"No, my father is Whitebeard, and only Whitebeard is my father."

"You are the son of Roger, and your mother is the pawn of the One Piece, Portgas D. Lujiu, you can never deny this. So, you are the son of Roger the One Piece!"

Sengoku looked serious and loudly denied his words.

Ace trembled, and continued: "That man, he is not qualified to be my father. There is only one father, Edward Newgate with white beard!"


His words also indirectly acknowledged what the Warring States said, which shocked the world even more.

At the same time, dozens of various pirate groups slowly approached on the sea outside the harbor, and a chilling atmosphere also came.

Ace admitted his identity, and the purpose of the Warring States Period has also been achieved. The naval headquarters' declaration of war with the Whitebeard Pirates must be well-known, and there must be a reason that the world can recognize and stand firm.

If it is simply to declare war with the Whitebeard Pirates, it will only make the world think that the Navy Headquarters is going to ignite the flames of war to the whole world.

Once Ace's identity is exposed, the nature of this is quite different.

The Navy Headquarters, this is destroying the bloodline of One Piece, and people all over the world will probably support it very much.

On such a favorable moral high ground, the naval headquarters' declaration of war has attracted the support of many people.

Dozens of pirate ships appeared on the sea, which immediately attracted the attention of the watchers, quickly locked each pirate group, and kept reporting the name of the pirate group.

"The other pirate fleets belonging to the Whitebeard Pirates, a total of forty-seven pirate ships, have not found the Moby Dick."

The lookout quickly made a judgment and reported the matter, and the Warring States grinned suddenly, did not find the Moby Dick?Damn, where the hell is Whitebeard's pirate ship?

Ace next to him trembled, forty-seven pirate ships, God, isn't this the pirate group under Dad?What, how did they come here?

From a distance, the pirates on the pirate ship are waiting to watch the huge naval headquarters. Although they are under a lot of pressure, they are not afraid because they have a father who is the strongest man in the world!

"Ace, we're here to save you."

The pirates on the pirate ship yelled, and with one sentence, the entire navy on the harbor was ignited, and there was an uproar of voices. The [-] elite navy looked at the pirates, and the powerful momentum made them sweat unconsciously.

This time the battle is extraordinary!

Liu Xu on the execution platform activated the power of his heart network, and naturally caught these voices. He admired Whitebeard's ability to so easily summon all the pirates he belonged to to join the battle.

No, these pirates may not have been summoned by Whitebeard, but they rushed over by themselves to rescue Ace.

The Whitebeard Pirates are united from top to bottom and very united, which is something that many navies in the navy headquarters cannot do.


Chapter 2539 Moby Dick, the strongest man

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


"Look at Ace, there is only one purpose for so many people to come here, and that is to rescue you."

Liu Xu glanced at Ace, with a bit of anger and pity in his words.

Ace turned his head to look at this familiar person, and he felt a little regretful, not because of his situation, but because he had attracted so many pirates to rescue him.

Even if he was finally rescued in this battle, he would not be happy, and would only fall into deep self-blame.

"Mr. Liu Xu, I'm sorry!"

Ace can only use one sentence to explain his regret at the moment. Liu Xu once reminded him to be cautious in the battle with Blackbeard, and asked him to arrest Tiqi after finding a strong assistant.

But he was proud and arrogant, thinking that he had the power to completely defeat Blackbeard, which eventually led to such an ending and triggered this great battle.

The pirate forces from the new world came to the naval headquarters, and the arrival of the forty-seven pirate groups pushed the atmosphere to a point of extreme tension, and it may break out at any time.

However, these pirates finally stopped outside the harbor and did not rush up blindly.

As soon as the pirate ships enter the circular harbor, they will be bombarded indiscriminately. At that time, most of their strength will be lost in an instant, and today's rescue activities will also fail.

The pirate ship stopped, and Liu Xu's eyes shifted to the sea surface of the harbor. In his impression, it seemed that the Moby Dick appeared from here.

Warring States and the others looked at the sea in the distance, looking forward to the appearance of the Whitebeard Pirates, but no matter how they looked, they couldn't see the Moby Dick.

Suddenly, the navy soldier below roared.

"Look at the inner bay!"

In the inner bay, a large number of bubbles suddenly appeared on the slightly calm sea surface, and the water waves swayed, and the spray kept turning up.

This bizarre scene surprised all the navies, what exactly is there?

As the fluctuations under the sea surface in the inner bay became more and more violent, there was a sudden "bang", a huge water column erupted from the sea surface, and the water splashes were extremely dazzling under the sunlight...

"Look over there!"

An officer noticed something and roared, and with his voice everyone's eyes shifted to the top of the water column.

At the top of that, a huge pirate ship with a giant whale on the bow was rising as the water column continued to rise, making it very eye-catching in this inner bay.

"It's the Moby Dick!"

"The pirate ship with the white beard!"

"The Whitebeard Pirates have appeared!"

Many navies shouted again and again, and Sengoku's face changed. He didn't expect that Whitebeard would enter the Inner Bay in this way, which really caught him off guard.

Coating the pirate ship, sneaking from under the sea surface and finally appearing, shocked everyone.

How much manpower and material resources will it take to complete the coating of such a huge pirate ship!


The huge Moby Dick fell heavily on the sea, and as it landed, a turbulent wave hit the inner bay, and the crystal water kept falling on the navy.

"Whitebeard, the strongest man in the world!"

Liu Xu's gaze was attracted by the people on the Moby Dick. On that pirate ship, there were countless pirates densely packed, and one of them was the most eye-catching, white beard, Edward Newgate!

"Ace, he still appeared in the end, regret is useless, watch it with peace of mind, maybe there will be a miracle today."

After saying a sentence, he looked at Garp again, and saw that Garp's eyes completely fell on the white beard that appeared, and a crazy fighting spirit could be vaguely seen from him.

The naval hero Garp, who hadn't really shot for many years, had a fighting spirit that hadn't appeared in many years because of the appearance of the strongest man in the world.

But on Liu Xu's side, Karp, a good friend, made him very entangled. If Ace was killed, I'm afraid he would really retire like the original book, and Warring States would also resign at that time, so things would be difficult to handle.

After finally having such two friends in the Navy headquarters, how can we let them leave like this?You must find a way to keep them, and you will be more relaxed in the future.

The pirates on the Moby Dick, which emerged from the water, were eager to try, and after traveling for so long, they could finally exert their strength and let these navies know what the consequences of provoking them are.

"Ace! My son, daddy is here to save you!"

White Beard let out a loud roar, and the voice suppressed the boiling crowd and spread to every corner, making the soldiers in the entire harbor quiet.

The strongest man in the world has spoken, and he is going to use the power that can destroy the world to fight here!

"Marshal of the Warring States Period, issue an order to attack. Active attack is far better than passive defense."

Liu Xu drew out the thunder knife, the battle on the top, this is a tough battle.

The Warring States naturally understood the reason. The longer the stalemate lasted, the faster the morale of their own side would decline. When the soldiers were shocked by the white beard and lost their will to fight, it would be over.


The worm Sengoku issued an order through the phone, and the navy soldiers also acted quickly. The cannon on the harbour was aimed at the Moby Dick. With a loud noise, the muzzle ignited a fire, and countless shells were directed towards the Moby Dick. bombed in the past.

Countless artillery shells obscured the sky and the sun. Under such intensive bombardment, no warship or pirate ship could withstand the attack.

However, the pirates on the pirate ship did not show the slightest fear, but stared at Ace on the execution platform, which was their goal today.

The shell was getting closer and closer, and the white beard holding the naginata had a contemptuous smile on his mouth. He inserted the naginata into the deck, and suddenly punched his fists to both sides. There was a white crack centered on his fist. The shock wave went forward.

"Bang bang bang!"

The shock wave quickly passed through the cannonballs that fell in the sky, and the cannonballs exploded one after another, like fireworks blooming, very gorgeous.


Chapter 2540 Shocking fruit, swordsman power

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


The power of the shaking fruit can intercept all the shells with just one move. The power of Whitebeard is so shocking.

The first wave of attack failed, and the navy soldiers were stunned. Is this his strength?

Horrible, so scary.

However, what happened next made them even more frightened.

I saw Whitebeard punching his fists to the sides again, and another white crack appeared, but this time nothing happened.

Um?failed?There are times when Whitebeard's attack also fails?

The navy soldiers were puzzled, but Liu Xu, Zhan Guo and others appeared with serious faces, and Whitebeard's power to shake the world was about to be revealed.

Liu Xu's eyes were fixed on White Beard, carefully sizing him up.

He is about five meters tall, with a strong build, the iconic crescent-shaped white beard, and several terrifying scars on his chest. He is wearing a huge cloak and exudes a heroic aura. He is even more domineering in three colors. It has a unique royal atmosphere.

With the completion of Whitebeard's attack, suddenly the water level in the bay continued to drop, causing some marines who noticed to panic.

This, what kind of force is this that can make the water level drop directly?

On the sea in the distance, the sharp retreat of the sea water made many people swallow with difficulty, and then a turbulent wave appeared.

On the execution platform, as the wave got closer, Liu Xu could already see the huge wave coming from both sides of the harbor.

The tide is getting closer, and the water level in the bay is rising rapidly.

The speed made the observing navy tremble, and at this moment a loud noise appeared, the sound was very familiar, it was the sound of sea waves.


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