"Hey, show some respect to my captain, scumbags."

Another voice came from the sky, followed by a laser beam circling around Liu Xu.


A violent explosion sounded immediately, thick black smoke and scorching flames suddenly rose around Liu Xu, and the pirates surrounding Liu Xu were directly laid down by the laser beam before they had time to react. The pirates who were still on board survived.

Breton controlled the mechanical wings to fly in the sky. He was the one who bombed the laser beam just now. He easily and happily eliminated the pirates surrounding Liu Xu, leaving only Drake.

The fire was reflected on Liu Xu's face. It was already noon. This seemed to be the fifth supernova. It should be possible to overturn the other supernovas in the evening, right?

His subordinates were knocked down by others, but Drake remained calm and looked at Brayton in the sky.

"Is this a new weapon developed by the Navy Headquarters? It is exactly the same as the laser beam of the yellow ape."

Liu Xu raised his brows. Is this guy raising the banner now or relying on the old to sell the old?It's okay to talk about what that wretched man Huang Yuan is doing?

Thinking of Huang Yuan's wretched face and his thick raised lips, Liu Xu trembled violently, that guy was too black-bellied.

"This is my crewman, my partner Breton, who came from the New World to the first half of the Great Route. How can it be a weapon of the Navy Headquarters? It hurts too much for you to say that."

Liu Xu shook his head with a sad face, making the pirates on the pirate ship hate it so much, this guy is too arrogant, bastard, let Master take a rest and fight you for [-] rounds, the time is to be determined.

"I'm curious about what you did to kill pirates with a bounty of hundreds of millions. It seems that there has been no major action in the Navy headquarters recently."

The black line, the decisive head hangs down the black line.

What else can a navy do to kill a pirate?What else do you need to ask?Could it be that there is something wrong with this guy's brain?

"The navy and the pirates have always been on opposite sides. What do you think I am doing for it? Stupid, don't talk too much nonsense, let's do it!"

Originally, he was a little interested in this former rear admiral, but now he has completely wiped out Liu Xu's interest with one word. This is another person with a brain problem.

Derek's eyes sank, and he quickly calculated the power gap between the two sides.

Strength is not comparable, speed is not comparable, then, perhaps defense will be a little comparable.

With such thoughts in mind, Drake quickly mobilized the power of his own fruit, and his body shape changed instantly, turning into a Tyrannosaurus rex several meters high, with sharp claws, sharp teeth, and a huge bite force between the two jaws.

Tyrannosaurus rex gnaws!

The attack in the Tyrannosaurus rex form is a little weak, and the attack is too monotonous, but his defense is still a little bit desirable.

"Thirty million volts. Chidori sharp gun!"

The purple lightning condensed between the fingers, and the dazzling purple light shot out instantly to form a purple lightning beam, and the Tyrannosaurus Rex also bit him down.


Drake's attack speed was still slow after all, Chidori's sharp spear's attack speed was much faster than his, and it was easy to shoot directly through his halved and hit the trunk of a towering tree behind.


The towering tree behind him exploded at the moment when the sharp spear of the thousand birds came, and the tree with a diameter of ten meters was directly cut off by the power of thunder and lightning, and the tree was charred black and set on a raging fire.

And Drake's tyrannosaur form disappeared instantly, returning to his original appearance.

"Sure enough, it is a devil fruit that does nothing, and the degree of development is weak."

Liu Xu felt contemptuous in his heart. The Tyrannosaurus rex fruit sounded very cruel, but Drake didn't develop any ability, just simply biting it, which was a bit humiliating to this devil fruit.


A silhouette flashed in front of Drake, and a dazzling purple light reflected on his face, shocking Drake, who was seriously injured in his shoulder.

"I'm curious, how did you become a supernova?" Liu Xu said with a smile, and the purple light in his hand shot out instantly, "Major General Drake, goodbye, no, goodbye forever."

The purple electric light penetrated Drake's head in an instant, and there is no possibility of surviving such an attack for a non-natural power user.

Before Drake could say a word, his head was blown away, and the surrounding ground collapsed instantly.


The pirates on the pirate ship roared, how could the usually powerful captain not be able to resist the opponent's attack?Impossible, this is impossible!

Two moves, and only two moves directly solved a former major general. Liu Xu didn't feel too much emotion.


Chapter 2504 Five consecutive kills, double star alliance

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


Liu Xu didn't care about what would happen if he defeated the supernova. The pattern of this world might have been changed early in the morning.

It is doomed to change the world pattern since it came to this world, and hunting supernovas doesn't seem to be a big problem.

Anyway, the Navy Headquarters has such an idea, it is better to make yourself cheaper, increase combat experience, and restore Thor's strength.

The process of eliminating the supernova was very fast, and under the catching up of time, Liu Xu was forced to speed up his pace and wiped out all possible enemies.

Five consecutive kills, five consecutive kills have been completed, five consecutive kills in one morning, this speed is very terrifying.

It was at this time that rumors about Liu Xu's stay in the Chambord Islands finally spread. Five pirates with a bounty of over [-] million were slaughtered by a vice-admiral. Everyone in the Chambord Islands could clearly hear this. clearly.

"A pirate with a bounty of hundreds of millions? Doesn't that mean us?"

Urki laughed, his bounty could reach the threshold of [-] million Baileys, a reward of [-] million.

Several of his subordinates were also laughing, that someone would want to hunt and kill these big pirates, that would be simply courting death.Those five big pirates who were killed were too inferior, they were really despised.

Urgi is huge, with a pair of white wings on his back, tattoos on both arms, and always has a smile on his face. He was born in an empty island.

There is nothing strange about such a character, if you want to say the most peculiar thing is his devil fruit.

The name is not clear, but the ability is very interesting.

By receiving the attack, he counterattacks the opponent in the form of karma, and the greater the damage he suffers, the bigger his body and the more ferocious his power.

Such a devil fruit has a feeling of being abused. It seems that it needs to be abused before it can exert its powerful power. As expected, it is like his title, strange monk, it is so strange.

He didn't pay attention to what was going on in the Chambord Archipelago. It didn't matter to him. His goal was the new world, as long as he could reach the new world.

"I don't know if what those people said is true, can't they enter the new world?"

The smile on Urki's face remained the same, but his heart was pounding. When is the best time to enter the new world?Damn it, why don't those people come out?

"Weird monk, it seems that you don't care about that vice admiral at all!"

A man in a strange attire with a syllable embroidered on his chest, wearing earphones and black glasses, with teeth like piano keys, and a thick braid on his head suddenly appeared behind him.

The strange monk Urgi was stunned for a moment, then turned his head to look at the man, and said, "Apu Haiming, what are you doing here?"

They all belong to supernovae, and there are still a few familiar to each other.

Apu jumped down from the house with a smile. As a long-handed clan, he was very sensitive.

"Ah, blah, blah, I've seen that battle, it's very strong."

Apu also had a smile on his face, but if you look closely, you can see the seriousness in his eyes. This time the opponent is not so easy to deal with.

"Oh? How strong?"

Urki didn't care too much. After sailing on the sea for such a long time, he didn't see anyone strong enough to kill him easily. Unless he met the admiral of the navy headquarters, he could still fight well.

The Admiral of the Navy Headquarters is one of the top combat forces. If you encounter those masters, you can only consider yourself unlucky.

But now the opponent is just a lieutenant general, so why panic?

"It seems that you still don't understand that kind of power. I even think that the opponent is not as simple as a lieutenant general, and his strength is very strong. I should unite against that guy, otherwise things will be difficult."

Apu still responded with a smile, but there was a strong desire in his words.

United, only by uniting can we fight against that guy, otherwise there is only a dead end.

"Unite? You actually want to join me, Apu, it seems that you were scared by the other party."

Urki had never seen such a battle, so naturally he couldn't understand Apu's anxious heart at the moment.

"I solved five pirates with a bounty of hundreds of millions in one morning. Do you think the opponent's power would be so simple? You know, Kidd's bounty is more than [-] million, which is not ordinary strength. Such people are all It was easily solved by him, do you think you can fight him alone? Also, the Kidd Pirates were directly dealt with when the other party landed."

Kidd's bounty is the highest among the supernovas, and he is naturally the strongest in all aspects of strength, but he was still eliminated when Liu Xu just landed. This kind of thing made Apu understand the seriousness of the matter .

For the first time, Urki struggled with his words, is he really that tough?

The strongest supernova was killed, and the entire pirate group was also destroyed by the tyrannical force.

No matter how powerful Urki thinks he is, he still doesn't think he can fight against that lieutenant general.

They have met Lieutenant Generals, and they have encountered many more, but they never slipped away from the opponent's hands every time before. Over the years, their mentality has changed a bit. It seems that the Vice Admiral of the Navy Headquarters is not so scary.

In Liu Xu's understanding, the lieutenant generals in the Navy headquarters are very powerful, but there are also some who are not very capable. The powerful lieutenant generals are basically guarded in the new world, and there are many, many fewer in the first half and the four seas. Hard to come across.

"Are you sure you really want to cooperate?"

The smile on Urki's face gradually narrowed, and the habitual smile changed at this moment.

Many people say that death doesn't matter, that people will die, but when the real death comes, few people can still maintain that mentality.

Often when people are about to die, they feel that they still have a lot of things to accomplish, that they cannot die here, and so on.

There are many such people among pirates, even in the Navy Headquarters.


Chapter 2505 Pluto Rayleigh, Thunder Emperor of the End Times

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


Apu seems to have understood it, and said: "Ah, it would be a great thing to cooperate. And we can't just cooperate with each other. There are still a few pirates with a bounty of hundreds of millions. It would be great if we could all unite and enter the new world together."

Urgi scratched his head and thought, unite all the pirates with a bounty of hundreds of millions?Is it that easy?

"Now with the two of us, there are six pirates with a bounty of hundreds of millions. If all of them are united, it will be a very powerful force."

Apu gave him a shot in the arm, and the combination of six pirates with such a high bounty should not be underestimated.

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