At present, in the world of One Piece, there are only two Supreme Swords Twelve Crafts, the Dark Night Sword and the first generation of Ghost Toru, but now there is one more.

This is destined to make the world tremble.

A faint purple light flashed across the Thunder Knife at his waist, and Liu Xu pulled it out immediately. There was no change in appearance or weight, but he could feel the breath of the Thunder Knife getting stronger, a violent breath like a thunderstorm. Choose people and eat them.

Purple lightning can be seen faintly when the sword is swung, but it adds powerful lightning power, which is more in line with his ability.

"According to what Madeline said before, it's time to go to the Holy Land Marijoya now. However, it would be a good choice to finish dealing with the supernova before going to the Sanctuary Marijoya, and prepare to kill them." Let's go!" Liu Xu sheathed his knife, "Supernova, wash your neck and wait for me!"


The future plan has been finalized, Liu Xu is anxious every day, the transformation of the warship is still going on, and the funds needed are also huge.

Tina came back from the Chambord Islands in a small boat, and things went smoothly. Saint Roswald simply gave [-] billion Baileys, which was not ambiguous at all.

This made Liu Xu sigh straight away. Sure enough, the Tianlong people are the richest. That guy's property doesn't know how much. It seems that two billion Baileys are a little bit less, and they should get a little more.

At the same time, another thing from Tina's mouth also caught his attention. The people under Madeline really appeared in the Chambord Islands. De Saint got Bailey there.

And according to what they said, Madeline only arranged for them to enter the Chambord Islands these few days.

There was another thing, and that was that the supernova appeared in the Chambord Islands, arriving on the third day after Madeline's subordinates arrived.

"Forget it, I'll understand when the time comes anyway, hey."

Melancholy, Liu Xu was very melancholy in his heart, always felt a sense of powerlessness when facing Madeline, as if he was being led by the nose all the time.

The transformation of the warship went very smoothly. The entire warship underwent a major transformation under the heavy investment. The firepower output and sailing speed were handed over to the scientist Breton, while the defense and accommodation were handed over to the Carrera Company. .

According to Brayton's idea, laser cannons were installed on the warship, and the propulsion device was improved in terms of navigation. The propeller at the bottom of the stern was developed by him. The development is more perfect.

After some research on things like shells, similar thrusters were created, which can increase the speed of warships for a short period of time.

The defense is mainly made of steel materials. The hulls that were originally made of steel and wood are now all made of fine iron. This is a big project.

A week passed quietly, and while Liu Xu was waiting anxiously, the transformation of the warship was finally completed.

The appearance has not changed much. It is exactly the same as the previous warship. They are all dark purple and have a dragon head. The cannons on the front, back, left, and right are replaced with laser cannons. The proportion of the warship has also been enlarged, about twice as large as before, and a warship of [-] meters long, which is also very rare in the Navy headquarters.

"Perfect, so perfect."

Liu Xu nodded again and again. He was very satisfied with the transformation of the warship. The current warship can accommodate more than [-] soldiers, which is very satisfactory.It's just a pity that the troops that Warring States said they would send over have not yet arrived.

"Everyone is ready to go to the Chambord Islands."

Liu Xu gave a loud shout, and all the members quickly finished packing, stowed the anchor and started sailing directly.

There are more and more news about the gathering of supernovae in the Chambord Islands, and Liu Xu can't hold back anymore, and the straw hat boy Luffy and Zoro are also on the list of supernovas.

While not defeating Crocodile, Luffy did qualify as a supernova, and that combined with the various battles navigating the Great Route brought him instant fame.

A bounty of [-] million Baileys is a very high bounty for him.

Many things in the original book are missing, and there is no Judiciary Island incident, but he just relied on other things to increase the bounty to [-] million Baileys, which makes people have to admire his talent.

This kind of Bailey may be what he deserves. The reward of [-] million Bailey in the original book is a bit exaggerated. How can he afford such a reward with his strength?Maybe his identity is too special, or maybe he opened up the halo and created some events, so his bounty is so high.

The renovated warship sailed very fast. Under the constant work of the bottom propeller, it quickly approached the Chambord Islands. The time used was shortened by half compared to the usual time. This speed is a very terrifying speed, and it can be called a One of the fastest sailing ships in the world.

The Chambord Islands are much more lively than before. Countless pirates and supernova pirates gather here, making it extremely lively during this period of time.

Eleven supernovas, this is enough to attract the attention of many forces, everyone wants to know what they want to do, is it to enter the new world?Or are you looking for the legendary Fishman Island?

The purpose is unknown, and the naval headquarters also responded quickly, closely monitoring the movements of the Chambord Islands.

Most of the people who can be called supernovas are unruly and big pirates with a bounty of over [-] million. These people do things according to their own preferences, as long as they think they like it.

In the Chambord Islands, the existence of the Celestial Dragons and the supernova together constitute a powerful destabilizing factor.

Quickly docked at the No. [-] island of the Chambord Islands, and Liu Xu led his people off the warship quickly.


Chapter 2492

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


Eleven supernovas refer to the rookie pirates who have rapidly developed a bounty of more than [-] million in a short time. They pay attention.

These people are destined to cause great upheaval when eleven supernovae appear in the Shambord Islands.

Liu Xu and others have just disembarked from the warship to go to the GR1 population auction, which is the best place to find supernovae.

But they obviously don't need to look for it, and one person caught Liu Xu's attention at this port.

A samurai wearing a blue and white striped mask with several small holes appeared in front of his eyes, and his weapon was a revolving sickle in his hand. This image was very eye-catching and immediately attracted Liu Xu's attention.

"Kira of the Kidd Pirates? Looks like I'm alone!"

Liu Xu's eyes are filled with fierceness. One of the eleven supernova members, Kira, a combat member of the Kidd Pirates, has a special relationship with Captain Kidd.

At this moment, Kira is sitting leisurely at the port. With a calm personality, he treats many things from a rational and objective perspective, and is often able to analyze the current situation.

A huge dark purple warship with a dragon head caught his attention. The warship looked familiar, at least in his eyes very familiar.

"Which navy's warship will it be? The purple thunder and lightning run through the navy's flag, which is very familiar."

A look of intense interest wore on the face beneath Kira's mask.

Supernovas are mostly guys who are arrogant and think they are powerful.

And they are indeed powerful.

The characters who came down from the warship made him more familiar.

"The new Vice Admiral Liu Xu!"

A name flashed in his mind, and all kinds of information about Liu Xu also began to emerge in his mind at this moment. Thinking of the information given before, Kira felt a strong murderous intent in his heart.

When his murderous intent was almost at its peak, Liu Xu had already walked towards him.

"Supernova Kira of the Kidd Pirates, you are right?"

Walking to his side, Liu Xu looked at him with his arms around him, but Columbia and the others had already surrounded him.

What are you doing here?On the way to the Chambord Islands, Liu Xu has clearly pointed out that there is only one purpose for coming here.

"That's right, it's me, the newly promoted Vice Admiral Liu Xu!"

Kira's voice was calm and powerful, full of air, and he didn't feel the slightest retreat because of the identity of the other party.

Liu Xu raised his brows, okay, just admit it, then I can't blame the young master.

"Since you are a pirate, you should understand what will happen when you face the navy. You guard it and don't let others interfere."

As soon as the voice fell, the fifty combat team members quickly separated the surrounding area and dispersed all the passers-by A, B, and C who were going to watch the show.

"Fight, come on!"

Kira sneered, and the revolving sickle on his right hand slashed down on his head.


The purple lightning flashed by, and the supreme fast knife, the twelve-work thunder knife, came out of its sheath, and the blade slashed across the blade of the rotating sickle.


With a crisp sound, the blades of the two knives had collided when the purple electric light flashed, and the purple-black blade slid across the rotating sickle and picked it up towards Kira's mask.

Kira's eyes moved quickly and he jumped back a few steps to avoid Liu Xu's attack, but his eyes had already turned down to look at the spinning sickle.

The incision was neat and smooth, and the spinning sickle was cut off as soon as it was touched.

Slash the supernova with one blow.

"What a sharp sword."

One can understand where the gap between the two sides is, and the one that can abolish his weapon with one blow must be one of the strongest weapons, and the opponent's strength must also exceed his own by countless numbers.

For now, the power of a single supernova is really hard to draw too much attention to. Only when several or all supernovae gather together can they form a powerful force and make people fearful.

Eleven supernovas must be resolved quickly, and these supernovas must be overturned at the fastest speed, and those who are unhappy can be thrown directly into the underwater prison, so that they can enjoy the taste of prison.

The blow missed the opponent's head, Liu Xu speeded up in an instant, and his feet stepped on the ground continuously to produce super fast movements, appearing next to Kira in an instant, and slashed down again.

An extremely dangerous aura filled his heart, Kira instinctively opened his body sideways, and Tachi was slashed from his side.


Kira thought to himself, but the next knife approached quickly, forcing him to dodge again and again, and occasionally use the broken spinning sickle to resist the attack.


But such blind resistance is not the solution after all, we must come up with a way to end the battle quickly, otherwise this matter is doomed to be tragic.

Liu Xu's attack speed was so fast that he could only see the flickering shadow of a knife. From his own perspective, every knife blocked Kira's retreat, and there was no possibility for him to escape.

Under such an attack, the other party has no possibility of security.

Blood began to drip on the ground, and Kira's agile dodging movements became slower and slower, as if she was being restrained by something.

Thunder Knife's own lightning attribute, coupled with the upgraded black lightning, makes the attack power even more ferocious. The enemy Thunder Knife that is attacked will inject the power of lightning into his body, so as to paralyze the opponent's body and reduce the opponent's strength. physical skills.

The wounds became more and more, and Kira's speed became slower and slower. The tear-like pain in his body stimulated Kira's brain, making him desperately want to resist the enemy's attack.

However, everything was in vain. Liu Xu's attack speed became more and more fierce, so that he didn't even know which direction to dodge.


Liu Xu let out a soft drink, and Lei Dao's speed increased by a point.

"Puff puff!"


With the Thunder Saber back in its sheath, Liu Xu slowly stood upright, his gaze resting on Kira who was facing him.


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