"Let's put aside the matter of hunting big pirates for now, and I will solve the problem of funds. Isn't it just a billion Baileys? It's too easy. Tina!"

Um?Is this still a rich man?Breton was surprised. The one billion pele was not a joke. Even Columbia and others were a little puzzled. When Lieutenant General Liu Xu became so rich, he didn't care about the one billion pele.

Tina is also very puzzled. As a secretary, she knows all aspects of Liu Xu's wealth. It seems that Bailey doesn't have much income. The salary of the Navy Headquarters alone is far from meeting this requirement.

"Lieutenant General Liu Xu, what are your orders?"

"Go to the Chambord Islands to find Saint Roswald, the Celestial Dragon, ask him for two billion Baileys, and say that I want it... Well, this is for you. Madeline should have some in the Chambord Islands." Some manpower, this thing can be arranged. Well, if he doesn’t give it, then hit him, beat him hard in my name, and don’t believe he won’t come up with money.”

As he spoke, Liu Xu took out a gold hairpin, but it was the flying dragon gold hairpin that Madeline gave him.


Chapter 2486 The Seven Islands of Water, Transforming Warships

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


Tina is speechless, Lieutenant General Liu Xu, since when did you become so wretched, and want to withdraw the banner of Princess Madeline to collect money? What a vile thing!

Thinking so, she felt a little excited in her heart.

People from Tianlong, go directly to ask Tianlong people for money. This is something that countless people dare not do.

After taking over the golden hairpin, Tina directly arranged a small boat to go directly to the Chambord Islands.

"Dear Mr. Captain, Tianlong people..."

Columbia is a bit hesitant. It involves such a big matter as the Tianlong people. Will they be killed later?

Although I knew that the captain and the Tianlong people seem to have a relationship, but it can't be to this extent, right?Fighting Tianlongren?This is the rhythm to attract the Admiral of the Navy Headquarters!

Breton was also a little silent. What is the identity of Lieutenant General Liu Xu?How come he became a lieutenant general at such a young age, and even said such tough words, even in the new world, not many people would dare to say such words!

"Don't worry so much, anyway, the problem of funds is easy to solve. Hey, it's a pity that there are only a few Tianlong people in the Chambord Islands. It would be great if there were more!"

Liu Xu sighed deeply, Madeline's status is very noble, and now she is his fiancée, well, it's not a problem to pull the banner.

In other words, she said before that she would send people to help. Where are these people?How come you haven't seen it yet?

Amid his doubts, the warship slowly approached the Seven Islands of Water.


The seven islands of water are still the familiar environment, and there is no change from before. Everything here is still the same, still so prosperous and so busy.

The warship docked in the port immediately attracted the attention of many people. It seems that this warship is a bit familiar. Where have you seen it before?

Some people are puzzled. Dark purple warships are still very eye-catching in this sea. Many pirate ships are colorful, and pure dark purple warships are particularly eye-catching.

Only some punk-looking guys seemed to recognize it and ran away in a hurry.

"Ah, look at these people, is this young master really that scary?"

Liu Xu walked off the warship and shook his head. The gangsters who slipped away in front looked familiar. They were Franky's subordinates, or they were beaten up by him. Why did this happen!

For the perfect water culture, Liu Xu has already made a goal.

"Turn around for yourself. It takes a certain amount of time to transform a warship. During this time, everyone should relax and do what you like. I'll go find that mayor of Bingshan."

Esbagu, the mayor of the Seven Islands of Water and the president of the Carrera Company, is also an apprentice of the legendary boatmaker Tom, who has achieved high achievements.

Carrera is a shipbuilding company used by the world government, and it owns a lot of wealth.Liu Xu's target was him, and without a word, he came to the door alone.

"Are you Lieutenant General Liu Xu?"

Espagu looked at Liu Xu in front of him and frowned. What is the navy doing here?What's the matter with looking for yourself?

Wearing a striped suit, neatly combed short hair looks very capable, deep and sharp eyes.

Beside him is a woman with long blond hair hanging down to her waist, exquisite facial features, a pair of light-colored glasses on her blue eyes, and a black professional suit with long sleeves and hips. Mesh underwear framed her figure to the fullest.

The black suspenders and stockings, together with the black pointed-toe high-heeled shoes, set off her fair and slender straight legs. The perfect matching of clothes made her whole figure uneven, exquisite and coordinated.

Liu Xu scanned his eyes. What kind of abilities does this CP9 member Kalifa, who is lurking beside Espagu as a secretary, have? He has not been discovered by Espagu for so many years. Great.

Turning his eyes back to Espagu, Liu Xu maintained his usual indifference and ability, and said: "Yes, I am Liu Xu, I hope you can help me renovate the warship, and the specific cost will satisfy you in due course .”

"Reconstruction of warships? Are you dissatisfied with the warships we made? This should belong to after-sales service."

Espagu frowned. The Carrera Company has close cooperation with the world government. Many warships in the Navy Headquarters are manufactured by the Carrera Company.

Now that customers come to propose the transformation of warships, is there any dissatisfaction?

Unexpectedly, he would say such a thing, Liu Xu laughed dryly, and said: "Don't talk about after-sales service, it's just a little improvement in firepower, sailing speed, and defensive power. Ask the scientists on board for specifics. He can give good advice."

As it turned out, Esbagu knew in his heart that he wanted to increase the power of the warship, and it was acceptable to say so.

"Yes, this is not a big problem. As for the remuneration, I will make a decision after I talk to your scientist!"

His answer was very straightforward, and the cooperation with the world government has prompted his company to produce countless warships, which are also perfectly acceptable.

Done, things went smoothly unexpectedly.

Liu Xu looked at that Kalifa, feeling a little tangled in his heart.

What if the members of CP9 killed Bingshan?Shall we slow them down a bit?

The unabashed gaze made Kalifa push his light-colored glasses and said, "Your Excellency Lieutenant General Liu Xu, you are sexually harassing me."

Ah, what a familiar word!

Liu Xu couldn't help laughing, and said: "The beauties on my warship are much more beautiful than you, and they are still sexually harassing you! Espagu, this matter will trouble you, please help me reform it as soon as possible, and leave."

After speaking, he got up and left, but Kalifa glared at him, saying this in front of a beautiful woman, what a joke!

As for Esbagu, he watched his leaving back, without sadness or joy. This was just a normal business transaction.


Chapter 2487 Dare to touch my woman?

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


Coming out of the Carrera company, Liu Xu was the first to find Nami. This beautiful woman in charge of the important financial revenue and expenditure on the warship is fighting fiercely. Her goal is the pile of iconic items in front.

The merchant in front of her was sweating profusely, and said something cautiously.

"Hmph, if you want to kill someone, you have to see who it is."

Nami was satisfied, and Liu Xu was sweating profusely when she heard this sentence approaching from behind her.

The eyeballs moved, as if thinking of something, he quickly stretched out his hands to wrap around the lovely person in front of him.



Nami exclaimed, and then settled down after hearing the voice again, this guy is too shameless, this is on the street!

Liu Xu chuckled, rubbed his head on her shoulder, and said in a low voice, "Don't be so excited, let's continue with the posture last night after we go back, okay?"

that pose?

Nami's body trembled, oh my god, don't play like this, now that Tina is not here, it is difficult to complete that action by herself.

"You're going to die, let's go!"

Nami looked at the strange faces of the people around her, her little face flushed suddenly, and she urged Liu Xu to leave quickly.

"Hey, let's go!"

Liu Xu smiled slyly but didn't leave her body. One hand wrapped around her soft waist. No matter how you look at it, he looks like an upstart.

But there will always be people out there who get confused.

"Lieutenant General Liu Xu, Miss Robin is in danger."

A navy soldier rushed to report in front of them, looking anxious.

Robin in danger?

Liu Xu was taken aback, but his face turned gloomy.



In a public library on the Seven Water Islands, the neat rows of bookshelves have been overturned, and the people who originally looked up books here have fled quickly. What happened before made them not even in the mood to watch the fun here.

A dozen or so navy soldiers lay scattered on the ground, and only two or three were still struggling to persevere.

"Miss Robin, run away!"

A navy soldier gritted his teeth and was in a stalemate with the person in front of him. His body was already stained with blood. If it wasn't for the support of a wave of faith, he would have already fallen to the ground.

Robin was also panting, the gentle and elegant smile had disappeared, and instead a strong fear, those people in front, were too terrifying.

The members of CP9, the secret service organization belonging to the world government, did not expect to meet them here.

Four people, three men and one woman, Lu Qi, Kaku, Kalifa, Bruno, the four high-level combat power in CP9 appeared at the same time, and directly defeated almost twenty naval soldiers, and only two were still struggling to persevere. .

"Nicole Robin, since you already know our identities, why not just follow us."

There is only endless ice on Lu Qi's cold face, which fits his image of a handsome guy with a paralyzed face.

"Nicole Robin, if you don't leave with us, these twenty or so soldiers who have betrayed justice can only be buried with you."

The long-nosed Kaku threatened at the right time. As a ruthless member of CP9, it is just a common thing to eliminate several naval soldiers in order to achieve his goal.

For example, Lu Qi could even slaughter [-] soldiers in order to achieve his goal.

CP9 is a completely ruthless organization that only executes their own justice and can use any means.

Chi Guoguo's threat made the two soldiers smile with disdain, and then looked down with deep contempt.

"Stop talking nonsense, isn't it just death! Hehe, we never care about this matter. If you want to catch Miss Robin, you have to go through our level first. Miss Robin, run away now!"

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