"Liu Xu, do you have conflicts with the red dog?"

As a great swordsman, Hawkeye was very sensitive to these auras, and immediately caught a different aura.

The conversation between the two about kendo stopped, and Liu Xu glanced at Akainu in a blink of an eye, and sneered.

"It's nothing, it's just a stray dog ​​with a broken arm, don't worry about it."


Chapter 2533 How can there be a man who does not bow down under the pomegranate skirt of the concubine?

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"



The nearby Qiwuhai squirted in their hearts, stray dogs?Akainu?Tsk tsk, how big of a heart can you say such a thing, will Akainu will let you go?Also, what is your power level?

Even Hawkeye was a little stunned and interrupted Akainu's arm?How much has your power increased in the past three years, the power of the general level?

Although the red dog over there didn't know what Liu Xu was talking about, he could tell by looking at the expressions of several Shichibukai that there must be nothing good to say, and the anger suddenly came up again, his face was flushed, but he never broke out.

Chiquan was suffocating in his heart. He seldom returned to the headquarters after being away all the year round, but Liu Xu hadn't seen it when he returned to the Navy headquarters several times. Naturally, he didn't understand the meaning of the word Liu Xu to the Navy headquarters. mean something.

He even rarely heard the word Liu Xu, so naturally he didn't care.

And now, at the headquarters of the Navy, an arm was abolished by this kid, which made him angry and noticed something. This guy will definitely not be as simple as a lieutenant general. Maybe he has other secrets, otherwise the Warring States period will not Will let him be so presumptuous.

So, patience is very important to him right now.

On the other hand, the conversation of the Warring States period has also ended, and the matter of Qiwuhai has been settled.

After the matter was over, Liu Xu wanted to go back to his villa, but at this moment a voice stopped him.

"Lieutenant General Liu Xu, I want to talk to you."

A head of jet-black and supple long hair hanging down to the back of her head, crystal clear dark blue eyes like gemstones glowing faintly noble, delicate and soft facial contours perfectly matched together, a pair of snake-shaped gold earrings swaying gently, red The navel-baring tunic and long-sleeved top perfectly set off the grotesque bust, which is faintly visible.

The red half skirt printed with snake prints swayed slightly, and her slender legs were stacked, covering up the fascinating mystery. A pair of red high heels set off her white and slender legs, fully emphasizing her noble temperament.

A cloak resembling a coat of justice added a touch of heroism to her nobility, like a noble queen descending, in addition to a little interest in the dark blue eyes, there is more pride and self-willedness, the head is raised slightly, as if All men are not in her eyes.

With a tall figure, she is known as the most beautiful woman in the world, and she is also the king of the daughter country of Kusnake Island. Coupled with the identity of Shichibukai, she seems to be the proud daughter of heaven who is loved by thousands of people. It is unforgettable at a glance. .

Liu Xu stopped in his footsteps, and only then did he have a chance to take a good look at her, startled, a flash of shock flashed in his eyes.

The empress on the opposite side caught this slight change and became more confident in her heart. Sure enough, any man would bow down under the concubine's pomegranate skirt!

"Why do you want to talk to me?"

Liu Xu quickly recovered from the shock, and was immediately puzzled. It seemed that there was nothing worthy of her attention, right?

"My concubine wants to know what a man who can kill the world's nobles would be like. You will definitely agree to the concubine's request, right? Because the concubine is so beautiful."

Hancock's previous words were normal, but the latter words fell into self-delusion. This is the absolute confidence she has formed over the years.

Cold sweat dripped down Liu Xu's forehead. It was one thing to hear it, but another thing to see it.

The Empress Boya Hancock was indeed as rumored, extremely arrogant, contemptuous of others, and possessed unparalleled confidence in her beauty.

However, this is the only way to be interesting!

Thinking of this, Liu Xu's eyes revealed a look of narrowness, and the red love continued to expand in his eyes.

"Of course, I will definitely agree to your request."

At first glance, this is a pure wolf. It is a pity that the wolf was easily subdued by the empress.

The corner of the queen's mouth curled up, showing her magnificence. She pointed at Liu Xu with one hand and leaned back.

"A man just can't stop the charm of a concubine."

Appeared, the signature action of extreme contempt for others appeared, and some people who hadn't left trembled in their hearts. It's really shameful to be despised by the empress like this!

However, Liu Xu's eyes were always on the empress's fair and lovely face. Her movements were exaggerated, and these exaggerated movements were destined for him to enjoy.

The violent movement made the empress's blouse move slightly, and from Liu Xu's perspective, she could see the scenery inside clearly.

"Well, no, no, no, it's really going to blow up after watching it."

Liu Xu felt that his body was hot and dry. It was not affected by the empress's beauty, but a normal man's normal reaction when he saw a beautiful woman's body.

After taking a deep breath, Liu Xu finally calmed down, and said with a serious expression on his face, "And then?"


The scene suddenly became quiet, and Liu Xu's words were like pouring cold water on them, making some people who wanted to watch a big show tangled up.

and then?

and then?

The empress's contemptuous smile froze instantly, and the movement of leaning back was also fixed, with deep astonishment in her eyes, which made Liu Xu take a good look at the infinite scenery inside again.

After a while, the empress finally came to her senses, she fell back and sat on her pet snake, her right hand covered her forehead, she bit her left finger and murmured softly with a collapsed appearance: "How can there be people who don't bow down?" The man under the pomegranate skirt of my concubine?"

This image, this movement, this temperament, if it were an ordinary man, he would already spit blood and lie at her feet. Fortunately, besides some old men, there are some Shichibukai here, so they are not so easily confused.

It was Liu Xu who coughed hard. It is undeniable that the Empress Boya Hancock is very beautiful, so beautiful that it makes people's hearts flutter. However, it seems that this is not the first time he has come into contact with beautiful women, right?


Chapter 2534 Those are not normal men

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


Now there are Tina, Nami, Robin, Bonnie on my warship, each of them is a beaut with their own style, and there is another heavyweight Madeline.

Madeline's beauty is by no means inferior to the Empress, and even her own nobility and elegance is even better than the Empress.

One is the conceited and arrogant daughter of the king of the country, and the other is the extremely noble queen, it is difficult to compare the two together.

"Hancock, not all men are the same, well, look at these."

Liu Xu pointed to the few people who hadn't left yet, Warring States, Karp, Hawkeye, Moria and Sand Crocodile.

When the queen heard the words, she glanced at the few people, and instantly returned to her arrogant look, with deep contempt in her eyes.

"Those are not normal men." As she said that, the Empress seemed to have thought of something again, covering her little mouth in disbelief, "Oh my god, him, he just called my concubine's name directly."

Cold sweat, cold sweat flowed down instantly, the twisted beard of the Warring States period was messy, Garp's laughter froze, Hawkeye's stern face couldn't help but change, Sand Crocodile and Moria almost collapsed.

Not a normal man?What contempt!

Liu Xu wiped off the non-existent cold sweat, Hancock, do you despise these people so much?

"Well, that's not a normal man for the time being. What do you want to talk to me about?"

Speaking of this matter, the Empress remembered the most important thing, her eyes lit up, her contempt had been hidden, and a strong curiosity followed.

"This place is not suitable for communication. You will definitely not refuse to go to the concubine's dormitory."


The empress actually invited a man to her bedroom to communicate?These words made many people think about it, how enviable is the intimate communication with the Empress.

Liu Xu also couldn't believe it, how could such a good thing happen to him?Is it the benefit of the traversers?Well, it seems very likely!

Beauties invited him, and Poya Hancook, the female emperor known as the world's most beautiful woman, seemed to have no reason to refuse.

"Okay, then let's go to your dormitory and have a chat!"

It's a bit of a shame.

At least in the eyes of the few men at the scene, Liu Xu just got cheap and acted like a good boy.

The empress didn't care too much, she turned around and left with her pet snake, Liu Xu followed behind with a grin.

As soon as he left the gate of the meeting room, a group of soldiers from the Daughter Kingdom, to which the Empress belonged, followed, and seemed very angry at Liu Xu's appearance of following the Empress.

It's just that under the eyes of the empress, these people's eyes showed love, and they fell completely.

The queen's bedroom is as luxurious as her palace in Daughter's Kingdom. The bedroom is decorated in red, and the first thing that catches the eye is the red curtain, and the twilight is cool.

On the top of the head is a suit of tassels, swaying in the wind.

The complex and gorgeous Yunluo silk is spread on the ground like water, and there is a soft feeling when you step on it lightly. From time to time, there is a burst of fragrance in the room, which is quiet and beautiful.

The red exclusive throne with wooden trimmings is enough to accommodate four people, and the spacious room is not crowded even if more than [-] people enter at the same time.

"Go back!"

The empress squinted at the female soldiers behind her, showing a sense of elegance and elegance.

"My Lady Empress..."

A group of female soldiers are no longer obeying. If it is usually nothing, but now there is a man in the dormitory of Lady Empress, how can they bear it?

disagree?There was a flash of fascination in the empress's eyes, and a winking glance was lightly thrown away.

"You will definitely not refuse the concubine's request, right?"

With the power of the sweet fruit of the superhuman type and the temperament of her own over the years, how could these female soldiers stand her hand, nodding with infatuation in their eyes.

Soon, these female soldiers left the dormitory, leaving only the two of them here.

"Do you mind sitting with my concubine?"

The empress pursed her lips, and her expression looked so pitiful that one couldn't help but want to take care of her in her arms.

sit with her?Liu Xu gasped, he couldn't refuse, he definitely couldn't refuse!If he refuses, little Liu Xu will not agree, what should I do if it explodes?

The two sat together naturally, the Empress turned her head gently to face him, and the curiosity in her eyes did not diminish.

"Why did you kill the Tianlong people? Don't you fear the pursuit of the world government?"

Straight to the point, the empress asked about what Liu Xu did three years ago, which shocked the entire Chambord Islands.

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