"Damn it, don't run."

At this moment, people kept rushing over tens of meters behind the girl, mostly dressed as chefs, holding long spoons and spatulas in their hands.

"The bastard who eats the king's meal, he ate our food for the week."

The chefs roared again and again, but they also pointed out a key question.

This woman ate the overlord's meal and didn't give them any money, which almost made them poor.


Chapter 2517 Intimate hug, flirting in the street

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


"Oh, oh..." Liu Xu grinned, this should be the happiest supernova I've ever seen, "Glutton girl, Joelle Bonnie."

Bonnie's appetite is terrible, comparable to that of Luffy.

She is a veritable big stomach king, her stomach is like a bottomless pit, no matter how hard it can be filled.

"Oh, I came after you so quickly."

Bonnie, who was in Liu Xu's arms, felt annoyed, took a bite of the barbecue in her hand, and the dagger in her greasy hand fell to the ground.

It's impossible without a weapon, Bonnie instinctively bent down to pick up the dagger on the ground.

She was a little over [-] meters tall and Liu Xu was [-] meters tall, but she leaned over and just passed Liu Xu's position, and picked up the dagger.


Seductive crimes can't be like this, Liu Xu was entangled in his heart, and his hands were still on the opponent's waist.

Bonnie naturally didn't know the man's strange thoughts at the moment. She looked at the chefs who were chasing after her, then at Liu Xu, and said, "Hey, hand over Bailey quickly, and let me go."

These words finally reminded Liu Xu of the current environment.

"Ahem, Bailey? What do you want Bailey to do? Also, girls don't play with daggers, this kind of toy is not fun."

As he spoke, Liu Xu grabbed the opponent's dagger and moved it away, although it was not very lethal.

"Don't worry about it, just hand it over."

Bonnie looked arrogant, you can ask me about Miss Ben, just hand it over.

Liu Xu heard that the hand on her waist gently exerted force, and her body was completely attached to him.

Bonnie was taken aback by his actions. What does this bastard want to do?

God, it's over when those people catch up.

Ever since, struggle became her main theme.

After this struggle, Liu Xu had a special smile on his face.

"Pay the money."

A group of chefs had already rushed to the front, looking at the two "hugging" people with open teeth and claws, good guy, it's all about sugar daddy.

Wait, Navy?

"Want Bailey? Go to the navy station to get it, I don't have time to mess with you all these boring things."

Liu Xu glanced at them, these unobtrusive guys actually ruined his good deeds, do they deserve to be beaten?

"Do not……"

How could the chefs agree to such a thing, they immediately refused, but they stopped in the middle of their words, nothing but Liu Xu's look, a look full of murderous anger...

Brats, a little Bailey can still be compared to the joy of this young master, right?Court death!

Damn, these chefs fled quickly. Compared with those Baileys, their own lives are more important, but why are Bonnie and the others not afraid?

As the client, how could Bonnie fight them when she knew she was wrong?So he ran away decisively, which also gave these chefs an illusion.

"Hey, are you still moving around?"

Liu Xu looked down at Bonnie. Her constant struggle made her little vest a little messy, and his eyes straightened up.

Damn, I can't do it, it's too exciting in broad daylight.

Liu Xu endured the strong strange feeling in his heart, and took a few breaths.

And Bonnie's movements also stopped, she can clearly feel one thing now, this man is going to be wild, God.

Although he is arrogant, as a captain of a powerful pirate group and a member of Supernova, although he has not tried those things, he has heard of them.

Bonnie blushed, and a red cloud suddenly appeared on her face. How could the flowery yellow girl face it?

"Let go, let go, I..."

Bonnie said in a trembling voice, she was already panicking, the arrogant girl before had disappeared, replaced by the shyness that a girl should have.

Liu Xu couldn't hold back his old face, he laughed and said, "Let me introduce myself, I am Liu Xu, a lieutenant general of the Navy headquarters, unmarried."

Um?Liu Xu?Vice Admiral of the Navy Headquarters?

Bonnie lost her composure and almost jumped up.

It is undeniable that this kind of behavior looks a bit wretched, holding a girl under everyone's attention, and still unwilling to let go, how can this make the bachelors around me feel bad?

The name was reported, and the position was reported, and Bonnie felt grief and indignation.

"It turned out to be this guy, it's over, it's over, it's going to die."

Thinking of the various things she had heard before, she completely concluded that they came to her on purpose, and maybe she would be wiped out like everyone else.

"Joelly Bonnie, you are the last pirate with a bounty of hundreds of millions in the Chambord Islands, what do you think Master Ben should do?"

Liu Xu lowered his voice and whispered in her ear. As for her fruit ability, she just ignored it. This girl might not be able to find Bei now.

Sure enough, Bonnie was frightened by his identity, and suddenly forgot her fruit ability.

"You, let me go, I don't want it!"

Bonnie began to struggle again, and Liu Xu's figure was in close contact with Liu Xu again.

It was at this time that Bonnie's pirates finally arrived.

The tall pirates surrounded Liu Xu. Faced with this situation, the pirates were a little confused.

How did the captain hook up with the navy?What to do?

"Asshole, don't pull him away yet."

Bonnie also saw her partner, and immediately yelled.

However, her partners still didn't react.

"Captain, you and him..."

In fact, some people want to say in their hearts, Captain, come to me, I can do it too...

"Idiot, I am controlled by this bastard, hurry up!"

Facing her crew members, Bonnie quickly returned to her arrogant attitude, gradually speaking in an orderly tone.


Crisp and sweet, Liu Xu slapped Bonnie's ass hard, covering it with his palm.


Chapter 2518 Conquering Bonnie, Lightning Space

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"



Bonnie yelled involuntarily, the red cloud on her face became more obvious, she was ashamed to face others, the majestic gluttonous girl now has no shame to face others.

The crew members were also stunned, but they quickly reacted and rushed forward without any hesitation.



There was a sound of uniform footsteps, and the pirates were frightened and watched left and right.

A team of navy soldiers rushed here under the leadership of a general, and they arrived in the blink of an eye, and surrounded the pirates.

Anti-encirclement, this is the perfect anti-encirclement.

The world is changing too fast, and the big pirate brothers can't keep up with the changing rhythm.

"Report to Lieutenant General Liu Xu, what instructions do you have?"

The leading general came over, and Liu Xu was immediately depressed. Isn't this Major General Dele?He settled everyone in Tianlong?

"Major Dele, there's nothing serious here, you can lead someone to arrest the other pirates first, and leave it to me."

How could he be allowed to ruin a good thing here and drive people out decisively.

"Yes! Lieutenant General Liu Xu, General Huang Yuan asked me to tell you something. His mission has been completed, and he is now officially free."

Speaking of this, his face is also a bit weird.

Um?Liu Xu was depressed, Huang Yuan was too ruthless to fool himself like this, what about Tianlong people?He doesn't care anymore?

"What happened to Saint Roswald? Isn't he dead?"

"With one breath left, General Yellow Ape said that you asked him to beat up the Tianlongren, so Saint Roswald has only one breath left."


Liu Xu wanted to vomit blood decisively, Huang Yuan, you old guy, you actually put this young master together.

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