu's expression was very strange, that Crocodile guy was playing tricks on him, right?One million Baileys?Would such a person be strong?

All the people in front of them looked suspicious, and Breton quickly explained.

It turned out that the reason why he was offered a reward of one million Baileys was not because he was not strong enough, but because he was not very famous.

In the new world, in order to find energy, he didn't do anything harmful to nature, and he didn't provoke any conflicts to attract the attention of the world government, so he is not very famous.

After coming to the first half of the great route, it took only a long time, and he was directly overthrown by Moria.

Liu Xu felt better, and finally felt relieved after listening to his explanation.

If this is the case, it is understandable, but according to his experience, how many strong people in this world will hide their names?

"The bounty pirate, do you think it's so easy to get on your warship?"

Breton added.

"Who said pirates can't be my crew? Stupid, have you seen this tall beauty? Her previous bounty was [-] million. It's different. She got on my ship and became my man." .”

Liu Xu directly denied his words.

ferry?bed?your people?

The beautiful Robin blushed a little. Thinking of what she saw in that room before, she was still a little embarrassed.

Breton looked suspicious, but gradually became relieved.

For such a young lieutenant general, he should have something to do. If this is the case, forget it, let's go on his boat and have a look!

Seeing him nodding in agreement, Liu Xu knew that this time the matter was over, and it was time to leave here.

"Moriya, our transaction is completed. Although something unpleasant happened, let's just leave it like this, goodbye."

After speaking, he took people away, and Breton naturally followed behind, but even the imprisoned ghost princess Perona was also taken to prepare to leave.

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