"I lost!"

The proud supernova, always provocative in his words, and Trafalgar Law, who despised others, finally admitted his failure and his lack of ability at this moment.

Liu Xu grinned and said, "Luo, don't provoke other people's majesty before you have absolute strength. A single act of contempt may bring you fatal damage. If you want to enter the new world, your strength is still far behind. "

The New World is an area that countless pirates yearn for, where the deterrence of the Navy Headquarters is reduced to the extreme, where the world is ruled by the Four Emperors.

Four emperors, what a noble title, what a powerful symbol.

Conquering the new world, that is the emperor who can be called the strongest in the world, and only then can he be worthy of the supreme throne and rule the world.

Luo Xin was unwilling and did not dare to say anything to refute. He was very confident in his own strength. Although he was hit now, he did not think that he could not stand in the new world. He was still young, and he still had infinite possibilities.


With the thunder knife back in its sheath, Liu Xu turned around and looked at the members of the Red Heart Pirates rushing over. Robin and Brayton stood in front of them. Do you want to avenge your captain?

"Don't come here, don't be impulsive."

Luo shouted loudly. From the moment Liu Xubao put his saber back into its sheath, he knew that the other party had no intention of taking his life. Although he didn't understand the reason, it was a very lucky thing. The most urgent thing now is to reduce his own losses. There is no need to fight anymore.

The pirates were stopped by him and looked at each other.

"Luo, you are the first supernova I let go. Hey, see you in the new world then! Hurry up and increase your strength, I hope we won't be so boring when we meet again."

Liu Xu laughed and turned to leave, it was that simple.

Luo looked at his back and gritted his teeth, this guy is too arrogant, is it the new world?I'll definitely go, and I'll make sure to fix you up when the time comes.

The first half of the great route has basically been completed here, but Ace should have been arrested now, and the execution will be announced soon, hehe, how can this world-class battle be missing?

"Search for the next supernova and get rid of them quickly."

The order was issued, and the task of searching for supernovas accelerated again.


"Lu Fei, you are still so inconspicuous!"

On the island, Liu Xu and his subordinates blocked Lu Fei and the others. Seeing all the bachelor men, there was an inexplicable joy in his heart.

Let your kid have a lot of good fortune, let your kid open the protagonist's aura again, now it's all right!

Among them are not only Luffy and others, but also pacifists.

A pacifist and the tyrant bear, one of the seven kings under the sea, and another wretched man and an old man, who are the Admiral of the Navy and Rayleigh, the king of the underworld.

Such people have been gathered together for half an hour, but surprisingly no fighting broke out.

The general Huang Yuan probably launched it by releasing the fruit, and did not attack.

And Pluto Rayleigh may have other purposes, and did not take the initiative to attack.

The pacifists did not attack under Xiong's order, and the war Taomaru, who was supposed to appear, has now disappeared.

Eleven supernovas, Liu Xu's battle speed is very fast, and only Bonnie, Luffy, and Zoro are left.

Urji and Apu have been killed, and there are no bones left.

Luffy, Zoro, Sanji, Usopp, Navigator, Chopper, Franky, Brook, this is the formation of the Straw Hat Pirates, and the number doesn't look like much.


Chapter 2511 Luffy, if you forget my name next time, I will kill you!

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


Looking at the talking Liu Xu, Lu Fei never remembered who this guy was, he seemed to have seen it before, but he didn't seem to have it, what was going on?

Only Zoro and Sanji knew that this was the guy they met when they were about to enter the great route.

Liu Xu!

"Lieutenant General Liu Xu, you always come here in such a timely manner!"

Huang Yuan pouted his thick lips and spoke in a leisurely manner, always giving people a wretched look, and goosebumps fell all over the floor.

Just when he was about to kill Luffy and his gang, Liu Xu appeared, and kicked his laser beam away, and then Rayleigh also appeared, blocking him directly.

kick fly?That's right!

It just kicked the laser beam of the yellow ape, which really surprised the yellow ape. How did this guy's strength increase so fast?

"General Yellow Monkey, didn't the Warring States tell you that all the supernovas here are mine? It seems a little unethical for you to steal people's heads like this."

Liu Xu glanced at him. It is true that the laser beam of the yellow ape is very strong, but after kicking his laser beam away, his confidence suddenly came. As long as he holds the thunder knife, he will have The capital to fight against the yellow ape.

Maybe Kizaru's laser beam didn't use much power, but his kick also didn't use much power. Judging from a small contest between the two sides, it should be about the same.

This is Liu Xu's current state.

Huang Yuan was embarrassed all of a sudden, and it seemed that he hadn't explained it to him.

After thinking for a while, he directly raised his left hand, and a black phone bug was worn on his wrist.

"Hey, hey..."

"Hey, hello...that's strange, why is there no response?"

After calling for a long time, the phone bug still didn't respond. The black phone bug looked lazy and didn't bother to despise him.

"General Yellow Monkey, that's a phone bug for monitoring, let's change it, come, here's one, it's already dialed the Warring States period, thanks for review, [-] million Bailey."

Liu Xu threw a phone bug over with a teasing smile on his face, and Huang Yuan caught it with that obscene smile on his face.

"It's so expensive, Lieutenant General Liu Xu."

[-] million Baileys and a phone bug?

Well, it's really expensive!

"General Huang Yuan, leave the supernova matter to Lieutenant General Liu Xu. Lieutenant General Liu Xu has already reported it just now, so you don't have to worry too much about this matter."

The voice of the Warring States came, and it was a little depressing to listen carefully.

Kizaru is even more depressed than he is, isn't this asking us to come and clean up those supernovas?How can I let myself make soy sauce as soon as I get here, and I don't think of generals as labor.

"So, what do I need to do?"

Huang Yuan still had that lazy and slow tone.

"Listen to Lieutenant General Liu Xu's arrangement!"

After the Warring States finished speaking, he hung up the phone bug, making Huang Yuan's face even more embarrassing, and the others were similar. A lieutenant general will arrange for a general to do things?

Brother Warring States, your joke is not funny at all!

Liu Xu smiled brightly, and arranged for the general to handle affairs as a lieutenant general. This, this, is perfect!

But, what should he do?

"I'll give it back to you, [-] million Baileys will be given to you next time, you shameless rich second generation."

Huang Yuan threw the phone bug back, and even though he was lazy, he wanted to complain.

Liu Xu took the phone bug, and it was so cool no matter how he looked at it, he just dialed the Warring States now and gave him a big praise.

What can you do with the commanding power of a general?The answer is many, almost all kinds of things can be done.


"Come here, we are all old acquaintances, don't be so restrained. Cough, Hades Rayleigh, you can fight with General Kisaragi, after all, you have come here, so you can't do nothing. But, click For now, they're all old friends, so be polite. As for Luffy, leave it to me, um, pacifist, it's nothing to chat with your Mr. Bear."

Arranged decisively, but these words made everyone present look very strange. Do you really treat the general as a labor force?

Do you think this is a child's play house?And Master Pluto Raleigh, why can you accept it so calmly?

Pluto Leili, who had already met Liu Xu, understood some things, so naturally he wouldn't have any worries.

And Tyrant Bear's expression didn't change much, it seemed that he had always had this expression.

But, is his heart so peaceful?

If it was Huang Yuan and Lei Li, then he would be sure to save Luffy and the others, but now that there is an extra Lieutenant General Liu Xu who is causing trouble in the city, it seems that things are not so easy to handle.

Poor Xiong didn't know what Liu Xu was thinking, and he was already anxious.

"Hey, who are you?"

Lu Fei was dissatisfied, and he opened his mouth and yelled.

The nervous Luffy can easily forget a person's appearance and name, or he doesn't care about it at all. It is normal for him not to recognize Liu Xu.

But Liu Xu was different. This brat had completely forgotten about himself as a grandpa. It would be better than giving him a good lesson for his grandpa.

"Little ones, retreat a little bit, this young master has to teach this ignorant guy a good lesson."

"Hey, if you want to do something to our captain, pass me first."

Sauron popped up at this time, three knives were unsheathed, and one was bitten in the mouth.

"Well, plus this guy, hum, just two people let this young master move his muscles and bones. General Yellow Monkey, Hades Rayleigh, the two of you hurry up, are you waiting for the big show?"

Liu Xu found an excuse in an instant, and even Zoro taught him a lesson.

Sanji blew a puff of smoke ring from his cigarette, then stepped forward a few steps. Does it look like he wants to participate?

The same is true for Frankie. Although Liu Xu has caused a strong psychological shadow on him, he still has to go at this time.

Only Navigator, Usopp, and Chopper hid behind them, seemingly without the courage to fight.

And that Brooke is even more sad. He had already seen the power of Liu Xu and others in the terrifying three-masted sailing ship. At that time, his shadow was pulled on the body of the sword hero Longma. In order to get back the shadow, he also saw Liu Xu. The battle between Xu and others.

"Straw hat boy, remember my name, Liu Xu, your grandfather's friend. Next time you forget my name, I will kill you!"

Liu Xu shouted loudly, and the purple arc instantly filled his body, covering hundreds of meters around him, and the electrons in the air were in a state of riot.


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