Paying a heavy price to increase the power of the naval headquarters, is this battle really necessary?

The Warring States period was silent. Whitebeard absorbed so many strong men with his personal charm and powerful strength. The strength of each captain is very strong. It can even be said that the strength of each captain can compete with the lieutenant general, which should not be underestimated. .

Even some captains can compete with admirals of the navy. God, what a terrifying combat power.

"No, that's probably not the most important question yet."

Liu Xu stood up at this moment, and all eyes turned to him at once.


There was a disdainful smile on the corner of Chiquan's mouth, what could this guy say?


Chapter 2524 Terrifying white beard, summon Qi Wuhai

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


"There are forty-three pirate groups under Whitebeard. If Whitebeard comes to Ace, do you think these pirate groups will swarm and head to the Navy headquarters together?"


Everyone sucked in a breath of cold air. Only now did they remember the enormous power of Whitebeard in the new world. If Whitebeard used such power, would the Navy Headquarters still be able to compete?Can you kill the Whitebeard Pirates?

The matter was very serious, Liu Xu's words made everyone fall into deep thought.

Liu Xu smiled secretly, and turned his gaze to Karp again, who was also looking at him at the moment with a complicated expression.

As a naval hero, he has to maintain the dignity of the navy and fight against the Whitebeard Pirates, but as a grandfather, he also has to protect his grandson, which seems contradictory, but it is not contradictory at all.

Liu Xu sighed inwardly, Garp is holding on now, just look at his clenched fists under the table.

"Try to keep him!"

This idea flashed through Liu Xu's mind, and it was confirmed instantly. I will repay him with gratitude, and I must help him tide over this difficulty no matter what. As for the future, let's talk about it later!

The most critical moment has been discussed at the meeting about this war. The high-end naval headquarters has it, but there are only a few.

The Warring States Period, Karp, and the Three Generals are high-end combat powers recognized by everyone, and those powerful lieutenant generals, such as Lieutenant General Mole, Ghost Spider, Huoshaoshan, Dalmesia, etc., are all well-known and powerful A powerful lieutenant general, and now there is a newly promoted lieutenant general Liu Xu, a powerful lieutenant general who killed the supernova in the Chambord Islands, a man who beat Moriah in the terrifying three-masted sailing ship, and a man who beat the Shah in Alabasta Crocodile man.

If such a high-end combat power is in normal times, just going out is a shocking existence.

But now facing the Whitebeard Pirates, this kind of combat power is a bit stretched to fight against them, and it cannot be used.

"Summon Qi Wuhai, force them to come and help."

Liu Xu uttered another sentence to surprise everyone, dammit, there is this thing, I almost forgot.

Warring States nodded approvingly, this is a very good choice, they can be summoned if they are forced to summon, if any one does not come, then wait to be revoked the title of Shichibukai, and face the pursuit of the navy all day long!

"Then force the call, spread the news, and let them rush to the Navy headquarters in the shortest possible time. Liu Xu, you are stationed in the Gulf like other lieutenant generals! Also, call elite navies from all over the world, this battle You can only win but not lose!"

The Warring States period is a bit of a hangover. As the supreme commander of the navy, he really has such ability.

At the end of the meeting, the generals left one after another and began to plan their own affairs.

"Garp, about Ace..."

Seeing that there were not many people, Liu Xu walked directly to Garp's side and held his shoulder.

Garp's body trembled. Just now, everyone was talking about the Whitebeard Pirates but didn't mention Ace's ending. It seemed that Ace's fate had been determined early in the morning.

"It's alright, the old man is a naval hero, hahaha. That kid is a pirate who is disobedient, so he should have such a consciousness."

With a determined smile on his face, Cap burst into laughter.

Liu Xu was speechless, and Zhan Guo also came over, saying in a deep voice, "Zhan Guo, I hope you can make a good choice by then."

Having been colleagues for many years, Warring States is naturally very familiar with this old friend.

Karp can be said to be a heartbroken father and grandfather. He originally wanted his son to be a righteous navy, but he suddenly became the leader of the revolutionary army.

He wanted his grandson to be a navy, and even taught them all the time when they were young, but both of them ran off to become pirates, how could his heart bear it.

Now, one of the grandsons is about to be executed. Although he is the son of Roger, the pirate king, Garp has poured countless emotions into it!

Facing his friend, Garp finally said: "I know, Zhan Guo, Liu Xu boy, you must be by my side when the time comes, I'm afraid..."

The two nodded at the same time, how the specific things will develop, then they can only adapt to the situation.

After leaving the conference room, Liu Xu led his men to station in the Navy headquarters. There was a house specially reserved for him here. The Vice Admiral's house was naturally large enough to accommodate a few people easily, and those The sailors returned to their long-lost quarters.

There are still six days left, and the public execution will be prepared in six days. This time is very short.

"Everyone, strong strength is crucial in this battle. Now everyone's strength is too different, so train hard!"

When he came to his own luxury villa, Liu Xu started without saying a word.

When Liu Xu saw this villa, he was deeply moved, isn't this the villa where Madeline lived before, and the Warring States Period is too good at arranging it!

"Yes, we understand!"

Everyone responded loudly, and it was only when they came to the Navy Headquarters that they realized how weak their strength was. Breton was a little better, after all, his strength was already very strong, and he possessed armed domineering aura.

The same is true for Colombia. As a divine sniper, he is more of a long-range shooting assistant, and he rarely fights the enemy head-on... But he is not afraid of a head-to-head fight, because he also has a domineering armed look.

The strength of the colonel Tina has approached the strength of the brigadier general, that is, the strength of Robin, Nami, and Bonnie is still slightly weak, and their strength cannot be delayed.

After it was confirmed, everyone began to conduct rigorous training, and the soldiers Liu Xu belonged to also shed blood on the training ground, and their strength has improved, so that they will not be held back in the future.


ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"

Chapter 2525 What are you going to do to Lieutenant General's savior?

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


After a day's rest, Liu Xu left the villa early in the morning and came to the bay. From the bay, he could see the sea in the distance.

The defense here is very strong. There are three gates of justice. If you want to enter the navy headquarters, you have to enter through the gate of justice, or pass through the seabed. Generally speaking, the defense here is very tight.

It took a whole morning to scout the terrain, and after finally eliminating all possibilities, Liu Xu was ready to return.

However, when he was about to return, one thing made him stop.

"Uncle Brich?"

A group of people appeared in front, headed by a major general, followed by hundreds of navy, and dozens of people in handcuffs, and among these people, the first person caught his attention.

Brich, the Brich who met again in the Chambord Islands before, didn't expect to meet him here, but the situation didn't look very optimistic.

Bridget and the others looked haggard, as if they had undergone cruel punishment, their clothes were ragged, and their eyes were slightly dull.Faced with this situation, Liu Xu walked over directly.


The major general stopped, saluted and said, "Major General Liu Xu, what's the matter?"

The major general's attitude didn't seem very friendly, Liu Xu snorted coldly, it really is a narrow road to the enemy, isn't this one of the people who said before that he would send himself to such a big prison under the sea?

"Boy Liu Xu?"

The conversation between the two caught Brich's attention, and a surprise flashed across his dull eyes.

Cocoro Breech, who is doing business in the East China Sea, owns almost the largest merchant ship in the East China Sea, and can almost be said to be one of the wealthiest people in the East China Sea.

Although Liu Xu hadn't encountered his fleet in the East China Sea for more than two years, he had heard a lot of things and had secretly sent someone to protect their fleet.

More than three years ago, he was sent from the unnamed island to Fengche Town. This kindness alone was enough to move Liu Xu.

Now I met him again in GR1, and now I see him here again, and seeing that there is still a big problem, Liu Xu's heart suddenly became anxious.

When Ke Keluo Brich saw Liu Xu, surprise flashed in his eyes, but he quickly hid it again, half bowed his head and did not speak.

The other crew members also found out, and were immediately dumbfounded. Why is Liu Xu here?

Ah, it seems that he said before that he is the lieutenant general of the Navy headquarters, this may be a chance to survive.

"Boy Liu Xu, we..."

"To shut up!"

Brich stopped the crew with a loud shout, and then lowered his head and did not speak, with endless sadness in his heart.

"What's going on here?" Liu Xu's face darkened, and he faced the major general, "What are you going to do to this lieutenant general's savior?"

The major general frowned, this guy seems to have something to do with these people, really troublesome.

"Lieutenant General Liu Xu, why should I answer your question? I just arrested them."

"This is an order, and a navy that does not obey the order is not qualified to live in the Navy Headquarters."

With that said, Liu Xu placed one hand on the handle of the Thunder Knife.

This scene made the major general's face look once again, vaguely remembering that he used this knife to end the life of a major general in the headquarters. Is he ready to do it again?

The atmosphere was tense, and Liu Xu drew his sword at any time, and he had no reason to refuse to save his first benefactor.

Liu Xu's face was gloomy, and the navy passing by seemed to realize that something big was about to happen, some ran away quickly, and some stayed and stopped to watch.

"Give you one last chance to explain things clearly, otherwise, behead!"

"Boy Liu Xu, don't cause trouble! This is our business and has nothing to do with you. You shouldn't get involved."

At this time, Brich spoke. Although his voice was weak, he was also firm. Boy Liu Xu must not get involved, otherwise he would not be able to clean himself up when he jumped into the sea.

"Uncle Brich, what's the matter? Hurry up and tell me, I'm trying to figure out a way to see if I can deal with it."

Seeing this, the other crew members opened their mouths to speak, and then quickly shut up. I'm afraid this matter is really not so easy to solve.

"Hmph, these people colluded with the Revolutionary Army and helped the Revolutionary Army transport ammunition under the guise of businessmen. We arrested them after receiving the report, Lieutenant General Liu Xu, what else do you have to say now, what ability do you have to rescue them? go."

A flash of happiness flashed in the major general's eyes. A lieutenant general who was in the top position by his nepotism also wanted to be arrogant in front of him?no way!

Revolutionary Army?arms?

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