It's just that he still doesn't understand that the Navy Headquarters has sent people there, and they are destined to be a tragedy.

The power of the pacifist is too strong, the cost of a pacifist is equivalent to a warship, and a supernova is hard to resist, plus a yellow ape is rushing here.

How powerful is the yellow ape?The rhythm of killing them every minute.

"Will they unite?"

"I don't know, but it is necessary to unite now. I guess the lieutenant general is looking for us now, so step up and try to find those people to unite as soon as possible, otherwise we will be in danger."

Although Apu is a very evasive person, he still has some brains and can make accurate judgments when facing death threats.

"Then act!"

Urki quickly responded that the current situation is indeed very pessimistic.

After the two determined the route, they quickly started to act, and the pirate members under them also quickly implemented it and began to look for the remaining few people.

The situation on Liu Xu's side is a bit tangled. Two hours have passed since the five-kill streak was completed. During these two hours, no one reported anything about the supernova. It seems that the remaining supernova Like evaporated.

"I don't know if Rayleigh has been auctioned, I'm really looking forward to it."

Although Liu Xu, who couldn't find the supernova, was a little anxious, he also remembered another character.

The vice-captain of Pirate King Roger's Pluto Rayleigh, that guy's fighting power is very tough. Even though he is old now, he can still fight on par with the yellow monkey. This is the most sturdy part.

In my impression, it seems that he sold himself. An old man who is proficient in three-color domineering actually sold himself. It's really beeping.

This is to make other overlord color owners ashamed, isn't it?

After making up his mind, Liu Xu brought Brayton and Robin back to GR1. It should be the easiest place to meet Raleigh in this human trafficking center.

But after coming here, Liu Xu found that things had far exceeded his expectations. That boy Luffy actually took Lei Li away, and there was no Tianlong person here.

Strange, shouldn't it be the general who attracted the Navy headquarters after overthrowing the Tianlong people?Why has everything changed now?What the hell did that kid Luffy do?Could Rayleigh still be found here now?

The answer is yes, of course I can find it, no, I saw Rayleigh's guy after only half a circle.

An old man in a trench coat, with long curly hair, a beard on his chin, and silver beard and hair; he wears glasses, has a straight scar on his right eye, and has a sword hanging from his waist. A powerful will that can make one's liver tremble with just one look.

Such an image Liu Xu recognized immediately, the fighting power of Pluto Leili is definitely a sturdy existence in this world.

After having said goodbye to Luffy and others, Hades Rayleigh left the tavern. Naturally, he had his own views on what happened in the Chambord Islands today.

"This is Liu Xu, the Thunder Emperor of the End Times?"

When Liu Xu appeared in front of his eyes, he recognized it immediately, and made a judgment almost without thinking.

The Thunder Emperor of the Doomsday!

This is the title that Liu Xu has now. He killed five pirates with a bounty of over [-] million in one morning and earned this title.

The powerful thunder and lightning power is as terrifying as the end of the world. This is what the pirates think of as the Thunder Emperor of the End Times.

"Pluto Rayleigh?"

Liu Xu turned a blind eye to the sturdy aura on his body, and walked directly to Lei Li's body for a closer look.

Some people on the street seemed to have found something and immediately fled.

Some people recalled what happened three years ago, while others thought of the Thunder Emperor of the End Times who was making a fuss today.Anyway, run away, that's the most important thing.

Pluto Rayleigh grinned and said, "You are really young and promising, but your behavior today is too much."

Does this mean a lesson?

Liu Xu directly retorted: "Rayleigh, you are old and can't keep up with the pace of the times. Too much? Why is it that the navy hunts down pirates? It's just a few pirates killed. If they have the strength, it is I got slaughtered by them, didn't I?"

"Interesting guy."

Pluto Rayleigh is such a simple sentence, a young and promising guy, but he has shown a little bit of sharpness and blatantly wiped out so many supernovae. Is this to cause the wrath of pirates?

"You are interesting too."

Liu Xu replied, but he was thinking about whether to kill Lei Li, but after thinking about it, he decided to forget it. Although he would not die in a fight with him, the battle must be very difficult, and the time required It is also very long, and by then it will be too late to hunt down other supernovae.

"It seems that you have taken a fancy to a little guy, who also seems to be a member of Supernova!"

Hearing this, Rayleigh's eyes sparkled. Does this guy mean to provoke?

"So, are you going to attack him? The Thunder Emperor of the End Times."

"Hey, it's necessary to start. You have to trample on these supernovas, otherwise how can you be worthy of the position of lieutenant general in the Navy headquarters!"

Liu Xu's words are very natural. This is his duty, and it is also a shortcut to the main task. How can we not trample on them?


Chapter 2506 Overlord look domineering, general-level strength

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


His words were very simple, but Pluto Rayleigh couldn't calm down anymore, and even wanted to fuck the little guy he liked.

That little guy is very likely to become the next One Piece. He has such a temperament, how can he be killed!

"He is what this old man likes. He will become the Pirate King in the future. If you want to kill him, you must pass the old man first."

Rayleigh's face suddenly became serious, and the old body also gathered strength in an instant. It seems that he is ready to fight?

"No, who said that Master Ben wants to kill him! After all, Luffy is the grandson of old man Garp, and Garp is my friend. To sum it up, Luffy is also ours, so, As you who want to be Luffy's master, how should you address us?"

Liu Xu's words changed quickly, and he was full of seriousness, so these words were a bit of an advantage.

Pluto Rayleigh snorted and grinned, it seems that things are not so bad!

I really didn't expect that kid to have such an identity, exciting, really exciting.

It's just, why do you take advantage of the old man so much?

According to Liu Xu's meaning, he is Garp's friend, and Luffy is Garp's grandson. Isn't that just saying that Luffy is the grandson in disguise, and who is the grandson's master?That's a generation lower than him, a nephew's generation?

"Little guy, don't you see that you are still a sharp-tongued guy!"

Knowing that Luffy won't be killed, Rayleigh also relaxed.

After sailing at sea for such a long time, he did not mind the identities of pirates and navy, and regarded them as equals, and nothing too special.

"You are not bad for each other!" Liu Xu laughed.

Breton and Robin next to him were sweating profusely. Captain, you are suspected of playing with fire!

The opponent is Rayleigh, the king of the underworld, Rayleigh, the vice-captain of Pirate King Roger, that's not a joke.

Breton, who was born in the new world, has a deeper understanding of the name of Hades Rayleigh. Hades Rayleigh's reputation is not weaker than the current Four Emperors, and he is an extremely sturdy existence.

Then why would Qi Wuhai be abused against the king of the underworld, Lei Li, if Lei Li was in his prime, he would kill Qi Wuhai every minute without any consideration.

"So what are you doing in GR1 now?"

Since he didn't come to kill Luffy, what is he doing here?

Liu Xu chuckled and said: "Of course I came here to find you. By the way, I will take a look at that kid Lu Fei and beat him up, ah! What a wonderful thing."

Huh?Beat him up instead of killing him?

Lei Li's eyes sharpened in an instant. This guy's personality is a bit too weird. It seems that he is not such a simple character!

"Rayleigh, show me your domineering arrogance, um, the domineering arrogance of a tyrant."

Um?Domineering and domineering?Rayleigh's eyes flashed with a look of incomprehensible meaning. If the overlord is domineering, it will not be so easy to clean up. What is he going to do?

"Have you figured out the consequences? The overlord's arrogance may stun you at any time."

"Save it, it's still useful to deal with some minor gangsters, but it's very mysterious to deal with the general level."

General level?This kid is interesting, so come on!

Thinking like this, Rayleigh instantly mobilized his domineering arrogance, and the two Robins backed away immediately. That thing is not a joke.

The overlord's arrogance is invisible and colorless, it is a kind of momentum, a kind of coercion, the same as the coercion of the king, it can shock people's spirits and make people stunned.

Liu Xu endured the domineering aura head-on, and it was the aura of Pluto Rayleigh. The first feeling was that it was very strong. The domineering aura was indeed very powerful. That kind of aura was invisible and colorless, but it filled the entire space, making people breathe at any time. difficult.

Small cracks began to appear in the surrounding buildings and the ground. Under the pressure of the domineering look, these buildings were unable to resist and groaned fragilely.

This is the overlord color. After coming to this world, I really came into contact with the power of the overlord color for the first time, which was really pleasant.

It's just that there are some regrets. Under such pressure, he didn't wake up to be an overlord. Don't he have the potential to be overlord?Wouldn't it be so rude?

At the same time, there is another problem, that is, Overlord Color can intimidate people's spirits and make people faint, but he doesn't seem to faint when facing Lei Li's Overlord Color.

what on earth is this kind of happenings?

"what's going on?"

"Boy, you haven't awakened the domineering aura yet. How can I see you being abused by a domineering color! The aura of Leili, the king of the underworld, has been borne by me for you."

Pfft... When did Thor become so reliable?

A minute later, Pluto Leili looked at Liu Xu with deep doubt and shock. How could this guy resist the coercion of Overlord Color?Does he have the power of a general?

There are very few generals who can not be stunned by the domineering look. In this sea world, Lei Li thinks that he has not seen a few people who can be so powerful.

But now there is a real one in front of him, which makes people doubt whether he has the domineering aura in order not to be stunned by the arrogance.

It lasted another two minutes, Lei Li suddenly put away his arrogance, and he could only feel depressed when facing a person who possessed the artifact Nine Songs and was protected by Thor's halo.

"You already have the strength of a general?"

One sentence is very puzzled, the other party is only in his early twenties, how could he have such a sturdy strength?Even the young man whom he had fancied could become the One Piece King, he didn't have such aptitude!

Liu Xu grinned. Naturally, he would not reveal the secret of the Nine Songs of Destruction. Maybe Thunder God is very reliable, and I can be regarded as having his inheritance now, or maybe he wanted to save face and directly transferred Lei Li's arrogance. The impact endured.


Chapter 2507 This young master is not going to save the Tianlong people!

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"

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