Chapter 2493 The first bounty in the supernova

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


Kira on the opposite side already instinctively felt that something was wrong when Liu Xu said that sentence, but his body reaction speed was no longer fast enough for him to make any dodge movements.

The strong tingling sensation in front of him constantly stimulated his nerves, and the power of thunder and lightning raged in his body and destroyed his internal organs.

Coke, the organs in the body were turned into coke under the power of lightning, and the body from the shoulders to the abdomen had seven or eight deep bone scars.


Suddenly, the knife marks in front of him splattered with blood, and a large amount of blood splattered on the ground.


Kira's pupils narrowed rapidly, and he could only let out a powerless moan, and his body fell to the ground with a "bang", his breath became weaker and weaker, and his eyes never closed.

He couldn't believe it, he couldn't believe that he would lose so fast, and he was killed by the other party in just five minutes. How is this possible?

Consciousness became more and more blurred, and the darkness became clearer and clearer. In the end, the darkness swallowed his consciousness, but his eyes were still open angrily.

Supernova Kira lost, and he lost so simply that it made people feel that the world was changing too fast.

A moment ago it was a surging supernova, but now it is just a cold corpse. Who can imagine the changes in it.

"Captain, these supernovas are too weak, right? I can kill him easily."

Breton looked puzzled, didn't he say that Supernova is awesome?How could he be killed by the captain so easily?

The black line of Liu Xu's head drooped, and he said angrily, "Can you die if you don't brag? After all, they are all big pirates with a bounty of more than [-] million. Duan is already hard to come by."

Brayton nodded, always looking at the first half of things with the eyes of the new world, which is indeed a bit too high-end.

However, he can really kill this guy!

Brayton, a talented scientist, is a standard tough guy. With so many weapons on his body, he does have a strong combat effectiveness.

This point has been confirmed when he boarded the ship. It is really not difficult to kill a supernova.

"Ladies and gentlemen, it seems that now is not the time to be happy!"

Columbia's voice came, with a hint of worry and caution.

Liu Xu noticed his change, and quickly turned around to look where he was looking.

Three people, the leader is a red-haired hedgehog, with several scars on the left forehead extending to the place close to the heart, with dark and cruel eyes, wearing a dagger and a pistol on his chest, wearing goggles, and wearing dark red clothes coat.

Behind him are two strangely dressed people, one is a zombie who looks like Moriah, his mouth is sewn up with thread, and there is a blue-purple thorn tattoo on his neck.The other is a man in a demon costume, with a pirate logo on his belly, and a three-pronged gun as his weapon.

The characteristics are already obvious, the memory of the Kidd Pirates and his two powerful men.

Liu Xu shrugged his shoulders. This is really an eternal theme that never changes!

I remember coming to Kira aggressively, looking down at Kira who had lost signs of life, the cruelty in his eyes seemed to be substantive, he raised his head and grinned, the smile was a symbol of bloodthirsty.

"Navy, it really surprised me to kill my good brother."

Kidd's voice was full of cruel slaughter, like a beast that could erupt at any time.

The first bounty in Supernova!

"Supernova Kidd Pirates Captain Kidd, the bounty is [-] million, the highest bounty among supernovas."

Liu Xu's voice was very calm, what can we do now?

Hit, hit hard.

"Attention, this guy is a magnet fruit person, any metal will be attracted to him. Soldiers just need to pay attention to the periphery, Kidd to me, and the rest to you..."

The battle sequence was quickly arranged, and Kidd on the opposite side smiled coldly. Even a navy dared to be so arrogant. Did he think he was a general?


Liu Xu yelled and rushed out first. He didn't use the Thunder Knife. Facing his ability, the Thunder Knife had lost its meaning, and he might be pulled by the opponent's ability at any time and hurt his own people.

Columbia and others quickly surrounded the other two and attacked in turn.


Kidd snorted coldly, opened his right hand suddenly, and the weapons in the hands of the soldiers on the periphery suddenly flew towards him, gathering together in front of him and rebounding instantly, the target was Liu Xu.

Among the densely packed weapons are samurai swords and rifles. Liu Xu's speed is very fast, and what he is using now is the power of thunder and lightning.

"Thirty million volts. Chidori sharp gun!"

The purple electric light condensed between the fingers, and the purple beam of light flew out from the fingertips, directly penetrating the weapon in front and hitting Kidd behind.

Kidd grinned and quickly pulled out the dagger worn on his chest, and turned sideways to avoid the Chidori sharp gun's attack.


The chidori sharp spear landed on the ground not far away and exploded, and a bottomless, fist-sized hole appeared on the ground, and the surrounding ground was already cracked.

After avoiding the attack, Kidd quickly charged, and the dagger slashed towards the oncoming Liu Xu's legs.

"call out!"

The dagger flashed across with a bright white light, and Liu Xu's forward body suddenly rose up, elementalized into the air.

"Ten million volts. Heaven and earth!"

The purple light spot flew out from the palm of the hand and went downward, and instantly turned into a net of lightning with a diameter of five meters, which directly blocked Kidd's retreat from different directions.

"[-] million volts. Ssangyong strangulation!"

Countless lightning condensed behind Liu Xu into majestic purple thunder dragons. Two thunder dragons opened their mouths and roared, hovering downward from two places in the air.

Kidd, whose way was blocked, snorted coldly, Thunder Dragon's power seemed very strong, judging from the opponent's words, the power of the sky net should be much, much worse than Thunder Dragon's.


Chapter 2494 The Sixth Strike

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


Forcibly breaking through, Kidd's method is to force a breakthrough, directly breaking through the attack of the sky and the earth from one direction.

However, he didn't know that the main function of Liu Xu's sky net was to contain it. It was an auxiliary skill, mainly to paralyze the enemy's body and prepare for subsequent attacks.

The net of heaven and earth slowly descended, and Kidd plunged into one of the nets of thunder and lightning. Only when he entered did he know what was called sadness.

Paralyzed, tens of millions of volts of lightning instantly paralyzed his body, and the thunder dragon in the sky also arrived at this time.


The two thunder dragons opened their bloody mouths and bit down on Kidd who was in the net, and [-] million volts of lightning were released in an instant.


Kidd couldn't help but let out a scream. The instantaneous powerful electric current entered his body, which is beyond what ordinary people can bear. Coupled with the bite force of the thunder dragon, the thunder and lightning directly pierced his skin and entered his body.

Taking advantage of your illness killing you, Liu Xu instantly drew out the Thunder Saber, and slashed down in the air.

"Zi Lei Saber Technique, the sixth strike, thunder blasts the five mountains!"

The purple-black blade was covered by lightning, adding the power of lightning to the Thunder Knife, swiping it down with one hand, it looked like one knife, but in fact it was five knives.

At the same time, blast out an explosive thunderball!

Where Kidd was located, the ground kept sinking downwards, and the broken stones were constantly being lifted up, and then turned into the tiniest dust by the fierce sword light.

Kidd endured the power of the thunderstorm and five mountains from the front, and he was a little tired under the simultaneous attacks of the heavenly net and the double dragon strangling, and he had no time to take care of the more ferocious slashing in the sky.

"Uh... poof!"

Kidd's red hair was carbonized by lightning, and black marks appeared all over his body. Now that the slash fell, it added a thick stroke to his already injured body.

The ground sank, and dust kept flying up.

Liu Xu fell back to the ground, and the thunder knife was sheathed again. In front of magnet fruit capable users, metal weapons do have a fatal flaw, that is, they are easy to be pulled away from the direction, unless they are constantly using the knife light to attack.

On the other hand, Columbia and the others made their battle a lot easier.

The main attack method of the zombie is to breathe fire, which sprays hot flames from its mouth to attack the enemy, but his opponent is Brayton, a mad scientist and Robin.

Robin's flower and fruit ability gives birth to arms on the ground to form a defensive wall, blocking the flames sprayed by the zombies.

Breton, who was beside her, gave a reminder, and saw a gap suddenly appeared in the wall in front of her. Breton's hands were against the gap, and a dark hole appeared in the palms of his palms. shoot.

The zombie who was still breathing flames on the opposite side only felt that there seemed to be a little blue light in the flames, but they didn't care.

It was this one oversight that led to his tragedy, as Brayton's laser cannon had blasted straight through his flames into his head.

The spitting flames stopped abruptly, and the zombie's head was directly smashed by the laser cannon, and he didn't react until he died.

Yasha's opponents are Tina and Nami and Colombia, and his main fighting method is melee attacks.

Nami directly confronted him, the Navy Sixth Form can still play a good role, plus Tina's ability to use the threshold fruit to arrest at any time, making Yasha a little tired of coping.

"This speed is amazing!"

Columbia retreated a hundred meters away and set up a sniper rifle to take aim. Yasha and Nami fought very quickly, but Columbia, a professional sniper, had faster eyes and locked on the target with ease.


With a loud bang, a spark burst out from the muzzle, and the pitch-black bullet flew out of the gun barrel, approaching the fighting Yaksha.

Yasha instinctively felt threatened at the moment when the loud noise appeared, and his body volleyed to avoid the attack of the bullet, and it was this avoidance that allowed Nami to find a gap.

"Finger gun. Shock waves!"

Appearing next to Yaksha in an instant, Nami pointed directly with a pistol-like hand.


Yasha's eyes froze. He who had just escaped from the gunshot had no time to dodge Nami's attack. He was directly pointed at the heart, and a powerful shock wave emanated from Nami's fingertips, instantly crushing his heart.

The two powerful subordinates that Kidd brought over were directly killed by their cooperation, and now there is only one Kidd left.

The ground has been sunken for more than ten meters, and this harbour has been destroyed in a mess, which made the people who passed by feel a chill, and the destructive power of this navy is too fierce.

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