Rayleigh's movements were the same as his, and he also stopped with his body.

"Bang! Bang!"

With two loud bangs, the ground under their feet was instantly shattered by the force of the impact, and the ground more than ten meters away from their feet was completely crushed down.

The whole island trembled violently, but it was the result of the two people releasing their body strength to the ground.

Irregular cracks spread all over the island, which is shocking.

The shock wave generated by the two people's confrontation also attacked at this time, and the surrounding trees were turned into powder under the two punches, and no one was spared.

The birds swooping down from the sky also landed on Luffy's body at this time, and the sharp bird's beak and the powerful electric current hit his body instantly.


The bird's beak entered his body, Luffy couldn't help screaming, and his body was quickly surrounded by a high temperature, which made him roll on the ground uncontrollably.

Asuka's attack will not stop because of Luffy's screams and struggles, but will continue to bomb, completely disregarding his life and death. It seems that Liu Xu's move is a bit too ruthless.

At least, that's how it looked to Rayleigh and the Straw Hats.

Asuka's attack lasted for a few minutes before it stopped, and Luffy felt that he was very close to the gate of hell, as if he would die anytime, anywhere.

This feeling completely terrified him.

When I really face death, I realize that I still have a lot of things to do, and I still want to die like this.

Even Luffy, who is innocent and not afraid of death, is the same when faced with this situation.

This world is so big, and there are only a few who are truly not afraid of death.

Maybe you won't feel fear when you cut down with a single knife, but when you gradually approach the abyss of death, the inner fear will be aroused.

Liu Xu, who punched Lei Li, heaved a sigh of relief. The punch just now was very comfortable, and the punch was very comfortable.

The first time he fought against such a character made him feel happy. Lei Li's strength dropped a lot, but his armed domineering spirit was still strong.

The new young generation and the older generation who are about to become a historical trend, the confrontation between the two sides is comparable!

The joy in his heart was different from that of Raleigh, who was in total shock.

His armed arrogance is still very small in this world that can confront him, except for a few superpowers, he is still very confident.

It's just that he was hit by a young man now. A young man in his early twenties was able to fight against him in terms of armed domineering. How many people will be stunned by this news?

"Liu Xu, your armed look is very domineering, but this old man won't let you beat Lu Fei seriously, that's not in line with what this old man thinks."

Originally thought that Liu Xu would not teach Luffy a lesson, but judging from the current situation, Liu Xu's "lesson" was very cruel, and he was completely forced to death.

If he knew how Garp trained Luffy, then he wouldn't feel that Liu Xu's method was cruel, but rather kind.

"Rayleigh, you are too busy. It's my job to teach Luffy a lesson. If I don't teach him a good lesson, he won't have a long memory. His brain is so simple that he even forgets who this young master is, you say Shouldn't you teach me a lesson?"

Liu Xu snorted and retorted, so what if you are Pluto Rayleigh?I'm really in a hurry with this young master, now I will join hands with Huang Yuan and kill you in minutes.

The two joined forces, Rayleigh had no possibility of resistance, even if he used the power of the overlord at any time, it was the same, there was no possibility of victory at all.

"Liu Xu, your methods are too extreme."

"Alright, alright, if you talk nonsense again, this young master will do it with you. Although you are overbearing, this young master is not a vegetarian. You should have learned this."

Lei Li was silent. It seemed that he let him show his domineering look before, but he was not hurt at all. Now he is entangled, what should he do now?

Liu Xu's words are still very useful, and Lei Li is very conflicted at the moment.

If he fights with the opponent, then Luffy will definitely be attacked by the yellow ape, and it's hard to say whether the yellow ape will let the water go.

If Liu Xu is allowed to continue to do it, Lu Fei wonders if there will be any sequelae.

Difficult to choose, a dilemma


"Hey, I hope you can really do what you said before!"

In the end, Raleigh sighed deeply. It was the first time he felt troublesome when facing this young man. It seemed that things always went according to his plan.

Liu Xu laughed, knowing that Rayleigh had made the right choice.

So, next...

It seems that there is nothing to do next.

Turning around and walking in the direction of Luffy, Chidori's attack in the sky has stopped, and its energy is exhausted.

Luffy is already scared, and Liu Xu can feel that after watching the battle between him and Rayleigh, something called fear has grown in Luffy's heart.

So, the power of lightning is useless to people with rubber fruit abilities?Go to hell!

In the original book, Enilo's [-] million volts didn't kill him, but now he uses [-] million volts to defeat the straw hat boy Luffy, completely breaking a mythical aura of the straw hat boy.

Looking at Lu Fei in front again, he has stopped screaming at this moment, with his face down and motionless.

Judging from the strength of Xinwang, there is still a breath of life, and now he has fallen into a deep coma.


Chapter 2516 The Girl Who Eats Overlord's Meal

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


The other members of the Straw Hat gang were also controlled, and when they saw their captain's life and death were unknown, they all shouted, but it didn't work after all.

Lei Li was also anxious in his heart, but he couldn't rush forward to argue, so he could only stare at Liu Xu fiercely. As long as he made the next move, he would strike without hesitation.

"The battle is over, General Huang Yuan, go and find Tianlongren to ensure his safety. That guy still owes me a lot of Bailey!"

Liu Xu felt relieved, and gave Huang Yuan an order without hesitation.

"Well, Lieutenant General Liu Xu, follow orders."

Huang Yuan was embarrassed, but the words he said were so innocuous, which made Liu Xu's heart tremble violently. This guy won't hold grudges against us, will he?

As soon as Kizaru left Rayleigh, he rushed up, went directly to Luffy's side, picked him up, and quickly evacuated.

"Liu Xu, I will train him well and let him beat you himself."

Rayleigh's angry voice came from a distance, and he seemed very angry.

But Liu Xu secretly smiled, training is good, so that he can use it to kill himself when the time comes.

"Bear, shoot these people away, you know what to do. Pacifist, you have nothing to do here, go back to headquarters."

Another series of orders were issued, and the pacifist left in a bachelor's way. The tyrant Xiong looked at Liu Xu's expression without sadness or joy, and didn't know what he was thinking in his heart.

In the end, he took off his gloves and slapped the straw hat gang away.

"Bingo, it's perfect."

Liu Xu laughed secretly in his heart, and Lei Li took Lu Fei away without being shot by Xiong, which led to another thing.

Nine Snake Island, Luffy can't reach Nine Snake Island, and he can't get close to another Qiwuhai, the empress Boa Hancock, what a wonderful thing this is.

There was an extreme joy in my heart. To be honest, I didn't want Luffy to get close to the empress from the bottom of my heart. For such a beautiful and arrogant empress, she had to see it herself before deciding what to do next. go up?

"Captain, is it appropriate to let them leave so simply? The Navy Headquarters..."

Breton approached melancholy and asked, after killing so many supernovas before, why did they have to let go of a few in the end?

It would be fine if they let them go secretly, but to let these pirates go in front of a general, this is to attract the attention of the headquarters!

Liu Xu smiled, and now he is only short of the last supernova to complete the task, which completely relieved his psychological pressure.

"It's okay, there is no problem with the Navy Headquarters. Now we are still looking for the next supernova and get rid of her as quickly as possible."

Thinking of the last supernova, it seemed to be a woman, and a beautiful woman.

Liu Xu struggled for a while, and finally shook off some strange thoughts, he still had to do it when it was time to do it!


Several people responded, and then quickly searched in the Chambord Islands. Searching for a supernova in such a large area seems to be a lot of pressure, and it is not so easy to solve.


The power of Xinwang spread out again, and Liu Xu quickly searched, thinking about the power gap between Lei Li and Huang Yuan, as well as the gap between himself and Lei Li.

Judging from the punch just now, it seems to be on par with Rayleigh, and both sides bear the same force.

During the battle between Lei Li and the yellow ape, Lei Li was out of breath, but the yellow ape didn't change his face. It seemed that the yellow ape was slightly better in terms of momentum.

So, is Rayleigh's current strength a little worse than Kiaboshi?How does his own strength compare with Kiabou?

The power of the three generals is very powerful. I have seen two people so far, that is, Qingzhi and Kizaru, and the guy Akainu has never seen before.

Holding all kinds of messy thoughts, the power of Liu Xu's heart network has been extended to the extreme, even to the surface of the sea.

The constant death and defeat of the supernova is enough to attract the attention of many people, maybe now Bonnie has begun to leave the Chambord Islands, which is all possible.

Without missing a single clue, I crossed several islands in a row to log in to GR17. Although it was also affected by the battle, the situation was obviously much better than other places, and the people were not too panicked.

"Where is that woman?"

Liu Xu was struggling, and at this moment a person broke into his sight.

Long pink hair hanging down to her waist, wearing a green suede hat, her facial features are delicate and delicate, she is wearing a white cropped vest that accentuates her horrific bust, and a pair of red and black striped hot pants wraps her perky buttocks. Wearing a brown coat, the body proportions seem to have been precisely tailored, and the patterned stockings set off the slender and straight calves.Holding a piece of red barbecue in his hand, the expression on his face was a little arrogant.

At this moment, the girl was running towards Liu Xu's position, knocking down many stalls along the way, ignoring the wailing crowd on the street.


The girl and Liu Xu bumped into each other firmly, and the greasy barbecue was tightly grasped in his hands and flung onto his clothes, staining the white shirt with spots, Liu Xu took advantage of the opportunity to grab the other's waist limb.

"Bastard, you actually blocked my way, get out of the way."

The girl looked arrogant and domineering, as if the person who blocked her had a serious crime.

I was just stunned when I saw the other side's navy justice coat, navy?Not so unlucky, right?

"Hey, is there Bailey, help me solve this matter."

The girl drew a dagger from behind and pointed it at Liu Xu. That way she looked like a robber blocking the way. The weird lipstick made people feel very strange.

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