With a reprimand, Akakenu's eyes were full of unwillingness, and finally put away the magma attack.

It can be seen that he still does not have the ability to directly refute in front of the Warring States Period.

Liu Xu smiled coldly, red dog, red dog, you are still doomed to die, as long as there is a chance, you will be slaughtered!

"General Akainu, you should go back to recuperate first!"

Warring States made a very wise choice, and Akazuki also understood his physical condition at the moment. Now it seems that Warring States did not intend to punish Liu Xu, and could only leave angrily.

So far, he is unaware of what he has done and still thinks what he has done is right.

With Akainu's departure, everyone present breathed a sigh of relief. They knew Akainu's character very well. If they stayed any longer, I'm afraid the scene would not be so easy to clean up.

At the same time, Liu Xu made them deeply worried.

At this moment, the combat power he showed was able to fight Akakenu, and he also seriously injured Akakenu, which is undoubtedly the level of a general.

It's just that his rank as a general did not make them happy, but worried.

The meaning of Liu Xu's words is very clear, one must die between him and Chiquan.

It should have been a very exciting thing, but now there is an absolutely irreversible situation.

Chiquan left, and Liu Xu had already begun to think about how to make him pay for his so-called absolute justice.

"Lieutenant General Liu Xu, the matter is very serious now, you need to think carefully about it."

The Warring States period can be said to be hard-hearted. Facing the Whitebeard Pirates, every additional navy with a general-level strength here can bring a chance to victory, and his plan will be more certain...

Executing Ace is declaring war on the Whitebeard Pirates and all pirates in the world.

Execution of the last blood of the former Pirate King Roger, which can make many pirates fear and suppress the arrogance of the pirates to the greatest extent.

At the same time, it can also be very helpful for the weak strength of the navy in the new world.

If there is one less emperor in the new world, the whole new world will be changed in an instant. Even if the Whitebeard Pirates finally return to the new world, they will struggle without a strong captain.

In addition, more than forty pirate groups under the Whitebeard Pirates will also be attacked by other pirate groups.

Completely end the power of the Whitebeard Pirates in the new world, not to mention the red hair, the other two will probably be happy to see such a situation.

So, this is an opportunity for the Navy to grow its strength in the new world, an excellent opportunity.

This is the plan of the Warring States Period, and it is also the plan of the World Government. The battle with Whitebeard can only be won but not defeated.

"Marshal of the Warring States period, I still know how to choose which is more important. When this war is over and Akainu and I have completely settled our grievances, only one of him and I will be able to live."

Liu Xu's words were firm and could not be refuted.

Warring States sighed deeply, must one die?

Hey, it seems that it is time for him to make a choice again.

Liu Xu stopped talking nonsense with the Warring States Period, and went straight back to his villa. Now he needs to prepare, prepare a big show, and completely end this grievance.

"Captain, what happened just now?"

As soon as they got back to the villa, Nami and the others surrounded them. They were very familiar with the thunder cloud that covered the entire Navy headquarters. Isn't that the power of Liu Xu? What happened just now, that such a strong force exploded Come out, are there any enemies in this naval headquarters?

"Mr. Captain, what you just said..."

A look of worry and concern appeared in Robin's eyes.

Liu Xu shook his head, knowing that what he said in the harbor may have been heard here. The voice was conveyed through thunder, and everyone in the entire headquarters should have heard it.

"It's okay, it's just a bit of a contradiction with General Akainu. Now, let's continue training, cramming yourself, and improving your strength as quickly as possible."

I don't want to talk too much about these things. Liu Xu went back to his room, lay on the bed and thought about what method should be used to kill the red dog with one blow.

There are several weaknesses in the ability and weakness of the natural system of rockberry, that is, the attacks of the same natural system, domineering, and sea water.

It would be unrealistic to rely on a domineering blow to eliminate Akainu, and would expose himself in an instant.

Although he said in front of Sengoku and the others that he would definitely kill Akainu, some things were tacitly understood.

The majesty of the navy still needs to be maintained. If people in the world know that they killed Akainu with their own hands and they haven't made any movement in the Warring States period, it will be a huge pressure for the Warring States period.

Therefore, Akainu must be wiped out in one blow and unknown to the world.

It is possible to use the power of lightning to complete a one-hit kill, but that kind of movement will be very large. Perhaps, it needs to be assisted by another one, sea water!

Seawater is the weakness of all able people. As long as they enter the sea, the fruit ability of the ability person will be sealed, and the body will be powerless. When the time comes, the main body will be revealed, and he will be able to slaughter him easily.

Thinking of it this way, the combination of lightning power and seawater would be the best choice.

Liu Xu's eyes shone brightly, and a plan gradually emerged in his mind, but it still needs to be continuously perfected, and all possibilities are calculated in it, so as to ensure that one blow will kill, and never miss.

In his constant thinking, the mandatory summoning about Qiwuhai was also distributed.

Qiwuhai is the seven great pirates recognized by the world government. This concept was first proposed by the naval hero Lieutenant General Garp and has been taken seriously.

Find seven powerful pirates among the pirates in the world to become Shichibukai, and give them certain privileges, and they are doing some things for the world government. The two parties are in a mutually beneficial relationship.

Under the circumstances of the World Government's order, Shichibukai accepted the mandatory summons to help the World Government complete everything, which is all within the agreement.


Chapter 2532 King's Seven Wuhai

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


The forced summons were issued, and the Qiwuhai from all over the world acted quickly, and with their own purposes, they began to head to the naval headquarters.

The arrival of Shichibukai is destined to cause a sensation in the world. Ace's execution has caused the people of the world to fall into fear. They have been able to predict that something will happen.

Now that the Qiwuhai came to the Navy headquarters, this further confirmed the thoughts in their hearts, and the world began to panic a little for a while.

In the navy headquarters, several Qiwuhai had arrived, and were directly guided by the navy soldiers to the conference room where the Warring States were located.

At the same time, the high-level officers of the navy headquarters were also quickly called up, and Lieutenant General Garp and Admiral Aokiji and others rushed there.

Liu Xu also received the notice that four days had passed, and three days later it would be the day when Ace was executed. The atmosphere in the headquarters became more and more tense, and elite navies from all over the country were also gathered in the naval headquarters.

The news of the [-] elite navy quickly spread to the world. This is a deterrent, a powerful deterrent, which proves the strength of the navy headquarters and directly puts pressure on the Whitebeard Pirates.

After receiving the notice, Liu Xu came out of the villa. He had already thought clearly in the past few days, and it was time to implement his plan.


The door of the Warring States meeting room was gradually pushed open, and several people inside also caught his eyes.

The door of the conference room was pushed open, and the eyes of several people inside also shifted to the person in an instant, each changing.

"Everyone came quickly!"

Liu Xu was very calm, and he didn't look embarrassed at all when he looked at him like this.

As he spoke, he walked to his own seat and sat down, which happened to be with Hawkeye.

"Liu Xu, why did you come in?"

Hawkeye, a cold and handsome uncle with a black knife on his back, will always have that cold image.

"It didn't say that the lieutenant general couldn't participate, did he? Hawkeye, long time no see."

Liu Xu laughed, counting the time, it seemed that he hadn't seen each other for almost three years, and he didn't know what this guy was doing, so he said that he still had a big gift to give him.

The corner of Hawkeye's stern face curled up with a light smile and stopped talking. He concentrated on watching the Warring States period, waiting for his next words.

Only then did Liu Xu carefully scrutinize the people in the conference room. There were only three people including the lieutenant general and himself.

The Marshal of the Warring States Period, the Three Generals, and Qi Wuhai are just such a few people.

But each of these men can cause a stir.

Crocodile is still the same as before. He has not been defeated by Luffy, and he naturally still retains the name of Qiwuhai. He seems to have a good life in his childhood, but the little ambition in his eyes still makes people see him at a glance. is not simple.

Moria looked a little haggard. According to the order of the Warring States, they still need to bring their own troops to participate in the war.

However, he doesn't seem to have many zombie legions anymore, and many of his zombies have been eliminated in the battle with Liu Xu.

Xiong did not fully reveal his identity in the Chambord Archipelago, and he still maintains the title of Qibukai, and continues to lurk in the navy.

There are two remaining people that Liu Xu has never seen before, Doflamingo and Empress Boa Hancock.

These two talents are what Liu Xu is most concerned about, especially Doflamingo, the former Tianlong who cooperated with Kaido, one of the Four Emperors, in the New World. He operates industries all over the world. A strong man who combines power and wealth.

He is good at using Qiwuhai's power to provide slaves for Tianlong people and nobles and rich people. It can be said that he is a super strong guy who takes both black and white.

Judging from his clothes and the expression on his eyes and face, this is a rebellious, cruel and indifferent guy, and it is not a very pleasant thing to get along with such a person.

The other one is the Empress Boya Hancock. Just as Liu Xu's eyes turned to her, the Warring States over there spoke.

"Lieutenant General Liu Xu, what do you think of this war?"

view?Liu Xu was confused, he was just about to see the demeanor of the Empress, why did you come out to disturb her, really.

"I don't have any opinions. I have already said what I should say before, and now it is up to you to make a decision."

The voice was very flat, and after thinking about it, I would still talk to Hawkeye about kendo. Now that the strength of the swordsman is at the peak, how can we quickly break through to the level of the great swordsman?

To no avail, the Warring States period simply ignored it. Anyway, it was just a symbolic question, just to pave the way for the next words.

"Hawkeye, how did you feel when you broke through to the Great Swordsman?"

Liu Xu asked in a low voice, the feeling when a strong man breaks through is the most able to bring people an unexpected surprise.

Hawkeye glanced at him, and there was a trace of thought in his sharp eyes.

"Does it feel like a breakthrough? It's very mysterious. It seems that some kind of potential in the body is stimulated, and power emerges from the inside out..."

The two were very happy to talk here, but the other two Qiwuhai didn't even look at him, as if they didn't know each other.

Several people in Qiwuhai have already seen the character of Liu Xu, and they are no strangers.

The only ones who felt strange were Doflamingo and Hancock, whose eyes swept over Liu Xu from time to time.

There is another person who has been paying attention to Liu Xu, and that is the general Chiquan.

At this moment, the general Akainu is no longer in high spirits, and his right arm under the red admiral's uniform is wrapped with a thick bandage. His right hand has been abolished.

The resentful eyes fixed on Liu Xu, and there was a deep murderous intent on the resolute Chinese character face.

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