Liu Xu was stunned. He didn't expect this girl to be straightforward. So that's what the so-called communication is all about. It's really... helpless.

However, another thing appeared in his mind, it seemed that he could answer her like this!

"Isn't it the pursuit of the World Government? There is nothing to be afraid of. Just kill those who deserve to be killed. It's such a simple thing."

Hearing this, the empress trembled in her heart, should she be killed?

These words really touched her heart. She still can't forget the crimes committed by the Tianlong people and the harm they caused to her. The mark of shame is still on her body and cannot be erased.

For the Tianlong people, she has both strong hatred and strong fear. What happened in her childhood changed her mentality into what she is today.

Moreover, her sweet fruit is also obtained because of the Tianlong people.

"Then have you thought about the consequences? Have you ever thought about the consequences of killing the Tianlong people?"

The curiosity in the empress's eyes disappeared, and turned into a touch of excitement.

It seems unreasonable to ask these words in front of this man, but it seems to be a very reasonable thing.

The other party killed a Celestial Dragon when he was a Rear Admiral of the Navy Headquarters. It can be seen that he will not maintain awe of the Celestial Dragon like other navies, and will not maintain the dignity of the nobles of the world like other navies...

Based on this situation, she didn't think there would be anything wrong with asking such a question, and she didn't think any man would sue her for asking this question.

Because she is so beautiful, so beautiful that she is fascinated by herself.


Chapter 2535 Perfect Woman

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


"Do you still need to think about the consequences?"

Liu Xu's rhetorical question made her heart tremble violently. This sentence reminded her of her former benefactor, who seemed to have rescued her regardless of the consequences, and she was deeply grateful.

"Then do you know what the Celestial Dragons do? Do you know what they like to do most?"

A smile flashed across Liu Xu's eyes, such a rhythm is very comfortable!

"Of course I know. According to their own preferences, basically every Tianlong people has slaves, and they will imprint the hooves of flying dragons on these slaves. Sad, so sad."

Excited, the color of excitement is more obvious.

The haughty empress also showed this kind of expression. She, who was once a slave of the Tianlong people, became more and more excited after hearing Liu Xu's words.

"Then, how did you not get hunted down?"

Trembling, her voice trembling slightly, the empress thought over and over in her heart about the man she had been thinking about for several years, and he was indeed as unique as she thought, unique to the point of incomparable.

Why not be hunted down?Liu Xu was immediately entangled in this question. Oops, it seemed that the progress was too fast, and the most critical link was reached all at once. If the answer is not good, it may not be so easy to deal with.

After thinking about it, Liu Xu suddenly had a deep sadness on his face, and said, "I'm ashamed to say that I was attracted by a female Tianlong, and she actually wanted me to be her man, and she didn't let me refuse, it's precisely Because of her, I was saved from being chased and killed by the world government, hey!"

Finally, he sighed deeply, and lowered his head, observing every move of the Empress from the corner of his eyes.

Being attracted by a female Celestial Dragon and still not being rejected?Such a strong method?

That's right, Liu Xu was the one that the female Celestial Dragon had taken a fancy to, and she was the one who recognized it, and he was not given any chance to resist at all.

The empress's face became a little weird. For three years, she had always thought that this man was special, he was not afraid of power, and he was not afraid of Tianlong people, but she did not expect to have such an identity, which made her feel deeply regretful.

At the same time, I felt sympathetic, because I was taken a fancy to by the Tianlong people. This is considered to have lost my freedom. Hey, I really feel sorry for you.

The emotions of sympathy and resentment were changing in her heart, making her tangled all of a sudden, what should she do now?Is there any need to continue talking?

All the humiliation suffered by the Tianlong people in the past, the flying dragon's hoof still makes her ache, it is not a physical injury, but a spiritual one.

To her, the Celestial Dragons are like demons, especially those Celestial Dragons in the holy land of Marijoya. She was deeply shocked by that kind of power and power.

Even though she is now the king of the Daughter Kingdom, she never thought of resisting those Tianlong people in the past. That kind of power is not something that ordinary kings can resist.

"Liu Xu, what do you want me to do with my concubine?"

How to do?The three words seem to be very special, and Liu Xu smelled something different. It seems that Luffy in the original book asked the empress to follow him because of Tianlongren's affairs, and he did not shy away from the other party's status as a slave.

Thinking like this, he seemed to understand something, and his brows suddenly wrinkled, the two of them moved closer, and looked more closely at the changes in her expression.

Resentment, unwillingness, resentment, and pain, the deep blue eyes like gems directly hit people's hearts, making people want to take care of her to the fullest, but that touch of natural nobility makes people know that this is a noble snow lotus. , can only be viewed from a distance and cannot be played with.

A perfect woman, so perfect that his heart skipped a beat the second time he saw her.

The first time it was Robin, the second time it was her.

"I can't answer this question for you. You can do whatever you want, or you can do whatever you want. I can't control your thoughts."

The empress's face froze when she said something unique, no one had ever said such words to her, all the time she asked what to do.

A large group of subordinates will advise her, or she will say anything, and the subordinates will absolutely support her.

Now, Liu Xu is throwing the problem at her, leaving her at a loss as to what to do.

After thinking for a long time, the empress said quietly, "If you didn't kill the Tianlong people, then I will kill you when I know that you are related to the Tianlong people, absolutely!"

"But I already killed the Celestial Dragon, didn't I?"

Throwing the question to her again, Liu Xu looked at the other party with burning eyes, as if he wanted the other party to give him a choice immediately.

But he also broke out in a cold sweat. The arrogant empress is really extraordinary, and it is not annoying to say such a thing openly. Could it be that this is the power of sweet fruit?

God, with the appearance and temperament of the Empress, sweet fruit is really irresistible, no wonder she is said to be the number one beauty in the world, and now I finally understand it completely.

"So, what was your initial thought? What did the Celestial Dragons bring to you? What made you hate it so much?"

Hearing this, the Empress' body trembled violently, what was her initial thought?What did the Celestial Dragons bring her?Joke, joke, can that kind of thing be said?That is an insult to personality. How could the dignified king of the daughter country say such a thing.

A look of sadness appeared on her face, her legs curled up, her hands hugged her knees, her head was buried directly in her knees, her dark blue eyes were full of pain, and her eyebrows were tightly drawn together.

"Do you know what the slaves of Tianlong people will go through? That is a shame, the greatest shame. So Tianlong people are despicable and shameless, the most disgusting."

The Empress's voice was full of resentment and melancholy, and the events she had experienced in the Holy Land Marijoa were replayed in her mind. Fear caused her shoulders to tremble slightly.

Liu Xu pondered for a moment, and now it is completely confirmed. What kind of conversation is this? Like those things, is she ready to vent?Are you going to vent on him, the lieutenant general of the Navy headquarters who once killed the Tianlong people?


Chapter 2536 Marry a concubine!

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


"No matter what your previous experience is, even if you hate Tianlong people, those are already in the past tense. Tell me, what was your original thought, as long as you stick to your original thought, wouldn't it be fine?"

Shameless, too shameless, knowing what the other party may be thinking, Liu Xu still pretends not to know to ask, forcing the other party to give a final answer.

The empress' head buried in her knees lifted slightly, her dark blue eyes glanced at him and buried it, a red cloud appeared on her sad face, what was your initial thought?Wasn't the original idea just to be with this man?

It seems that there are a lot of Liu Xu's posters posted in his bedroom in Daughter Country, and he has to look at them carefully every day before he can fall asleep with peace of mind.

"My concubine has a disease, and I need you to resolve it."


Now Liu Xu was completely entangled. He wasted so much expression on his feelings just to help her heal?

"Lovesickness, the most terrifying disease for the kings of the Daughter Kingdom." The voice of the empress was a little bit shy and embarrassed, "Lovesickness..."

Lovesickness is actually just a way of saying it.

It is rumored that the king of the Daughter Kingdom may suffer from a strange disease, that is lovesickness.

There is almost no cure for this disease, and the last king will die in melancholy.

In fact, to put it bluntly, the king, who is a woman, fell in love with a certain man, and in the end, he missed all day when he couldn't be together, and in the end, he couldn't bear the bitterness and depression of missing.

As far as the situation in the daughter country of Nine Snake Island is concerned, medical treatment is still relatively weak, and there is no solution to this psychological disease at all.

Therefore, every time this disease occurs, it is always frightening.

At this moment, the empress said that Liu Xu needed to treat her disease, and he lost his composure instantly.

Your Majesty, we are innocent, don't bully us because we don't know anything, okay?

For the female empress who is quite simple in terms of emotions, she only knows that she is thinking about this man every day, which is a bit similar to the previous kings. Well, this disease is really a pleasant disease.

A beautiful woman with pure feelings is what any man desires very much. Simple feelings mean that as long as she falls in love with a man, she will be unable to extricate herself and be consistent.

Liu Xu is also a normal man. He was really moved when he heard this situation at first, but he was entangled again. What was he thinking in his heart?Would I have thought about having an extraordinary relationship with her from the very beginning?

Once prevented Luffy from entering the daughter country, what does this mean?Complicated, this question is too complicated, let's simplify it!

"How do you want me to treat it? Tell me!"

Refreshing, finally there are some refreshing words. Liu Xu's words made the Empress's eyes light up. According to my original inner thoughts, then come on!

"Marry my concubine!"

With Rou Rou's words, the Empress suddenly raised her head and stared at him closely, two red clouds appeared on her face, God knows how much courage she mustered just now.



Xu touched his nose, um, this is the second time he has been confessed in this world, right?

In other words, the first one is Queen Madeline, and the second one is King Boya Hancock. Could it be that these queenly beauties like the reverse?

"I understand, but do you think it's fair? There are many women around me, so please think about it carefully, if you come to me, you have to be a little woman, everything is based on me, absolutely not Against my will."

With a serious face, Liu Xu had been vaccinated in advance. In order to prevent the past from happening again, this vaccination had to be vaccinated no matter what.

If the other party doesn't want to, then let's talk!

Unexpectedly, the Empress seemed to have eaten to set off her iron heart, and said directly: "No problem, this is what it should be."

Huh?So hasty a lifelong decision?

Liu Xu was a little dumbfounded. He thought it would be a waste of time, but he didn't expect it to be so easy.

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