The navy headquarters, which had only regained its light for less than ten seconds, was once again covered by a thundercloud storm, and the thunderclouds obscured the sky.

"The dog bites the red lotus!"

The red dog's left arm turned into a dog and directly charged towards Liu Xu, and the hot magma and billowing black smoke galloped all the way.

"Double dragon strangle!"

The thunder and lightning in the sky arrived in an instant, forming two majestic lightning dragons behind him, and the thunder dragon instantly formed and charged towards Akainu's dog-gnawing red lotus.

It is an attack with no strength limit. Under the action of the thundercloud storm, he no longer limits the strength of the thunder and lightning, and every blow is full of explosive power.

The speed of the two thunder dragons was faster than that of the dog nibbling the red lotus. One directly collided head-on, while the other directly opened its bloody mouth and charged towards the red dog behind.


The collision between the thunder dragon and the dog-nibbing red lotus immediately burst into bursts of impact, adding a heavy blow to the already fragile harbor.

The magma and thunder and lightning scattered, and the harbor was instantly covered by thunder and magma, and the ground was full of burning magma and raging thunder and lightning.

The thunder dragon and the dog nibble red lotus disappeared at the same time, and the other thunder dragon had already approached the red dog, and it bit down directly.

Although the red dog has put up [-] points of energy, how can Liu Xu directly launch a counterattack in defense, the attack is in front of him, and it is impossible to use powerful moves to resist.

As soon as he rolled on the spot, Akainu's face was resolute, he didn't care about the so-called general's demeanor and rolled directly on the spot, his body rolled over to the side, and he was able to escape this rapid attack.

"Oh, I've heard of donkey rolling, but I've never seen dog rolling."

Liu Xu's stern face showed deep contempt.

How could Akainu bear such a stimulus, and immediately rushed over.

Liu Xu was already guarding against his counterattack, and his right hand rested on the handle of the Thunder Knife in an instant.

"Spring thunderstorm!"

The sword was drawn, a strong purple light flashed, and a dark purple sword light swung out, the sword light was vertical and horizontal, and a long and narrow crack was dragged out of the ground.

The elemental Akainu didn't take this attack seriously. The swordsman's sword beam uses the shock wave of the sword pressure as an attack, which is also a kind of physical power. How can he hurt the natural type?

However, he never thought that the power of thunder and lightning was still hidden in this dark purple sword light.

Another carelessness, the sword light hit his body instantly, causing his body to rush towards the rear at a faster speed, and the powerful lightning force attacked his body in an instant.

"Hmph, do you think that you can completely defeat the lieutenant general because you are a general? Superficial."

After Liu Xu said a word, the Thunder Saber returned to its sheath, and his body gradually rose into the air under the elementalization, and the final blow ended him completely!

Akainu, who was repelled by a knife, slammed into a wall, and the severe pain from his body made him almost unbearable, and his eyes were filled with deep doubt and shock.This guy actually injected the power of lightning into the sword glow, thereby enhancing the penetration of lightning, which he did not expect.

Liu Xu, whose body was lifted into the air, was ready for the final blow, and the energy filled in the thundercloud storm exploded instantly.

"The Thunder Emperor of the End Times!"

As soon as the voice fell, Liu Xu's body rose rapidly, and the energy of the thunderstorm storm entered his body in an instant, and the electronic joy in the air jumped...

The [-]-meter-high Doomsday Thunder Emperor appeared in the Navy headquarters for the first time. The majestic dark purple and angry Leishen shocked people's hearts and awakened the domineering arrogance.

"One punch is enough to kill you!"

Focusing on the injured Akainu who couldn't stand up all of a sudden, the Thunder Emperor of Doomsday raised his right hand, swooped down from the air, and punched out.



Several loud shouts came from not far away, and then...

"Bachi Qionggou Yu!"

"Childish mouth!"

Two figures appeared in front of Chiquan in an instant, and one of them turned into a yellow photon, and from the photon, a dazzling light bullet flew towards the Thunder Emperor of the Last Age.

The other person raised his right arm, which instantly froze, and swung a fist, only to see a huge ice bird fly out, and the target was also the Thunder Emperor of the End Times in the air.


Chapter 2530 Who dares to say that he eats soft food?

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"



The fist of the Doomsday Thunder Emperor collided with the light bullet and the ice bird, and the three were on par, competing against each other.

Time seemed to freeze. Everyone watched the battle between the [-]-meter-tall Leidi of Doomsday and the eight-foot Qiong Gouyu and Bao Zhizui in the air, but no one made the slightest sound.

Finally, Liu Xu's eyes hardened, breaking the deadlock and gaining some strength.


The muffled sound that made people want to vomit blood spread throughout the harbor, and a strong yellow-purple light flashed across the harbor, and the rapid impact swept the entire harbor. The harbour is filled with a grey mist.


The people in the entire navy headquarters felt that the strong confrontation quieted down. What would it be like?

The smoke slowly dissipated, and the situation inside came into view.

Liu Xu's Doomsday Thunder Emperor status has been lifted, and he is standing upright at the moment. If you look carefully, you can find his slightly trembling right hand.

On the opposite side of him, General Qingzhi and General Huangyuan had serious expressions on their faces. The ice on Qingzhi's right arm gradually shattered, and the recovery speed of Huangyuan's photonization was slow.

"Scary Liu Xu!"

The lazy Qingzhi couldn't help being moved at this moment. Thinking about the comparison between Liu Xu three years ago and the current one, there is no comparison at all.

Liu Xu, who came to the Navy headquarters three years ago, was promoted to major general. Many people thought that he would go through the back door and rely on Princess Madeline's power to get into the position.

Today's battle completely changed everyone's thinking.

Being able to reach this level with Admiral Akainu, and he is only a lieutenant general, then, who would dare to say that he is a soft food?

Some people who have offended Liu Xu before are already a little annoyed, how will they face him in the future?

"Well... Lieutenant General Liu Xu is really... too impulsive."

Huang Yuan, a wretched man, pouted his thick lips and spoke at a steady pace, but he could hear a trace of seriousness.

"Boy Liu Xu, do you want to destroy the Navy headquarters?"

An angry roar sounded, and Garp and Sengoku rushed over, seeing the current situation of the harbor, they couldn't help but gasp, this kid actually fought Akainu to such an extent.

Especially the last blow just now was able to forcibly shake the combination of the two generals, although the two generals' shots were a bit hasty.

Liu Xu's slightly trembling hands recovered, and his blood-red eyes looked at Karp who was coming towards him.

"Lieutenant General Garp, I'm teaching a dog who has dishonored the justice of the Navy, can't I?"


Karp was stunned for a moment, what kind of grievance do you have with him, do you need to be like this?

"Lieutenant General Liu Xu, what happened, please explain clearly!"

Warring States also stepped forward with a serious and righteous face.

Liu Xu snorted coldly and swept his eyes towards Chigou, his intense murderous intent never diminished. At the same time, he also told what happened just now, without missing a single word.

Garp, Sengoku and others fell silent after hearing his explanation, General Akainu, how could you do such an impulsive thing?You still don't know Liu Xu, you're too impulsive.

"General Akainu, get up!"

Sengoku looked at Akainu who was half lying on the ground, and a deep shock flashed in his eyes. Akainu was seriously injured.

Akainu stood up when he heard the words, his face was gloomy. So far, he has always believed that he is not at fault, as long as he is a suspect, he should be killed. Is this also wrong?

"Marshal of the Warring States Period, should you give me an explanation now?"

Liu Xu didn't mean to let him go, and they had already made a knot. The grudge between Bridget and the others couldn't be solved by beating him up, and they had to be paid with blood.

Warring States frowned, Liu Xu didn't want to let Akainu go, if he dealt with Akainu now, I'm afraid the Navy Headquarters will be under a lot of pressure in the next war!

"Boy Liu Xu, you can't weaken the strength of the headquarters at this time. You should understand what the next war means."

Karp also stepped forward to dissuade him. The current situation is unusual. Although there is still a little joy and happiness in his heart, in front of the Navy and his grandson, it is difficult for him to choose.

Liu Xu shook his head and directly refused, saying: "Lieutenant General Garp, you must give me an explanation for today's matter. Since General Chinu believes that anyone who is suspected should be slaughtered, then I also think that he is trying to be disrespectful to the Tianlong people, and even framed him." The intention of the Celestial Dragon, should I also kill him?"

The justice of Akainu is like this, so when the absolute justice he thinks comes to him, how will he feel?

The face of the Warring States Period changed rapidly, and what Liu Xu said was very serious. If he got entangled seriously, I am afraid that Akainu really has no chance of turning over.

From the actions just now, it can be seen that Akainu doesn't take Madeline seriously at all, and treats her investigation results as nothing, just from this point, it can make people speak up and suppress him to nowhere Turn over.

"Lieutenant General Liu Xu, enough is enough. The war with the Whitebeard Pirates is about to break out. Now is not the time to deal with your personal grievances."

The words of the Warring States Period were very strong and meant to compromise. They defined the matter between the two as personal grievances to prevent possible riots in the future.

Liu Xu knew his purpose very well, and if he thought about it carefully, if he did it directly now, he might not get any benefits, and would be suppressed instead.

Rather than doing this, it would be better to let the Navy headquarters owe themselves a favor, a huge favor.

"Warring States, the war with the Whitebeard Pirates will not be affected. But, Red Dog, please remember that the grievance between you and me will end. I may kill you anytime, anywhere."

After the words were finalized, Akainu's face changed suddenly, he had to make an inch, absolutely.

Lava and black smoke appeared again in the left hand, and Akainu's determined face showed a cold killing intent.

Seeing this, Warring States yelled directly, saying: "General Chinu, stop immediately, this is an order!"


Chapter 2531 The way to secretly kill the red dog

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


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