
"There are always surprises in this world, isn't it? A world that is too bland can easily make people tired, and a little surprise can make everyone feel novel."

Liu Xu was just talking nonsense, but Lei Li's eyes seemed to think of something.

The former One Piece Roger said a word when he met him for the first time: "Come with me and turn the world upside down."

This sounded ridiculous to him at the time, but he still became Roger's first crew member and created the world-shattering King of the Underworld, Rayleigh.

"You are not a man willing to be lonely."

Rayleigh pursed his lips and smiled, as if he saw the shadow of the man he used to be, which is really nostalgic.

"Go, go, why is my young master so lonely? My life is very nourishing. Don't think of me as that kind of person. I am a navy, a just navy."

Liu Xu resolutely denied his words. These words are intended to make people misunderstand. Now, my young master is surrounded by several beauties every day. How can I be lonely?

Reilly regretted it, and wished he could take back what he just said now, the old man is seeing the wrong person.

"So now! Well, let's find another supernova to fight."

Liu Xu's words are very easy, and a quick decision is the last word. There are still several people who have not survived, so we must speed up the progress.

It's just that another incident interrupted his plan, and I can't wait to rush into someone's house and beat him up.

"Bolu Bolu... Bolu Bolu..."

The sound of the phone bug made him happy for a while, and he quickly pressed the answer button.

"Lieutenant General Liu Xu, Saint Roswald, a nobleman of the world's nobles, was attacked by pirates. Please go to support him now, and arrest the pirates who provoke the dignity of the world's nobles."

The voice of the Warring States came. It had only been a long time. Two phone calls came in one day, which was about to die.

Liu Xu wanted to spit, and said directly: "I won't go, what are the Tianlong people doing with so many things, it must be that unlucky Saint Roswald to provoke some pirates with some strength, I am going to kill those supernovas now, No time."

Rayleigh on the opposite side was surprised, what did he say to Sengoku?Who gave him such courage?

And the Warring States period in the Navy Headquarters is full of black lines, can't this stinky boy wait for his words to finish before deciding?

"According to reliable sources, it is one of the supernovas that attacked the Celestial Dragons. In GR7, it's up to you whether you go or not."

Ah, supernova?Liu Xu's eyes lit up, the news of the Warring States Period is very good!

"Go, why don't you go, it's a fool who doesn't go. By the way, has that wretched man from Kiabou arrived?"

"It should be coming soon, I asked him to speed up, and the landing position happened to be the area where the Tianlong people were."

Um?When you come out of the Warring States Period, this young master promises not to kill you.

Liu Xu became anxious immediately, hung up the phone and said to Brayton and Robin, "Rush to GR7 immediately and overthrow Supernova. You bastard Celestial Dragon, if you scare Supernova away from me, see if I won't do it." kill you."

Said, rushed away.

After the three of them left, only Lei Li was left full of doubts. Isn't this Major General Liu Xu too interesting?


GR7, Saint Roswald fell to the ground and swallowed hard as he watched the pirates getting closer and closer in front of him. He had sent out a distress signal just now, why didn't the people from the Navy Headquarters come over now?


Trafalgar Rowe, who was in front of Roswald St., looked disdainful and gave him a middle finger. This contemptuous gesture was indeed insulting.

When I came to GR7 just now, I ran into this Tianlongren. Looking at the common people who kept kneeling around me, Luo was full of contempt, and when he saw the appearance of the dragonman that day, he was even more contemptuous, so he directly gave him a middle finger. This caused Tianlongren to be furious, and sent his subordinates to arrest him, but how can Luo's power be compared to those of Saint Roswald's extraordinary subordinates?It was easily resolved by three punches and two kicks.

The terrified Saint Roswald decisively asked for help, and requested the support of the Navy headquarters. At the same time, the navy in the Chambord Islands quickly rushed here.

"Tianlong people are just a bunch of waste, do you want to continue?" Luo said contemptuously, but looked at the sky again, "It seems that we can't stay here any longer, the general should arrive soon, right? Before that, Get rid of you first."

Luo is a very smart pirate with deep vision.

I have already thought clearly about the consequences of what I have done. Instead of running away in embarrassment now, it is better to kill the Tianlongren now and then leave gracefully. Anyway, they will be hunted down by the navy. As long as they enter the new world, The Navy was helpless.

With this thought in mind, Luo directly raised the knife in the middle and slashed it with a single knife.


A figure flashed, Luo's saber was directly blocked, and the dragon man hurriedly retreated back that day.

"who are you?"

Luo frowned, which navy is this?

"Rear Admiral of the Headquarters in the Chambord Islands, Dele!"

An officer with cyan curly hair and a blue-and-white striped suit, about [-] meters tall, with a dagger hanging from his waist, is the Major General Dele whom Liu Xu met in the Chambord Islands before, but now he is from the Major General of the branch. Promoted to major general.

Major General Dele, who came in a hurry, finally appeared at the most critical moment and saved Saint Roswald.

Major General Dele is holding a sword in his right hand, which is a very typical tachi, with a snow-white body and red and black stripes on the hilt.

"The name of the sword is white blood, and it is a good and quick sword with fifty craftsmanship. In my hands, I have killed [-] pirates. The sword's body is pure and flawless, and it is not stained with any blood, hence the name. Please advise!"

Major General Dele said politely, but what he said let people know that this guy is definitely a fighting madman.

[-] pirates, what kind of concept is this?

Three years ago, the number of pirates he killed was only about [-], but now it has soared to [-], which is surprising enough.


Chapter 2508 You scared my supernova away, how are you going to pay?

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


Major General Dele nodded slightly. Now that this is the case, let's start fighting!

"Sky Strike!"

With a light drink, Major General Dele slammed forward two steps and jumped, Bai Xue raised his head and held the hilt with one hand, slashing from top to bottom in quick succession, and the white shock wave fell down.

Luo calmly responded to the analysis, and instead of taking out the sheath, he jumped behind him and left.

"Now is not the time to fight with you, take your head next time!"

As he spoke, he left first, followed by the members of the Red Heart Pirates.

The major general has appeared, then the general will arrive soon, and now is not the time to stay for a long time.


The white slash hit the ground and exploded immediately. The slash directly shattered the ground below, forming irregular cracks that scattered around.

Major General Dele flipped back to the ground, frowned, looked at Saint Roswald who was still in fear behind him, and finally sighed, now is not the time to leave!


Another loud noise came here, and a purple light appeared, and a figure came out from the purple light. Major General Dele immediately stood up cautiously and stood in front of Tianlongren.

Um?Looks familiar!

"Hey, isn't this Major General Dele, long time no see."

When Liu Xu came out of the purple light, he saw Major General Nadler. He was a little pleasantly surprised. He didn't expect to meet such an acquaintance. He was so lucky.

"Are you? Lieutenant General Liu Xu?"

Major General Dele's suspicious eyes soon brightened, but he saw the thunder knife hanging from someone's waist. This knife made him very familiar. It was because of this knife that a big battle was triggered. Naturally, it was an impression profound.

If someone knew that he was not as impressive as this knife in the mind of Major General Dele, he would probably jump into the sea and commit suicide.

"Hey, let me ask you something, have you seen the pirates attacking the Tianlong people?"

Liu Xu smiled and said, praying in his heart, God, let us be lucky.

It's a pity that Major General Dele's words shattered his luck: "I was going to fight that pirate just now, but he has already escaped."

Liu Xu's smile froze. Is this still a step too late?

Damn it, the supernova must have known that there would be an attack from the future, and he was probably scared to the point where he ran away, depressed.

Suddenly, out of the corner of his eyes, he caught a glimpse of Saint Roswald who was promoted to Major General Dele, and the anger in his heart immediately came up. Damn, it was you who made this young master's prey run away.

"Bastard, you bastard, you have nothing to do to provoke those pirates. I don't know what this young master wants to catch those pirates. You scare people away now, and you pay my loss, you bastard."

Walking over with a black face, without saying a word, he grabbed St. Roswald's collar and shook it.

Saint Roswald was crying in his heart, why is it this devilish man again, my God, it's only been a short time, why is it so unlucky to meet him again?

"That, that, it's not me, I provoked him."

Roswald St. was crying, which made Major General Dele look surprised.

Well, what kind of pirates, stop chasing, let's watch the big show!

"Then tell me what's going on?"

Liu Xu roared, making the eyes of Robin and Breton who came after them almost drop. Captain, is it appropriate to treat a Celestial Dragon like this?

Saint Roswald's face changed drastically, this, this guy is too far ahead, ahem, we can't seem to beat him.

Immediately, after telling him about his meeting with Luo, Liu Xu let him go with a whimper.

"Hmph, you're acquainted. It's just that you scared my prey away, how should you compensate?"

"Here, is it okay to pay ten times the bounty of that pirate?"

St. Roswald spoke cautiously, and Liu Xu swallowed secretly, but his face was full of disdain when he spoke such tough words.

Seeing that the other party didn't speak, St. Roswald struggled for a while, finally gritted his teeth, and said, "Can it be done according to thirty times?"

OK, why not.

Liu Xu helped him up with a bright smile on his face, and said, "It would have been nice to say no earlier! We're not free now, so I'll get it from you next time. Let's deposit it with you first, and then even the interest will be paid." gave it together."

Ruthless, too ruthless.

St. Roswald was sad in his heart, but he also secretly breathed a sigh of relief. It's okay, it's only thirty times, at most several billion Baileys, and it can be earned back in almost a year.

Draco people, rich Draco people.

Liu Xu was satisfied, and learned who the pirate was from Saint Roswald.

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