"Kill you!"

He raised his head and let out a terrifying roar, and saw a sudden pressure coming from Liu Xu's body. This pressure formed a shock wave invisible to the naked eye and spread to all directions, reaching the entire harbor.


Wherever the shock wave passed, everyone only felt a roar in their heads, and then their consciousness went black, and they fell into a coma.

There were also tiny cracks on the ground and walls, and the hard walls could not bear the pressure.

"The overlord is domineering!"

Akainu was completely moved. If the previous killing intent made him feel cold, then the current shock wave completely shocked him.

Liu Xu is also a person with the qualifications of a king. How is this possible?

This aura lasted for a long time, Liu Xu just yelled up to the sky, completely arousing this power in his body, and it continued to radiate.

The power surged in his body, and Liu Xu, who inspired the domineering look, quickly raised his power, and the electrons on the harbor surged even more violently, and there were visible purple arcs everywhere. Here, it seemed to become a space for thunder and lightning.

The thunderclouds in the sky are also turbulent, the thunderclouds are constantly rotating, like a thundercloud storm, the rumbling sound resounds through the entire navy headquarters, the suppressed breath is raging, and the endless pressure is released.

The faces of the powerhouses in the headquarters have changed dramatically. There are people fighting in the headquarters, and they have used such a powerful force. Who is this?

"Boy Liu Xu!"

Garp yelled, and the same was true for the Warring States Period. The two quickly rushed towards the center of the thundercloud. Damn it, why did he make such a big commotion?

Powerful power filled every corner of his body, and every cell seemed to be full of explosive power. Liu Xu clenched his fists, and his blood-red eyes stared at the ugly red dog in front of him.

"Thunder Fury!"

There is no limit to how many volts, the current strength of everything is determined by the power of the thundercloud.

A hand stretched out to the sky, and in the thundercloud storm, countless dark purple thunderbolts with the thickness of the arms suddenly fell, and there was a loud noise in the sky.

When the thunder and lightning fell, the Navy Headquarters felt like the end of the world. Although the thunder and lightning were controlled by Liu Xu to attack the red dog, there were still collapses in many places. This was due to the air pressure driven by the super strength of the lightning. crushed.


Chapter 2528 The Seventh Strike

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


The dark purple thunderbolt bombarded Akainu, and Akainu understood that thunderbolt was the power of nature.

Thousands of lightning bolts fell from the sky, completely cutting off all his escape routes.

"Big fire!"

Akainu roared, the whole person turned into a magma man, and the huge magma fist blasted towards the thunder and lightning in the air.

"Bang bang bang!"

When the magma fist hit the lightning, there was a loud noise. The magma fist was attacked by hundreds of lightning at the same time, and pieces of fire burst out, and the magma shot out.

The rest of the thunder and lightning fell on Akainu's side, directly smashing the ground. As the dust and mist filled the air, the land where Akainu was smashed down by dozens of meters, and the giant hole was filled with dark purple arcs.

After the thousand thunders and lightnings attacked, Liu Xu stood on the edge of the huge hole, watching the movement below with his cold blood-red eyes.


Suddenly, a person rushed out from the bottom of the giant hole, breaking through the diffuse dust mist and appearing in the air.


With Liu Xu's one-handed move, the power of Ark's Proverbs was also revealed. In an instant, the thundercloud storm fell in the sky again. This time it was no longer a thousand, but tens of thousands of deep purple lightning.


The thundercloud storm covering the entire Navy headquarters has almost infinite power, and with the help of the Ark's motto, this power is used to the extreme.

This is just the power of an ark motto, there are other more powerful powers.

Tens of thousands of deep purple thunderbolts spun down from the thundercloud storm, and thunderbolts fell one after another. The Navy Headquarters viewed from a distance was like a natural disaster, unstoppable.

The fragile air was torn apart by the tyrannical lightning force, and ripples visible to the naked eye gradually swayed.

Suddenly, the tens of thousands of thunderbolts changed direction at the moment of falling, and bombarded the Akainu who jumped into the air.

Akainu, who had just come out of the giant hole, was severely injured before he could recover, and tens of thousands of deep purple lightning bolts bombed from his head like diamonds.

Akainu's complexion changed drastically. Although he has been elementalized, it is also the power of nature, which can still cause powerful damage to him.

The magma splashed, and the elemental body kept falling into the magma, and he was still struggling to support it under the huge pressure of tens of thousands of thunder and lightning.

The situation became more and more critical. Akainu felt such a powerful lightning attack for the first time. He was not very familiar with lightning attacks. He thought it would be over after protesting, but the penetration of lightning made his elemental body more and more. more fragile.


Akainu thought inwardly, suddenly released the power of resistance, and let the thunder and lightning smash his body into the huge hole again.

"Boom boom boom!"

In an instant, Akainu's body entered the bottom of the giant cave again, and it continued to collapse downward under the pressure of lightning.

Akainu is the admiral of the Navy headquarters, and his strength is beyond doubt.

Logically speaking, it is impossible to be hanged and beaten by Liu Xu directly like this, but at this moment, Liu Xu has just awakened the domineering look and domineering, and in addition, the anger in Brisch was killed by him, so the anger in his heart needs to be released, so the first move is a big move , completely without the rules and regulations of previous battles.

The red dog was shocked by the opponent's domineering look, and was attacked continuously by Liu Xu under this kind of astonishment, so naturally there was no time to react.

The master of thunder and lightning, one of the most powerful forces in nature, coupled with Liu Xu's own lightning attribute, is even more handy to use. Thunder and lightning are like a part of his body, and he can use it as he wants.

Still on the edge of the giant hole, Liu Xu's blood-red eyes were still looking down. Under the tens of thousands of dark purple lightning bolts, the scope of this giant hole suddenly expanded a lot, with a diameter of hundreds of meters and an unpredictable depth. .

"In the name of the nobles of the world, betray you to Heaven!"

Liu Xu's tone was very soft, but his voice resounded like thunder through the entire naval headquarters, which shocked some strong men who were rushing here.

In the name of the world's nobles, it really is Liu Xu's masterpiece.

There are not many people who can make him use such a powerful force. It is impossible for Sengoku and Garp, and it is impossible for Qingzhi and Huangyuan. Then there is only one, the red dog who had a conflict with Liu Xu yesterday.

So, what kind of contradiction made him have such a strong desire to kill?

A group of powerful people are worried, and a life-and-death battle with Akainu at this special moment will only weaken the strength of the Navy Headquarters!

Thinking like this, the powerhouses are even faster.

After Liu Xu said a word, he closed his eyes. As he closed his eyes, he seemed to have entered a state of selflessness, and his body was all elemental. In this state, he seemed to be a thunderbolt.

At this moment, the thundercloud storm in the sky seemed to be a part of him, and the power inside was at his disposal.

"Two hundred million volts!"

"Two hundred and fifty million volts!"

The voice fell, and the thundercloud storm in the sky immediately responded to his words.

"Zi Lei Saber Technique, the seventh strike, the furious thunder tears the sky and the earth."

The voice seemed majestic, and every word fell into the sky, and there was a thunderclap. The thundercloud storm in the sky quickly changed its shape, forming a knife. The blade was dark purple, about a kilometer long, and the energy contained in it made people tremble. shock.

There, is the full power of the entire thundercloud storm.

The dark purple judgment blade fell from the sky and slashed towards the bottom of the giant hole.

Under the huge hole, the red dog who had just unloaded the power of tens of thousands of lightning was about to fight back, but vaguely felt a strange smell in the air.

Looking at it for a moment, he saw a deep purple sword slashing down. The power contained in the sword made his heart beat. Without thinking much, the red dog turned into a magma giant and jumped vigorously, trying to escape before the sword came.


The big knife finally fell, and the thousand-meter-long lightning blade shattered the entire earth. The strong purple shock wave hit the sea surface of the harbor, and the sea was divided into two, until the position could not be seen by the naked eye.


The earth began to crack, a ten-meter-wide crack extending from the edge of the giant hole to the edge of the harbor.


Chapter 2529 Lightning vs Magma

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


As the separated seawater returned to its original state, a large amount of seawater poured into the crack.

The thick ground on the entire harbor is covered with dense cracks, which will shatter at the touch of a touch.

Liu Xu didn't have the heart to pay attention to these things. His eyes turned to another place, where the body of a magma giant was shrinking, and finally returned to its original appearance.

The judgment of the trial just now was finally avoided by the red dog.

Akainu landed on one knee, his left hand covered his right shoulder, his face was extremely gloomy, and his right hand was useless!

It is very clear that the bones of the right hand have been completely crushed, leaving only the illusion of flesh and blood. Even if it is used to elementalize the attack, it may not have much power.

In this way, his combat effectiveness is greatly reduced.

"Liu Xu, this old man will definitely not spare you!"

Akainu roared angrily, and a general had his arm crippled. This is a great shame, worse than killing him.

Kill him, you must kill this guy.

Careless, this is the result of his carelessness, how can the battle between masters be distracted?

Liu Xu sneered, his blood-red eyes showed a strong murderous intent, it's a pity that he didn't finish him with a knife.

Next, only a more violent attack can relieve a little bit of anger in my heart!

The [-] million volts of lightning combined with ancient martial arts, the power produced is undoubtedly terrifying. Judging from the power of Zi Lei's seventh strike, if this knife directly hits the Navy headquarters from the front, I am afraid that it will be killed by a single knife. Able to split the Navy Headquarters in two.

The previously conceived lightning space has gradually taken shape, and Liu Xu's lightning power is becoming more and more superbly controlled.

The broadsword spread out immediately after the attack, and the thunder and lightning lost their target and returned to the sky again, recondensing into a thundercloud storm.

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