In the future, he will only be a useless person, a useless person abandoned by the world government.

Liu Xu's ruthless methods stunned the other three CP9 members. Liu Xu seemed confident and didn't care about their identities at all.

Lu Qi felt even more uneasy. Liu Xu's strength and identity seemed to have surpassed him by a lot, which reminded him of the naval hero, Vice Admiral Garp, and he seemed to have a very good relationship with him.

Damn, how could I forget about this all of a sudden.

Looking at the whole world, who can be promoted to lieutenant general after a few years like Liu Xu who debuted as a major general of the navy headquarters?If this trend continues, isn't the general and everything in order?

Kalifa and Bruno were all on guard, and the team members were abolished, so they could help them no matter what.


Lu Qi stopped the two of them. Now that the matter of Liu Xu and Nicole Robin has not been clarified, they will only be the ones who will suffer the loss if they act rashly.


Khalifa felt dissatisfied, why stop them at this time?

Liu Xu smiled to himself, Lu Qi is still very scheming, he must have thought of something, then...


There was another sound, and Kaku, who was screaming again and again, suddenly let out a terrifying scream, and saw that his long nose had been tilted upwards at [-] degrees, and it was broken directly by Liu Xu.

At this time, Niuniuguo's ability has basically been abolished, and his nose is his weapon of attack.

Lu Qi frowned, Liu Xu was challenging his psychological limit.

"Liu Xu, explain the matter clearly!"

Trying to suppress the anger in his heart, Lu Qi didn't want to make a big fuss right now, otherwise it would be of no benefit to anyone.

Liu Xu laughed and said, "Lu Qi, you actually asked me to explain things clearly? Do you think it is necessary for me to explain to you? Remember, I am now a lieutenant general of the Navy headquarters, and Nicole Robin is my The crew, this is recognized by the world government, what do you think I need to explain to you? You dare to start without even investigating these things clearly, hmph, does CP9 still have meaning? Just sue yourself .”


The three of Lu Qi were completely stunned. Nicole Robin has been recognized by the world government?This, how is this possible, how could the world government recognize a son of a devil?Acknowledging a man who is a major danger to the world?

Trouble, things are too much trouble.

The three of them immediately felt that this matter was tricky. Liu Xu didn't seem to be as easy to get along with as before. What should we do?

"Huh, let's investigate the good things before you take action! Lu Qi. Now this trash has already caused damage to my crew, and it keeps provoking words. Do you think I should kill him?"

Seeing the three of them frowning, Liu Xu knew that they believed his words, but so what?

"Kaku, I'll kill you like a chicken, trash!"

"Do not……"

Lu Qi instinctively opened his mouth, but Liu Xu over there had already shot directly. I saw his hand grabbing Kaku's neck so hard that it directly broke his neck, and his five fingers were deeply embedded in his neck. Downward flow dyed his palms red.


The scene was quiet in an instant, and a member of CP9 was solved like this?Simply neat, with no room for resistance?


Flicking the Kaku corpse in his hand, Liu Xu took out a white paper with one hand to wipe off the blood on his hand.

The three of Lu Qi were completely stunned. Liu Xu's method was too ruthless, and he even dealt with their team members so viciously in front of them.

However, they didn't think about who was more ruthless just now, who wanted to kill all the soldiers here.

Columbia and the others were excited. Mr. Captain was so handsome that he managed to get rid of a CP9 member so easily. The feeling of challenging the world government was really satisfying.


ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"

Chapter 2490 Don't hesitate to be an enemy of the world

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


Robin's beautiful eyes were fixed on Liu Xu's back. If her body was still trembling when Liu Xu arrived, she was completely calm now, no longer the fear she was before.

She is very aware of the horror of CP9 members, and Liu Xu killed their people so directly, which made her feel indescribable emotions.

"Robin, are you okay?" Nami noticed something keenly, and asked in a low voice with her arms around her shoulders.

Robin shook his head and said, "It's okay."

As she said that, she continued to look at Liu Xu, what would be his next move?

"Lu Qi, explain the matter clearly to me now, how to calm this matter down."

After wiping his palms, Liu Xu started to attack.

"so troublesome."

Lu Qi's anger has been extinguished by him, and now all he thinks about is how to overcome the difficulties in front of him, the key is to save the other members.

Just now, they all participated in the attack!


Lu Qi, who didn't know what the other party wanted to do, asked, "Liu Xu, what do you want to do? As long as we can bear it, we can do it."

"Hmph, you should consider this question yourself. What do you think you can do for me? Or is your CP9's power beyond me? Then you can give it a try."

As Liu Xu said, more purple arcs were released from his elementalized body, and a force gushed out from his body towards the sky. In an instant, the sky outside became gloomy, and the sky was covered with black clouds. Keep flashing.

In this library, the entire space is filled with purple arcs, and the sound of "cracking" keeps ringing.

Deterrence, this is Chiguoguo's deterrence!

Lu Qi's face was completely confused, this guy is not easy to fool.

"Hmph, Lu Qi, I didn't expect you to have such a time. Now you have to give me a solution. If I can't satisfy me, then I will slaughter the entire CP9. This is the price of bullying my crew!"


Faced with Liu Xu's making things difficult, Lu Qi was very conflicted. From his understanding, Liu Xu is a very nervous guy, but such a nervous person will often assume that death is justified and not give him a proper answer to today's matter. It's hard to avoid.

After thinking about it, Lu Qi tentatively asked: "Today's matter was originally a misunderstanding, I'm really sorry for such a situation, because I didn't know about Nico Robin before, so it's better to resolve the enemy than to end it, can it be counted? already?"

Surprised, unbelievable.

The cold and handsome guy with paralyzed face, Lu Qi, would say such submissive words, which made his other two completely unbelievable what they heard.

Liu Xu also admired it a little in his heart. It was really not easy for Lu Qi to do this for his team members.However, today's matter must be terminated.

"Lu Qi, what would you think if I said now that I didn't know you were CP9, and then killed you directly."

It sounded a bit rambunctious, but he said it ruthlessly.

Robin and his crew have hurt them like this, and it would be unreasonable if he didn't make them pay the price.

Therefore, no matter what touching things Lu Qi can do for his team members, he must give himself an account today and his subordinates.

Lu Qi fell silent, and sighed deeply in his heart, if Liu Xu really wanted to do such a terrible thing, then there was nothing he could do.

"Then what do you want!"

In desperation, he handed over the final power of the matter to Liu Xu, and only hoped that the conditions he said would not be too harsh.

Liu Xu smiled coldly, and said, "It's not impossible for me to say it. In fact, it's very simple. Do one thing for me, do one thing for me unconditionally. I can consider letting you go for today's matter."


Lu Qi suddenly became cautious, only thinking that Liu Xu's matter would not be easy.

"I can't tell you what to do for the time being, so I will leave it to you in the future. At that time, no matter what you are asked to do, you must do it well, otherwise, believe me, I will absolutely Have the ability to kill you all, even if you escape to the new world."

His words were very decisive. CP9, a world government agency, has a lot of resources to use. As long as these conditions are used well, they will be able to play an important role in that event.

Dangerous aura permeated the library, Lu Qi's stern face was unpredictable, and no one knew what he was thinking.

In the end, he still took a deep breath, and calmly said: "No problem, I promise you this condition, I just hope it won't be too much."

With that said, he turned around and left.

No one stopped them and let them leave here.

Liu Xu wouldn't worry about his breaking the contract. According to him, even if he fled to the new world, he would be able to kill them all, no matter who they were under the protection of.

"Captain, do you just let them go?"

Breton, who didn't know the details of Liu Xu, was a little puzzled. How could he have such strong confidence that the other party would help him with this matter?

Liu Xu smiled leisurely, and said: "Braton, CP9, as the secret service organization of the world government, would be too eye-catching if they were eliminated here. Rather than killing them, it is better to save their lives for One condition, when the time comes, they will finish this matter, hehe..."


Everyone fell silent. Lieutenant General Liu Xu was scheming, but what was he scheming about?

"Let's go, start the transformation of the warship. After the transformation of the warship is completed, it will immediately set sail and prepare to go to the holy land of Marijoa. There are still very important things to do there!"

Liu Xu laughed out loud, Holy Land Marijoya, what interesting things will there be?Most of the Tianlong people lived there, so what exactly did Madeline want to do by herself?

"Mr. Captain..."

Robin walked up to him at this time, hesitating as if to say something.

"Robin, needless to say, you are my female...companion, I have an obligation to ensure your safety, even if I am an enemy of the world..."

Liu Xu smiled and stroked her soft hair with one hand. This elegant and mysterious beauty always attracts people's attention, no matter where she is.


Chapter 2491

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


Returning to the warship, the voice of Thor sounded in Liu Xu's head. He fought against the strong one after another, and his experience gradually increased, which greatly accelerated the speed of Thor's refining the thunder fruit. In addition, Liu Xu's twenty-one swordsmanship was promoted to the top twelve swordsmanship.

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