The speed of light, the real speed of light attack!

The moment the black slash fell, it penetrated Becky's body, and the penetrating power and burning power generated by the black lightning directly turned his body into nothingness.

Terrifying, a big pirate with a bounty of hundreds of millions turned into nothingness under one knife, how powerful is this?

"Bang! Boom!"

The black slash destroyed Becky, and at the same time slashed down to the ground, the slash flew towards the distance, the attack of light speed generated a strong air pressure, the buildings along the street were smashed in an instant, collapsed one after another, and the ground also appeared A crack up to three meters wide, with no end or bottom visible at a glance.

"So strong!"

The sudden attack made his crew members marvel. The combination of lightning power and swordsman power was perfect, so perfect.

Putting the knife away, Liu Xu didn't even look at the crack. From now on, there may be no more flame tank pirates, supernovas, and one less!

The demise of Capone Becky.

Liu Xu walked up to his crew, feeling a little tangled in his heart.

This time the battle seems to have caused too much commotion, if there is no last knife, it might be better.

"It may have attracted some attention now, everyone listen, continue to search for supernovas, find them in the shortest time, and act!"

Without too much nonsense, Liu Xu issued an order in an instant, and everyone separated again to search for the supernova.

After they leave, those who left before gradually come back.

Looking at the scene after the battle, it was suddenly sad. How many years of hard work they had put into it, now all of a sudden turned into nothingness.

There were also some people who looked at the crack and sweated profusely. The crack extended directly to the seaside, and sea water began to appear under the crack, and the sea water continued to surge up.

"Okay, it's terrible, it actually pierced the island."

A pirate swallowed hard, his body trembling and retreating again and again.

Some other pirates also had shocked and ugly faces. What exactly does this Vice Admiral want to do?

As soon as I came to GR1, I started to hunt and kill pirates. Is this the rhythm of destroying all the pirates here?

"That's Lieutenant General Liu Xu, Lieutenant General Liu Xu of the Navy Headquarters."

Some people are happy and some are sad. Some people in the Chambord Islands are naturally excited. They are just ordinary people. The stronger the navy, the more they can be protected.

Although they live under the rule of the Tianlong people, it does not hinder their excitement.

Three supernovae died in one day, and they were all destroyed by the same person, which attracted the attention of many people, especially those supernovae.

Gathering here is not such a pleasant thing, and there are many reasons for it.

Some are Tianlong people who hate this place, and some come here because of their interests.

And now, someone is hunting supernovas, which makes them wonder if there is some conspiracy looming over them, otherwise how can they only target supernovas, and other pirates seem to have no problems.

This made them deeply suspicious. There was definitely a conspiracy.

However, since the attack was aimed at the supernova, why not attack at the same time but take the challenge of hunting one by one?

Suspicions kept appearing in the supernova, making them deeply puzzled, what the hell is going on here, how could there be such a weird thing.

The current Chambord Islands are in turmoil due to Liu Xu's hunting actions. Everyone of the pirates is in danger. How long does Lieutenant General Liu Xu want to carry out the killing?

As for Liu Xu, after killing Becky, he began to look for other supernovae, but before he found a supernova, the voice of the phone bug interrupted his actions.

"I'm Liu Xu, who are you?"

"I'm Warring States, Liu Xu, what the hell are you doing? Why did such a serious thing happen in the Chambord Islands?"

The Warring States' voice was only serious, but there was no hint of anger or blame.

Liu Xu didn't expect that the news would reach Zhan Guo so quickly. Who on earth notified him?

"Warring States, is there any problem with this?"

Hearing this, the Warring States burst into anger, doesn't this bastard understand what this means?

"Idiot, don't you know that rashly attacking these supernovas will have serious consequences? If they join forces, you will be finished, idiot."

Huh?Such a question!

Liu Xu smiled and said, "Warring States, I've thought about this question a long time ago. Anyway, supernovas are mostly vicious people. They may gather here for some kind of conspiracy. Wouldn't it be great to smash them up? Yes, you have disturbed me now, because you did not let them have time to unite, so I have to speed up and kill them now."

Zhan Guo was silent for a while, but he didn't expect this guy to attack blindly!

"Then are you sure?"

"Supernovas are basically all arrogant and arrogant. Even if I kill a few more now, they will not unite so quickly, and by the time they are united, it will be too late!"

Liu Xu's words were so decisive that Zhan Guo was stunned.

The existence of the supernova has seriously affected the prestige of the naval headquarters in the first half of the great route. Naturally, there is a desire to completely eliminate these people in the heart of the Warring States.

If it was usual, it would be very simple. They could be easily killed by dispatching general-level masters. In addition, there was that powerful pacifist whose appearance was consistent with Bartholomew Bear, one of the Seven Martial Seas.

As long as these are dispatched, the supernova can be terminated at any time.

It's just that there is one more Liu Xu here now, which makes Zhan Guo hesitate a bit.

If the ordinary Celestial Dragons were attacked in the Chambord Islands, then as long as the Warring States eradicated the supernova, they would not lose face in front of the Celestial Dragons in the Holy Land Marijoa.

But if something goes wrong with Liu Xu, the Warring States Period can't imagine whether the anger of that Princess Madeline will sweep the entire world, and that time will be the most terrifying.


Chapter 2499 Magician, divination will you die today?

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


"I will send General Yellow Ape and pacifists to assist you in this matter. Anyway, be safe."

As Warring States spoke, he hung up the phone, and the bug called urgently.

In the original book, the yellow apes and pacifists should have been caused by the talent who beat Tianlong, but now they come because of Liu Xu.

Liu Xu was speechless for a long time. Isn't this guy from the Warring States too enthusiastic?

There is complete confidence in the elimination of the supernova. Now sending the oracle and the Mirists over is to grab the head?

Girl, don't act like this!

"Anyway, let's destroy a few more supernovas first, otherwise it will be boring if the person with the ability to release the fruit comes over."

Liu Xu muttered and quickly quickened his pace. In his heart, the yellow ape had eaten the water-repelling fruit. He could kill the pirates with one kick, but he insisted on posing for a long time, using yellow light to dazzle the blind people's eyes, and was finally caught people rescued.

What else can such a person eat after eating the fruit?What a crime.

"Bolu Bolu... Bolu Bolu..."

While searching, the phone worm rang again.

"Captain, found a supernova, Magician Hawkins."

Hawkins?The information of this person quickly flashed in his mind, a person who ate the cursed fruit, good at divination and deflecting attacks.

"where is it?"

"GR27, there are several subordinates here."

Breton's voice was very clear, and he immediately reported the number of Hawkins pirates.

But there are only a dozen men, which doesn't seem to be a big deal.

"Wait for me, come here right away."

After speaking, Liu Xu quickly elementalized and flew directly into the air towards GR27.


He has flowing blond hair, a slender figure, the iconic six vertical stripes on his forehead, armor on his left arm, and a black cross tattooed on his Adam's apple.

Black trousers are paired with a ruffled white top with open arms. He has a melancholy face, but he has a calm and introverted personality. He is calm in situations and always likes to decide his actions through divination.

This is Basil Hawkins, known as the magician who manipulates the straw.

Beside him are a group of subordinates in cloaks, and the whole body is shrouded in cloaks, which is very mysterious.

Liu Xu and Breton walked out directly, and the two of them faced the dozen or so people with ease and no pressure.

"Lieutenant General Liu Xu? What a rare character!"

Hawkins sat relaxed and comfortable on the edge of the spring, completely unaffected by the visitor.

"Captain! He is the newly promoted Vice Admiral of the Navy Headquarters!"

"Captain, he has already killed several pirates with bounties worth hundreds of millions."

The subordinates were terrified because of Liu Xu's appearance. Liu Xu completed a three-game killing streak with a bounty of hundreds of millions of pirates in one day. This matter has already spread from GR1 to GR27. They have no reason not to know.

"Don't worry, I won't die today, I've already done the divination."

Hawkins' voice was very calm, just so confident, confident in his divination skills.

Liu Xu walked up to him and looked down at him. How accurate is this so-called magician's divination technique?

"Oh, magician, such a high-end profession, so are you confident in your divination skills?"

There was a playful look on Liu Xu's face. This Hawkins always had a melancholy look on his face, which made people feel very uncomfortable. It would be better to kill him?

Hawkins glanced at him and stopped paying attention, and instead took out a deck of cards from his arms.

"The defeat rate is percent..."


A cloud of purple lightning flew out from Liu Xu's fingertips, directly piercing through his cards and burning them up.

"Well, I haven't seen it clearly yet."

Hawkins was not surprised at all. Calmness is one of the things he is most proud of, but his subordinates exclaimed, Captain, you are too calm!The opponent has killed three big pirates with a bounty of hundreds of millions in succession. Do you want to be the fourth?

"Magician, do a divination, will you die today?"

"Captain, run away!"

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