"Wait a minute, let my subordinates go."

Moria saw the situation with sharp eyes, and felt a burst of grief and anger in her heart. The fighting subordinates just now have been basically finished, and now the only powerful subordinate Perona wants to take this goods away?


ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"

Chapter 2484 Let's take a look

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


Stopping his body and turning to face him, Liu Xu said, "Tumbler, I will take Perona away. It will be of great use in the future. Let it be a little gift from you in this transaction!"

"No!" Moria said firmly.

"If you can't do it, you have to do it. This is the little wife that the young master wants to give to Hawkeye. It's up to you."

Liu Xu yelled back a word, and everyone was dumbfounded for a moment.

For Hawkeye's little wife?Lieutenant General Liu Xu, can you stop being so big?Will Comrade Hawkeye agree?Don't you worry that someone will chop it off with a knife in a hurry?

Moria opened his mouth wide open and was speechless for a long time. He is also one of the Shichibukai. He still knows Hawkeye quite well.

But Liu Xu's expression was normal. Didn't Perona live with Hawkeye for two years during the assistance? Tsk tsk, for two years, that guy Hawkeye didn't drive her away. Unexpectedly, Hawkeye His taste is so unique, I really look forward to what he will do when he sees Perona in the future, um, that's the decision.

"Brothers, withdraw!"

Roaring again, Liu Xu and others quickly evacuated, leaving only Moria in a mess in the wind.

Back on the warship, turning around to look at the dreadful three-masted sailing ship that was getting smaller and smaller, Liu Xu shook his arms kindly, and said, "Tumbler, next time I will get some information to exchange with you!"


Moria was indignant, intelligence?Your guy's information is all dead, it sounds scary, and it's best not to see him forever.

"Moonlight Moriah, next time I will beat you."

One thing that the rough and tough guy can't let go of is that he was overthrown by Moria, and he was overturned when his energy was exhausted.

Liu Xu has already made a plan for the long voyage of the warship. This time, he will return to the Seven Capitals of Water, where there are the best boatmen and the highest quality materials in the first half of the great voyage.

It is urgent to transform the warship. It would be too late if we waited until the Warring States sent that team over.

As the main ship of the fleet, it must be the largest and also the one with the best firepower and defense.

Breton officially joined the crew list of the warship, and according to his strength is the top combat force in this warship.

Breton is a mad scientist. He has transformed countless weapons on his body, coupled with the domineering armament he possesses, his combat effectiveness is almost beyond the table.

The transformation of so many weapons involves a problem of energy, and these weapons need energy to drive.

So his body also has energy storage and energy conversion devices, but energy is really difficult to obtain.

"Bryton, can you create a compression device in addition to these devices, a portable one that can store more energy, so you can keep fighting without having to recharge throughout the day."

Liu Xu asked a question, and Breton fell into deep thought.

Energy will become extremely unstable in an extremely compressed state. If there is no proper transformation and clever combination, the energy may riot and cause a series of explosions.

"Captain, I have thought about the change of the compression device before, but it is very difficult to compress the huge energy to be portable, and if I use it, then the storage-promoting device also needs to be improved to be able to accommodate multiple Portable device."

Brayton is worthy of being a genius scientist, and he immediately explained the continuous impact.

Liu Xu nodded again and again, and said: "You should think about this matter slowly. Now I will provide you with enough energy. According to your device, it should not need a lot of energy to meet your daily consumption of fighting."

Brayton nodded, the windbreaker was removed, and a black hose extended from the abdomen to the front of Liu Xu.

Grab the hose, and the energy of lightning enters his body through the hose, is quickly transformed in the conversion device inside, and finally enters the storage device.

The discharge lasted only about five minutes, and Brayton withdrew the hose with a strong excitement on his face.

"Captain, this feeling is so wonderful, the body is completely filled with energy."

His words caught everyone's attention, filled with energy?So fast?How is the power?

"Scientists, come and have a look!"

"no problem."

Breton laughed, and suddenly aimed his hands at the sea in front of him. A dark hole suddenly appeared in his palm, and a little blue light began to condense at the hole.


The blue light from both hands condensed in less than two seconds, and quickly formed a blue light beam that fell on the sea area thousands of meters away.


When the blue light beam landed on the sea, there was a sudden explosion, and a depression suddenly appeared in the sea water below the landing point. Then a blue light flashed under the sea surface, and two water columns more than [-] meters high spewed from the sea surface.

Liu Xu and the others stared wide-eyed, laser beam?Ferocious, too ferocious, the weapon transformed by this guy is too powerful.

"Scientist, how many times can you fire this thing?"

"Twenty-four times, a total of fifty laser beams."


Several people swallowed hard, and they were able to fire out forty-eight laser beams, which could destroy a small island as he said.

So, when the compression device is made, what will his strength be?

"Captain, how about I want to take a tour of this warship first?"

Breton is also very satisfied to see his results. This long-lost press is really refreshing.

Naturally, Liu Xu would not refuse his request, isn't it just to visit the warship, then go!

Breton left, while Liu Xu lay down leisurely on his beach chair.


ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"

Chapter 2485 Thor is too weak

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


The people in Qiwuhai have seen three, and the ones they haven't seen yet are Hancock, Tyrant Bear, Doflamingo, and Seaman Jinpei. These are all top-notch characters. I really don't know. When will I be able to see you.

Those characters should be seen soon, though.

Maybe when Luffy and the others are beaten by the tyrant bear, that's when these people appear, but, is it really that simple?Will Luffy and the others have the same fate?

There is another problem. Going to the Seven Islands of Water to transform this warship now requires too much money. With the blueprint of Hades, he has to create a warship that is top-notch, so as not to be laughed at by others.

Judging from the horror barque, that sailboat that can be compared to an island is too ruthless, I really don't know how Moria got it.

It's just that the terrifying three-masted sailboat itself doesn't have much power, it's more like a residence, and it can't provide much defense and attack power.

A morning passed, and Breton, who was carefully checking on the warship, also walked back and came directly to the balcony.

"Captain, I have discovered an important problem. Your warship Thor is too weak and fragile."

The straightforward words made Liu Xu stunned for a while, the warship is too bad?Vulnerable?Damn, this is an awesome warship in the Navy Headquarters, can you not be so high-sighted?

The eyes of people from the New World are naturally different from those of the first half of the great route. What Breton sees is all aspects of this warship.

"Scientist, what is the problem with this warship, tell me."

Liu Xu asked with great interest, and even a few people around gathered around, what kind of words could he say?

Breton smiled confidently, cleared his throat and said, "This warship is too weak in terms of firepower output, sailing speed, and defensive strength. It is difficult for such a warship to compete with other pirate ships in the New World..."

A series of questions came out of his mouth. Liu Xu became more and more dignified from being interested at the beginning, and the questions he asked were gradually taken seriously.

The main ship of the future fleet needs to be more powerful. According to the previous idea, this warship will be expanded to accommodate more naval soldiers.

However, the issue of firepower is no longer considered, and it has always been believed that only when one is strong can one be truly powerful.

But it ignores that sometimes some external assistance can reduce losses and gain more powerful power.

From what Breton said, the main firepower devices on warships are cannons. Such cannons are very common on warships and pirate ships. The attack speed is slow and the hit rate is not high, so they can be blocked easily.

Especially when encountering some ability users, the ability users can easily stop them.

Sailing speed, sailing speed is an important issue when chasing at sea.

It is universally recognized that warships are faster than ordinary pirate ships.

But when compared with the pirate ships of some big pirate groups, the speed is nothing but nothing.

The defense force, the defense force of the warship is mainly composed of naval soldiers and Liu Xu, which relies on the defense of human beings themselves.

The defense of the warship itself is much weaker. In the final analysis, it is determined by the structure and materials of the warship.

A warship made of steel mixed with wooden boards, the defense force is still weaker after all.

"Scientist, what good advice do you have?"

More and more issues were taken seriously, and Liu Xu pinned his hopes on the other party.

Breton showed a bright smile on his face, and said: "I have thought about these issues a long time ago, transforming, transforming the entire warship. From the perspective of firepower output and sailing speed, it is a bit troublesome to improve the defense force, and it will take a lot of money to transform it. A long time and a lot of money."

"The installation of laser cannons and propulsion devices on warships will completely change various problems of warships."

Breton's solution to the problem is simple: keep improving.If there is something missing, and what you think is weak, just scrap it and reinstall some good ones.

"Is the laser cannon? It seems to be very expensive. Well, then I will leave these issues to you. Don't worry about the funding issue. How much Bailey do you expect to need?"

Who is the richest in this world?The answer is yes, Tianlong people!Who can compete with Tianlong people for wealth?

"Probably more than a billion Baileys are needed. The funds are too large. Maybe we can meet this requirement by hunting some big pirates."

Breton's eyes lit up, which is a bit like the rhythm of fighting monsters and upgrading.

Liu Xu directly denied his words, hunting the big pirate?How long would it take to collect so many Baileys? It's not worth it.

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