Why is it that they are all queens, why is Madeline so difficult to deal with?

After the matter was settled, Liu Xu secretly breathed a sigh of relief. He didn't expect to have an extra woman in a meeting, and she was also the king of the Daughter Kingdom, one of the Seven Martial Seas. This matter was so mysterious that no one would believe it.

"Then what about your kingdom? What about your citizens?"

Um?This is a serious question. With so many people in the daughter country, this is not a trivial matter.

"It's okay, no matter what the concubine does, she will be forgiven, because the concubine is so beautiful!"

Such extremely narcissistic words again, the strong confidence appeared on his face, which made Liu Xu's heart tremble, tsk tsk, now that the relationship is confirmed, is it?

Sure enough, he is a normal man who also thinks about these things.

"Liu Xu, I have something on my body that I want to show you."

When she was thinking about it, the Empress suddenly spoke up, her voice carrying a touch of nervousness.

"what is that?"

Liu Xu's eyes lit up. Could it be that welfare is about to be given now?

Turning his head to look, he saw that the Empress had turned her back to him and took off her shirt.

Her skin was crystal clear and shiny, and it could be broken by blowing bombs, and bursts of fragrance drifted out and penetrated into her nose with her movements, which shocked people's spirits.

As the top slipped down, a mark on Mei's back came into view.

A red circle with three triangular pyramids evenly distributed on the upper part and a triangular pyramid in the center of the lower part.

The hoof of the flying dragon, this is the imprint that the Tianlong people branded on the slaves they belonged to. As long as this imprint is imprinted, it represents his status as a slave, and also means that he is inferior to others.

As one of the Qiwuhai and the queen of a country, Hancock hides such a mark every day. Once someone discovers such a mark, she is likely to lose everything she has.

The mark was revealed, and Hancock's body trembled slightly, saying: "This is the hoof of the flying dragon, the mark that the Tianlong people carved on the slaves."


Chapter 2537 The empress falls in love, the overlord removes his armor

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


Her voice trembled violently, and this was what she tried so hard to hide, but now it was revealed in front of this man's eyes.

Liu Xu frowned. It was not the first time he saw such a mark. He had already seen such a mark when he was in Chambord Islands. It was indeed the exclusive slave mark of the Tianlong people.

With the slave mark occupying almost a back, you can imagine how much pain she endured at that time.

"Does it hurt?"

Involuntarily stretching out his hand to gently rub the mark, Liu Xu's voice softened, knowing it was one thing, but seeing it was another.

"I'm used to it."

The empress said softly, this imprint hit her self-esteem all the time.

"I will never let a second person see this mark until I think of a way to remove it!"

Liu Xu made a promise, which made the empress tremble, and she turned around and threw herself into his arms.

The day and night were spent in the deep communication between the two.

It had been a day and a night when he came out of the Empress' dormitory. What happened this day and night made him still a little dizzy. It was so miraculous that he couldn't believe it.

Empress, once she opens up her heart, she can be so hot, it's amazing.

There is still one day left before Ace's execution time. The whole world is turbulent. The four seas, the first half of the great route, and the new world are all boiling for one thing.

Countless pirates have poured into the waters near the Navy Headquarters, putting the Navy Headquarters under unprecedented pressure.

This is not an easy task, and it is crucial to eliminate these pirates.

At the same time, the [-] elite navy in the naval headquarters has also been summoned, and now they are always ready, just waiting for the day of execution.

The news of the six Shichibukai gathering at the Navy Headquarters has already spread throughout the world.

The power of Qiwuhai is an insurmountable height for some ordinary pirates and even civilians. It was even thought that the joining of Qiwuhai might not benefit the Whitebeard Pirates and might be killed at any time.

The pre-war emergency mobilization in the Navy Headquarters began. The Warring States Period inspected every corner of the Navy Headquarters every day, constantly improving the plan. As long as the Whitebeard Pirates appeared, they would inevitably suffer a great blow.

Liu Xu returned to his villa. It is not appropriate to reveal the matter with the empress too early. Moreover, in order to kill Chiquan, he needs some help from Thor.

Thunder God roamed the world back then, in addition to the Zilei Saber Technique, he also had two foreign objects, one was the "Thunder Saber" and the other was the "Overlord Armor".

Following Liu Xu's call to Thor, a set of black armor appeared in front of him.

Overlord disarms!

At the same time, Luffy, the straw hat boy who lost contact with his partner on the other side, is on a boat at the moment, next to him is a whale shark man, three meters tall and blue skin looks very intimidating force.

Luffy pressed the straw hat on his head tightly, his eyes were firm, and his face was slightly anxious.

The news of Ace's impending execution made him restless. After leaving Rayleigh, he met this whale shark man, Jinping Haixia, one of the king's seven seas!

"Luffy, don't be too nervous, there's still a day left, as long as you can arrive within that day's time, you'll be fine."

Ace has been brought out of the underwater prison, and the straw hat boy's rescue plan to the underwater prison has also failed, so now he is going with Jinbei. Behind their ship, there are many pirates who are going together. These Some of the pirates are wearing prison uniforms, but they have just been released from prison.

"Can you speed it up?"

Luffy asked seriously, but Jinbe shook his head directly.

"This is already the fastest speed, and it can't go any faster."

Luffy was greatly disappointed, his eyes always stayed on the sea in the distance, how long would it take to arrive?


This day is destined to attract the attention of the world, and this day is destined to change the pattern of the world.

Portgas D. Ace, the son of One Piece Roger, will be publicly executed today. The Navy Headquarters has carried out video telephony broadcasts to all the soldiers here in real time.

On the harbor of the Navy Headquarters, a hundred thousand elite navy and a group of generals and Qibuhai are waiting in full battle. Today's war involves a lot of things, and one who doesn't pay attention may perish.

This war must be very tragic.

The video phone bug broadcasted the scene of the gathering of [-] navies in real time, giving the world a lot of shock, as well as the countless generals, lieutenant generals and three major generals and other high-end combat power, the power of the Navy headquarters, for the first time fully displayed in in the eyes of the world.

The participation of Shichibukai has raised the power of the Navy Headquarters to a new stage. This is not only their own power, but also the forces they belong to are also participating in the war, such as Moria's zombie army.

On the execution platform, Warring States, Garp, He, Liu Xu, Ace!

Ace, whose hands were handcuffed by Shanghai Loushi, stood on his knees. Even if he was about to be executed, he had no regrets. He just secretly regretted not being able to slaughter Blackbeard Tiki. This is his most regrettable point at present.

Why was Liu Xu able to stand on this execution platform?

This point was raised by Lieutenant General He and Warring States, for the simple reason of building momentum for Liu Xu and for the future big plan.

General Akainu was seriously injured after a battle with Liu Xu, and his right arm was crippled, and his combat effectiveness was greatly reduced. They knew very well that if Liu Xu took the initiative to challenge now, Akaken might be pulled from the position of general down.

Liu Xu's strength has been demonstrated in a battle, the strength is sufficient, and the next step is the prestige military exploits!

How to get military merit?Let's fight!

Obtaining military merits in battle is the most direct and effective way, and it is also the point that the world will remember the most.

In the battle with a powerful pirate group like Whitebeard, if he can show good strength, then maybe his achievements will be very high in the future.


Chapter 2538 The son of evil, the top of the war

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


Looking at Ace in front of him, Liu Xu felt a little pity in his heart. Ace is a very good talent, but his identity doomed his sadness.

And Garp, don't look at his righteous face now, who can observe the faint sadness in his eyes, after all, he is still Ace's grandfather, even though Ace is the son of One Piece Roger.

Under the execution platform are the three generals. The three generals are sitting in unison, and they are able to suppress countless people in terms of momentum alone.

General, it is not only the ability of the natural department, but also the domineering with the least armed color, which is a very powerful force.

Further down is Qiwuhai. The six Qiwuhai are different in height, and each person's aura is also different, but there is one thing in common, that is, the breath of the strong, the breath of the complete strong.

Qiwuhai has supreme majesty and power in the first half of the Great Route, and even Doflamingo's power in the new world is not small.

With teams like this coming together, it's a powerful deterrent.

Next is the lieutenant general. Countless lieutenant generals are lined up. Among them is the lieutenant general of the giant clan. The huge size makes people feel a lot of pressure.

Then came the major generals and other officers. The entire harbour was circular with only one opening. There was basically only one way to enter here, and that was from the main gate. Various cannons and other attacks will cause fatal damage to pirates.

This is a siege attack, which opens the door and waits for the enemy to enter and then surrounds.

Ordinary pirates would not choose such an attack method, but in the minds of Sengoku and others, Whitebeard, who is known as the strongest man in the world, will definitely enter from here, because only from here is the most direct, most straightforward, and able Save Ace in the shortest time and complete their purpose this time.

Liu Xu's subordinates also participated in the battle. Columbia and others were hidden among the major generals and officers, and they were actually relatively safe here.

Their strength is not weak, and it is easy to deal with some pirate soldiers and even stronger pirates. If they unite, they can also strangle some pirate captains.

Most of the strong are arrogant. Those captains and captains are aiming for the strong above the level of lieutenant generals. Only by defeating these people can Ace be completely saved.

Time passed bit by bit, and the video phone bug kept broadcasting the situation here.

The lookouts kept scouting the gray sea with binoculars in an attempt to discover the existence of the Whitebeard Pirates.

"Ace, the blood of the pirate king Gol D. Roger carries the blood of the devil, the sinner of the world! Ace, can you plead guilty?"

Seeing that the time was almost up, Warring States began to announce Ace's affairs. When these words came out, people were shocked.

What?Ace turned out to be Roger's blood?This, how is this possible?Wasn't Roger's bloodline already wiped out at that time?How could it be alive?

For a time, the whole world was caught in turmoil.

If the world knew before that the captain of the Whitebeard Pirates was captured, which caused a war that surprised them, then now Ace's identity shocked them, the blood of One Piece?Oh my god, that demonic bloodline is still alive.

Ace, who lowered his head halfway, directly denied his words.

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