Now it is very certain that Huang Yuan is taking revenge, taking revenge on someone.

He beat up Tianlongren, so does Liu Xu still want the billions of Bailey?

"Perform the mission!"

Blood is dripping in his heart, and Kizaru is indeed a proper wretched man, and yin people don't even think about it.

"Bonny, now you have two choices. One is that Master Ben will kill you and kill your crew; the other is to become the cook on Master Ben's warship."

subdue?It turned out to be a means of subjugation, which made people speechless.

The pirate crew members were immediately angry, and they threatened their captain like this, courting death.

"Kill him."

One person took the lead and roared, and a dozen crew members rushed up immediately.

"Scumbags, bounce away!"

Liu Xu glanced at them, waved one hand, suddenly thunderclouds rolled in the sky, and countless thunderbolts rained down, knocking the pirate crews over, falling to the ground and moaning.

Sturdy, he directly killed the dozen or so pirate crew members in an instant, which seemed to be effortless.

Bonnie swallowed hard, was this man sent by the devil to torture her?Why is it so scary?Fucked her?Damn, what is this man thinking all over his head!

Preconceived notions affected Bonnie's judgment. At this moment, Liu Xu had become a lustful and hungry ghost in her mind, and she had become a little sheep.

"Escape, you must escape!"

Once this idea appeared, it could never be erased. Bonnie broke free from Liu Xu's arms while the opponent was attacking the pirate crew, and regained her freedom.

The pleasant feeling in his arms was gone, and Liu Xu felt a little regretful, he didn't enjoy it enough, why did he run away, what a pity.

"Boney, be my young master's cook. There are countless supplies on this young master's warship, which can easily feed you. You don't have to go to overlord's meal again. What a good choice."

Liu Xu's words were a little lazy and narrow, and it seemed that talking like this was very interesting.


Bonnie snorted coldly, and instantly became that arrogant girl again. She threw the small dagger at Liu Xu, turned her head and walked away.

"Everyone, see you at our old place."

Liu Xu caught the oncoming dagger, looked at Bonnie who was drifting away, and an idea came to his eyes.

"[-] million volts. The Thunder Emperor of the End Times!"

The strong purple light instantly lit up, and Liu Xu's whole body was covered by purple lightning, and the purple lightning that filled his body raised his body continuously, turning him into a purple glaring thunder god.

The moment the Thunder Emperor of Doomsday with a height of [-] meters appeared, the entire island was filled with tiny purple arcs.

The electrons in the air rushed towards Liu Xu's position at this moment, and the sky became dark instantly, and the thundercloud covering the entire island seemed to be spun around under the control of Thor.

The purple electric arcs in the thundercloud rub against each other to make the electrons more irritable, gradually forming a black tornado, which changes with every move of the thunder and lightning.

Frightened, screaming, and shocked, the people on this island looked at the [-]-meter-high Thor and didn't know what to say for a while.

Especially those who are closest to Thor God can clearly feel the aura exuded by Thor God.

Thor is made of pure purple lightning, which is almost the same as Liu Xu, except that there is a lightning mark on his forehead and arms.

The ground under Thor's feet turned black, and there was no possibility of resistance under the shock of [-] million volts of lightning.

The surrounding buildings gradually turned into nothingness under the powerful force of high temperature and electric current. Fortunately, this situation only lasted for a moment, and the huge Thor had already lifted off and flew towards Bonnie's location.

The [-]-meter-high purple Thor is flying in the sky, and the scene looks a little scary.

The electrons in the air are attracted by Thor, and continuously form arcs around Thor, which looks like an independent lightning space from a distance.

Lightning space?This is an interesting concept.

A space composed purely of lightning can be called a lightning space. Everything in this space is dominated by lightning, and it is also dominated by the owner of this space. This is a very interesting concept.

The breath of the thundercloud storm covering the entire island was very oppressive, making it difficult to breathe, and the spirit began to feel a little trance.


Chapter 2519 Gluttonous girl Qiao Allie, supernova beautiful cook

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


This is power, the power developed by those with natural abilities.

Bonnie in front is still running for her life, Liu Xu's strength seems invincible to her, even the fruit of her own age may not be able to harm him.

It's not impossible to hurt him, but you have to have that kind of speed!

"Asshole, big cesium wolf, I will deal with you properly in the future."

Bonnie cursed angrily in her heart, she really suffered to the extreme just now, she was touched by this man to the most critical parts of her body, no man could treat her like this before.

Taking the time to glance back, that guy shouldn't follow, right?

But at this sight, she was so frightened that she stumbled and almost fell. In the air behind her, what was the [-]-meter-high giant bathed in a space of lightning?Lightning?Made purely of lightning?

This thought reminded her of Liu Xu's power. Isn't his power just lightning, so that means he made this thing.

"God, are you still following?"

Bonnie wailed in her heart. She was so arrogant and arrogant that she could maintain such a state at the moment, her pace quickened, and she wished she could fly now.

The fruit of age endows her with the ability to change people into the appearance of various age groups. Perhaps when this fruit is developed to the extreme, it can reach the state of immortality like the fruit of surgery.

There is not much difference in fruit ability, the most important thing is the degree of development and the brain hole of the owner.

She ran wild, and finally came to the shore. When she saw some pirates who were shocked by the thundercloud and didn't know how to react, Bonnie jumped over without saying a word, kicked one pirate off the boat, and snatched one. The boat went straight away.

"Escape by sea?"

Bonnie's mind is also a bit extreme, the speed of this boat is much slower than her on land.

On land, he was chased by the Thunder Emperor of the Doomsday, but when he reached the sea, his speed dropped. Would he still have a chance to escape?

But from another aspect, she is very smart. Everyone knows that capable people are afraid of sea water. Can the opponent maintain this state when they are at sea?

So she was betting that the other party would not be able to perform well when they were at sea.

But God just likes to joke with her, Liu Xu just ignored Wang Yanghai and flew over, and laughed when he saw Bonnie who was paddling desperately, what is this for?Is it possible to escape like this?

The eyeballs rolled around, it seemed that she should be given a little surprise at this time, so treat her well!

Thinking of this, Liu Xu's Doomsday Thunder Emperor pointed to Bonnie below, and saw dense thunder and lightning bombing towards Bonnie from the thundercloud storm.


After a few explosions, Bonnie's speed of rowing the boat increased a lot, and she also roared with grief and indignation. This guy can still maintain such a state at sea. Did God abandon her?

Dead, dead, no matter how fast it is, it can't be faster than the speed of thunder and lightning!

She almost closed her eyes and desperately rowed the boat, when suddenly a wave pushed her boat up and then descended with the waves.


The thunder and lightning that fell in the sky bombed down the sea around her, and did not directly hurt the boat.

Bonnie was still rowing the boat, but she was not struck by lightning after a while, and then she carefully opened one eye, but she was stunned by the sight in front of her.

Thunder and lightning, purple thunder and lightning continued to bombard the sea around her.

Horrible, so scary.

The thunder and lightning were close at hand, she stopped rowing the boat, and stared blankly at the thunder and lightning that continued to wreak havoc.

Trembling, the body began to tremble slightly, Lei Dian seemed to be joking with her, but it seemed to be able to kill her at any time, constantly stimulating her heart.

Liu Xu in the sky watched with wide-eyed eyes. Could this girl be frightened and stupid?God, we don't want a fool and beautiful cook!

Thinking of this, Liu Xu began to drive the thunderclouds, and the falling thunder and lightning slowly stopped at this time.

On the sea surface, only the residual lightning flashed continuously, rendering the sea water purple.


Suddenly, the sluggish Bonnie opened her mouth and let out a mournful cry, and the big teardrops fell straight down.

The majestic supernova, the gluttonous girl Joelle Bonnie, was so frightened by so many thunderbolts that she burst into tears.

Suspicion, this guy will not pretend to cry to gain sympathy, and then throw himself into the sea?

Controlling the Doomsday Thunder Emperor to land slowly, his body sank into the sea water, leaving only one head looking at Bonnie in front.

Hehe, this is really not a pretense, I cried so much that my eyes were red, my mouth was shriveled, and the appearance of pear blossoms with rain made people couldn't help but want to comfort them.

Well, now tomorrow is not the most appropriate moment of comfort.

"Hey, do you still want to escape?"

Liu Xu's voice was very playful, like a cat teasing a mouse.

Bonnie was taken aback when she saw the huge head that appeared in front of her. Tears kept flowing like a fountain. Women are made of water. This sentence is true.

Sobbing, Bonnie kept shaking her head and said, "I won't run away, I won't run away."

The corner of Liu Xu's mouth curled up into a sly smile. Seeing her like this was really frightening, and now she probably didn't even know what she was talking about.

"I told you before, wouldn't it be nice to obediently become the cook on my young master's warship, but you still want to run away, you know, running away is not good. Look, how embarrassing it is now!"

"Woo... woo... I won't run away, I really won't run away."

Bonnie kept repeating, with a look of grievance on her face, looking at the other party, she seemed not afraid of sea water, what was it?Why can he violate the iron law of the devil fruit?

"That's right! My young master is now announcing that you have officially become the cook on the warship, beautiful cook, what a job, I'm a little excited just thinking about it."

Liu Xu's eyes almost narrowed, this is the best theme!


Chapter 2520 Ace was arrested and executed publicly

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