Liu Xu's heart sank all of a sudden, would Bridget do such a desperate thing?No, that's absolutely impossible, there must be something strange about it.

"Nonsense, we simply..."


As soon as a crew member spoke, he was knocked to the ground by a gun butt of the navy next to him, and he hadn't finished speaking.

A gloomy look appeared in Liu Xu's eyes, and he said coldly: "That means you just received the report and didn't check it carefully and you arrested him? Besides, I remember that his fleet is not so small. Those people have been killed by you, right?"

Saying so, the strange purple lightning in Liu Xu's eyes gradually emerged, and purple arcs were released around him.

The major general's face changed, and he forgot about it. Damn it, what should I do?

Just as the anger in Liu Xu's heart was gradually rising, a hot breath suddenly fell from the sky, followed by a flash of red light, and the person who came quickly showed his body.

It was Akainu, with traces of lava still remaining on his body.

"As long as there is any suspicion, they should be arrested!"

As soon as Akainu arrived, he uttered these words directly, which made the major general behind him heave a sigh of relief. It's good that Akainu is coming. It seems that there will be nothing for me next!

"General Akainu, what do you mean?"

When the red dog came out, things suddenly became confusing, and Liu Xu couldn't figure it out.


Chapter 2526

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


"Hmph, the old man made it very clear that as long as there is suspicion, they must be arrested. The justice of the navy does not allow any possible evil to be spared, and must be severely punished. If these things are not done, who will report them?"

The corner of Akainu's mouth evoked a cold and cruel smile, absolute justice, this is the absolute justice he pursues, for these justice, he can sacrifice anyone, even his relatives and friends, he will not show mercy.

What he said made Liu Xu's teeth itch with hatred. This guy is here to find fault now, right?What naval justice, it's just your personal paranoid justice!

"If you kill them, but in the end you find out that they didn't collude with the revolutionary army, don't you think it doesn't matter?"


Akainu responded seriously, which was very consistent with his usual style.

What he pursues is actually his own justice.

The straightforward reply made Liu Xu's face even uglier. This guy must have come to find fault.

Damn, there's no time to investigate these things right now.

The so-called drowsiness someone will bring a pillow, it is a perfect description to describe the current situation.

"Lieutenant General Liu Xu, our master entrusted this to you."

Two strong men in black suits came all the way from behind Liu Xu, wearing black super sunglasses, and there was only one person in the eyes hidden behind the sunglasses.


The outfits of these two people easily reminded him of a person. What did he send people for?

The two strong men walked up to him and handed over a document, saying: "The master must hand over to you, we dare not read it casually."

Saying that, the two strong men bowed and stood aside.

But Liu Xu looked at the information, and suddenly laughed in surprise after seeing it, there was hope.

A piece of information involves the life and death of many people. At this moment, the information is in Liu Xu's hands, which gives him a lot of confidence.

"General Akainu, this document clearly records the whereabouts of the Brich caravan, and there are detailed information about their transactions. There is no mention of any intersection between them and the Revolutionary Army. "Liu Xu finished reading the document and said: "That is to say, this is a wrong action!"

This information is about the Brich caravan, and it is so detailed that even Liu Xu is a little creepy.

Just how huge is Madeline's information network?Even the affairs of Bridget and others in the East China Sea were clearly monitored. I really don't know what else that woman doesn't know.

Akainu's resolute face is cold, information?so what?

"Who can guarantee the accuracy of this information, who will not fabricate a random information. Lieutenant General Liu Xu, or do you have some kind of connection with the Revolutionary Army?"

Um?General Akainu, this is amazing!The major general behind him sighed with emotion, as expected, these people are still young, and the general is going to kill him.

The consequences of paranoid justice, Liu Xu frowned a few times, this guy is a bit messy now, does he really think that he is the one who can dominate everything?

"Admiral Akainu, do you think the information sent by Princess Madeline from the Tianlongren is fabricated? Tsk tsk, the admiral of the Navy Headquarters questioned the information from the Tianlongren, and even used it to slander. I really don't know when the Tianlongren were attacked. When the time comes, Akainu Admiral, will you beat Sap in the back and put the Celestial Dragon to death?"

Ruthless, even more ruthless.

There is no need to think too much about the two things of colluding with the revolutionary army and killing the Tianlong people. The latter things are more serious.

Tit for tit, this is his action, do you want to slander us?Well, my young master will also give you a look to see who will die first in the end.

As soon as Liu Xu's words came out, the faces of Chiquan and others changed suddenly. This matter was not a joke. Even if he was the general of the Navy headquarters, he would never be able to bear such a crime.

If he is found guilty of such a crime, then he will only have a dead end, and he will not even have the chance to go to the big prison under the sea.

"Liu Xu, you are spitting blood! The majesty of the navy does not allow anyone to tarnish it."

Akainu became angry all of a sudden, thick black smoke billowed from his body, magma quickly circulated on his body surface, and the scorching breath made the air dry instantly.

He is a navy who executes paranoid justice, but he is also a general who attaches great importance to the majesty of the navy. Of course, he is also an extremely cruel person. As long as there is any suspect, he will destroy it without hesitation.

Magma fruit, a kind of natural fruit.

The effect of using it is that the whole body turns into magma, which can create magma through the body, and even burn fire. It is the natural enemy of burning fruit.

Most of the battles between nature-type ability users use the principle of attribute mutual restraint to attack. Of course, there are some who can injure natural-type ability users without using attribute mutual restraint. As long as the attribute power is strong enough to destroy everything, then they can hurt them.

There are also armed domineering and Hailoushi. If a capable person is handcuffed by Hailoushi, it will be doomed to tragedy. There is also sea water. Entering the seawater can kill a natural devil fruit capable person in minutes.

"Why aren't you?"

The purple electric arc wrapped around Liu Xu burst out with a "cracking" sound, confronting a general, just to be so willful.

Among the three generals, Huang Yuan is a wretched man, and his relationship with him is not bad, which is destined by Huang Yuan's character.

And Qing Zhi, a lazy guy, has established a good friendship from the beginning, only this red dog is so unpleasant when meeting, people wish to kill him.

In the confrontation between the lieutenant general and the general, the major general was a little withdrawn. If the two of them fought, he would easily be affected, and things would be troublesome by then.

"Boy Liu Xu, don't be impulsive!"

Breech yelled, and instantly stood up straight, returning to his former tough guy appearance.


Chapter 2527 Red dog, I want your life!

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


Seeing this, the other crew members also shouted loudly.

"Boy Liu Xu, don't cut off your own future, it's not worth it."

"Boy Liu Xu, think carefully, you still have unfulfilled dreams!"

The crew stopped one after another. As Liu Xu's seniors, some of them may have seen through life and death, and some may not want to die, but at this moment, their choice is still very firm.

"Uncle Brich, as long as you are innocent, I must save you."

Liu Xu responded with a somber face, his eyes remained on the red dog all the time, are we going to start a fight with the general now?I really want to see who wins in the end.

Liu Xu's gaze made Chiquan's anger loom, and he immediately thought of what happened in the conference room yesterday, he openly provoked himself in front of so many people, and now he wants to fight himself again, such a person cannot be kept!

"Too much nonsense, sinners."

After saying a word, Akainu suddenly started to move, and punched behind him with his right hand that was emitting thick black smoke.

"Spit fire!"

The fist composed of magma slammed into the past, and the hot air waves caused ripples in the air.

The target of the incomparably fast fist was Brich and the others, and it was earth-shattering with one punch.

The magma fist hit Brich and the others with hot flames and air waves in an instant, directly forming their body formation, and even the surrounding navy soldiers couldn't please them.


The navy soldiers screamed, and the major general was also unavoidable. Akainu's fist brushed past him, and the scorching high temperature directly destroyed his body without warning.

This scene made the people watching not far away sluggish for a while, and they quickly withdrew.

Liu Xu, on the other hand, was dazed and absent-minded as he watched the direction in which Brisch and the others disappeared.

Brich and others were evaporated so directly and simply, Akainu's fire-breathing fist directly evaporated their bodies, and they no longer exist in this world from now on.


The magma fist exploded, the hot flaming magma spilled on the ground, and a raging flame was ignited around it. The thick black smoke continued to rise into the sky, and everything around was reflected red.

Liu Xu didn't recover from his sluggishness, and scenes from the past resurfaced in his mind.

At the beginning, Brigi saved Liu Xu for him, and was able to change their sailing route and send him to his destination. This kindness alone made him unforgettable.

Now, the former savior appeared, but was slandered and killed in front of his eyes. The laughter and all kinds of cares from the ship in the past still echoed in his ears, making his heart mixed.

Anger, self-blame, hatred, and murderous intent were constantly intertwined in his heart, stimulating the weakest link in his heart.

Under the various emotions, the purple arc around him became stronger and stronger, and the electrons in the entire bay instantly rioted, and even rolling thunderclouds appeared in the sky. The naval headquarters was instantly covered by thunderclouds, obscuring the sky.

An aura was condensed on his body. It was the murderous aura he had been fighting for several years, and this aura was getting stronger and stronger.

The peculiar power quickly circulated in the body, and his eyes were no longer magical purple, but blood red. Under the strong hatred, his aura quickly increased.

"Red! Dog! I! Want! Kill! I! You!"

Gritting his teeth, Liu Xu didn't feel much about the changes in himself, but there was only endless murderous intent under the strong hatred, and killing the person in front of him was what he had to do now.

The face of Akainu on the opposite side changed suddenly, and the terrifying killing intent made him feel biting cold after fighting for many years.

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