As the voice fell, countless tumbling thunderclouds appeared in the sky, but it was the effect of the ark's motto, and the thunderclouds were summoned with extreme ease.

Becky felt the danger instinctively, and immediately shouted, "Kill him."

Saying that, the horse-chopping knife chopped down several times in a row, and several dazzling sword lights were swung out, and the left and right sides of the retreat were completely blocked.

The other pirates also acted upon seeing this, changing to melee swords and rushing up.


With a few loud noises, a small hole appeared on the foreheads of the pirates in front of them, and the blood flowed down, and the body shook several times and fell to the ground.

"Our captain's battle is not something you can stop, fight with me!"

Brayton laughed, and took out a chain-like weapon from his abdomen, covered with barbs, the front part was sharp rhombus-shaped, covered with small barbs.

This is his weapon, a unique weapon!

A few pirates rushed up, while Tina and other women retreated. It seemed that they did not need to take action in this battle.

In Colombia in the distance, the trigger was pulled again and again. The hidden sniper was very terrifying. No one knew his location. The bullets from the armed colors easily penetrated the defense of the pirates and ended their lives.

The appearance of a few sword lights did not make Liu Xu panic, but was eager to try. I don't know what it would be like to slash at the level of a swordsman?

After making up his mind, Liu Xu covered his whole body with armed domineering aura, and at the same time, the navy six-style iron block instantly inflated his body.


"Iron block!"

One of the slashes hit his body, and the white blade light hit him head-on. Liu Xu only felt a huge force trying to push his body back. At the same time, there was a strong tearing feeling from the blade light. Wanted to cut his skin.

The dazzling dazzling sword light did not penetrate his defense in the end, and the energy was exhausted and disappeared.

"It seems that the sword hero is not enough."

The feeling from the body was very clear, and there was no damage, which meant that the opponent's attack didn't seem to have any effect on him.

So, is it the same with the slashes of other swordsmen?


Becky couldn't believe it, how could the person who was hit by the sword light in the front be fine?Is this guy's body made of steel?

Liu Xu ignored his shock. At this moment, the thunderclouds in the sky seemed to be summoned to roll over. The purple arcs continued to condense, and finally formed a unicorn and landed.

"Suffer to death!"

The roaring unicorn swooped down from the sky and hit Becky's body in an instant.


With a scream, Becky was thrown down by Qilin. A current of [-] million volts was raging in his body, challenging his limit.

The purple unicorn pressed on Becky's body, and the electric current caused the most powerful damage to him.

However, after all, it was a big pirate with a bounty of hundreds of millions. At the critical moment, he actually used his fruit ability to trap Qilin into the castle in his body.

Liu Xu was dumbfounded, is this all right?What kind of fruit is this guy?Why can it have the power of space?

The power of space can be said to be the most mysterious and unpredictable. Bruno's door fruit belongs to the category of space, and he can appear anywhere at any time.

It's just that Becky is different. He creates a space in his body, absorbs all people and things, and releases it when necessary. This ability is terrifying.


Chapter 2497 Killing Thunder God

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


The only slightly injured Beiji stood up, took a few heavy breaths, and was furious.

"Bastard, bastard."

Becky cursed loudly, wishing she could kill the other party right now, and made herself so embarrassed.

Liu Xu despised it for a while, and it was at this time that the other party made a direct move.

The abdomen opened the space channel, and a cannon was taken out from his abdomen, and the moment it appeared, it aimed at Liu Xu and fired it.


The pitch-black cannonballs approached quickly, and Liu Xu had the urge to curse. This guy is completely a mobile fort, and cannons can appear wherever there is need.

Also, how can anyone use cannons to attack like this in a duel?This guy is a genius.


Yuebu jumped up, covered the armed domineering body, turned around, and kicked the shell into the air with one kick.


The cannonball was kicked into the sky and exploded suddenly, like dazzling sparks, which made people almost fascinated.

Which prodigal kid is using cannons as fireworks?

"Shave. Broken Moon!"

Liu Xu, who kicked the cannonball flying, used the shaving, and his body turned into an afterimage and appeared beside Becky, and stepped down.

The broken moon, the combination of shaving and finger gun, has the power to step on steel.

Becky never thought that Liu Xu's actions would be so straightforward, and he was a little hard to resist for a while, and was kicked in the shoulder.


Becky flew to his side, his face twisted in mid-air, his left arm was weakly drooping, and he could clearly feel that his arm had been stepped on by a foot.

The impact hit the ground and dragged back more than [-] meters before Becky stopped. He was still holding the saber in his right hand with a fierce face.

With a cruel personality, he can easily take action on his subordinates, so he has already cultivated a persevering character, and he does not pay attention to physical damage.

Lifting the Saber and charging straight up, Liu Xu also drew out the Thunder Saber when he saw this, and directly fought the opponent in close quarters.

On the other side, Columbia and Breton put away their sniper rifles after finishing three enemies, and the rest of the battle seemed to be a bit out of hand.

Looking at Breton who was fighting, Columbia was in a cold sweat.

Breton's weapon is a chain full of barbs. The material of this chain is very special, and it is actually made of Hailou stone.

The chain made by Hailou Stone has a suppressing effect on the devil fruit person. As long as he is hit by his chain, even the elementalization of the natural system can directly reach the body and temporarily seal the opponent's power.

Two thumb-thick Hailou stone chains danced vigorously in his hands, and the pirates around him were not taken seriously at all, and he was not afraid even if his opponents were armed with rifles and big knives.

The broadsword continued to enlarge in his eyes, and it was about to hit his head.

The method Breton took was not to advance but to retreat, his head tilted, and the chain of Hailou stone in his hand was thrown out.

"Hey! Ding!"

The diamond-shaped part of the front end of the sea tower stone chain directly passed through the pirate's head, and the pirate's big knife also hit Breton, but unfortunately it hit his shoulder. Broken.


Brayton grinned loudly, and pulled back the sea stone chain that had passed through the pirate's head, only to see blood and brains spray out, staining his face red.

"Come on! Come get it!"

The stimulation of blood made Brayton even more fierce, and his burly body over two meters tall could indeed frighten many people.

Hailoushi's chain waved again, how could the other pirates dare to step forward when they saw this cruel scene?

Don't be afraid that the other party is a master, but be afraid that the other party is a master who is desperate. This is what makes people feel scared.

The desperate way of fighting, the members of the Flame Tank Pirates fled in all directions, which made him deeply despised.

"Go to hell!"

Brayton roared, and suddenly a pair of mechanical wings extended from his back, his feet spit out blue and white flame shock waves and flew directly into the air, his abdomen opened, and six machine guns appeared in shock.

"Bang bang bang!"

Controlling the mechanical wings to fly in the sky, constantly adjusting the position, the machine gun in his abdomen constantly spews out fire snakes, what he uses is not bullets, but a kind of energy, the energy bullets produced by the conversion device in his body, constantly towards those The fleeing pirates bombed the past.

"Ahahahaha! Die, die!"

In the sky, Breton laughed wildly, which really made the people below sweat. This guy is too sturdy. It's easy to be jealous, isn't it?

The onlookers on the street have already run away, and it is not worthwhile to take their lives in order to watch the excitement.

Liu Xu's battle here has also come to an end. The close combat between Becky and him can't delay Liu Xu's footsteps, but instead makes Liu Xu's attack speed and angle more fierce.

Becky wanted to cry, after all these years of being a cruel captain he wanted to cry.

The cannon is not good for others, and even the melee attack is suppressed and beaten by others. Is this the rhythm of God wanting to destroy him?

Yes, this is indeed the rhythm that God wants to kill him.

Liu Xu was a little tired of this kind of battle. The moment he swung the knife, the power of the thunder and lightning instantly increased to the extreme, and he saw a faint black thunder light appearing on the thunder knife.

"Slay God of Thunder!"

Suddenly, the thunder knife swung a slash with black lightning, and slashed towards Becky who was only two meters in front of him.

Black lightning?That's right, it was the lightning power that was broken through when fighting Enilo. The lightning of more than [-] million volts produced a qualitative change and turned into a black lightning.

This kind of lightning attack power is even more terrifying, and its speed, penetration, burning power, and destructive power have all reached the extreme.

Enilo's big move is [-] million volts. Thunder God, Liu Xu's move is named Thunder God, which means that even Thor can cut through.

Even the quasi-general-level Anilu could not withstand the attack of black lightning, and his limbs were directly chopped off, and it is worth noting that Anilu is a person with the ability to ring the thunder fruit, and he has a strong immunity to lightning. Once it reaches Qinghai, the bounty will be close to [-] million, which shows how powerful the attack power of the black thunderbolt is.


Chapter 2498 One less supernova

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


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