Liu Xu's eyes fell on Kidd below, and the strength of his heart network spread out to listen to the movement below.

"Huh? So weak?"

Liu Xu's eyes showed doubts. Under Xinwang's perception, Kidd's breath was very weak, and he was already on the verge of death.

Such a situation made Liu Xu sigh deeply. If it was the attack from the previous Thunder Saber, it might not be able to directly hit Kidd seriously.

And the current Thunder Knife has been promoted to the Supreme Fast Knife Twelve Skills, making it even more powerful.

A thunderstorm struck Wuyue, forcing Kidd to be seriously injured, and he might die at any time.

For a cruel supernova, Liu Xu will not have any mercy. Killing this pirate group directly can not only complete the main mission, but also create momentum for himself.

The strong players in the first half of the great route are basically here. As long as the supernova is killed, who can refuse to accept the first half of the great route?

With this in mind, Liu Xu's eyes flashed with strange purple lightning, and thunderclouds quickly condensed in the sky. Purple arcs flickered in the thunderclouds, and the thunder was rolling.

"Fifty million volts. Kirin!"

When the voice fell, the purple electric arc in the sky instantly formed a huge purple thunder and lightning unicorn, and it rushed down from the sky.


With a terrifying roar, Qilin fell to the sunken ground in an instant, and there was only a loud noise. The sunken place trembled enormously, and cracks in the ground continued to extend far away.


Chapter 2495 Delisting of the Kidd Pirates

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


Dust filled the air, and the large crater, which was more than ten meters deep, was filled with purple lightning. Arcs shuttled through it, and the sound of "cracking" could be heard endlessly.

Powerful, Qilin's attack speed is only one thousandth, unless someone with the speed of light can avoid its attack.

Moreover, the higher the height of the thundercloud, the stronger the impact and the stronger the penetration.

After the dust settled, Liu Xu released his elementalization and stood beside the big pit.

Below, there is only a charred corpse, the clothes on the body have all disappeared, and it has been carbonized by lightning.

A breeze blew by, and the scorched black body turned into fine black powder and disappeared.

No bones left, this is no bones left.

The Kidd Pirates have done a lot of evil things, and Kidd often gets angry and kills for a little thing. Such a character has no reason to keep him stubborn.

Liu Xu and even the details of the other party, naturally did not hesitate to kill him directly.

The Kidd Pirates, two supernovas who were in full bloom for a while, were directly killed by Liu Xu within a day, and some people who were watching from a distance fled in all directions, spreading the news.

After killing Kidd and Kira, the Kidd Pirates will be officially expelled. Liu Xu laughed, and it is really a pleasant thing to do Supernova first before defeating King Shichibukai.

Tina and the others walked towards Liu Xu. The Kidd Pirates were destroyed, and it was a good thing for them to eliminate the evil pirates.

"Mr. Captain, what should we do next?"

Robin smiled gracefully. The battle just now didn't consume much energy for them, and the tacit cooperation made the battle go smoothly.

"Captain, do you want to continue killing other supernovas?"

Brayton is gearing up to fight. It can be seen that he is a real man of iron and blood. The portable storage device has entered the final development stage. His next goal is to continue to transform his body and create more powerful combat power.

Liu Xu thought for a while, then glanced at the running pirates and others in the distance, and said: "Look at those pirates, I guess our actions here will be known to other pirates soon, and Supernova will naturally I will also know. When facing the navy, these pirates are likely to unite directly, and that will be the most troublesome moment for us. So now we must speed up, find all the supernovas, and defeat them in the shortest time. This is a race against time, go all out!"

Every time I think that if these supernovas are all united, I am afraid that it will be difficult for a general-level master to compete with them.

It is an objective fact that a general cannot face nine supernovae directly.

Several people understood the seriousness of the matter, and under Liu Xu's order, they quickly began to search for the existence of the supernova. Everyone had a phone bug, and it was perfect for contact.

A search team of seven men, as well as fifty soldiers and a squad leader, was quickly dispatched, and other supernovas were quickly found in GR1, a human-trafficking hub.

"Lieutenant General Liu Xu, a supernova has been discovered!"

Tina was the first to hear the news.

"which one?"

"Captain Capone Becky of the Flame Tank Pirates!"

Oh?Is this character?Liu Xu was stunned for a moment, why are all these ruthless people found now?

Capone Becky, also known as the Mafia, is an extremely cruel person. Anyone who disobeys him will be killed without mercy, even his own subordinates.

But he is also a very far-sighted guy, his resourcefulness is relatively high, and he has a unique perspective on the current situation.

The reward amount is [-] million Baileys, and the strength is not bad in all aspects.

Knowing that it was this one target, Liu Xu was immediately happy, and without a word, he directly elementalized and rushed towards Tina's position.

Others also got the news one after another and began to rush to the area where Tina was.

He is short in stature, making people uncomfortable with a cigar in his mouth, and looks like a treacherous guy with his fat body. This is Liu Xu's first impression.

After discovering Becky, Tina did not attack blindly, but followed far away to inform Liu Xu.

The members of the Flame Tank Pirates are all dressed as gentlemen, and they really look like a mafia.

Capone Becky is also a devil fruit capable user, but it is not clear what his devil fruit is, but judging from the fact that he can hold men, cannons and other items in his body, it should have something to do with the ability of space.

His ability can transfer or release all his subordinates at a critical moment, and the enemy is caught off guard. The inside of his body is like a castle.

"What a little fat man!"

Liu Xu sighed, the height of this meter six is ​​basically the same as a disabled person in this world.

However, his short body does not hinder his combat effectiveness. His attack methods are various firearms and cannons, or he releases various heavy objects from his body to attack the enemy, and the rhythm is scary every minute.

"Tina, get ready for battle."

Looking at the twenty or so flame tank pirates in front of them, they said something, and then directly elementalized to form a purple horse and appeared in front of Capone Becky.

"Everyone, don't you mind staying here for a while?"

Liu Xu pulled out the thunder knife instantly.

Seeing this, the members of the Flame Tank Pirates immediately became cautious, highlighting the responsiveness of a battle-tested pirate group.

Every second counts, and all supernovae must be dealt with in the shortest time, lest they unite at that time, and things will be unpredictable.

The Flame Tank Pirates are another pirate group to which a supernova belongs. Although the captain only has [-] million Baileys, which is not much in a supernova, he can do it in front of him.

One of the characteristics of becoming a supernova is that the bounty exceeds hundreds of millions in a short period of time, and those who can break through the hundreds of millions of bounties in such a short period of time basically have done some major events, so Liu Xu feels at ease.


Chapter 2496 Swordsmen Are Not Enough

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


On the noisy street, a navy confronted a group of pirates. It seemed that the scene was very interesting, and many people stopped to watch it all at once.

Capone Becky pulled out his pistol in an instant, hooked his finger on the trigger and rotated it a few times, the action was quite handsome.

"Who are you? It seems..."

The navy in front of him made him feel familiar, he should have seen it somewhere before.

He was born in the West Sea, and he was relatively unfamiliar with a person who came out of the East China Sea, even in the first half of this great route.

"Liu Xu, Liu Xu, Navy Headquarters!"

His voice is indifferent, and a quick solution is the most important thing.

Columbia and others should be close, so let's get started!

"Eighty million volts. A thousand birds fly!"

A large piece of purple light flew out from the palms of both hands, and turned into a purple lightning bird with a wingspan of one meter in the sky. It opened its sharp beak and sang loudly. The chirping of thousands of birds made the people on the whole street feel depressed and irritable.

The purple birds hovering in the sky swooped down from the sky while everyone was in a state of confusion, and a piece of purple lightning filled the air.

As the birds approached, Capone Becky was the first to react, shooting directly at the birds with his pistol, and the other men also took out weapons, most of which were firearms.

"Bang bang bang!"

The moment the gunshot sounded, the bullet hit the bird, but the purple bird was made of lightning, so how could it be afraid of these physical attacks?



The sharp beak penetrated the bodies of some pirates, and the power of [-] million volts shuttled through their bodies, destroying their physiological functions to the greatest extent.

As a far-sighted pirate captain, Becky remembered who this person was when Liu Xu said his name, and the other party's subsequent attack made him very angry.

How can he not be angry when so many subordinates are defeated one by one?

The pistol was put away, and a gap was suddenly opened in his abdomen, and a crazy saber appeared in his hand.


With an angry shout, the saber slashed with a blade light that swept the thousand purple flying birds in the sky, like a thunderstorm that turned the thousand flying birds into the most primitive electrons and scattered in the air.

"Oh? Can't tell that he is still a strong swordsman!"

Liu Xu was surprised for a while, he didn't expect the other party to have such a method, which is really surprising.

"Liu Xu, today you must die without a place to bury you!"

Becky roared again and again, this time more than [-] subordinates who came out with him actually lost more than half of them in the attack just now, how could he accept this.

"Save the big talk until the victory!"

Liu Xu smiled disdainfully, his contempt was beyond words.

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