Luo, it turned out to be this guy, it seems that his knife is not bad!

Ghost cry, it has no rank but it is a demon sword, it is really a good thing.

"Robin, Brayton, let's continue to find that Luo and overthrow him."

Having said that, Liu Xu chased in the direction Luo left. He had to speed up his pace, otherwise it would not be worthwhile if Luo ran away.

Robin and Breton looked at each other. It seemed that this was the first time they had seen the captain treat the Tianlong people like this. They had only heard about it before, but now they saw it directly. It was really exciting and fierce.

After thinking about it, the two also followed Liu Xu and chased after him.

Escape, Luo is a very smart person, he knows the consequences of insulting the Tianlong people, so he escapes decisively, leading the members of the pirate group to retreat quickly, preparing to escape from GR7, this is his idea .

Even if you can't leave the Chambord Islands in the shortest time, you must escape to a relatively safe island.

The purpose of coming here has not been realized, the conditions promised by those people have not been fulfilled, how can it be possible to leave like this, it is not worthwhile.

Chasing, Liu Xu's chasing speed is also very fast, and the power of Xinwang quickly spreads out to search for all possible sounds.

The power of Xinwang is undoubtedly very powerful, but there is a shortcoming, the power of Xinwang is not to see, but to hear.


Chapter 2509 Hundreds of Millions of Bounty Pirate Terminator

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


Facing a person who has never met or heard his voice, it is very difficult for Xinwang to accurately determine the location of the other party, even if the other party is within the range of Xinwang.

Unless, in an area where there are no people, it is easy to judge the identity of the other party.

Even though he knew it would not have much effect, Liu Xu still unfolded the power of the heart network, carefully screened all the voices, and eliminated all possibilities.

It took a lot of time to search, and the time passed bit by bit. Seeing that the sky was about to darken, Liu Xu became more and more anxious.

Where did this guy Luo hide?That wretched man Huang Yuan should have arrived by now, right?

"Captain, I found Luo's trace."

A figure jumped down from the sky, but it was Breton.

In order to find Luo's trace, Breton did not hesitate to use energy to carry out aerial reconnaissance, and finally found the opponent's location.


Liu Xu picked up Robin with one hand, turned into a purple horse and rushed over quickly.

At the speed of light, Luo's trace was finally found, and it was directly in front of him.

Wearing a furry winter fur hat with leopard spots, eyes with personalized black eye bags, two small gold earrings on each ear, a beard on the chin, and casual long-sleeved clothes with a hood , and the pants are light blue with a speckled pattern.

There are also black tattoos similar to those on the clothes between the back of the hand and the elbows. There are large heart-shaped tattoos on the chest and shoulders and a tattoo of the pirate group logo on the back.

There are letters on each finger of the hands, and the tattoo on the hands looks very wild when paired with the same leopard spots on the pants.

This is Ro, Trafalgar Ro!

Luo, who was about to leave GR7, was blocked by three people on the shore. It was also a lush green shore surrounded by huge towering ancient trees.

Luo, who was blocked from his way, instinctively jumped in his heart, even a calm person would be a little surprised.

What's more, he was worried about the arrival of the Admiral of the Navy, which made his originally calm heart feel a little bit of fear.

After seeing the person who came, I was relieved. If it is not the familiar three generals, there is nothing to be afraid of.

"who are you?"

Luo frowned, and his partner immediately stood behind him.

Luo, who was born in Beihai, is not very familiar with Liu Xu, and the first half of the great route was relatively short, and he went directly to the Chambord Islands, so there is still relatively little news about Liu Xu.

If the admiral of the Navy Headquarters wants to be quickly known to the world, then only in certain events, or when the Navy Headquarters uses the telephone bug to broadcast to the world, can the general’s reputation be quickly established.

Although the current Navy Headquarters is constantly promoting Liu Xu, it does not broadcast the phone bug, so some pirates still don't know Liu Xu's existence.

Only those big pirates who really pay attention to the world structure know of Liu Xu's existence, and they are always preparing for Liu Xu's existence.

"Liu Xu, put an end to you vice admirals who have hundreds of millions of bounty pirates."

Liu Xu's words were very blunt. As soon as he appeared on the stage, he immediately revealed his identity as the vice admiral who will overthrow you pirates today.


There was a flash of wisdom in Luo's eyes. The name Liu Xu was popular in Chambord Islands today, so he had heard of it.

Five pirates with a bounty of over [-] million, including pirates with a bounty of more than [-] million, died in his hands today, so are you going to attack him now?

"Then let's try it!"

Without talking too much nonsense, Luo immediately became vigilant, and his subordinates did the same, quickly getting ready.

The Red Heart Pirates have a lot of people, and Luo's strength is also very strong.

Judging by his ability to completely end the pacifists, his strength is brutal.

The power of pacifists is very powerful, and many of the supernovas cannot fight against pacifists alone. For example, supernovas such as the strange monk Urki are destined to be miserable in the face of a pacifist.

In Luo's Pirates, there are even more existences that are comparable to pacifists.

The weapon used by Luo is the demon sword, the ghost crying. The outer surface of the scabbard is engraved with a small cross-shaped pattern from top to bottom. The main body is black. Sword spikes for decoration.

This knife has no class, but it is a real demon knife.


After the words fell, a hemispherical space with a diameter of [-] meters suddenly appeared beside Luo, directly surrounding Liu Xu and others.


Immediately after the action unfolds, the objects cut by him in this area can be freely assembled by him, which is a very troublesome ability.

Liu Xu's eyes moved, he didn't care about this area, but Robin and Breton were in danger, once they were cut, it might be difficult to recover.

"Both of you exit this space."

Saying so, Liu Xu ignored Luo who was rushing towards him, a purple light appeared in his hands, and directly bombed towards the edge of this space.

The purple light formed ten lightning beams, which instantly hit the protective wall at the edge of the space. Robin and Brayton followed the purple light and quickly evacuated.

"The cloud moves in all directions!"

Ten purple lightning beams directly broke Luo's space like ten Chidori sharp guns. Robin and Breton escaped from the broken space, and Luo's attack also arrived.

The Demon Sword and Ghost Cry slashed several times in a row, coming from different directions in an instant.

Liu Xu unsheathed the lightning saber in an instant, and simply slashed across to block it, as fast as lightning and as powerful as a thousand junctures.


The Taidao accurately hit the body of the demon sword from the shadows of several swords, and with a crisp sound, Luo's body seemed to be directly bounced off by the mountain.

As soon as it arrives, a judgment will be made.

Luo's hand holding the demon knife trembled slightly, and the irresistible force from the knife just now made him almost unable to hold the demon knife.


Chapter 2510 Luo, you are the first supernova I let go

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


Shocked, shocked.

This vice admiral who slaughtered five hundreds of millions of pirates has such power that people can't help but want to flee.

Luo, who had always been proud and arrogant, had such thoughts, fear, too much fear.

Liu Xu didn't know his inner activities. With the thunder knife in his hand, his strength increased a lot in an instant, and the physical strength he needed was less and less.

"The cloud moves in all directions!"

The Thunder Knife in his hand was held high above his head, and it spun rapidly under the traction of the lightning force. The surrounding air gradually formed a cyclone, and several blade lights flew out from the blade, slashing forward in a diffuse form.

Fierce, swift, fierce.

Liu Xu's level of swordsmanship has been getting higher and higher, and the attacks he used have become more and more fierce, making Luo Du, who has mastered swordsmanship in Supernova, feel horrified.

The accelerated rotating flow of the air made the surrounding air into an extremely unstable state, and the breaking of the ROOM barrier exposed the members of the pirate group. It was just like this that the fast-moving air around them swept their bodies like sharp blades.

A few sword lights slashed down, Luo's eyes widened, the air pressure driven by the sword light made it difficult for his body to control, and he tried his best to reluctantly run the armed color and domineering wrapped around his body.


The sword light fell, Luo's demon sword crossbar resisted above his head, and the ground under his feet was dented.

However, as the strength of Daomang increased, Luo's feet had already sunk into the ground and swallowed up to the knees.


In the end, the sword light passed over the demon sword and landed on a towering tree not far away, cutting off a few trees before it stopped, and this also relieved Luo's pressure a lot.

Luo sighed heavily. He felt like he was about to die just now. The power of the surgical fruit had not yet been exerted, and the powerful swordsmanship had not yet been exerted. He was directly hit by such a blow, which severely damaged Luo Gao's self-confidence. .

"How do you feel now?"

Liu Xu appeared in front of him in an instant, with the tip of the thunder knife pointed at Luo's nose.

Luo's eyes were wide open, and the cold light on the tip of the knife made fine beads of sweat hang on his face. He believed that as long as he gave a bad answer, he would completely say goodbye to this world.

No, it means goodbye.


Luo swallowed, his eyes fixed on the knife. Judging from the power of the knife itself, it might be a very high-level knife.

And the most important thing is the owner of this knife, the Vice Admiral of the Navy Headquarters, a monstrous existence.

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