Perhaps this is one of the ways to deal with the dark fruit, of course there are other ways, armed with domineering and sea water.

As for the person who worries him the most right now, perhaps Karp is the one.


Chapter 2522 World Shock, Headquarters Meeting

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


"I don't know how Garp will think about Ace's execution, and how he will feel in his heart, hey."

Although he is not his own grandson, he is no different from his grandson.

In front of such family affection, how could Karp not feel sad?

In the original book, Garp chose to uphold the justice of the navy, but after the Battle of the Top, Garp chose to retire to teach recruits, which shows the pain in the grandfather's heart.

Now that I have come to this world and become friends with him, can I watch him sad alone?

"Perhaps it's time for them to fulfill that promise."

Liu Xu remembered the existence of some people, and also remembered the previous conditions. Now it's time for them to honor them.

"Captain, the latest newspaper."

Nami brought a newspaper over, Liu Xu took a look, and immediately fixed his eyes on the most eye-catching position.

"Portgas D. Ace, the son of Pirate King Roger, has committed a heinous crime and will be publicly executed at the Navy Headquarters in a week."

This news made Liu Xu's heart sink, so fast?It seems that there is not much time left for myself to prepare.

The time for the public execution came out. A week later, the time was very tight. Not only did the pirates not have much preparation time, but also the Navy headquarters did not have much time.

"Mr. Captain, this Mr. Ace, he..."

Columbia saw it with sharp eyes, and hesitated for a while.

"Lieutenant General Liu Xu, will something happen to Lieutenant General Karp? Tina is very worried."

Tina has a serious face, and she knows the identities of Ace and Garp clearly. Lieutenant General Garp, who has a bold personality, faces his grandson being executed. What choice will he make?

"Ace's public execution is unavoidable. As for Garp, I think his choice is to uphold the justice of the navy. It's really tangled. How will I choose when the time comes!"

Other subordinates were worried and executed a captain of the Whitebeard Pirates. This was a very serious matter, and it would trigger a large-scale war that would affect the entire world.

Indeed, the news that Ace is about to be publicly executed has spread, and the whole world is turbulent.

What does the Warring States want to do?Why did he choose so?

"Captain, is the Navy going to start a war?" a long-nosed sniper said to a red-haired man with a broken left arm.

"War is inevitable, and the Warring States was forced to take this move." Red-haired Shanks looked at the newspaper in his hand, his eyes were full of wisdom, "The new world is the weakest link of the navy, and for the sake of the navy's Prestige, the Warring States must start a war."

His brain is very flexible and far-sighted, otherwise he would not have become one of the four emperors to rule the new world, and he suddenly saw that there seemed to be some helplessness behind the move of the Warring States Period.

"Preparing to go to the Navy headquarters."

After the red hair gave the order, all the pirates who were having a banquet on the island immediately packed up and boarded the boat to leave.

In another part of the new world, there was a huge old man on the Moby Dick who was infusion, and his men were reporting something.

"What? Dare to hurt the old man's son, in the Warring States period, you are trying to provoke the majesty of the old man."

Whitebeard's heart is full of anger, and the rest of his subordinates are full of anger. Is the Navy Headquarters trying to provoke a war?The Whitebeard Pirates have never been afraid of any war!

"Let's go to the Navy headquarters!"

White Beard said in a deep voice, his eyes flashed with a frightening fighting intent, and his three-color domineering look could shock people.

The huge Moby Dick changed course at this moment, and in many parts of the new world, almost the same thing was happening, war, and war was imminent.

In the Navy Headquarters, Liu Xu and others were led into the conference room by several navy soldiers as soon as they got off the warship.

"Lieutenant General Liu Xu, all generals above the rank of lieutenant general are in a meeting. Marshal Warring States has ordered you to go there immediately after you come back."

The eyes of the sailor who led the way lit up, the youngest lieutenant general, it was so exciting to be with this legend.

Liu Xu smiled secretly. It seems that his reputation in the Navy Headquarters is not that good, right?Many generals now probably want to watch us get killed, but unfortunately, we came back like this, and killed Supernova, and became the master of Sky Island. Really, slowly happy!

"Soldier, where were those useless major generals at the last meeting?"

Liu Xu jokingly asked his subordinates behind him to look at each other. What happened to him when he came back here last time?

The soldier suddenly realized what he said about the last meeting, and there was a lot of trouble!

"Now they have been arranged by Marshal Warring States to be responsible for defending the headquarters, and the security status of the headquarters has been raised to the highest level."

In this way, Liu Xu didn't ask any more questions, and followed the soldiers directly into the conference room.

In the conference room, Sengoku, Crane, Garp, the three generals, and all the lieutenant generals have all assembled. The meeting is in full swing, and various countermeasures are constantly being said from their mouths.


The sound of the door opening made these people quiet and turned to look.

Liu Xu glanced over these people, they were very familiar, they were all familiar people, all the lieutenant generals.

Oh?And this is... red dog?

He has a national character face, a face with sword intent, many tattoos on his body, a sword on his right arm, roses and cherry blossoms on his left chest and elbow, wearing a corsage, a navy cap on his head, and a red admiral's uniform.

Admiral Akainu, no one but this character would dress like this.

Glancing at Garp again, I saw that Garp's originally cheerful and cheerful face had a sad look on his face, which reminded people that he was also an elderly grandfather.

"Lieutenant General Liu Xu? You are late."

Admiral Akainu is slightly dissatisfied. He is a navy who pursues "absolute justice", and he can sacrifice anyone for justice.


Chapter 2523 Provocative general, red dog red dog

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


"Sorry for the delay on the way."

Liu Xu walked over with a smile on the corner of his mouth. Columbia and others did not follow in. This is a meeting room for the admirals, and they cannot enter it casually.

"Hmph, those who are not punctual, I hope you will not be delayed."

Akaken snorted coldly, this remark made several people in the Warring States frown, and Huang Yuan's wretched face was even more gloating.

Liu Xu's movements stopped abruptly, and he glanced at him and said, "Admiral Red Dog, what do you mean? You are not satisfied with the delay in cleaning up some pirates on the way?"

The matter of cleaning up the supernova has already been rumored in the headquarters, and it is even more fueled by the mouth of the wretched black-bellied man Kiabou.

A gloomy look flickered in Akainu's eyes when he was hit by his rebuttal, and said angrily: "It's too unreasonable, a life-or-death little thing."

Everyone's expressions changed, General Akainu, are you playing with fire?We don't want to face Princess Madeline's anger again.

Liu Xu's anger gradually surfaced, and he said coldly: "Red dog, let me clean up your mouth. I never look at the owner when I beat a dog, let alone a stray dog."

Stray dog?General Akainu turned out to be a stray dog?Everyone was stunned when these words came out of Liu Xu's mouth. Wouldn't it be necessary to have a fight here before fighting with White Beard?

A high-ranking general was so humiliated, how could Akainu endure it, he shouted angrily, and thick black smoke suddenly appeared from his right arm, and beneath the black smoke was tumbling lava.

"Red Dog!"

Several people in the Warring States shouted at the same time, and a battle broke out here?Can you two give me some peace of mind?

Akainu's expression changed when he heard the words. Two generals, a marshal, and a naval hero lieutenant general spoke at the same time. This effect made him have to think carefully about what the ability of this dead boy is to have so many people help him.

The black smoke on his arm gradually gathered, but Liu Xu suddenly got into trouble.

The whole body became pitch black, and the eyes flashed fiercely, and the armed color was domineering. This is the armed color domineering.

Chiquan's face changed, this guy turned out to be armed and domineering, damn it, this is Chiguoguo's threat.

Warring States can't wait to knock himself out with a punch, and everyone has been suppressed by us. Why are you here to join in the fun? Do you think the current world is not chaotic enough?

But soon Liu Xu put away his armed domineering aura, walked to his seat calmly and sat down.

Few of the lieutenant generals here are friendly to themselves.

Well, it doesn't matter, anyway, it's not necessarily a good thing to interact with them too much, and it's more comfortable to keep a proper distance to move around.

Looking at Liu Xu on the opposite side, Chiquan's face was very ugly. A general was provoked by a lieutenant general here, which made him feel uncomfortable no matter what he thought. He is a general, a high-ranking general, How can a major general be underestimated.

Bastard, what the hell are these Sengoku guys thinking?

The first meeting doomed the two to be unhappy, but Liu Xu didn't care, since he never had a good impression of him anyway.

Warring States saw the two calm down, and then a cough attracted everyone's attention.

"Continue this meeting! A public execution will inevitably lead to a rapid counterattack from the Whitebeard Pirates. Whitebeard's strength is very strong, and he is a man who can destroy the world. Therefore, the defense force of the headquarters must be improved, and at the same time from Elite navies are dispatched from various places to the headquarters to prepare for battle."

The power of Whitebeard is too strong, so strong that it is recognized as the number one in the new world. People in the world will tremble unconsciously when they hear the name of Whitebeard. The bounty of [-] billion is such a huge number. Represents the power of Whitebeard.

All the generals fell silent. Can the full force of the navy headquarters really be able to compete with Whitebeard?Is it too late to send elite navies from all over the world?

There are too many uncertainties in this battle, and whether it can be overcome is still an important question.

"Marshal, the battle this time will have a great impact, and the battle line will drag on for a long time. I'm afraid it will not be so easy to deal with!"

A lieutenant general stood up and was worried. Whitebeard's prestige was so terrifying that he had a feeling of depression. Just hearing Whitebeard's name made people unable to raise their will to fight.

Warring States glanced at him and said solemnly: "The scope of this battle must be controlled in the bay, and must not spread to the entire world."

If the battle spreads to the entire world, whether it is for the Navy or the World Government, it will be an uncontrollable battle, and their dominance will be difficult to say.

Also, if it spreads to the whole world, I am afraid that the dragons of the Revolutionary Army will also take action. At that time, the whole world will be in chaos, the power of various places will rise, and the power of pirates will explode. I am afraid that the Navy Headquarters will be engulfed in it.

"In the Warring States period, high-end combat power is the most important thing. Pirate soldiers can basically be ignored. Those won't make a difference. The captains under the Whitebeards are all good players. I'm afraid we major generals and lieutenant generals will not be able to eliminate them all at once."

Lieutenant General Crane calmly analyzed the strength of the Whitebeard Pirates. It seems that these ordinary major generals and lieutenant generals cannot be easily defeated. At that time, the Navy Headquarters may have to pay a heavy price to kill them.

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