Chapter 2512 One General Battles Two Stars

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


Huh?Grandpa's best friend?Liu Xu?Um?I have a little impression, where did I see it?

Luffy was confused and confused. Since he was Grandpa's friend, why did he stop him?Bastards, if they hadn't been stopped, they might have escaped long ago.

If Liu Xu knew that he thought so, he must have been beaten until he lost his memory. If he hadn't appeared in time, you would have become a dead soul under the laser beam of the yellow ape by now.

"It's time to fight, the old man is now an ordered person."

Huang Yuan's words were still sloppy and depressed. The majestic admiral was ordered to do things by a lieutenant general. It would be embarrassing to spread the news!

Hades Rayleigh smiled and drew out the sword from his waist.

"I haven't used a sword for a long time, and I didn't expect to use it again."

Huang Yuan's thick lips curled up, making people want to go up and sew his mouth shut.

"Tiancong Cloud Sword!"

The ability of the shining fruit was activated, and the photon condensed into a long sword between his hands, and immediately fought with Lei Li.

"Leave Luffy and Sauron to me, and you can handle the rest."

After Liu Xu said a word, he rushed out, and the first target was Luffy, a bastard.

"Fifty million volts. Kirin!"

Thunderclouds rolled in the sky in an instant, and the purple arc condensed into a unicorn and landed instantly.


The unicorn fell, and the unicorn, which attacked the time in one thousandth of a second, instantly hit Luffy, opened his bloody mouth and threw himself at him and bit down.


Luffy panicked for a while, the big mouth of the unicorn made him feel deep pressure, and hurriedly avoided the big mouth of the unicorn, and the lightning of [-] million volts fell on him instantly.

But soon he felt strange. It didn't seem to cause much damage, only a little numbness and a burning sensation. Could it be that he was releasing water?

Liu Xu patted his forehead, and almost forgot that this boy's rubber fruit can avoid strong lightning attacks, so use another one!

"Thirty million volts. Chidori sharp gun!"

The power of the current is reduced, but the attack method is changed, and a beam of light is directly formed to attack.

The Chidori Sharp Spear's attack is not only in the form of lightning, but also has the effect of impact, and under such an effect, its power will be greatly enhanced.

Lu Fei, who thought it was someone who released the water, stared blankly at Qiandori Ruiqiang. He wanted to confirm whether this friend of grandpa really released the water on him...

It was such a naive thought that made him sad. The Chidori sharp spear hit him on the shoulder, and it ejected his body directly. There was a strong sense of pain on his shoulder, and he screamed again and again.

Seeing this, Sauron rushed up immediately, bending his left arm and raising it slightly.

"Three Swords Style. One Hundred Eight Annoying Winds!"

Continuous and quick attacks, the three knives are used alternately, airtight.The knife's light kept cutting towards Liu Xu's body, as fast as lightning.


Liu Xu let out a soft drink, and his body instantly became pitch black.

"Ding Ding Ding!"

There was a crisp sound when the knife light fell on Liu Xu's body, which made Sauron think that he had attacked the pacifist's body, which seemed to be the case when he hit the pacifist, and he committed a crime.

After Baiba's troubled wind attacked, Liu Xu didn't suffer any damage except for a little damage to his clothes. At this moment, Sauron's power was far from being able to hurt Liu Xu.

"get out!"

Quickly, Elementalization kicked over, and Sauron's eyes popped out and he was about to swing his knife to block it, but how could he be faster than the speed of light?

He was directly kicked in the face by Liu Xu with a powerful thunderbolt, and flew out to the side with a "bang".


Sauron slammed into the tree and his body gradually slid down. His face was already swollen, and his body also showed scorched black marks.

The power of thunder and lightning was raging in his body, making it difficult for him to bear the pain.


Luffy, who was hit by Liu Xu's Chidori sharp gun, stood up, looked at Zoro who was knocked into the air, and immediately roared, looking at Liu Xu with strong anger in his eyes.

"A retractable rubber jet pistol!"

The boxing shadows all over the sky fell towards Liu Xu's position like a shock wave. The second gear turned on the power of the second gear directly. It can be seen that Luffy was really angry and punched directly without any hesitation.

"It doesn't work."

Liu Xu glanced at it, and let the fists all over the sky hit him.

There are only a few weaknesses of the natural system, one is the domineering of the armed color, the other is the sea water, and the other is the nature of the nature. After these, there seems to be nothing that can attack the natural self-sufficiency.

Luffy's rubber fruit belongs to the superhuman type, and the attack is in the form of an air shock wave. When the speed reaches an extreme, it can trigger a strong shock wave.

This shock wave is a physical attack, and naturally cannot cause damage to those with natural abilities.

Angry second gear, Luffy's skin will turn red and steam, as if using a stimulant.Luffy uses his feet as a pump to pump air, thereby accelerating the flow of blood and strengthening his body.

However, the rubber jet pistol directly passed through Liu Xu's body and brought up a purple electric light, but it had no effect anymore.

Continuous punches, perhaps a hundred punches, Luffy stopped and panted heavily. His attack methods became more and more, and his strength became stronger and stronger, which shows that he is constantly strengthening.

However, as long as it was a physical attack, Liu Xu ignored him directly.

"How do you feel now?"

Liu Xu's voice rang in his ears like a demon in the last days, making his innocent and romantic eyes widen, and his pupils narrowed sharply.

fine?He wasn't hurt?

He also has experience with the ability of the nature department. For example, Smog is from the nature department, and there is also Crocodile, but why is he so powerful and completely unaffected by himself?


He threw out a heavy fist, pulling the mountains and rivers with force, and the air fluctuations spun at this moment.

Liu Xu punched Lu Fei's abdomen, imbuing him with unparalleled strength, sending his body flying far away.

"Bastard!" Sauron's voice came from behind, "Tiger hunting!"


Chapter 2513 Bear, you are really nosy

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


He held the two knives on his back as if he was carrying them behind his back, and when the posture was finished, Zoro's body swooped down like a tiger, and the three knives slashed at the same time.

Tough and persistent.

Sauron will not admit defeat on the road to becoming the most powerful swordsman. The moment he picked up the knife in his hand, he was destined to fight bloody on this road.


Liu Xu looked at his body, and was directly cut through by three knives, and his body was cut into several sections.

"That's really rude."

Liu Xu spoke easily, and his body returned to its original shape in an instant. The speed of recovery was extremely fast, making the eyes of the yellow ape not far away shine brightly.


Sauron couldn't believe it, how could the opponent's strength be so strong?How could it be possible to be hit by one's own move without any damage?

"Let's talk about when you have domineering!"

Liu Xu chuckled, turned around and pointed at Sauron's shoulders.


Hitting with two fingers, tens of millions of electric currents entered his body instantly.

Sauron's body trembled suddenly, his hands drooped weakly, but he couldn't even hold the knife tightly.

"Lieutenant General Liu Xu, let me challenge you."

A gentle uncle-level voice sounded behind Liu Xu.

Liu Xu smiled slyly, after all, you guy can't help but want to make a move!

"Pressure Cannon!"

A tyrannical shock wave hit, Liu Xu turned around, and a purple light flew out.


The shock wave and the purple light collided together, and the air did not seem to be torn apart at this moment, and a gust of wind swept the entire area with the two at the center.

"Xiong, you are really nosy."

Liu Xu's face is full of dissatisfaction. The other identity of Tyrant Bear is very clear, so let him try it now!

He jumped back a few steps in an instant, holding the thunder knife at his waist with his right hand.

"Spring thunderstorm!"

The purple-black blade was covered by lightning. Liu Xu attached the power of lightning to the weapon, swung it down with one hand, and a purple light with lightning shot out from the blade rapidly.

The waning moon-shaped knife light dragged a narrow and long crack on the ground, and the ground was lifted where it passed, and the fine stone chips were turned into the smallest dust.

The tyrant bear endured the force of the knife head-on, bowed slightly, raised one hand and released a circular air bomb.

"Oh? Pop the damage out of the body?"

Liu Xu thought to himself, and then two more spring thunderstorms bombarded him.

"[-] million volts. Ssangyong strangulation!"

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