ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


"Okay, okay!"

The rude and arrogant Bonnie also appeared as a little woman, obediently surrendering in front of absolute power. This is also the iron law of this world, and no one can refute it.

"Well, take off this lipstick in the future! It's too ugly, how can the beautiful cook wear such lipstick? At least you should apply it evenly on your mouth, it's really ugly."

Now that I took a closer look at Bonnie's face, I finally understood the weirdness before, and it was the lipstick.

Lipstick can increase the charm of women, but inappropriate lipstick can destroy the beauty, and lipstick is also very particular.


Like an angry little daughter-in-law, Bonnie responded in a low voice of grievance, which made people unbearable.

"By the way, how many people are in your warship? No..."

Suddenly a key question appeared in Bonnie's mind. It seemed that there were many soldiers on the warship. God, she won't have to stay in the kitchen all day in the future, right?No, it's going to be suffocating.

Liu Xu laughed dumbfounded, but he understood her concerns.

"Don't worry, you don't need to worry about the soldiers' food, you only need to take care of a few people. Well, it's decided like this, it's a pleasant rhythm."

After the matter was settled and Bonnie's position was settled, Liu Xu was indeed in a good mood.

"Bolu Bolu... Bolu Bolu..."

The phone bug rang at this moment, Liu Xu pressed the connect button and said, "Hi, I'm Liu Xu."

"I am Warring States! Lieutenant General Liu Xu, hurry back to the headquarters as soon as the Chambord Islands are completed. Tiki, the former Whitebeard Pirates, sent Portgas D. Ace, the son of One Piece Roger. World Government Prepare to execute him publicly, and the Whitebeard Pirates will inevitably counterattack at that time, and the war will break out in an all-round way, so please come back as soon as you are done!"

"That's it, I understand."

Liu Xu was silent for a while, then said.

Immediately, he put away the phone bug and lifted the Doomsday Thunder Emperor's state, hugged Bonnie and ran directly to Tina and the others.

The words of the Warring States Period brought quite a shock to Liu Xu. The war on the top will start soon, and it will be a hard battle. All kinds of masters gather, and those powerful masters in Whitebeard's fleet will appear one by one.

Then, based on the analysis of this matter, it is not difficult to judge that the next battle should be related to the top war.

"I didn't expect that the gear of fate would bring about such a thing after all, changing the pattern of the world? Hehe, I still have to decide the pattern of this world."

A surge of pride and ambition emerged in Liu Xu's heart. The change of the world pattern, the battle on the top, the direction of the world pattern is up to you to decide!

When I found Tina and the others, the sky had completely darkened, the bright full moon hung high in the night sky, and the soft silver light draped over the earth like emery cloth, bringing a little tranquility to the Chambord Archipelago that had been bustling all day.

The Chambord Archipelago suffered heavy losses after this day of hustle and bustle, and it may take a long time to recover to its former prosperity.

Several islands were destroyed, some were covered by sea water, some were split in half.

Faced with such a large-scale damage, the residents of the Chambord Islands wanted to cry but had no tears. In the contest between the pirates and the navy, it was these people who suffered in the end.

The battle with the supernova came to an end, and Liu Xu immediately started to arrange the newly recruited beautiful cook to everyone.

It is very necessary to rest and recuperate after a day of high-consuming battles. Back to rest on the coast of GR1, looking at the huge leading warship that has been remodeled, Liu Xu ordered a banquet to celebrate.

The noisy coast is in stark contrast to the remaining battlefield of gunpowder smoke. The two landings on the Chambords Islands have brought a lot of shock here. The name Liu Xu is destined to be deeply remembered by the people of the Chambords Islands.

"Captain, where are we going next?"

Breton walked over to Liu Xu, who was drinking alone on the moon. He had not joined the warship for a long time, but he encountered many exciting things here, even more exciting and interesting than the things in the new world, and the almost Endless lightning energy, whenever he thinks of the mountains of lightning energy devices in the room, he just sighs that he didn't follow the wrong person.

Brayton's storage device has already been researched, so Liu Xu will naturally not be stingy with giving him lightning energy. It took a whole day to fill up Brayton's storage device until he was so tired that he almost died.

More than a thousand storage devices are enough for Brayton to use for more than a year, and they are the kind that continue to fight.

"Next, let's go back to the Navy headquarters!" Liu Xu took a sip of wine, looking at the bright full moon with a slightly dull gaze, "There is a more serious battle ahead, you need to be careful at all times .”

"A more serious battle?"

Breton laughed. It is good to have a fight. This can reflect his research results and his sense of existence.

Several other people also came over and interacted with the soldiers, and then it was time to discuss the future with their captain.

"Mr. Captain, why haven't the troops promised by the navy headquarters yet?"

Robin was a little puzzled. Judging from the search for supernovas today, a strong and sufficient team can play a big role. If that team came over, maybe it wouldn't be so tiring to find it today.

Liu Xu was taken aback. He almost forgot about this matter. Damn it, you won't be fooled by the Warring States Period, right?

If you think about it again, it's really possible.

According to the Warring States period, now that Ace has been arrested and is about to be executed, he will not send out a force with good combat effectiveness at this time, which will weaken the strength of the Navy Headquarters.

"I don't care about this issue for the time being. We will go back to the Navy headquarters after the rest. Well, let's go back the day after tomorrow!"

"Captain, today these supernovas can exchange a lot of Pele, right?"

The little money fan Nami is also a little tired after a day of fighting, but her eyes are still shining under Bailey's strong driving force. There are so many supernovas, how many Baileys are there!


Chapter 2521 Sky-high compensation, meeting acquaintances

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


Bailey?Liu Xu laughed, the most indispensable thing is Bailey!

"Nami, you don't have to worry about these supernova Baileys, there are more Baileys now, hehe."

Luo's bounty was [-] million Baileys, and [-] times the compensation would be [-] billion Baileys. Liu Xu immediately felt that he was a super rich man.

Six billion Baileys, what a huge number that is, I really don't know how the Tianlong people got such a huge wealth.

Robin and Breton understood in their hearts, but the others were at a loss. When did Lieutenant General Liu Xu have so many Baileys?how many?

"When you have time, find St. Roswald and bring Bailey over, tsk tsk, how many years will it take us to be happy every day before we can use it up!"

Liu Xu smacked his lips, and they finally understood that it was the matter of that unlucky Tianlong man again, what a sad guy.

A banquet was spent amidst laughter and laughter. Two days later, Liu Xu got up early in the morning to prepare, and now he had to return to the Navy headquarters.

On the coast, Liu Xu chatted with Major General Dele who came to see him off, and finally waved goodbye.

The warship put away its anchor and was about to leave, but Liu Xu suddenly yelled.

"Wait a moment."

As he spoke, he quickly elementalized and flew towards a merchant ship slowly approaching the coast.

The merchant ship approaching the coast looked at the huge warship in front of him with emotion. It was amazing to see such a huge warship for the first time after sailing for such a long time.

It was at this time that a purple light appeared from the warship and flew towards them, making them panic for a while. God, wouldn't the warship attack them?

At this moment, a voice came over and said, "Uncle Ke Keluo Brich, long time no see!"

The people on the warship were stunned, acquaintances?that?

"Uncle Brich, you will not forget the boy Liu Xu you saved on that small island in the East China Sea, will you?"

The voice sounded again, making the people on the deck stunned for a moment, followed by a surprise.

"Boy Liu Xu, it's you!"

"Bastard, you even scare us, come, let us see."


With clear sky and endless sea level, the dark purple warship rides the wind and waves, and swiftly sails towards the established course accompanied by waves and seagulls.

On the third deck, seven beach chairs were neatly arranged, and Liu Xu and others lay leisurely on them, enjoying the rare tranquility.

It took more than an hour to talk with Cocoro Brie. After the relaxed conversation, Liu Xu went directly back to the warship and headed for the headquarters.

Leisurely took the drink made by Bonnie, Liu Xu looked at this beautiful cook who was still not used to it and smiled easily.

"Still unfit for life on a warship?"

Bonnie just wanted to give him a roll of eyes, how many days was it?How to adapt?Miss Ben is a pirate. Isn't it the rhythm of going to the Navy headquarters?

As if he didn't notice her nervousness, Liu Xu showed a caring look on his face, and said: "Slowly get used to it, just like Nami and Robin, there will always be times when they are familiar. The identity of a pirate, then It has nothing to do with you, your pirate group has been declared disbanded, so there is no need to worry about their future life."

Bonnie felt grief and anger in her heart and forced her to disband the pirate group. Now she still has the face to say it here, right?

It is very difficult to make a pirate adapt to the life of a warship, and it needs to be improved slowly.

"Bonnie, get some steak tonight, some vegetarian dishes, fish soup, sweet and sour pork ribs or something."

Bonnie's craftsmanship is very good, and she eats so many delicacies in vain. She can be found almost wherever there is delicious food.

"Hmph, no."

Bonnie snorted and left with her delicate waist twisted, not giving Liu Xu a chance to speak at all.

A few people around smiled, it seemed that this beautiful cook's temper was not so easy to subdue, Lieutenant General Liu Xu, what are you going to do?

Noticing the gazes of several people, Liu Xu rubbed his nose and said, "She's still a little shy, just get used to it."

Hearing this, everyone laughed. It seems that Lieutenant General Liu Xu can't help it. It's unlucky to meet someone with such a hot temper.

Liu Xu was embarrassed, and looked at the direction in which Bonnie left and muttered fiercely: "Hey, hey, one day I will let you obediently serve Master Ben, and dare to turn against you, well, I have to start training right away."

"By the way, if Whitebeard dies, wouldn't Blackbeard Tiki take the place of the Whitebeard Four?"

This idea suddenly appeared in Liu Xu's mind.

Blackbeard Titch, after lurking in the Whitebeard Pirates for more than [-] years, finally got the devil fruit he wanted. For this devil fruit, he also killed his companion for many years, the captain of the fourth team. , committed the greatest crime of the Whitebeard Pirates.

For such a person who can kill such a companion who has been with him day and night for many years, Liu Xu not only admires him as a hero, but also deeply despises his character. Even if he can kill his companion for many years, this person's heart is absolutely It's very dark, everything is self-centered, as long as it involves a little bit of his own interests, he will raise the butcher's knife without hesitation.

Can't stay, this person is powerful and good at hiding, absolutely can't stay!

Liu Xu was secretly thinking, Blackbeard's dark fruit and Whitebeard's shocking fruit are completely heaven-defying existences. If they can be developed perfectly, basically anything they want to do to this world can be done. .

The power of thunder and lightning is very strong. The [-] million volt Thunder Emperor of the End Times can easily destroy a medium-sized island, and when using the Ark Proverb and Thunder Knife to increase the power of lightning, the black lightning can even shatter space. His power is the most powerful in Liu Xu's heart.

No one would deny one's abilities, and every power used to the extreme is very terrifying.

The power to shatter space?

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