"Oh? There really are people who are not afraid of death."

Long-nosed Kaku laughed, did he really think they wouldn't kill these soldiers?Don't they know the existence of CP9?


With two muffled noises, an afterimage flashed by, and the two soldiers who were still struggling to hold on were shaken, and they spat out a mouthful of blood and flew backwards and fell to the ground. The blood kept gushing out from the bottom of their throats. .

"Finger gun. Nose gun!"

Kaku, who was in the form of a giraffe, grinned sneeringly, and the enhanced six-style could knock down two soldiers with ease.

Lu Qi's eyes flickered in the rear, but he didn't die. The two soldiers were not killed by the nose gun. What kind of naval soldier has such a physical quality?

"Nicole Robin, do you want to watch these soldiers who protect you die? Maybe you can take a look at how they died."

Kaku was very confident in the face of the panting Robin, and turned his head towards a soldier at his feet.

"Finger. Nose..."


Robin yelled loudly, and Kaku smiled to himself, what kind of feelings, it is really the most vulnerable side of human beings.

"Miss Robin! Leave now!"

The soldier under her feet frowned with pain on her face, but still insisted on letting her leave, which made Nico Robin feel even more uncomfortable.

I have stayed in many pirate groups and stopped in many places, but there is no place where people can take care of themselves like these soldiers.

"Miss Robin, find Liu Xu, Lieutenant General Liu Xu, come..."

Another soldier couldn't open one eye. At this moment, he only hoped that their captain would show up and fix these bastards.

And before that, desperately want to protect Miss Robin's safety.

One soldier stood up with difficulty, and soon the other soldiers also gradually stood up. The twenty soldiers formed a powerful force of belief, which supported them and did not retreat.

"You, you, thank you."

Robin's pupils trembled rapidly.

"Resistance is useless."

Kaku sneered, these soldiers who stood up were already in bad shape, just one blow, one blow would kill them all.

"Zhou Duan!"

Kaku supported the ground with one hand, the giraffe's neck rotated at high speed with centrifugal force, and his feet began to kick continuously.

"Dare to touch my woman?" A roar came from a distance, and then a figure suddenly appeared beside Kaku, "Thirty million volts. Chidori sharp gun!"


Chapter 2488 Provoking the lieutenant general, imminent

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


The purple electric light flashed in the right hand, and the beautiful arc condensed in the palm of the hand, and the harsh sound continued to come out, and it bounced directly to form a small purple beam of light that bombarded Kaku's body.

Kaku, who was preparing to slash, jumped in his heart, who can be so fast?damn it.


However, his speed was still too slow, the purple beam of light pierced through his body directly, driving his body backwards.

In mid-air, he only saw a young man in his twenties wearing a coat of justice, with strange purple lightning flashing in his eyes.

"Liu Xu, Lieutenant General Liu Xu!"

"Bang bang bang!"

The soldiers around were already waiting to die, but hope was ignited in their hearts at the moment when the purple lightning appeared, and their hearts relaxed, and they fell to the ground directly.

Lieutenant General Liu Xu has arrived, and they don't need to worry about everything that will happen next.

Liu Xu looked at the soldiers who fell on the ground and said in a deep voice, "Brothers, I will leave the rest to me. You should rest well! Come and treat the wounded."

The voice fell, and the soldiers who were constantly coming from a distance quickened their pace and lifted the downed soldiers away.

Turning his head to look at the CP9 members, the intense anger has taken over his heart, and now he just wants to vent.

Just when he was about to arrive just now, he saw the perseverance of the soldiers and the ruthless methods of Kaku. He was very pleased with the perseverance of the soldiers, and Kaku's ruthless methods made him want to kill him immediately.

"Robin, you go to Nami's side, and I will settle the rest with them."

The soldiers under his command were bullied, his comrades were bullied, and Liu Xu's anger reached its peak.

Judging from the soldier's report, I know that it must be inseparable from the CP9 people. I didn't expect this to be true. What are the CP9 people arresting Robin for now?Is it to be provocative?Or are those guys in the world government having their brains again?

"Lu Qi, who gave you the courage to attack my crew, courting death!"

Facing the paralyzed man, the other people were basically ignored by him, even the Kalifa who had just met.

There was neither sorrow nor joy on Lu Qi's paralyzed face, and he said calmly, "Liu Xu, what exactly do you want to do? Nicole Robin, the son of the devil, must be arrested. You are trying to stop CP9 from doing things."

CP9 belongs to the world government, and their power is naturally great, which makes them somewhat arrogant.

"The crime of the devil's son must be arrested, Lieutenant General Liu Xu, you are going to associate with the crime."

Although Kaku was pierced by Chidori sharp spear, he didn't hurt the vital point, and he still escaped like this.

"Son of the devil? Lu Qi, did your head get kicked by a donkey? Who told you that Robin is the son of the devil, and her bounty has been cancelled. Are you trying to provoke me?"

Robin's reward order has been cancelled, and the identity of the devil's son has also been cancelled. Why are these guys still clinging to it?

"Lieutenant General Liu Xu, please don't deceive yourself. Nicole Robin is a disaster to this world and must be arrested."

Kalifa pushed her glasses, her character itself is a kind of ruthlessness, and she will not show the slightest mercy to the enemy.

"That's right, no one can stop Nicole Robin from taking Nicole Robin away no matter what I say today."

Kaku greatly agrees that the arrest of Nicole Robin is as important as their mission here. Once Nicole Robin, who can interpret the historical text, is leaked by her The world government will have a far-reaching impact, and this matter must be decisive.

Lu Qi was thoughtful, is it true that Liu Xu said such a thing?Why was Nico Robin's bounty canceled?What exactly is going on?

Many people know that Nicole Robin's reward order has been cancelled, and they haven't paid too much attention to other things while staying here at Water [-] Island, which caused them to not know Nicole Robin at all .Robin was cancelled.

Kaku's words made Liu Xu frown. No matter how you look at this guy, he doesn't like it. The long nose itself is already very uncomfortable. If you still say such things now, is this to despise yourself?Or did he really think he was easy to bully?This guy jumped his head the first time he came to Water Seven Island, and now it's this guy again, is he going to force himself to beat him up?

"Kaku, are you trying to provoke the authority of Lieutenant General Ben?"

Cold, Liu Xu's words were full of coldness.

Nakaku didn't care at all, and said: "Lieutenant General Liu Xu, stop CP9 from doing things, you have to be careful about your career, if you talk nonsense, you will be taken away with you."

Arrogant, such words are extremely arrogant to the ears of all soldiers.Take Lieutenant General Liu Xu away?The former Lieutenant General Garp also took Liu Xu away, but what happened?The Navy Headquarters is still mourning, is the world government also planning to mourn?

Liu Xu became angry when he heard the words. This guy will do it again and again. If he doesn't deal with him, he will be too sorry for him.

"Brothers, what are you waiting for, go to me, get over CP9, and I'll take care of you if anything happens!"

As soon as the voice fell, Liu Xu became elemental in an instant, a purple arc flashed by his side, and in an instant, he appeared in front of Kaku and directly strangled him by the neck.

Several other crew members immediately surrounded Lu Qi and the others, and Columbia's sniper rifle aimed at Lu Qi, ready to have a contest with the enemy at any time.

Brayton's laser cannon is also displayed, and the black hole is full of suffocating breath.

Nami supported Robin to rest aside, and a dozen or so soldiers surrounded everyone inside.

The expressions of the members of CP9 changed. They didn't expect Liu Xu to be so straightforward and act without hesitation. This was something they didn't expect.


Chapter 2489 Killing You Like Killing a Chicken

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


"Liu Xu, what exactly do you want to do?"

Lu Qi didn't make a move but asked, feeling faintly that something was wrong with today's affairs, and it might be a catastrophe.

Liu Xu laughed loudly, and said, "Lu Qi, I should be the one asking you what you want to do! Look at your teammates, this trash keeps challenging my authority, do you think I can easily let him go?"

The hand holding Kaku's neck gradually increased, and Kaku's face suddenly turned purple.

It wasn't that he didn't want to resist, but that the other party's palm was so powerful, and it continuously released lightning, which made his body unable to control it at all.

Liu Xu, a member of CP9, is far from being taken seriously. The only truly accomplished person in CP9 is Lu Qi. The other people are too weak to arouse interest.

No, if it's the way it is now, it's hard for Lu Qi to get him interested.His power is far from what Lu Qi can compare with now.

"Kaku, right? You were going to take Robin away one by one just now, but now you are taking it away for me to see!"

As he said that, Liu Xu slapped his other hand, directly breaking up his giraffe state, making it easier to control his body.

"Clap clap... clap clap..."

After one slap, Liu Xu immediately got excited, and slapped several times, trampling the dignity of the long-nosed Kaku all over the ground.


Kaku was furious when he was slapped like this in public, and he raised his feet desperately to kick him.

However, I saw a flash of purple light.

"Qiang! Pfft!"

Blood splattered, and the Thunder Knife at his waist was unsheathed in an instant, and the feet that kicked towards him were split in two, causing a stream of blood.


Kaku let out a shrill scream, but Liu Xu was still holding his body, unable to struggle at all.

Cut in two, Kaku's feet were separated by the thunder knife, and blood poured out from the wound and fell on the ground. His face was already pale, and no one could clearly feel the pain of being separated.

He who is good at the sixth style of the navy has lost his feet, so can he still have combat effectiveness?

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