The subordinates screamed, and they already wanted to escape, but their own captain hadn't escaped yet, how could they escape at this time?

"Don't worry, it's all been divined."

Hawkins' tone was slightly dissatisfied. Did he question the captain's divination skills?Really, I have followed for such a long time, why is it still not flexible?

Liu Xu had a strange smile on his face. This guy seemed to be really confident in his divination skills!

It's just that I am the biggest variable in this world, and if his divination technique involves me, can it still work?

Every dimensional world is running according to the established destiny, and when a person breaks into this world, the gear of destiny will change.

Liu Xu is the one who broke into this world and changed the gear of fate.

Such a character can be said to be a person who has escaped the shackles of fate in this world. Everything is too general and confusing, and everything in the future is full of variables.

It can be said that he is the real supernova.

"Magician, do you want to try the gift of thunder and lightning?"

When the voice fell, Liu Xu's body was covered with purple arcs, and his whole body was bathed in lightning.

Elementalization is the most basic ability in nature, and any physical attack will be useless under this ability.

Liu Xu, who was bathed in the purple thunder and lightning, looked like a god of war, and his eyes gradually turned cold.

"Hawkins, how much lightning bombardment can you withstand?"

Cold words came out of Liu Xu's mouth, and at the same time, he kicked out, and the purple glare burst instantly.


The subordinates shouted loudly, but it seemed that it was too late, and they simply had no time to help.

Facing Liu Xu's attack, Hawkins was not worried at all. Liu Xu's kick sent out a shock wave with hundreds of millions of volts of lightning, hitting Hawkins on the shoulder.


With a loud bang, a surrounding house was suddenly hit by a figure, and a huge gap appeared in the wall. At the same time, the house fell down, and the smoke and dust instantly covered the direction where Hawkins was before.


Chapter 2500 Cursed fruit, transfer attack

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


"It feels real, it's really good."

Liu Xu is still very confident in his close combat. In addition to the Navy Six Styles and Thunder Saber, fighting with Thunder and Lightning's own power can also have a strong effect.

Just like the close combat of Huang Yuan and others, they can maintain elementalization at all times, and quickly switch between elementalization and navy six styles, almost without any pause.

Liu Xu also has great achievements in this area, but he rarely uses it.

For example, moves such as Chidori Sharp Gun are used in close combat. Of course, pure lightning burst attacks can also cause very powerful damage.

Going down with one kick, you can really feel that the kick has hit Hawkins' body.

However, the situation soon changed.

The smoke gradually dissipated, but Hawkins was still where he was before, but he stood up now, and he couldn't see any damage on his body.

"Oh? The ability to curse the fruit?"

Liu Xu narrowed his eyes slightly, the power of the cursed fruit is really good, and the speed of transferring the attack is so fast, it's not easy!

Hawkins slowly walked towards Liu Xu, a scarecrow suddenly appeared from his arm and fell to the ground, but upon closer inspection, the head of the scarecrow had disappeared. This is his ability, using the scarecrow to divert the attack to others.

At this moment, in another place, a pirate was suddenly hit in the head by a ball of lightning, and his head exploded instantly, so frightened that the pirates around him trembled. How could lightning appear out of thin air?

The ability to divert attacks does not seem to have a fixed target, and it may be possible for Hawkins to choose whether to divert to people around him.

"Use a scarecrow to divert the attack? Hawkins, you are a bit weak as a magician. If you use playing cards or something, you will look a bit like a magician!"

Liu Xu's voice was full of teasing, and the scarecrow could easily remind people of wizards or witches, so it has nothing to do with magicians!

Hawkins didn't take his words to heart, but said calmly: "I said, I won't die today, as long as I can live."

If this is the case again, Liu Xu smiled in his heart. Supernovas basically came to the Chambord Islands to enter the new world, and they would not enter the new world without completing some things.

It's just that they are so ambitious that they appear here at the same time, and some of the hidden things make people think deeply.

If there are one or two here, it is relatively normal, but so many people appear here, the ghost will believe that this is a normal thing.

Are they planning to take any big action?Or was it brought together because of other issues?

"Divination also makes mistakes, Hawkins, today is when you make mistakes."

Liu Xu said unceremoniously, but his eyes fixed on the dozen or so pirates.


With two hasty soft sounds, Liu Xu crossed his hands and opened his fingers, purple lightning continuously condensed between his fingers.

Finally, with a wave of both hands forward, ten purple beams of light quickly approached a dozen pirates.


The dozen or so pirates panicked immediately, Liu Xu's actions were without warning, leaving them no time to react.

The attack at the speed of light is not like the guy like the yellow ape who eats the water-release fruit who always poses. Liu Xu's attack is very decisive and straightforward.

Ten beams of light penetrated the bodies of more than a dozen pirates, turning them into ashes in an instant, and bombarded the buildings behind them.

"Boom boom boom!"

Ten lightning beams exploded and instantly destroyed a large building complex, and the surrounding buildings were directly razed to the ground.

"Okay, amazing!"

"Is this the power of the lieutenant general?"

"The lieutenant general is so powerful, what about the general?"

Some people who like to die lie on the remaining buildings and watch from a distance, and they are also shocked by Liu Xu's strength. This guy's strength is too strong.

"Run away!"

A few more eye-catching decisive ones slipped away, and if they stayed any longer, that little life was just joking.

Hawkins' subordinates were directly killed by Liu Xu, which made his anger continue to gather.

"It is not in line with the status of a lieutenant general to shoot these little soldiers."

Hawkins' melancholy face also took on anger.

"What qualifications do you have to say that when you attack the common people? You scumbags, this young master is killing harm for the people and avenging those innocent people who were brutally killed by you."

Liu Xu directly refuted it with one sentence.

Hawkins snorted, he couldn't refute these words, big pirates like them, how could they not attack those common people?

Since he has done something, he is not qualified to refute.

"Then it's time to finish you now, I don't know how many times you can divert your attack?"

As Liu Xu said, the next move also started. In the elemental state, he rushed directly to Hawkins, waved his hands forward a few times, and saw countless purple arcs flying out of his palms, directly covering all of Hawkins' escape routes.

But Hawkins' expression changed. How could this guy know his secret?How is it possible, how is this possible?

The ability to transfer attacks is indeed very enviable, but his number of transfers is also limited, only ten transfers, that is to say, once he is attacked ten times in a row, his next transfer attack will lose its effect. This is a fatal weakness.

It seemed like a big deal before, but now it feels like nothing when the restriction comes out.

It's not surprising that Liu Xu knows his weakness, not to mention using a majority of lightning to attack, which is the most effective.

Countless purple arcs surrounded Hawkins from all directions, causing his complexion to change sharply, unable to dodge, and the opponent's attack was basically impossible to dodge!

The power of the purple lightning has been shown just now, and you can't let those lightning hit, otherwise it will be sad.


Chapter 2501 Destruction of gr27 Island

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


In desperation, Hawkins once again used the power of the cursed fruit to divert the thunderbolt's attack.

Lightning struck his body in an instant, and scarecrows kept falling out of Hawkins's body, and each scarecrow had a gap.

At the same time, in every corner of the Chambord Archipelago, a few people were suddenly pierced by a lightning bolt, and they lost their lives in a blink of an eye.

"Yo, can you divert your attack again now?" Liu Xu said jokingly.

Count those scarecrows carefully. There are nine attacks in this wave, which means that Hawkins' transfer ability has expired, so the next attack can directly attack his body.

Hawkins snorted coldly, and quickly performed divination to determine how to avoid this time, which he thought was the best choice.

However, this time the divination was beyond his expectation.

"Huh? No content?"

Hawkins' eyes popped, why is there no content?Divination failed?No, how is this possible?How could divination have no content?

Suddenly, looking at Liu Xu approaching in front of him, Hawkins felt a tremor in his heart. Who is this guy?

The approaching danger made Orgolden's face more and more ugly, and his melancholy face was filled with unease.

"The ancestor of demons!"

The power of the cursed fruit is used again, but this time it is not to transfer damage, but other abilities.

When the voice fell, Hawkins' image changed instantly, his body was raised rapidly, his skin was covered with a layer of wood, and finally formed a huge scarecrow.

Long yellow hair, the whole body is made up of vegetation, and there are black spikes at the position of the five fingers, the image is like a monster, which makes people feel creepy.

"What a disgusting image! But do you think the Scarecrow can compete with Thunder?"

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