Liu Xuqi shook his head, and directly elementalized again without further ado, and Hawkins' attack had already arrived, and the black spikes kept waving down. Perhaps those spikes had special functions, such as curses.

Liu Xu didn't want to be an experimental guinea pig, so he easily avoided his attack and came to the midair. The Ark Proverb quickly summoned a thundercloud.


The thundercloud rolled, and Liu Xu pointed with one hand, and saw thunderbolts as thick as arms falling from the sky, and the target was Hawkins.

With the assistance of Ark Proverbs, it is more convenient and faster to use these moves now.

The thundercloud covering the entire GR27 looked depressing, as if it was the end of the world, and the deafening thunder made people tremble even more, as if it was a reminder.

The thunder and lightning fell, and the endless thunder and lightning directly covered the area where Hawkins was, and they bombarded directly.

Hawkins had never seen such a lightning attack before, and was a little dumbfounded for a while.

There are so many thunder and lightning, how to avoid them?

Time was running out, and Hawkins had no possibility of dodging. The lightning fell on his body instantly and sparked, and then the second lightning fell on his body, which also ignited sparks.

Hawkins' heart trembled, and he clapped his hands to extinguish the flames, but this resulted in even more tragic consequences. The flames swept across his entire body in an instant, like a flame giant.

"Thunderbolt has high temperature, and the scarecrow wants to compete with Thunderbolt. Isn't that a death sentence?"

Liu Xu muttered, this is the high temperature power of thunder and lightning, it is so relaxed and happy.

Hawkins, who was covered by lightning and flames, fell to the ground to extinguish the flames, but the lightning continued to fall, completely covering the area where he was.

"Bang bang bang!"

The extra lightning attacked the ground where he was and exploded, and the ground in the entire area was continuously lowered, and the tremors of the ground could be felt from a distance, causing countless people to start to flee.

The ground seemed to be torn apart by a huge force, and countless cracks spread across the entire GR27 island, and seawater continued to emerge from the cracks and eroded everything around.

This kind of power makes people escape faster. Liu Xu looked at Hawkins calmly and calculated carefully. When the island is destroyed, those civilians should be able to escape.

Liu Xu plans to come back at that time to be more ruthless and completely destroy the island, turning it into dust of history.

The lightning attack lasted for a minute and finally stopped, but the cracks in the ground continued to expand.

"Stop, stop?"

Some people seemed to think that the attack had stopped, but they continued to escape when they saw the still rolling thunderclouds in the sky.

"So fast? I can't help but fight."

Liu Xu shook his head. Hawkins' strength didn't look very good, and it was true.

It would be easy for Huang Yuan to kill him, but if Liu Xu broke out, it would only be more ferocious.

Taking Enilu as a comparison, Enilu with a reward of [-] million is the power of the quasi-general, so these supernovas should be the peak of the major general and the power of the lieutenant general, at most that's it.

"Then, let's take the final blow! Destroy GR27 Island!"

As Liu Xu said so, the thunderclouds in the sky suddenly dropped countless lightning bolts covering the entire GR27.

"Boom boom boom!"


"[-] million volts. Fury of Thunder!"

There were bursts of rumbling sounds in the purple thundercloud covering the entire GR27, and the electrons in it were close to a riot state under the traction, and the purple thunderbolt beam with thick arms fell from the thundercloud, impartially, just on the edge of GR27. , seems to have been accurately measured.

"Bang bang bang!"

The purple lightning beam fell and exploded. The ground of the entire island that had been cracked was fragile. After the bombing by the lightning, it completely collapsed. The ground turned into dust, and was completely smashed into ashes by the lightning.

Brayton's pupils shrank, the mechanical wings behind him suddenly opened, and the rocket thrusters under his feet accelerated into the air. Seeing the lightning beam passing by him, cold sweat immediately flowed down.


Chapter 2502 The fallen rear admiral is afraid

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


A standard tough guy was frightened by Liu Xu's thunder and lightning, and it was indeed a bit difficult for him.

Lei Dian was summoned by Liu Xu, so he would not suffer any damage from this kind of attack, but continued to control it, using the power of the heart network to determine the attack range, and then controlled the Lei Dian to land.

In less than two minutes, Liu Xu stopped controlling, and the entire GR27 was reduced to ashes under the attack of Thunder Fury, and was swallowed by the sea below.

The elementalization of lightning ability can fly freely in the air, Liu Xu ran directly to another island, this is GR30, and Brayton also flew over with him, looking frightened.

"Captain, what is your attack? It's more terrifying than a laser."

Brayton was still terrified. If Liu Xu hadn't precisely controlled the thunder and lightning, he might have been terrified just now, and he would have been directly killed by Thunder's Wrath.

Liu Xu chuckled and said, "With the power of the natural department, there should be many such attacks in the new world, right?"

A natural attack?Lots of new worlds?Some people want to cry, Captain, there are not many attacks like yours in the new world. People who can have such an attack rarely make a shot, and they can only see it occasionally.

Fortunately, the superhuman knowledge acquired in the new world made him settle down quickly, no matter what he does, now this is our captain, just feel at ease and do his own thing.

"Bolu Bolu... Bolu Bolu..."

The voice of the phone bug rang again, and Liu Xu had a smile on his face, what a perfect time to come!

Now the other supernovas should be able to be dealt with quickly. Before they unite and the yellow ape arrives, kill them first. I just don’t know if that guy Xiong will show up?

Well, a very powerful guy, a man with a big body and a soft voice.

Uh, I got goosebumps.

"Mr. Captain, GR30 discovered the supernova Drake, and is currently preparing to leave GR30."

Robin's voice came, and Liu Xu was delighted by what he said. It was actually in GR30. Does this mean that God will take care of us?

"Wait for me, I'll be there soon."

Responding quickly, Liu Xuxinwang immediately started searching for Robin's location.

The coverage of the heart network can easily cover an area with a radius of [-] kilometers through the improvement of the ark's motto and the improvement of the thunder knife. This range is terrifying, and any sound within this range can be monitored by him.

Robin's location was quickly found. It was in the woods on the edge of GR30. At this moment, Drake seemed to be preparing to board the ship and leave, instructing his men to load boxes of supplies onto the pirate ship.

Seeing this, Liu Xu rushed over without saying a word, and Breton followed quickly behind him.

Drake, born in Beihai, originally belonged to the rear admiral, the ability is the animal-type devil fruit ancient dinosaur fruit, Tyrannosaurus rex form, the bounty is [-] million Baileys, which is a very good bounty.

Known as the Fallen Navy, he has X marks on his chin and chest, a four-edged ax in his right hand, a sword in his left, and a black mask on his face. He looks like the masked Zorro, and his clothes are similar to ancient Dressed as a Roman knight, he is a passable guy...

It's just that it seems that he hasn't made any major achievements so far. Perhaps one of the reasons why he can have such a high bounty is that he originally belonged to the navy.

Anyone who defected from the Navy headquarters would be offered a reward, and the amount of the reward was generally relatively high, let alone those who defected from the rank of major general.

Drake's face was solemn, GR27 was not far from here, and he felt a strong sense of crisis from just now, and after seeing the thundercloud covering GR27, he immediately understood that someone was fighting, and The battle scene doesn't look small, it's really a bit big.

It was at this time that a piece of news reached Drake's ears, that is, Liu Xu's massacre of hundreds of millions of pirates, this news instantly reminded him of the thunder cloud, and he couldn't help being horrified.

Judging from the lightning from the thunder cloud, Drake can fully conclude that the fourth supernova should be killed by Liu Xu.

Drake himself is not sure that he can withstand that kind of lightning power.

The strength of the supernovas is basically the same, and there will be no great difference. Based on this comparison, it is possible to judge whether the person fighting Liu Xu is alive or dead.

He is very familiar with the name Liu Xu, and has heard of it a long time ago.

Originally a rear admiral, he naturally paid more attention to some things in the navy headquarters, but now the name Liu Xu reminded him of many things.

"This man is too terrifying, and his identity should not be simple."

The fallen rear admiral was thinking so silently, he was... scared...

Drake did not hesitate to lead the people to leave directly, as for the other supernovas gathered here, he had to give up temporarily.

They all want to enter the new world, but why are they all chosen at this time?And some people arrived here first, why didn't they immediately enter the new world?What are they waiting for?

"Major General Drake, it would be too boring to run so quickly."

A voice came from the sky, and then a figure quickly landed in front of Drake.

The sudden appearance of a figure shocked the pirates in the wooded harbor. How did this person come down from the sky?It must be too handsome!

Of course, this is just an idea.

In an instant, dozens of pirates were surrounded by people in the future, seeing the rhythm of a big fight.

Drake looked at the person coming with a calm expression, as if he had already expected such a thing.

"Lieutenant General Liu Xu, I didn't expect you to come here so quickly. The power of the lightning fruit should be able to reach the speed of light. At this speed, you can fly freely in the sky."

At the beginning, Liu Xu's strength was explained, which was a bit surprising. This guy didn't play his cards according to common sense. Shouldn't he start a fight as soon as he came out?


Chapter 2503 How did you become a supernova?

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


Liu Xu was a little interested. This guy spoke clearly and clearly, and it was true.

With the power of lightning, his speed has reached the speed of light. In the elemental state, he is an electron and can travel through the air quickly. This is what he can do after his speed reaches a limit.

If there is no speed of light, then he cannot fly freely in the sky.

"You said it very well, my ability is indeed like this. But even if you know this clearly, can you dodge the attack of the speed of light?"

What he said made Drake feel depressed. He used to be a colleague of the yellow ape, and naturally he deeply understood the horror of the speed of light. That is the rhythm that can easily kill him!

Even if he has become a supernova now, he still feels a deep sense of powerlessness when facing the yellow monkey, which makes people really depressed.

"Bastard, don't underestimate our captain."

"Damn, you underestimate us."

The pirates who surrounded Liu Xu are not angry, you guys are surrounded by us, why are you still talking like this, don't you know that you can save yourself the pain of flesh and blood by waiting more honestly?

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